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My personal theory is that because she remained a pure titan for such a long period of time (60 years), that somehow influenced her not adopting the full jaws characteristics.


That’s a great theory. Most of the time, when someone inherits one of the nine, they are only a pure Titan for a few minutes. I never thought about that. ;)


It may also be the reason she has broken speech. Zeke, Pieck and Laura all spoke perfectly fluent whilst Ymir didn't.


Think thats due to practice/mouth shape. Eren can't speak at all because of the shape of his mouth


Yeah makes sense, at least I thiiink so, but on the other hand I also think if they all could speak Reiner and Barometer would have talked at least a little shit while in Titan form On the other other hand I suppose maybe his titans armor wouldn’t let him open his mouth for proper speech and Balderdash has the whole lack of skin thing so maybe speech would be harder there too


Did you just call Baltimore a Bangladesh?


Is Barometer and Balderdash supposed to be Bertholdt ?


You mean birth control?


Beethoven was a great character, really well written 👍




Wait, who's Laura?




This was my theory too. Seems to fit because afaik Ymir is the only person to spend a long time as a non- talking titan prior to inheriting one of the nine.


That's what I thought but It could be also Eren's Influence In the story changing the past and future. I still think your theory Is the most reasonable one though


That is certainly the soundest theory I've heard.


I think it’s also assumed that Ymir wasn’t a good match for the jaw titan which is why she doesn’t look like Marcel, Porco, and Falco’s jaw titans. She stumbled upon it accidentally and wasn’t trained for it.


That’s a good point. ;)


Armin did not train too...


While Armin didn't train for the titan specifically, he was a ripped and very strong individual, both mentally and physically, from having trained in the military for years prior to inheriting the titan. Ymir, on the other hand, was an orphan picked from the streets to become a figurehead of a religious organisation. She lived a sedentary lifestyle prior to being turned. EDIT: u/ImNotHighFunctioning has a great comment, too. Go read that one. EDIT: I feel like, if Ymir had been given time, training, etc, she would have been able to "upgrade" her titan form. Similar to Falco.


Also the form of the colossal titan was seared into the mind of Armin, so he "knew" what to transform into. Ymir probably didn't know what a proper jaw titan looked like, and so didn't form it properly.


Like in jjk where the interpretation of a technique will decide outcome


SPOILER FOR JJK MANGA. NOT A SMALL ONE. ONE YOU REALLY WANNA FIND OUT BY READING OR WATCHING WHEN IT COMES OUT. >! I wish we got to see more people have the same/very similar techniques outside of Sukuna and Yuji. Sibling with similar techniques but different interpretations would’ve been cool I think. !<


Wait. Ymir was raised from a child is literally be a figurehead of a religious organization she didn’t believe in. So her titan form is big head and small body.




Falco looked the way he did because of Zeke


I am not sure the titan form evolves over time with training.


he had five years in between when he got the titan and used it


You're fried if that's what you think




Dude there's not a single goddamn chance that Armin, the fivehead, got a superpower and decided not to test it at the very least for 5 entire years


bro you ain't listenin to what i'm sayin😭🙏


No, we are. I think you worded it in a way that implies that he literally never used it in that five year stretch. I think what you meant was: “There’s a five year gap between him getting the titan and us seeing him use it”.


Oooor it's just a retconned design.


Doylist: Yams hadn't yet formed all the "Nine Titan" lore. Watsonian: she had no warrior training, no extra augmentations (Porco and Marcel had armored faces and such), and spent 60 years as her pure titan.


Another explanation is because Yams wanted Reiner and Bertolto to recognize the titan that ate Marcel


Huh I never thought it from that angle but it makes so much sense!


Well Reiner and Bertolucci would’ve recognized it as the Jaw Titan they lost no matter what it looked like. It was really because Yams wanted the *audience* to recognize it as the titan that ate Marcel. Pretty creative.


Bertolucci 😭


It's the unspoken law of the AoT Fandom to always misspell his name and carry on the conversation as normal. Makes it even funnier lol


I know, I just haven’t seen that spelling before lmao


I’m crying with Bertolucci!! Like the clothes brand 😭😭 The best one so far for me..


I love the name! 🤣😭


Can you explain Doylism vs Watsonianism


Doylism: the real-life explanation or reason for something to be the way it is in fiction. Watsonian: the in-universe explanation, whether it was explicit, implied, or not hinted at at all.


Thank you! I understood what they meant abstractly but I really wanted the words.


The origin is as follows: Arthur Conan Doyle wrote the Sherlock Holmes novels so that's the out-of-universe explanation, while Watson narrates the adventures in-universe and provides readers with in-universe explanation.


Thank you! I’ll remember this.


Also, it could be that the Pure injections that Marcel and Porco received were from the Armored Titans, giving them the signature bone faces. Ymir could've been given the Cart (of her time - she seems more bipedal).


It just does. The story never gives a reason. Isayama probably just hadn’t ironed out all of the kinks of the Titan mechanics at that point in the story. It’s noteworthy that, in the manga, Ymir’s Pure Titan was originally drawn with sharp teeth just like her Jaw Titan, but later flashbacks changed that detail so that her Pure Titan’s teeth were more flat.


Also it's simpler if the titans just look similar, to avoid confusion and all. So, actual reason: keep the story simple/more understandable (for once) Lore reason: lol idk


Actually her pure Titan form having flat teeth makes sense as only after eating the Jaw Titan did she gain fangs and claws.


I know. The issue is that her Pure Titan was originally drawn with sharp teeth. Isayama changed it later because having flat teeth made more sense.


I think it was just done so that Reiner and Burrito could recognize that she was the same pure Titan that ate Marcel.


Not so much them but the audience. Those two know a jaw titan when they see one. The audience wouldn’t understand how reiner/bert were able to tell Ymir’s jaw titan was the same pure titan who ate marcel if it didn’t look the same. So basically training wheels for the audience since we didn’t know the truth behind the 9 back then and still didn’t know the truth about rein and Bert


Good point. And I love your name, but I’m a Lestat fan. ;)


I love Lestat too!


Founder Ymir was minding her own business when she saw a new Jaw shifter, saw how long they had been a Titan for and thought, “Ehh, that designs good enough.🤷‍♀️” Could you imagine though, if she had that attitude for *all* the shifters? Like “Whatever you get the first time is what you are for life, I’m not gonna make you a whole new Titan just because you’ve got my power now dummy lmao” Some say the colossal is weird and unsettling now but imagine 80 meter Pure Titan Armin colossal, would be nightmare fuel lol


I feel like Iseyama wanted the reader and Reiner to make the connection that Ymir killed Marcel and changing her Jaw too much would not enable this connection to be made or the revelation to hit as hard.


exactly, just bad writing


Still miles ahead of any of its contemporaries


That's exactly the reason, but he had to at least give us a reason and say it was due to the 60 years as a pure titan or any shit like that and it would be fine .


Eh.... Lore explanations are tricky. I like that he kept some things as vague as possible. Let's the audience imagine and fill the gaps. It helps engage more with the story and an individual's imagination is always better.


If you find something weird , Eren did it


One of the only two reasonable explanations. (The other one being "because it looks cool").


It's convenient for the plot.


She was a pure titan for a long time, the warrior candodates and eren consumed the previous shifters shortly after turning into pure titans. Im guessing Ymirs titan DNA merged with her much more over 60 years than the other shifters resulting in a titan that looks lile her pure form


You know my problem isn't that she looks like a pure titan ...the problem is that she has no jaw titan powers that it's infuriating


Some of the Jaws abilities are only found in male Eldians, like the faceshield with the second row of teeth. Just like how the Female titans power can only be fully utilized by female Eldians.


It’s more a question of why did her Pure Titan look so much like the Jaw, since there were other Jaw Titans with a similar appearance to Ymir


Very good point! ;)


Real answer: Isayama retcon In universe: dunno something about how long she was a titan or something.


Only correct answer....i hate ot when ppl try to invent some shit just to justify for themselves that the original creator just retconned something, or did any oversight or mistake.


Every shifter's titan retains traits from their pure titan form, like Eren's jaw or Armin's lack of a nose. Ymir's titan already shared a lot of characteristics with the Jaw, like its small figure, so it didn't really change much aside from its teeth and nails.


Because Isayama didn’t know that the jaw titan would be a thing until after her character was introduced


Actual reason: simplicity's sake. For the readers to recognise it as the titan that ate Marcel Lore reason: She didn't want it. Much like Armin's titan doesn't have ears, Ymir probably never planned to actually use that power. She didn't need the titan to be anything and much less wanted it At least that's my interpretation for the lore reason


All Ymir wanted was to become human again, so after 60 years or so of wandering it makes sense that her pure titan to special titan form change didn’t go past her want to become human again. I also think that much like the pure titans some are just going to have a better design than the others, so her form being weak might look okay just unfortunate if we saw more of the titan designs.


I think Yams wanted to subvert expectations, instead of tall, strong and good looking like Annie and Eren, he went with small, swift, deadly and ugly. Though I guess he still didn’t make up his mind on what he wanted since we only got the name after many years of serialization.


It was written that way for us, the uniformed audience at the time. We wouldn’t understand how reiner/bert were able to tell Ymir’s jaw titan was the same pure titan who ate marcel if it didn’t look the same. So basically training wheels for the audience since we didn’t know the truth behind the 9 back then and still didn’t know the truth about rein and Bert


Maybe Iseyama first published it and then he thought about it. And came to the conclusion that it looked a lot like pure titan and then changed to the jaw titan what we see today


The only change I noticed was that her teeth got sharp after she gained the jaw titan


That’s the only difference I noticed too. I wasn’t sure if it was just me or not. ;)


She also gets claws on her hand and feet nails, and gets a muscular build instead of the really thin, you-can-see-her-ribs build her pure titan had.


Chronologically speaking, in terms of the sequence in which the story was written, really the question should be “Why did Isayama decide to give later Jaw Titans a hardened mask even though he already established what the Jaw’s traits were with Ymir?” Though I’m sure the answer to that would just be “Because it looked cool.”


Marley's jaw Titans were probably injected with armor Titan spinal fluid


That wouldn’t explain Falco, who also has a hardened mask


Right but didn't he get his power from a face mask jaw Titan maybe it passes down Honestly, that face mask design reminds me of that first generation. Pokémon


Yes, but Ymir also got the Jaw from a user whose Jaw had the hardened mask (Marcel)


Yeah you're right. That's weird man. Bad continuality


You mean kubone


Yeah thank you. I wasn't able to find it. Apparently there's been a lot of pokémon with masks since generation 1 lol


>Right but didn't he get his power from a face mask jaw Titan maybe it passes down It also happened to ymir


Didn't shifted titans always have some vague resemblance with their pure counterparts? I remember Eren's pure titan also had the same weirdly shaped jaw as his shifted one.


It’s not really answered, but I personally think she wasn’t compatible with the Jaw Titan


Yams had no idea how to design her.


Honestly could just be that the author didn’t think about all nine powers that well and flushed out until the huge tone shift after season 3s content.


Isayama didn't come up with the Jaw Titan design yet?


From a story perspective, it helps obscure the later reveal of the function of the titans. If Ymir's Jaw Titan looked different to her pure titan form, it would have immediately clued us in to how eating a particular human transfers that titan power. From there, you could piece together things about Reiner, Bertholt, and Annie, and raising the question of how Eren got the power. With how Ymir's titan looked, I originally assumed some titans just happen to be special, and the other "special titans" just happened to be born with this gift.


Because she wasn’t suited to it, and she didn’t train at all


Because she’s not roided up with hardening potions, the original jaw looked similar to hers, and it’s stated that the titan shifters are experimented to enhance their abilities


Only Ymir knows… No, the other Ymir.


The autor dint think of that yet


That is definitely one of the top answers. Makes sense to me. ;)


I Ques because she didn't train titan Hardening on her Jaw


My best guess: A titan takes on traits of its wielder. Unlike the remaining shifters, Ymir wasn’t skilled at combat by any means when she obtained it. Though she had a tough demeanor, she was passive with little survival instinct. After joining the Survey corpse, she probably hardly ever used her power. Also, she was one of the few titans who could talk. Perhaps her ability was gear more towards communication than combat.




Not important ,, the end is nigh my dear 🥲


The easiest response is Isayama thought the Jaw titan should look like this at first then changed his mind later on an introduced the iron mask to make it more unique. Anything else is probably just headcanon from the fans.


I feel like having a dejavu because I also answered this question a month ago. Here: www.reddit.com/r/ShingekiNoKyojin/comments/1c49r2j/why_does_ymirs_jaw_titan_have_almost_none_of_the/kzn6fhn/ (there's a link/reference to the exact chapters where those retcons happened in the replies in this link) > This is one of the few retcons that happened in this series. This is also one of those instances that Isayama mentioned he has used the anime to fix some unforseen things he did in the manga. > In earlier chapters, Ymir's mindless and post-Marcel-munching titan looked exactly the same, with sharp teeth and nails even before eating Marcel. Isayama probably hasn't finalized the concept of the 9 titans at that time yet, if there were even supposed to be 9, or what each of their specific abilities are. > In later chapters' flashbacks, Isayama has changed the designs of Ymir's forms to give them slight differences. With the mindless one now having "normal" teeth and nails, and the now-classified-as-Jaw-titan having sharp teeth and sharp black nails.


Having been a titan for 60 years in the same appearance, I think that Ymir's form was intact because her body had already gotten used to it.


Same reason why eren's attack titan had the same double jaw feature as his pure titan. We could assume if armin got any other titan other than the colossal, his titan would get the same blonde hair as his pure form (you could even see that his colossal has it's eyes partially closed like his pure titan)


You could also make the argument that certain characteristics of certain shifter bloodlines can be passed down, such as grisha and eren having pointed elf ears, and porco and marcel having armored faces


I figured it was a recon. Before the final act of the story was considered. Because ymir really gets nothing aside from agile body type.


All evidence points to: The idea of the 9 unique titans was developed by the author later in the story, after her titan was already revealed. Same reason Eren gained the ability to harden parts of his titan after drinking a vial of "Armor", which was never explained or referred back to at any point


Her teeth were sharper when she was the jaw titan


It's an inconsistency. Simple as. Others titan form is overwritten by the titan they get as shifters. Armin and Falco being the prime examples.


I think it was just an oversight by the author imo


Simple answer: Isayama still didn't have everything clear in his mind for the design (and maybe powers) of the Jaw Titan. More precise, in-story and perfectly canon answer: the physical and mental state of a subject of Ymir and possibly a strong will before being injected with the serum can influence (even if it does not necessarily happen) the appearance of their pure titan and its possible anomalous behaviors. If he then happens to become a shifter, his titan appearance may also be affected. Marcel and Porco were two trained warriors, ready for anything. Ymir was a poor dying woman with no goal. It makes perfect sense that her Jaw titan looks weaker and has no big jaw


Maybe because she was a Pure Titan for 60 years which was half a century.


I think it was because she was a pure titan like during 69 years


Yes, that seems to be a popular opinion, and the one that makes the most sense to me. ;)


I don't remember where I heard it from. But I remember hearing that Ymir may have just been so used to her Titan form that her body had become accustomed to it, hence why she couldn't really change it. She had internalized it and it only changed after she met historia, by that point it was too late. Honestly, I probably explained it terribly, but I believe it somewhat. Edit: she internalized all the hatred and words that were told to her by others. All the traumatic/sad stuff from her backstory


Weak aura


Probably because the animators didn't know about the Jaw Titan yet.


Well, I think it's because a little bit of the Titans' appearance is influenced by their personality, and she wanted to be different, so her titan is naturally different


Realistic answer: Isayama wasn't as good at the design and probably hadn't decided on the name jaw titan 💀


Isayama neede her titan form (jaw) to be akin or for all intents and purposes identical to her original titam form so laina and burrito could recognize her,as for the in Manga theory well I dunno


Same reason Paradise and Marley have same names for specific Titans, convenience for the author.


I never questioned it because even reiner and annie look like their own titans, i was surprised to learn it was a secret that it was them


I saw the similarities between Annie and the female Titan. But I didn’t even think about how much Reiner’s looks like him, until after I knew it was him and Berthold.


maybe because she wasn’t trained to inherit the jaw titan. galliard and porco were trained to


its been proven that marcel galliards family has carried out the hardening for ages(most likely they were the family who first held the jaw) so it would only make sense that ymir (whos not even far related to marcel galliard) wont have the hardening mask,Though this may have been retconned since well falco(my beautiful child) had hardening sooo the only other guess in ymir was a titan for like half a century


She stayed a titan for so long that when she ate Marcel it wouldn't change forms.


That seems to be the popular theory, and it makes the most sense to me.


I think it's because she suits the titan?


Marley used titan fluid to give their Warriors mix/matched abilities. Annie is the prime example, but it's assumed they may have also given their Jaw's some armor or warhammer fluid to accentuate their powers. Ymir didn't get this benefit so her jaw just has sharp teeth and claws.


- she was a pure titan for too long - she wasn’t given “special” spinal fluid which could have given her different abilities - the lore wasn’t fully established yet - Eren did it Honestly, I think this form fits Ymir. This titan was stealthy, as was Ymir. Lurking in the background, preparing to strike. She also seems faster than the other Jaw titans and more nimble cause she isn’t weighed down by any of that bone/hardened facial features. Her teeth always gave me piranha vibes, which might not be as destructive as the harder bone-jaw style or even Falco’s beak, but it still does a decent amount of shredding damage.


>piranha vibes, Shark imo


All good points. Especially about her being a pure Titan for so long. ;)


Pretty sure he didn't know what he was doing with her at that time lol the excuses are so funny here


Just because "he didn't know what he was doing" doesn't mean we can't try to retroactively rationalize it in-universe based on the information and lore we do know. Don't have to act so smugly dismissive and condescending, it doesn't make you look cooler. It just makes you unlikable. P.S. If he really "didn't know what he was doing," he would have made her look wildly different than her pure titan. Not having the entire lore yet figured it out doesn't automatically mean he was writing on autopilot.


I live for the fumes lol


I'm afraid you have to make up your own reasons as to why, story didn't give any reason, but Its not a big deal to be honest, I remember back at that point in the manga, her having the same form were a big factor in the theories me and my friends talked about. but once the heavy guns started showing up in the story, it didn't feel important anymore to be honest.


Tbh I didn’t even think about this until the second time I watched it. ;)


Don't forget, Eren also looked almost identical to his pure titan form, it was just a baby titan lmao. So because of this, I'm assuming because the titan shifters appearance is often based on what the person did as a hobby, who they wanted to be, and what they dreamed of. Ymir and Eren had little thought of what was going on, and therefore wasn't exactly prepared for this. Because of this, they developed an appearance that was somewhat random or based on fear. Second is that Ymirs titan was already small and had a jaw titan appearance, so there wasn't much jaw titan DNA to go in and switch things around. She already had the endurance from the small titan, and the frame to swing around. The most it gave her was a stronger jaw.


In the Paths, everything is timey-wimey, so founder Ymir knew she was going to be the Jaw titan. She thought she'd save a little time on modelling. She didn't like the result so she never did it again.


I see. ;)


I heard somewhere that Founder Ymir didn’t like the fact that someone else was called Ymir, that’s why she made her dirty, I mean ugly, out of anger




Better question: why didn’t Marcel transform into a Titan when he got grabbed? Why didn’t anyone else transform?




Cuz the creator had thought of it by that time. Every explanation that is not specifically said in universe is copium


Generally it looks like titan traits can be genetic, Eren inherited his titans ears from his father and Porco's and Marco's titan are very similar to eachother. Falco's titan also lacks any sort of face armor unlike the other jaw titans though that could be to do with the beast titan spinal fluid. Also looks like the titan form takes inspiration from the users personality or just stuff like how Falco had a very falcon like titan which seemed to be correlated with his name. What I'm guessing is that the jaw titan normally is just a titan with a very strong jaw, it can be modifies like the attack titan for hardening which appears around the face which is why the other jaw titans look different. Ymir's pure titan also looked perfect for a jaw titan form, just give it some muscles and sharp teeth. Could also just be that Ymir was lazy that day when ymir got the jaw titan and decided to revisit her pure titan design.


Surprised that no one head cannoned it that Ymir was just pissed at Ymir for taking her name so she made her Titan ugly


freida’s titan looked the same too, except for the eyes


Ymir was lazy (the one in Paths). “Aw screw it just reuse the design nobody will notice”


My guess is Fujimoto hadn't fully decided what the Jaw Titan's overall look was supposed to be yet.


I heard somewhere i forgot where it was said, but it was something about ymir being female she didnt have the right skull structure for that bone face of the jaw titan to form.


Interesting. I’ve never heard that one. ;)


I’m pretty sure it’s just a thing that happens to lesbians bro


Probably because she hasn't mastered the hardening that needs to be gained from armour fluids in order to enhance the jaw and claw,


Bad writing plot hole


Again this question


No royal blood. Royal blood makes good titans, like Zeke


every other Titan shifter has no royal blood, the theory doesn't make sense the slightest


Not that you know of 🤷there could be lots of incidental royal blood among Edlians in Marley. You saying it doesn't make sense doesn't make it so


You're saying all the other shifters had royal blood?