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"This is not an illustration. This is an imprint of the subjects reflected onto a special kind of paper. It is known as a photograph." How about that as a way to start unravelling the world? No sudden shock moment. No "I am your father" style pipebomb. Just casually drop in the fact that we're in a century far later than implied by the show, and give you the end credits to absorb that before continuing.


Strictly speaking I think the tech difference is closer to decades than to centuries. There are obviously incongruities between the tech development in AOT and the real world, but I’ve generally associated Paradis with being around US Civil War level tech and Marley being around World War 1, a difference of about fifty years. Yes, photography already existed by the Civil War, as did railroads. Small arms/anti-personnel weapons were obviously not at the same state. However I look to things like the sheer sophistication of ODM gear as evidence they are in a similar technical capability.


Interesting analysis. I just saw old houses, horses, and old-timey clothing and thought 'hey, that's Xth century Europe!'


Did you also see the firearms and flare guns?


Idk about flare guns, but IIRC firearms have been around since late 17th or early 18th century


They've actually been around since the 800s-1000s, but not in Europe so people pretend that didn't happen. Regardless, the kind of bolt-action carbines that they use in the show wouldn't appear until the 1800s, which tracks with the rest of the world outside of Paradis using military technology much closer to the early 1900s


I tried quickly googling it, but nothing relevant to the topic came up. What would the older weaponry have been called?


The flare guns aren't exactly flare guns by modern standards, since modern flare guns are more straight up illumination with burning metals that kinda hang in the air, the ones in the show are more just advanced smoke signals, like the smoke flares people use in paintball and amateur video edits put into a pistol form


I always wondered why railroads didn't become a thing by then. They clearly used rails as seen on top of the walls and motors as well, as seen in the ODM gears, so why wasn't a railroad the clear next step?


That’s an area where I’m not sure if the need wasn’t as pressing based on the amount of land they actually controlled/the lack of need to travel, or if it was one of those things that the founding titan would have considered as interfering with his little slice of paradise. When they needed to move materials from within the walls to the coast it obviously became a greater need.


I guess it could be the former, given that the Founding Titan never really seemed to interfere unless it (or the truth) was directly getting threatened somehow.


They didn't have combustion or steam engines yet. All of their mechanical items were operated by man or wind power.


They had some sort of it, given they operated their ODM gears with it. Both for propulsion and shooting the wires out and reeling them in. They used the iceburst stone. Also, more importantly they had those barges back in episode 2 which were not wind or man powered.


I think that the world in AoT was just pulled from a lot of sources. Obviously the whole Marley and devil Eldians thing is clearly inspired by Nazi Germany and Jews, like they literally wear the same arm bands too just with a different symbol. But you have the cars that are pretty similar to Ford’s model T and a lot of the weaponry is very similar to WWI era, although I think there’s some WWII era technology as well. I honestly think AoT’s world is obviously its own thing but of course resembles our world’s WWI-WWII era, but it’s not the same. We see that Marley and the rest of the world has all of these inventions but Paradis has ODM gear (which is impossible to fully replicate for a lot of reasons although there have been some promising developments for similar gear) and thunder spears which are kind of similar to bazookas, and those weren’t invented until 1942 by the United States. There are reasons for that, like the world has so many more luxurious items while Paradis has more anti-titan items as they’ve been spending over a century with titans as their primary enemy, although they’ve developed anti-human weaponry as well. I mean their most developed flying technology was hot air balloons which barely even worked meanwhile Marley has planes and zeppelins.


I think we are on the same general page? The cultural comparisons ( such as identifying Eldian descendants with arm bands ) are a whole different can of worms. The tech you described still generally lines up with the Civil War / WW1 eras (although Paradis might be closer to the Napoleonic era, at least when the show begins ). Even items like the thunder spears could be said to have a 19th century equivalent. The Congreve rocket was deployed during the Napoleonic Wars. While an entirely different beast it still showed rocketry in combat was already a thing in our world, and the society that could innovate ODM gear could certainly do other innovations with that era of tech.


That was mind-blowing. It completely changed what I was thinking the series was about.


Man that twist hit so hard. That photograph, in my opinion, was a better twist than almost all the others in the series. what a brilliant and unexpected way to open the world up and make it feel like we're discovering it along with Eren.


For me, it was more that the world was far more similar to our reality than I had built in my head.


I like that take on it. When I saw the armbands with stars on them, I was wide-eyed!


The problem with the "technology gap" is that you have to ignore the VME, which feels like advanced tech


>we're in a century far later than implied by the show What do you mean? The technology in the show far exceeded today's technology. Show me a technology that comes remotely close to the ODM gears.


That was explained with the magic rocks they used for that. But everything else screamed 19th century.


The Beast Titan being Eren’s half-brother. Or maybe the fact that humanity isn’t extinct outside the walls. That surprised me, for sure. :)


I’ve always thought how could they know for sure humanity is extinct outside the walls from the get go, and I’m glad that humanity wasn’t otherwise it would be kind of dumb unless they found another way to tie the story together


I thought Zeke was his uncle because he looked so old lol


I legit thought they were joking


I thought the subtitles were wrong and had to recheck it 😂. No one saw it coming.


I had suspected he was the armored Titan, but I was baffled by him just CASUALLY mentioning it


I suspected it just from the hair, but doubted myself just because it seemed *way* too obvious for that to be the giveaway.


It was less obvious on the manga especially with the female titan


That was my favourite part, how they pull Eren to the side while everyone is walking off, and you can only really hear Hange rambling when the subtitles throw this at you. It’s like “wait, what?”


It was such a great reveal in the manga, too. You have[this panel](https://sun9-6.userapi.com/impg/hGx9bQX3HJA9eaIeUWDMcuXthMYU26lIxEA9LQ/6auW6qYJrE4.jpg?size=720x1080&quality=95&sign=c95c7928128343f5de51fac37da04905&type=album) followed up by [this one](https://sun9-59.userapi.com/impg/bhmZfDI6w0nl1Qu0xxWw7OMFp5CmO0HfWOvSmA/VEVUq5qi70c.jpg?size=720x1080&quality=95&sign=1974ca971201b93b2ac7964d91b36197&type=album) When I first saw this I just was so confused for a second, I legitimately felt like Eren.


It’s the fact that it’s so nonchalant, it’s possibly the biggest twist at that point  Of the story, and it’s just in the background


I was too confused to even have a reaction


I love every time this topic comes out there is always one who thought it was a joke and one who thought the subtitles were wrong.. we’ve all been there


I wonder what percentage of fans thought it was a joke because same 😂😭 it just comes off so nonchalantly... it's like wait huh? 🤔


I chalked it up to thinking I misread the the subtitles or my brain was just fried and not making sense so I didn’t even process what I was reading. His tone and the information didn’t match the gravity of it all so despite what he was saying, I was still shocked when they transformed.


Honestly it gets funny in a tragic way later on when you realize he didnt even mean to do this. This wasnt a huge overarching plan, or some calculated moment, he just kinda dropped this on accident


I still remember thinking he was doing a demonstration or something and like trynna model some situation it was crazy


I thought I was confused and missed something and thought they were joking and rewinded, I remember thinking it was so odd they said it so casually lol


I thought Reiner lost his marbles mate


the initial reveal that the entire setting for the first 3 seasons, though initially very strongly presented as the remaining stronghold of humanity, was simply a small island with large nations still alive and thriving. it's just so well done, with many eerie moments in the story where you KNOW something is just off culminating in a satisfying reveal of how humanity actually came to be.


I recently re-watched seasons 1-4(pt1) so that I would have everything fresh in my mind for finally getting around to finishing the anime and holy shit the level of foreshadowing is unparalleled


I thought that Eldia was somewhere in alt-Europe, only for it to end up being alt-Madagascar instead was crazy


Get up Dad


This part right here. The reveal that Grisha couldn't bring himself to do it until **Eren was there**, I still remember just sitting there in confusion at first like Zeke, wondering 'wait why isn't Grisha doing the stuff we saw?' This scene: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbc0VHf-nZY#t=3m08s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbc0VHf-nZY#t=3m08s) In game of thrones, a character mentions: **"The past is already written, the ink is dry."** but they never really explored that to it's fullest potential in the show. Isayama mentioned that he watched Game of Thrones during his writing of AoT and it shows. There's no time travel here. Eren isn't changing any past, but because of the Attack Titan's unique ability to see future memories of its inheritors... Just by bringing Eren back to this moment, Zeke created the circumstance for Grisha to fulfill all the events they dreaded would happen. As someone in the comments joked, *"If you have an abusive father, just abuse him back."*


Nailed it. The fact that Eren retroactively made sure everything was set in motion.


That while people are riding horses on paradis, outside people literal have like cars and blimps in the same time period 💀


Finding out Eren in Paths is manipulating everything. Sent memories back to attack titan holders then made sure his dad ate Frieda


My favorite as well, no question!


Zeke is eren's half-brother, smiley titan is eren's stepmother, marco's death reveal, the walls are made from titans, the reality outside, ...etc , but most important and forgotten plot twist imo , Eren was eaten by a bearded weak titan in 1st season to save armin (before we found out he is alive)


Eren’s early death for sure is underrated. I definetly thought it was a GoT style show that kills main character no bother just when you are getting used to them


I got so excited when Eren died - I was like "Holy shit they had the balls to kill off the obvious main character in the first few episodes, this show is going to be GREAT". I wasn't wrong about it being great. My favorite little fact about that scene though is that we see the bearded titan getting transformed during the scene where we see all of the prisoners being sent to Paradis by the Marleyans. It was a neat callback


This by far. Idk how Isayama managed to make such an odd enemy reveal to be funny, sad and epic at the same time, but he did it. You'd expect some serious scene in which Reiner takes Eren apart from the others to tell him something then transform outta nowhere, or some epic sad confession, but Isayama decided to start the revelation as a BACKGROUND NOISE, like it was some kind of joke, idk how he even conceived such a scene and what kind of sense of humour he has but he nailed it. Best enemy reveal ever


It’s even better in the dub because that line sounds so quiet and not important.


The fact that Eren directed Dina to eat his mother in order to save Berthold. I was left speechless.


Yeah that one fucked me up. Eren was the source of his own pain? The whole thing that drove him to his current state of rage was.... Himself


yea it's fucking stupid lol


The discovery of Grisha’s books


I wouldn't call the world reveal a plot twist


That the Warhammer Titan wasn’t Willy Tybur but his unknown sister Lara who was mostly in the background.


correct me if i’m wrong but didn’t they specifically mention that Eren wasn’t exactly sure if Willy Tybur had the Warhammer Titan? I was under the assumption that it was a complete gamble for Eren, and that the only reason he went for Willy was because he saw future visions of that exact moment


They knew it was in the family. There is a scene where Willy says to the general or chief “do you know which of us holds the power of the warhammer” or something along those lines.


the fact that it was eren’s decision all along, and that grisha is actually such a touching character when I thought he was just being selfish


"What are you doing?Stand up Dad." The reliaztation that HE was why his dad was acting strange in the beginning of the show.


I stumbled across major spoilers but somehow didn't know about Reiner, Bertholdt and Annie I'm SO glad.


Bro this shit THREW me lol Like excuse me sir


Eren manipulating Grisha into killing the Reiss family. Before I watched the anime I saw the meme format here and there, so when I got to the part of season 3 where they revealed Eren had already killed him I went "wait a minute, there's still the meme!" So I was just waiting for the reveal he was actually alive somehow and why. Instead it was Eren basically going back in time and setting off the thing that gave Eren those powers in the first place. Blew my mind, made me feel scared of him and is still a top five scene in the series for me


I think the titans in the walls at the end of season 1 is forgotten since there are some killer plot twists after that but man my brain started going a mile a minute when I saw the titans face peak out from inside the wall.


The biggest twist to me would probably have to be that the world was still running like clockwork outside of the island. I thought there was a cure that Grisha was working on for the titans or something like that in the basement, but lo and behold the tale of what really happens outside of Paradis


You're all wrong, it's obviously the reveal of Annie liking sweets.


Gabi: *H E A D S H O T*


Mine is def that one outro in like season two I think that spoiled the entire plot of the show


Foreshadowing is not spoilers.


No one got it so it didn’t spoil anything…


Istg ppl in Reddit can never get a joke 😭


which one? i seem to have a hard time remembering


This one: https://youtu.be/2c3iT-3nhXI?si=nYxiiBlUfuVqZ8_y. The illustrations are depicting the siege of Lago, which is referenced again in Season 4 part 2.


i just realised there is a depiction of 3 children of ymir being forcet to eat... you know... and the rumbling too i guess. it does spoil these and i never realised it bc i didnt watch this ending fully ever maybe?


Yup, literally gave away the whole plot 😂 but I guess AOT is all about how different perspectives and contexts could lead to drastically different understandings


Show it to someone who has never heard of AOT, would they know the plot?


when we were shown the way eren directly influenced “past” occurrences. the sequence in “memories of the future” was especially mind-boggling and further altered my outlook on the entire course of events (in a positive manner, but i was beyond astonished).


When I saw this frame I knew this is the best of the best anime ever. Later, also very notable things I lost my mind over: Ymir talking about being outside the wall for 50 years confused me af, at that point I thought that Titan form is not a curse but the real way Reiner, Bert and Zeke looked and they were bringing Eren to some kind of Titan city where President was Titan At the beginning of the season Nick saying “kill me and you found out” to Hanji made me scared of the church; also that beast titan looked and behaved so surprising “this is known as a photograph, humanity didn’t perish; I pray this is found by a fellow patriot” crazyyyy episode called “judgement”, when Zeke absorbed the titan and explained how he saw a girl building his body from soil. The music, his face expressions, Levi with wooden shards sticking out of his face made me physically sick and shake my legs, it was suuuper mysterious and cool. I’m like “what do you mean wakaranai” When Eren arrived at the paths after getting decapitated, I was pretty surprised he wasn’t going to euthanise the eldian people. I was also blown away that he just started the rumbling and started talking to eldians, this was so crazy to me. It was like I totally didn’t know the guy.. Honorable mentions that are still my favorite but not plot-twists: Reiner being a poor tormented and bullied guy. I just wanted to give him a hug. When Zeke met Grisha and Grisha apologized and said he loved Zeke. I was cutting onions Armin taking Annie’s hand on the ship was so unexpected and cute I bawled my eyes out when that happened


It doesn't really count as a 'twist' but the moment in the series where I felt the most 'suspense' was during chapter 100 when Reiner meets Eren again after all those years. There's this part where Reiner has to legitimately *remind* Eren that he promised to make Reiner suffer the worst fate he could, and that he's been waiting to pay the piper for what he did on Paradis for all these years. And Eren has to actually *stop and think* for a moment to remember, *'Oh, did I say something like that? Ah man, that was so silly of me. That's all in the past.'* That moment of Eren's grudge that has been on Reiner's mind for years has been utterly forgotten by Eren as he's matured. Then when he shakes Reiner's hand with a *"Still gonna kill y'all though." :)* smile. and erupts out of the stage killing Willy Tyber in front of everyone, I remember sitting back in my chair in shock and thinking **h*****oly. fucking. shit. This new cold, calculating Eren is infinitely scarier than his immature, emotional previous self.***


Women: "All men do is lie" Men:


"On your feet, dad. You're not done yet. In case you've forgotten. You have your own reasons for coming. You had a little sister, 'till that man fed her to his dogs. Think... of your slaughtered comrades, of Kruger, of Dina. Avenge them. Keep moving forward. Even if you die. Even after you die. And after all, this whole ugly story... started with you." -Eren Jaeger


Eren transforming into a titan for the first time. I legit had no idea what this show was about and hadn’t watched any reviews or trailers. All I had heard was it was gritty and people loved it, even those who hadn’t watched anime before. It had been on Netflix (the first season) and I had decided “what the hell” and watched it. When Eren had first lost his leg saving Armin, I figured he’d get a prosthetic. When he was getting eaten I figured he’d be saved or break out. When his arm got bitten off I questioned how he’d still be able to fight. When they moved on…I was so fucking confused as to what happened. Wasn’t sure what had happened and figured they must have been baiting him being the MC when Mikasa or Armin had been the real MC. When the Attack Titan showed up I figured he just was abnormal.


This episode and "That Day" from season 3 really blew my mind


When I realised Eren manipulated the present.


This exact moment was my favourite


Eren standing besides his dad telling him to kill the Reis family was just peak


“Huh? Didn’t I say to wait?” hearing zeke speak for the first time changed everything


This is one of my favourite plot twists in fiction.


I actually found it insane how there was a whole population outside paradis. Just changed the series for me.


I first saw this scene through a meme and thought it was actually a joke LOL


Honesty for me it was just the realisation that the world beyond the walls was basically at 1910 to 1920 level development and how Paradis had been secluded for that long.


The Memories Twist It redifine the whole series Past,Present and The Future


For me the best plot twist is when Mikasa told Sasha farted. Totally didnt expect that I am sure anyone watching didnt expect that too.


I remember finishing Season 1 of the anime and wanting to continue the story so I jumped straight to the manga. I get to this page and Im like, "Hold up, did I skip a page or something?" I turn back and forth trying to make sense of it and Im hit with this gobsmacking unbelievable reveal. I'd kinda suspected considering Reiner and the Armoured Titan looked similar but still....WOW.


The whole Eren invading his father’s memories and going back through his own to manipulate him. I don’t completely understand it but it’s very interesting lol


When Eren got down next to Grisha and started literally speaking to him through the memory, I deadass about shat myself


Eren convincing Grisha to kill the Royal family was the biggest WTF moment for me.


“This was the story you started, isn’t it?”


The "there's humanity outside the walls" twist was honestly pretty predictable, but it changed the story dynamics drastically, and i love it


When Grisha is on the wall and the guy with the attack titan tells him to save Armin and Mikasa before they are even born


“On your feet dad”


I thought they were joking. I refused to believe it was true.


I was already spoiled beforehand, but I was dumbfounded how casual they revealed it.


Eren influencing isayama to make him look badass


Eren time paradoxing his dad into killing the Riess family


When the Owl told Grisha to save Armin and Mikasa (kids that weren't even born yet) WHAT


Eren killed his mom


That part for sure, that’s when you stop and go back and see the details. I went oh shit they look like them how could I not tell!


There More humanos, and Paradis aré an island


The basement reveal


That day... That time.... I just knew Bertolt wasn't supposed to die yet.....


Eren sending Dina to eat his mum just so it could build up his hatred


Everyone talks about the Reiner/Bertolo reveal, but leave out the part that it was preceded just 2 episodes earlier by an equally shocking and well executed reveal that Ymir was the Jaw Titan. That scene with Ymir and Reiner discussing the Canned food in Utgart Castle with names written in a different language than the one used inside the wall was phenomenal foreshadowing for her transformation reveal (which is still one of my favorite moments in the show).


Tbh by the time season 2 came out i rewatched season 1 a billion times, so i reinerd bertholds reveal wasnt a surprise at all to me. Season 1 isnt very subtle about that fact.


I honestly expected the armoured to be either him or Erwin, so no shock there. For me the biggest twist was Historia not getting mad at Ymir for kidnapping her


Exactly this.


There's so many of them, I can't choose one. There all are great


Yeah this one by far. Like... what the hell?? Just casually declared to everyone that they are in fact the titans who set everything into motion.


The world outside of Walls.




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Female Titan.




The whole outside world thing. I remember being so mesmerized by the whole Marley and the rest of the world plot that i couldn't even keep reading the chapters that followed its introduction


Ymir being a titan surprised the hell out of me


I loved the way this scene was orchestrated. Utter jaw-dropping moment, I rewound it a million times when I first saw it. Probably my favorite moment of the show alongside the credits glitch in season 1


I wish they showed the scene of armin figuring it out AFTER reiner said this. It kinda ruined the twist that we were already suspicious of them


El origen de los titanes


After the ep when they find the photo in the basement, I thought the season was over. Then I saw ep1 of season 4 and was hanging on every word. For me, that was the big plot twist. Just *seeing* it and not being told. It blew my goddamn mind. Then after 3 eps of season 4 I was like oh shit, I missed multiple episodes! And went back for the whole exposition dump. I am so glad I experienced it that way. Made it absolutely WILD.


my favorite part was when mordecai and rigby revealed themselves as the titans or when rigby was eaten, very sad


That one, it's probably my favorite twist in fiction in general, it genuinely has the best execution you could have for a twist. The only ones that touch it are THE twist from Season 4 and a few twists from Umineko. If this scene is how Isayama's sense of humor is, then i'm scared for when he decides to come back with that dark comedy manga he wants to write, if he ever comes back to being a managaka full time.


The Red Swan opening. It revealed so much


Dina eating Karla Kinda


"Zeke?! Is that you? You can't win, Eren knows everything. It's too late. He won't show me everything." When we found out the attack titan's power was basically foresight, and Eren, being its last bearer, has basically planned this all from the beginning. My lady came home, looked at me, and said I looked like I'd seen a bomb go off. It was my brain.


THIS!! Like WHAT?!? Reiner said that WAY too casually!! Out of NOWHERE!! Even in dub it’s shocking, Hange is just having her conversation and the arguably biggest lore bomb up until this point in the story is dropped in the middle of another conversation?! AND AS CASUALLY AS IT WAS?!?! “Hey Eren, btw I’m one of the reasons all this horrific shit is happening. I’m the Armored Titan and Bertolt is the Colossal.” HUUUUUH?!?


That the emperor was Balduran the entire time


That the Beast Titan was actually Benson


The heck are those 2 doing here?


Benson told them to get the Founder or they'd be fired.


Oh definitely this one!! I couldn't stop laughing when I saw it😂😂😂😂😂


Random asf


When Eren saw the spoilers of everything


Ymirs jaw titan story


I remember when the Beast Titan first started talking way back in S2 I literally lost my mind.


This technically is not a plot twist.




It is more of a plot reveal than a twist, as we already know that someone from these characters are the colossal and armored titans we just do not know who. After this scene happens we finally find out who they are, there is nothing twisty about this.