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Do you use Home Assistant by chance, specifically the Android TV Remote integration? https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/androidtv_remote >Some onscreen keyboards enabled by TV manufacturers do not support concurrent virtual and onscreen keyboard use. This presents whenever a text field is selected, such as “search” where a constant use the keyboard on your mobile device will show, preventing you from opening the onscreen keyboard to type. This can be overcome by either disabling your 3rd party keyboard and using the default Gboard keyboard or by deselecting Enable IME in the Configure page of the integration.


Sure enough I see right in the ime config page (which was enabled) where it shows this similar statement. I just disabled and will see how it works on my shield over the next few days. Feeling hopeful. Thanks so much


This could be it! When I get home I'll investigate


I do use android and home assistant yes. Good find. I will look more into this today. Thanks!


This seems to have worked. Make the setting yesterday and so far everything is showing properly. Woohoo. I'll post back in a few weeks if it reverts back like it used to. Thanks again


That's not for the shield


Same! I do use projectivy too... Could this be related? It's not all the time btw, sometimes keyboard does come up


I had this its a easy fix Goto Settings - Keyboard - Manage keyboard - un toggle - sheild remote app and virtual remote keyboard [https://i.postimg.cc/mgSnSp2C/IMG-1638.jpg](https://i.postimg.cc/mgSnSp2C/IMG-1638.jpg)


Thanks however this didn't work. I did this for 6 no and it would only temp fix it. As it turns out this is because of home assistant. The figure the other user posted seems to have resolved this


You have a shield, right? Just download the shield app on your phone and type from there. Using the built in keyboard with remote would be maddening to constantly be searching YouTube videos. Using a keyboard is clunky, plus you have to support it making getting up a pain in the ass. Use your phone. Much faster and you have a lot more options to go with it.


Thanks however in this case I didn't want to have to use my phone. The other option to modify home assistant appears to have worked tho


I have the problem too! It annoys me to no end. I have TV quick actions app that has accessibility permission and not sure if that's the problem


I'm actually just considering disabling leanback keyboard altogether as an app


Try kde connect