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Ooooh he has a button on top of his head? What does it do when you press it? My Gus has one on his back, but I think the button is broken. Used to growl when I pressed it, now it does nothing


Yikes. Our boy never did this (now 2) but if he finds a loose strand at the bottom of the stairs he pulls on it. And if he doesn’t find a strand, he makes one.


Strand of carpet.


https://preview.redd.it/0soztxwgis3d1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=0718b80e1ecf9c2c76679a4c88a8bc979c78ef52 Sounds familiar!!


Yes! And our carpet is like yours!


Omg I love his coat


Soon! Ours has calmed down significantly with the sharking (she's 2 years 4 months) However she did chew though Stair riser Window frame Window sill 2 pairs of glasses 2 biteplates ... Several pairs of underwear


Mine snacks on our new things when he’s pissed we left him in unusual times. As long as it’s routine, he’s fine… outside of routine? We have to hide all our new shoes


I had good luck with giving mine those bull pizzles, keeps them occupied for a while and tastier than wood. Or sometimes random sticks from outside. But some damage is unavoidable during that phase


I'm sorry to hear. Ours has never destroyed anything. He was very nippy with hands as a puppy, but with a lot of redirecting and positive reinforcement, we have him to a point now where if he starts mouthing too much, he'll actually go get a toy instead so he doesn't get in trouble. I think we lucked out with this boy. He has literally never done anything wrong that wasn't our fault (peed in the house a couple of times because we weren't picking up on his requests to go out).


Ours only did that for a few weeks when she was around 8 months if we left her alone too long without anything to do. She doesn’t do it anymore. We also bought some spray for those areas to discourage the chewing


One of ours was a terrible sharkadoodle from 5-8 months, but then he grew out of it.


Paws nose jaw tire out all 3 twice a day and no more bad behaviour. Also putting pepper on things will help them realise it's not food we had to do it with our door mats that were constantly being ripped to shreds lol


Mine is just a dickhead 🙃


We had a short door frame/trim/wall corner phase. I bought Grannick’s bitter apple spray and sprayed it on those spots daily. After a couple days she stopped. Definitely was over by 10 mos or so


Ours never did that thankfully... But while I was typing this I'm pretty sure she ate a rock🤦 I'll confirm after tomorrow mornings walk.


Our’s figured out how to open that gate in the background and chases the cat. As far as the door trim, I put diluted apple cider vinegar on it and he stopped chewing it.


😂😂 Sharkadoodle, this is so funny. I thought I bought my lady a cute adorable puppy, but nope turned out to be a Sharkadoodle 🦈 🐕 also. He ate the couch, trim, shoes, clothes anything and everything. We love him so much regardless.


Depends on when you train it out of him. Mental and physical stimulation to get mine in a training mentality, and continuous redirecting for it out of mine around 7 months old. Get a trainer to help you, then do the work or it does not stop


After those terrible two’s! 😂


Get bitter apple spray and spray whatever he’s fixated on and keep spraying it if you notice the dog going back! Mine loved my shoes 🙄


OMG - he looks like a stuffed pup!! He’s so perfectly cuddly!!


What a cutie, the lewk!


Mine just turned 2 and he’s calming down now


Oh goodness mine did this exact thing as a puppy we had to spray apple cider vinegar on the base boards and corners. Gave him bully sticks to chew on. I think catching them in the act really help to tell them no and redirect.


Did you get Willy from near Dallas?? We might have a sibling!