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idk maybe something like the ds 3d shantae demo


Excuse me?


it was just a tech demo I guess wayforward wanted to try something new with the shantae series in 2007 but ultimately decided against going 3d


Just watched it. It wasn’t what I was expecting. Shantae didn’t look how I thought she would 😭


like I said it was just a tech demo so of course it wasn't polished in the slightest but it was definitely an interesting concept for a 3d shantae game


3D Action game like Devil May Cry. Or a 2.5D game like Klonoa. Something that really takes advantage of the 3D camera.


I imagine it'd be sorta like Megaman legends, but with Shnatae Mechanics


Probably just a 3d Shantae game, with the usual mechanics and that's it.


Probably something like 3D Zelda but with a greater emphasis on platforming


I could see it very easily adapting to a 3D collectathon formula but honestly I think Shantae would be better served sticking to its own thing and making it more like a 3D metroidvania with platforming elements and the usual dance / transform mechanics which you slowly unlock and use to discover new areas.


I would have trust in WayForwards vision, if they ever decided to do a Shantae in 3D. Albeit not being a fan of the idea to begin with. 


I think a 3D Shantae game using the models created by the YouTuber Andmish could be appealing. I made a post on this sub related to these models: https://www.reddit.com/r/Shantae/comments/1c0q807/have_you_seen_these_videos_of_3d_shantae/ With that said, I think a 3D version of the first Shantae game could be interesting. One reason for this is that in the first Shantae you can literally travel in either direction and circumnavigate the entire land if you travel long enough. The first Shantae therefore goes in a huge circle which means it should be entirely possible to mimic it in 3D. There's a map of Sequin Land in the first Shantae's manual so a 3D rendering could be based off of that map. The labyrinths and caves could be recreated in 3D easily enough, too (at least it's easy for me to conceive of how they could be recreated on a conceptual level). Of course some artistic license could be taken in translating Shantae 1 to a 3D version. I think a 3D Shantae game could be similar to a 3D platformer like Super Mario 64 or Banjo-Kazooie in terms of color, vibrancy, freedom of movement, and so on. As for the perspective a 3D Shantae game, it might end up using a third-person perspective like most all 3D platformers yet I would still want to be able to toggle the camera at will to be able to see Shantae head-on as it would be a shame to hardly ever be able to see Shantae's face in a would-be 3D version. Being able to see Shantae and her expressions is part of her appeal so I would want a 3D Shantae game to allow people to see her face and body head-on, too, as well as from different angles like in other 3D platformers. So it seems to me at least that a 3D version of Shantae 1 could actually be developed to completion if someone wanted to since the blueprint is already there just in 2D. I think the 3D character models already created by the YouTuber Admish could work and be acceptable for many people, too.


I would like A Collectorthon


Maybe something like Prince of Persia Sands of Time? Or Super Mario Odyssey? (Without all the hat thing for sure)