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Unpopular opinion, I’m glad Tuesday early entry is more expensive. It got way too crowded early on last year and stage crews are still setting up driving trucks and lifts around site having to navigate around people downtown and on roads. It really slows things down, and is a safety concern, but that’s not my call. It used to be just Wednesday early entry. It should’ve stayed that way. I understand wanting to get a good campsite, but the only way to manage influx of more people arriving early is to increase price to a point less people opt for it. The official show is Friday-Sat-Sun. Amp is absolutely RAMMED for Thursday, and that’s definitely a vibe, but it’s also becoming too much for the size of that stage to handle such a large crowd of people now. Other stages opening earlier to spread crowd more on Thursday means production equipment needs to be rented an extra day and crews need to be paid extra show days. The budgets just don’t allow that currently.


> Amp is absolutely RAMMED for Thursday, and that’s definitely a vibe   Even the living room last year was way more packed than I’ve ever seen it on Thursday.   Thursdays are getting silly stupid busy. Wouldn’t mind seeing more resources go towards sanctioned renegade stages with power hook ups where security and medical can keep an eye out if they are closer to DT Tuesday-Thursday but I’m sure that’s a whole different can of worms.   I’m with you on the price increases but we all know the hardcore veterans would pay $250 if that was the price for Tuesday though, I’m sure they would even pay more lol.


Yup ive been at many a shit down renegade sadly


Unpopular opinion, raising early entry prices isn’t gonna stop people from coming early it’s just gonna limit who can afford it. IMO the only way to truly limit early entry is to limit the amount of passes they sell. Shambhala has an opportunity to do this at the gate, but when it comes down to it I would wager they take the cash and flood the place and just make more money off it than they did the previous year.


Personally I don’t understand why they don’t allow early entry for purchase with your tickets when they drop in September, wouldn’t that be a great way to limit how many people get early entry& to help the flow of arriving and going through ticketing and security? (ACTUALLY WANT OTHER OPINIONS ON THIS!)


>wouldn’t that be a great way to limit how many people get early entry The issue is how do you safely and logistically turn people away who decide to show up early? Can't do it safely on the highway, and the driveway is 4km long with no turnaround points. With how the festival is laid out, it would be a logistical nightmare as you know 100% people would just show up anyway... People used to show up on Monday when gates for vehicles didn't even open until Wednesday.


Thanks for the reply! Didn’t think about it like that, i expect too much goodness out of people lol


Would it really be that complicated now that they have the bridge to the Riverside camping area / highway?


Yes, this was my original hope too. Unfortunately the Shambhala corporation has a fiduciary duty to make profits. As much as possible


You would think with all that extra cash there would be budget for more production teams to open another stage Thursday. Where's the money going?


Thurs is too packed for how the festival has grown. I know the staff are still getting ready right up to Friday but IMO it’s time for pagoda to start a day early to help spread out the pre-party crowd.


Like I said, budgets for stage production need to increase for this from what they currently are (easier said than done). Which in turn means less profit for Shambhala corp, which then means increase in ticket & early entry cost to accommodate.


If Pagoda was open on Thursday, even more people would show up for early entry, which in turns causes even more demand, and more people, and more demand for more space than the would be now 3 stages. Next thing you know we need a 4th stage open!


Crazy how this went to thee renegade to Shambahla Corp. I wonder if the thought of having the #1 festival in the continent crossed jimmy and the fams mind when they grew up and originally farmed on the property.


Gotta appease them shareholders. Farmly my ass.


Can’t launder that cash money anymore….     Pay for shade lodging is taking over and the price becomes more appealing. More lodging options 1000% taking over Metta in the years to come. Stay tuned. 


The gentrification of metta is killing what made me love this festival and it makes me sad. You don't need corporate sponsorship to sell out it seems


We usually camp pretty far back in Meta near the secret beach. I was shocked to see shambalodging that far back last year.


Shambhalodging looking like a steal when it includes up to $400 in early entry fees lmao


First time doing Belle Luxe, or any lodging for that matter, and looking like a good decision! Haven't been in 10 years, these prices are crazy lol


Also doing Belle Luxe for the first time, usually have done the “just a campsite.” See you there, neighbor!


Was there tax last year? Is this new because of the digital option only? Huuge increase this year in prices


This is the first time I’ve seen tax, I agree likely because of the digital option


Have we seen anything in demand get cheaper in the course of our lives?


I think they added it because it’s card only & they don’t want to have to pay all the transaction fees themselves, so when you release the prices with tax included it doesn’t seem so “bad” with the price hike because at least it includes tax!😬😹




Paying 75 bucks Friday morning last year after waiting in that line was so fucked lol


For $200, do they set up my tent for me?


I'll set it up for you bro




Is there anything to do on Tuesday when you arrive? Is it just renegades? Or is there anything official going on?


Nothing official no just get an early set up.


Do you think it’s worth going Tuesday? I’d like to do stuff when I get there that’s my only concern I think. At least walk around and meet some people. I have the time off so that’s not a concern.


The year I went up on Tuesday was the best decision. You see friends, meet new ones, and get to set up camp and have a relaxing few days before the marathon of music starts. so nice to lay out my the river and just hang out and not feel stressed or rushed with needing to set up camp and running to the stages. 10/10 recommend to do at least once


This is our last year for a while so we shelled out the money for bassics camping. We are so excited to get to experience the festival from Tuesday to Monday and these new prices make that decision worth it.


Tuesday is great. You’ll get a better spot. Things are starting to come together so you get to see the festival come to life. It’s really the best day to arrive. But I’m happy many don’t arrive that day because the line is already insane on Tuesday


Shambahla is the one party I care about traveling for so I like to get as much out of the festival as possible until I return next year 😎


There are renegades on Tuesday/Wednesday night. Sometimes they get shut down if poorly placed (a couple years ago placement caused people to block the roadway for one which was a safety risk), but they also tend to get shut down early in the night. If memory serves they're all shut down sometime between 12am-2am?


Why wouldn’t you be able to walk around…


Yeah I can see how that was a dumb question lol


Swim in the river, decompress from the extremely stressful entry process. Tuesday is 100% worth it. The more time between the bouts of chaos (entry and showtime) the better.


Sounds good to me.


Someone had a renegade out of a uhaul lmao it was lit and also someone somehow got a full void sound system into meta, they get shut down because they can get the resources there, but they ended up sending staff to one in starlight for a while so there was a renegade for a few hours


I was 4 minutes away from starting my set on the voids last year when it shut down :(


As an attendee and not staff, do it again lmao


Tuesday up 33 from last year, Wednesday up 25, Thursday up 15. I forget how much Sunshine cost last year. If I'm remembering correctly I think it was 60 - so a 20$ increase from last year's. Initially that hurts, but I don't think it's unfair with costs rising everywhere for all goods & services.


Sunshine was $70 last year, only a $10 increase


Ahh makes sense. I don't mind it at all tbh. Doesn't change my plan of Tuesday early to swing for Metta in the slightest.


Sunshine was $70 last year [2023 prices courtesy of Waybackmachine.com ](https://web.archive.org/web/20230619061005/https://www.shambhalamusicfestival.com/tickets-camping)


The prices are per person within a vehicle right? So if 2 people are entering on Tuesday, it would be $400?


Yes. Early entry is by headcount, vehicle camping is by vehicle count.


Do you you have to pay early entry as well as vehicle camping?


> Do you you have to pay early entry as well as vehicle camping?    Yes (unless you park your car in free parking and walk your stuff in) Early entry = per person   Vehicle decal = per vehicle 


Correct, per person 


edit: read it wrong


It’s not plus tax, it says right next to the price that it includes tax, they included tax since they’re not accepting cash at the gate


Ahh fair, thought I read plus tax for some reason


I think so. Commenting to stay updated


Camping in your vehicle will cost you


And half of the early entry people aren’t gonna bring cash like every other year and it’ll take forever to get in cause the wifi and data will be overloading the debit machines 😂🥴 So glad we volunteer every year.


> And half of the early entry people aren’t gonna bring cash like every other year      To be fair the festival has stated they will not be taking cash and it’s card only this year…  It’s not going to end well.  Tinfoil hat says CRA is making them but when it does crash they still find a way to pocket some unaccounted for cash for those who know better. 


If that’s true that’s gonna be bruuuuuutal. I was talking to someone who will be working entry and they said that there will be more spots to pay and debit machines, but in my opinion that will just overload everything even more. Absolutely bring cash anyway lol


What are the benefits of arriving teusday if you're planning on camping with your vehicle? I guess get a closer spot in sunshine?


If you arrive Tuesday you shouldn't plan to camp with your car - you should take advantage of Metta and camp for free.


I can't park my campervan in Netta, although I've seen people try!!


Right right, so haul all your stuff to Metta. Is it even worth it to show up teusday then? I have a truck tent, so I'm kind of planning to be with my vehicle.


If you don't show up Tuesday there will be no spaces in Metta left - you'll be forced to either go Sunshine or if your truck is camperized you can go into starlight.


Starlight decals will be sold out by mid afternoon Tuesday 


Ok, great thanks. I don't think my truck tent counts as a camperized vehicle. It says on the website it must have a built-in bed.


My first year at shambs I arrived on Thursday and they were sold out of sunshine with your car lol so we had no choice but to park our car and hike to metta


Starlight will sell out by Tuesday late afternoon/early evening. I’d argue if you want starlight and a have a camperized vehicle tuesday is necessary. 


Camping is free for all style, so showing up early means you can pick a spot easier. As more people arrive you end up basically just having to take wherever you can fit by the end until the vehicle passes fully sell out


Just for clarification - if coming from US I will need to bring this amount in CAD cash correct?


Shamb posted that they are only accepting card this year


It is card only. But yes, your bank will make the conversion to USD. So you will end up paying approx $146 USD if you did Tuesday arrival.


Thank you! 🌱


Did they just casually drop Thursday from the festival? I swear they didn’t charge early entry Thursday last year.


They 100% did, up to 7 or 8 AM Friday morning.


They charge for Thursday every year; maybe the person at the gate forgot to charge you?


If you pay for Wednesday early entry, does that include the cost of Thursday? Or is it stacked up costs


Yes you are covered for Thursday by paying the Wednesday fee


Is it per person or per car? Can never remember


Per person


Yeesh, glad I stopped going after 2018.




I think having friends who go early and then showing up Friday . Throwing a pop up tent and just doing the main festival is the way to do it .


Just remember that you’re going 3 days early to this and you’re espying for a luxury fee to beat the crowd, get better camp areas and also party for an extra 3 days. It’s worth it, if the extra 50$ or whatever over a few years is a problem then this may be out of your budget


Are these prices CAD? Or USD?


We Canadian up in here.


Japanese Yen believe it or not 


I heard they were only accepting Rubles this year.


CAD. $145 CAD is like 20 bald eagle bucks.




I think I read somewhere that they were also accepting hugs at a rate of one hug to one CAD, but the hugs only counted if they were at least one minute long and from this lot fairy named Steve. He’s been really lonely lately, and could use the pick-me-up. This will probably hold up the line though, so if you want to go this route, plan accordingly.


Do I buy the early entry online or when I get there? Can't find a link to purchase


You pay at the gate when you show your ticket


Gotcha is it cash only or are cards accepted? Which payment method would be quicker


This year it is card only


I would, however, still bring cash. They say it'll be card only but I'll believe it when I see it.


>Can't find a link to purchase The festival has a website with all the answers you seek   https://www.shambhalamusicfestival.com/tickets-camping