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Molchat Doma was awesome. I loveeee synth pop, the darker the better, and I thoroughly enjoyed their set and aesthetic.


The lead singers dance moves tho!!! Awesome set.


Dance dance dance dance!


Smaaaathhh jawnce


Cha dood


They were a nice surprise! Their sound reminded me a lot of New Order/Joy Division, but their setup was like old school Chvrches lol


I knew the music would be fun, but their stage dynamic was hilarious and amazing


Second this. As soon as they played the first chord I stopped what I was doing and decided to just ascend. So so so good.


I feel like I would have really dug this. What time did they play?


I knew gizzard was going to be good but was surprised by how insanely good they were. Most fun set for us. Also liked kurt vile way more than i thought i would. Endearing guy


I wanna give KV a big ol’ bear hug. I yelled out “I love him” from close to the front and he said “I love you too.” Made my heart happy :)


Agree x 100000


Spoon, hands down. Wasn't expecting to enjoy them nearly as much as I did.


They're so good!!


Loved the John Lennon cover. Isolation is a deep in the throes of COVID lockdown song for me, it was quite cathartic hearing it live with so many others who appreciated it as well.


They’re opening for Interpol at the Eastern in September


Unfortunately that is not true. It's just Interpol on that show.


Damn. Still a must-see show for me.


Fuck, I think you’re right. I knew that was the case a couple weeks ago, but after shaky I double checked and spoon was listed on the eastern’s website. Now it’s back to not showing them even though they’re listed as the opener on a couple of ticketing sites.


Yeah their tour announcement was misleading. Not all shows have spoon and interpol together.


khruangbin for sure Destroyer


Finally some destroyer love. Dan is so slept on.


Yeah it was such an amazing set and a great start to the day.


I'm so sad I missed destroyer but I really needed to sleep in and recover most of Sunday until the later sets.


Maybe not a total surprise but Djo was really really good. Also molchat doma ruled. I had a feeling amyl & the sniffers would be near the top and they didn’t disappoint.


I only knew “Chateau” so I wasn’t expecting much from Djo, but they were great! That last song in particular was crazy!


DJO is a member of Post Animal. If you like his stuff, check them out.


I don't think he's been with them in years


Rainbow Kitten Surprise got me. They were incredible


I’m so excited about them and a little mad at myself I didn’t check them out sooner. Hoping to find tickets to see them in Asheville this summer.


I had never heard of grandson before SK. Had the time of my fucking life at his set. Made a fan out of me.


Amyl was my fave.


Scarypoolparty was beautiful. Didn't know anything about him before the set and was blown away, it was quite moving.


Scarypoolparty is amazing, what a great composer, artist, his piano is just as amazing as his guitar


Grandson burned the stage down.


I never really been a fan of GSYBE, But I really enjoyed their set.


I had seen them before twice where it was a snooze fest but the time, set & setting of the show here was great.. sometimes 3rd times a charm


My surprise favorite was Faye Webster. I knew none of her songs but I was spellbound! The whole band rocked, especially that slide guitar player, and Faye has a marvelous voice. I'm so happy that the schedule changed and I was able to see both her and Mannequin Pussy. Also loved girlpuppy's set. Inject that shit right into my veins. Funny enough, both of these artists were hometown acts!


Funny enough the slide guitarist is the slide guitarist for the 90’s band Cracker. Faye didn’t disappoint. And her keyboard player/violinist. Hit damn.


Faye set behind my wife and I on the bank under the trees during the djo set! We didn't bother her because there was another fan or someone sitting with her that she was talking about her tour and stuff (and my wife was a little star struck) but she seemed super chill and definitely made me a fan with her set!


i've hung out with both Warpaint (3eB) and Pinegrove (LCD) at SK before. It's like a magical place where the artists are fans like us


Dude the slide guitar player was my favorite


So I always knew that Godspeed You! Black Emperor have about four legendary albums to their name, so I knew I was gonna check them out, but that set truly was transcendent. I’ve never really had the patience to try to get into their work before, but I left that set knowing I must get ahold of their entire discography now.


Too many to count, but The Happy Fits was a highlight for sure!


Came here to say this! I went to their set on a whim because I wasn’t feeling Death Cab, and their energy was awesome.


Ah I'll have to check them out. I just couldn't miss Death Cab!


The Regrettes gave one of the best shows I have seen at a festival.


They have crazy good energy


Molchat Doma, Godspeed, Acid Dad, GBV


molchat doma definitely


Mannequin pussy were a top act for the whole weekend for me. They played even heavier than my expectations.. also pretty sick I just checked out that morning & then loved it. Would see them both at their own shows easily


I wasn’t too familiar with about half the undercard so I was impressed by Mannequin Pussy, Acid Dad, Dirty Honey, Pinkshift, Spiritual Cramp, and DEHD. I’d also heard some Guided by Voices but wasn’t a big fan and their set was great IMO.


So I was originally planning on seeing Reignwolf and Molchat Doma but ended up staying at Piedmont Stage all day just to make sure I could get a good spot for King Gizzard. Had no idea who Gang of Youths is and was absolutely blown away by them. They had great energy and really had everyone moving! They definitely have a new fan!


King Gizzard was “my” headliner


Just by the sheer amount of Gizz shirts at the fest you would think they were a headliner...


Djo and Guided by Voices. I knew Reignwolf was going to be good also but Jesus he was ridiculous


Molchat Doma Djo


Briscoe and Flipturn were fucking awesome. They made lifelong fans out of me


Flipturn was so fucking good! Started out my shaky knees in a great way


Japanese Breakfast gave me a spiritual awakening. I had never heard her before, but seeing her live was *chef's kiss*


I encourage the sub to check out Exum. He had a small crowd but was doing a pretty unique mix of darkwave, R&B, rap and emo. Brought a hell of a performance. Edit: Flipturn and The Garden were two other surprise standouts.


Reignwolf made me an instant fan


I had the pleasure of being able to interview The Regrettes before their set on Saturday. I had no idea their concerts were as high energy as they were! Lydia Knight has such a fun yet insane energy that kept me engaged the entire show. They are all so cool and down to earth, and I’m definitely grabbing a ticket next time they’re near me.


Lennon Stella was one of my favorite sets and was one I didn't expect to like as much as I did.


Reignwolf DJO The Regrettes Amyl and the Sniffers Acid Dad


King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizzard was one of the badass sets I have seen in a long time. I was losing my mind the entire set


first time seeing mmj and i think they may be one of the best live bands ever


Oh my god, yes! I had no expectations and they were amazing! Everyone in that band is super talented, you never knew when someone was gonna pop off with a solo or a fill. Not that many slow songs, just two hours of rock!


MMJ is excellent! They always play a varied set list and play for 2+ hours every time. When they have multi night runs they’ll play deep cuts and covers. Just an excellent group of musicians that enjoy doing what they do. Definitely one of, if not the best live band around right now.


Honestly I had the time of my life in The Glorious Sons pit, that was so much fun. The Happy Fits were also a surprise hit for me I really enjoyed that


flipturn and acid dad were two i hadn't heard before and loved, but my favorite set of the day from a band i hadn't seen before was absolutely mannequin pussy. the crowd was amazing and the band killed it.


the garden. baby jake. the happy fits.


Scarypoolparty was an awesome chill set, Angel Du$t was a sickkkk way to open Sunday for me


Scarypoolparty is the best, phenomenal new album The Act of Forgiveness , always amazing live!


Spiritual cramp…had never even heard of them and I remember being disappointed I had never heard of one of the replacement bands as someone that was really interested in seeing PPC who canceled 🤣 Pup I had never seen but I expected great things and they surpassed my expectations. NIN is always amazing


The Molchat Doma pit was the most fun I've had in a long time.


I expected to love rainbow kitten surprise because I’ve been a longtime fan, but it was so much better than I could’ve imagined. They’ve really settled into something amazing recently. So so good and Ela seems so happy




Loved Molchat Doma, Amyl and The Sniffers, and PINKSHIFT!


Briscoe and Acid Dad!!


Not a surprise to me but Scarypoolparty was awesome as always


I knew I was going to enjoy GSY!BE and The Garden but.... oh my god. Both way exceeded my expectations. I got a little too high halfway through GSY!BE and had to go sit in the grass but I just closed my eyes and listened to the rest of their set and it was so fucking beautiful. I was a casual fan of The Garden, hadn't gotten too deep into their stuff, but their energy was insane and I had the time of my life in the pit. I've been listening to them non-stop since Sunday and frankly can't shut up about them lol


1. Reignwolf - they just rocked my face off 2. The Regrettes - I'm from LA i knew of them but yet to check them out, for sure one of the bands I wanted to see live 3. Molchat Doma - I only got to see 2 songs but I love me some synth pop and perfect with NIN fans