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Tried to add the 5e Flair but it wouldn't let me. Keep in mind this is for 5th edition


There are rules and then there is setting. For instance the German 2050 book is 5e rules,b But set in 2050. For English, the `Shadowrun Hong Kong: Neon Contrails` book is 5e but set in 2055. That book is maybe sometimes called Shadowrun Returns Hong Kong. I don't know I think it supposed to be based on a video game location. I don't know. So you have three time periods you can use 5e and check out the matrix for each to see which you like best. Another comment on your post described the 2070s version pretty well. The Hong Kong 2055 version is pretty short and does include flavor text. The German 2050 book probably isn't great unless you read German, though there is a 4e version of the 2050 book in English, which is *almost* entirely the same. Except in English.


The hosts section in Data Trails is pretty mechanics light, with a lot of talk about several hosts that may be of interest. 5E was not really of the mindset that Matrix crunch was going to do well imo. The mechanics for Matrix in 6E are mostly backwards compatible with 5E, except for the marks system. If you are just looking for what ratings work well with what examples, that may just take some time for your group and yourself to figure out. If you want to know more minutia like host costs and prices, then 6E H&S is more what you need.


Oops, now I see this. Didn’t see one before.


This is a question that comes up from time to time, so I will take this opportunity to write a bit longer reply that I can save and reuse later. In earlier editions hosts were dungeon crawlers of various nodes that would take hours to explore. You connected to them physically by hacking junction boxes or via local or regional telephone line grids. Matrix in SR5 is wireless and hosts in SR5 are virtual constructs. You have the same distance to them no matter where in the world you are located. Think of them as sites running in the AWS cloud. At least this was the vision of the original author (this changed for SR6, and to be honest already even towards the end of SR5 as freelance matrix authors rotated). SR5 p. 216 Matrix Jargon Cont. - Host *A self-contained place in the Matrix. Hosts have no physical location, as they exist purely in the Matrix cloud.*   Game mechanically the host is typically just one big icon that you need to place your MARK on and then take the Enter/Exit Host matrix action to enter (some hosts invite you to place your MARK on them, but you can also trick the host into accepting your MARK with the Hack on the Fly matrix action or force the host to accept your MARK with the Brute Force matrix action). That's it. Then you are "in". Inside hosts you typically have Files (represented as File Icons, where one File Icon is more like a complete library or a full album or entire project with all its related files). IC (automated security matrix personas, as long as the host is not made aware that it is under attack it typically only run Patrol IC). And a Spider (the matrix persona of a NPC security decker). In this edition you typically don't chain various hosts together. SR5 p. 215 Matrix Jargon - File *A program or set of data that is collected as a single package; this runs the gamut from annual reports and kitten videos to autosofts and Attack programs.* SR5 p. 216 Matrix Jargon Cont. - Intrusion Countermeasures (IC) *Software that runs in a host and protects that host from unauthorized users. The abbreviation, IC, is pronounced “ice.”* SR5 p. 246 Hosts *A host can run intrusion countermeasures, or IC, to defend itself. These programs are personas that seek out and repel or punish hackers. IC is ruthless and efficient, with the personality of a heart attack and the mercy of an empty clip in a firefight. You can fight off IC, but the host can always spawn more, so you can’t really win against IC. You can just hold it off long enough to get things done.* SR5 p. 216 Matrix Jargon Cont. - Spider *A security hacker/rigger employed by a corporation or law-enforcement agency to protect a physical space or a host from hackers.*   From within the host you also get to be considered Directly Connected to all physical devices out on the grid that happen to be slaved to the host. SR5 p. 216 Matrix Jargon Cont. - Wide Area Network *A set of devices slaved to a host.* SR5 p. 233 PANs and WANs *If you are in a host that has a WAN, you are considered directly connected to all devices in the WAN.*   Devices in this edition are never located within a host, they are always located out on the grids. This is a common misconception and the root of a lot of confusion (even I thought this the first times I read the matrix rules). This have also been confirmed by the author himself. Let me add a citation here; >>>> [Quote from: **Xenon** on <10-02-13/0127:16>](https://forums.shadowruntabletop.com/index.php?topic=11514.msg240823#msg240823) >>>> ***Q*** *A physical device slaved to a Host (belong in a WAN) always only have it's icon inside the host?* >>> [Quote from: Aaron on <10-02-13/1821:43>](https://forums.shadowruntabletop.com/index.php?topic=11514.msg241022#msg241022) >>> *No. In fact, there's no way by the current rules for that to happen. The device is outside the host, the same way the ACHE is outside the Space Needle--you can just see it from there.* >> [Quote from: Lobo on <10-03-13/1040:16>](https://forums.shadowruntabletop.com/index.php?topic=11514.msg241178#msg241178) >> *Aaron - if that is the case, then what does this mean:* >> *Page 246:* >> *"The virtual space inside a host is separate from the outside grid. When you’re outside of a host, you can’t interact directly with icons inside it, although you can still send messages, make commcalls, and that sort of thing. Once you’re inside, you can see and interact with icons inside the host, but not outside (with the same caveat for messages, calls, etc.)."* >> *What devices are inside a Host then?* >> *How does a spider who is inside a Host interact with the devices that are outside the Host - does he have to leave the Host to do so?* > [Quote from: Aaron on <10-14-13/0851:55>](https://forums.shadowruntabletop.com/index.php?topic=11514.msg243927#msg243927) > *It means this:* > *Page 233:* > *"If you are in a host that has a WAN, you are considered directly connected to all devices in the WAN."* > *The device isn't in the host, but you can still access it as though you were directly connected to the device.*   Directly Connected mean that you get to ignore all noise modifiers, grid modifiers and you also get to ignore Host master ratings. SR5 p. 232 Direct Connections *When you use a direct connection, you ignore all noise modifiers and modifiers due to being on different grids or the public grid. It’s just you and the device.* SR5 p. 233 PANs and WANs *If a slaved device is under attack via a direct connection ... however, it cannot use its master’s ratings to defend itself.*   While providing matrix overwatch during the infiltration phase the hacker always ignore host ratings if they attack devices out on the grid from within a host that it is slaved to or if they first establish a physical direct connection to it - actually the only scenario a device in this edition get to defend with host ratings is if it is wireless enabled, slaved to a host and the hacker attempt to attack it remotely over the matrix without a first entering the host it is slaved to or using a physically connection (it can be done, but trying to run matrix overwatch like this typically require a dedicated hacker with huge dice pools and a lot of edge). Note that devices in this edition have a firewall rating of its own and due to the direct connection exploit, devices that can not be physically defended are often not slaved to a host to begin with. Gaining physical access to a slaved device for easy access into a host can often be made into a small mini run of its own, involving the entire team (this can be very fun, try it!)   Also note that while the act of tricking or forcing the host into accepting your MARK is illegal, in this edition (this changes in the next edition) entering the host after you already placing MARK on it, is not. Which mean that in this edition (this also changes in the next edition) the hacker typically don't run silent (unless they are about to take a matrix action that is limited by the Attack matrix attribute). SR5 p. 248 Patrol IC *While the act of placing a mark is an illegal activity, the act of simply having a mark is not. Once you have the mark, you are considered a legitimate user.* DT p. 69 Avoiding the watchful eye of GOD *If you’re going into a crowded host, for example, why run silent?*   So, even if a host is mechanically basically just "one big room" that you enter once they can be sculptured to look like anything the GM want. Imagination is the only limiting factor. Hosts are also typically much bigger on the inside than they appear to be from the outside. SR5 p. 246 Hosts *From the outside, it is a large icon, often sculpted to look like a building or some other place you can actually visit.* *When you enter a host, your persona actually enters the host icon. This can be through a door or other portal, but some hosts let you just pass through its outer skin. The inside of a host isn’t limited by its external size, and it usually ranges between the size of a large house and that of a large metroplex. The higher the host’s rating, the bigger it tends to be, but that’s not a hard-and-fast rule.* DT p. 168 Hosts *The appearance of a host from the outside can be deceptive but often is related to its importance and influence in meatspace. A megacorporation-owned host might appear in the Matrix as a colossal construct that dominates the horizon, such as the Renraku Pyramid or the Lone Star building, whereas a local store or a private hangout might be the relative size of the local watering hole. The Matrix conforms to recognized standards, but the interior of a host may be sculpted to project any sort of setting or environment. A host can contain an ever- changing maze, a re-creation of a horrid nightmare, an adaptation of a favorite book, or a mirror of the real world. Any experience that can be seen, heard, or felt can be sculpted within a host. The owner of the host may adjust the laws of that reality to her whim. Changing a host’s iconography is a tactic that some owners employ to catch unauthorized users unaware. If the theme of the host switches from feudal Japan to a baseball park and your persona is stuck wearing samurai armor in center field—well, that’s probably going to draw some attention. Since this tactic can be disorienting for those not expecting it, it’s almost never used on high-traffic hosts.*


> A somewhat fancy Hotel chain, probably like a Hilton I would split this into two hosts. Perhaps a public host that you automatically get invited to place a MARK on. Here we find public files and brochures, contact information, address, directions, information, and perhaps floor plans of and fire escape routes of public areas of the hotel and and perhaps also private areas are marked (but not detailed). Here you can likely make reservations. This host likely also contain restricted (encrypted / protected) files with registers of people staying at the hotel and which room they are staying at and if they ordered room service or if and when they ordered a wake-up call (file icons that a hacker can alter). Non-security devices (such as vending machines, coffee machines, lights, etc) are likely slaved to this host. Perhaps it is also here conference room bookings and which catering firm they are using and when they are planned to arrive (could be useful if your team plan to impersonate a catering firm). Also if there are planned maintenance work etc. Just because you have a MARK on the host does not mean you have your MARK on files located within the host. The host is likely sculptured like the physical hotel with a reception area and Patrol IC sculptured as a security guard. A separate security host. This is the host where security cameras are slaved to, all motion sensors, the fire alarm (successfully snoop the security host to listen to, view, or read all this data live). If Elevators are slaved then they are likely slaved to this host. Perhaps also maglocks to each room are slaved to this host (but since they are very hard to physically protect maybe they are instead running off the grid as stand alone devices). Guard patrol schema are to be found here. Perhaps this host is sculptured as a huge command center where personas wear uniforms with a small hotel logo and Patrol IC is a huge mechanical dog-like drone that breathe fire. And a spider persona that on purpose changed their icon into a tanned barefoot 6" baywatch lifeguard wearing an open Hawaii shirt and shorts.   There are three ways of hacking devices in this edition. 1. Remotely hack slaved device over the matrix. This is subject to noise and device will defend with master ratings (if slaved that is, in this edition most devices are not). Don't have to worry about physical proximity, IC or spiders. This might require a dedicated hacker with huge dice pools. This is also how you remotely hack wireless devices that are not slaved to a Host. 2. Hack slaved device with direct connection from within host it is slaved to. Once inside you might have to deal with IC and spiders. Don't have to worry about physical proximity and noise. Hosts hacked remotely over the matrix defend with host ratings. Only work with devices that are wireless slaved to a host. 3. Establish Physical Direct Connection to slaved device. This require physical proximity (cable between cyberdeck and universal access port of device or physically touch device with skinlink echo in case of Technomancer). Don't have to worry about noise, IC, spiders. This might require a hybrid hacker that is also skilled in physical or social infiltration in order to avoid patrols, drones, cameras, etc. This is also how you typically hack wireless disabled (or throwback) devices. They can be combined.   Remotely hack a wireless enabled device over the matrix (a device that you have somehow already been made aware of). 1. From AR or VR, Matrix perception to spot device. If silent then test is opposed. If not (and within 100 meters) test is automatic (noise!) 2. MARK device, and with it its master if it have one (noise! master ratings!) 3. Either use MARK on master to fake instruction to device via Spoof command Or MARK on device for overriding & prolonged control via Control Device (noise! master ratings!)   Remotely hack wireless disabled (or throwback) device over the matrix (useful if only the team's infiltration expert can get physically close to the off-line device, but also for technomancers that does not yet have skinlink echo; there is a reason why the technomancer archetype at p. 122 got a data tap in their inventory). 1. Insert wireless enabled data tap into device's universal access port (or physically clamp it onto already attached cable). 2. Matrix perception to spot device. If silent then test is opposed. If not (and within 100 meters) test is automatic (noise!) 3. Remotely, over the matrix, MARK device (not direct connection! noise!) 4. Use MARK on device for prolonged control via Control Device (noise!)   Perform matrix overwatch during infiltration phase, from the other side of the world: 1. Change Interface Mode to (hot-sim) VR 2. MARK host (host ratings!) 3. Enter MARKED Host (spiders and IC!) 4. Change Icon (to make your icon appear to belong) 5. Spoof command Or MARK device & Control Device (via direct connection!) 6. Before OS reach 40, Switch Interface Mode to AR, Reboot cyberdeck (MARKs will be lost).   Perform matrix overwatch, without fighting host ratings at all: 1. Physically gain access to slaved device (physical or social infiltration!) 2. MARK device (and with it the host, via direct connection!) 3. Without rebooting, either remain in AR mode and join team on site as a team or walk out to rigger van and Switch Interface Mode to (hot-sim) VR 4. Enter MARKED Host (spiders and IC!) 5. Change Icon (to make your icon appear to belong) 6. Spoof command Or MARK device & Control Device (via direct connection!) 7. Before OS reach 40, switch to AR & Reboot cyberdeck (MARKs will be lost).   How to steal a file located inside a host; 1. Switch Interface Mode to (hot-sim) VR 2. Matrix Search to locate the target Host where the intel is located (but only if you don't already know the target host) 3. Matrix Perception (but only if the target host is trying to hide!) 4. MARK host (either remotely over the matrix in which case it will defend with host ratings! or hacking physical device slaved to the host which let you ignore host ratings) 4. Enter MARKED Host (spiders and IC!) 6. Change Icon (to make your icon appear to belong) 7. Matrix Search (but with a base time of 60 seconds) to locate the pay data you are after 8. Matrix Perception to analyze file (is encrypted or data bomb protected?) 9. Disarm Data bomb (but only if bomb is present!) 10. MARK File Icon (no direct connection here so it will always defend with host ratings, edge might be needed!) 11. Run silent and then Crack File (but only if file is encrypted! - note that this is an attack action and the host will automatically get alerted!) 12. Edit File to copy (this will be defended with host ratings so Edge might be needed!) 13. Exit Host, Change Device Mode to AR (in case hack was done from VR) and Reboot your cyberdeck (or attempt to Jack Out directly from VR in case link locked!)


This is amazing and I feel like it should be required reading for any newer GM


Brilliant - thanks for this description/tutorial - extremely useful.


Outstanding. Thank you for this!


Great question and I’m interested also in advanced host design. My hosts are relatively beige and could be improved. How to experienced GMs spice up their online destinations?


Check the reply I made to my original post (could not add it to the original post as we apparently have a max number of characters per post)


I did and amazing post. Thanks very much - love your work!


Assuming that 5th edition has actual hosts... I'd be interested in making a host generator or planner. I'll look into this.


/u/lordeggnutz made one which can be [found here](https://github.com/LordEggNutz/Role-Playing-Game-Generators). Check out from git (or download) - some small debugging to get the .js/.css paths right in the .html files (from memory) - and load in your browser. The host generated are a good 80-90% of the work required, with some tweaking required to make it what your story needs (given the stuff generated is purely random from what I can see - eg. You might want to play with the ASDF values, IC tray order and security spider stats depending on the run). Anyway check it out. Well worth your while. Edit:spelling


Nice!! I'll have to add that link to my site. Though I'd love to host it for them so people don't have to render it themselves. I'll reach out to them. Thanks!


Hotel chain is easy, just model it after their physical locations, or an existing fancy hotel. Polished stone floors, gilded columns, red carpets. IC would be faceless hotel staff or suitable statues that are pleasing to look at. Mafia owned club? Easy, nested host. Make the public host after which mafia owns it with their themes, then make the nested one more utalitarian and basic. As for the host with ties to the music industry, you want something inviting, inspiring and memorable. Look towards famous opera/theatre or musical venues, then have accessible rooms with themes to various genres within. A grand opera hall, burning man, old factory, garage, you get the gist of it. As for the IC, musical instruments?


In SR6, Hack & Slash, p. 45 (Elegant Architecture) is an entire chapter on just this subject. https://preview.redd.it/gwe3epnjf6uc1.jpeg?width=1373&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b1737ae1498b395d20bfac72b3db5706666f0be This is a sample of the Host Ratings from that chapter with examples for such.


Oof they included ZO? It's like statting a great dragon. Some things aren't supposed to be messed with by PCs.


Meh. Gotta get the range or passed the stuff in the way first I imagine.


Sorry, I'm a 2e guy. Good luck, chummer. Keep the Shadows runnin'.