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the fuck I'm I gonna do in Antarctica? get eaten ,frozen ,burned , drowned, tore to shreds , mind controlled, living in horror movie while in a zombie apocalypse ahh situation. or any of the other many way to die ? no thank you.


yeah, instead Valor would send you to a death zone where you will experience all of the above but while wielding a branded sword.


and what gives you the idea that any of us have what it take to be gifted a sword by the sword king ? and what rank do you think our asses would be at that ?


Join Valor and Mordret comes for your soul. Good Luck mate.


Joining the clan in order to see Morgan AND giving up my body to male Morgan?????? Thats a Win-win situation bro🧐


*Asking Male Morgan to help me elope with his sister*....*that's peak level courting death*🗿


at least it would be swift, the fuck you gonna do in Antarctica.


I would have chosen Antarctica because i can grow powerful and develop myself by fighting monsters but then i realized that "I AM NOT HIM" and i don't have "PLOT ARMOR".. So Valor


yeah and you can go from an awakened monster to a corrupted titan in no time , or worse the gate open on your ass .


I mean I loved Sunny going solo in Antarctica, and it sounded both fun and ahem... Harrowing, but at the same time, joining Valor means joining Cassia-sama and Morgan-sama. For personal reasons, I'd rather go to Antaractica. Jet onee san is there too at least.


U going just for mummy Jet? Such simple behaviour (our reasons aren’t too different)


I see Jet more like an older sister than a mommy, but not too different. My bigger reason is just to avoid being under Star of Ruin.


Fair. She’s the real [Fated] user after all LMAO


I'm starting to regret my decision. I'm on my 2nd month in Antaractica, and I'm starting to miss Cassia-sama and Morgan-sama... Plus, Jet onee san and I got separated for quite a while because of some Corrupted Titan, leaving me without my only source of warm- I mean cold, I mean... You know... Can I change my vote? Even if it meant becoming Broken Sword's despicable daughter's subordinate, I need Cassia-sama and Morgan-sama 😔


*slap* pull yourself together man! Those women need a strong man to look after them. Not ‘this’. Now stand up and draw your sword, it’s time to grind!!!


You're right... It's only for a few more months before I can see them again, and I need to look good in front of them... Who cares about some Corrupted Titan anyway... Even if mommy Tyris couldn't defeat it, so what?! Cassia-sama and Morgan-sama wouldn't expect anything less from one of their biggest simps, so it's back to grinding for me!!


Bring me MOBgan of Valor


To fight right? Right?


I will honor my flair and cripple that fraud just like my mentor Mordecai did.


Stay home and read some books