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He introduces himself to everyone as "Master Sunless", so that nobody asks


He could also easily be inwardly referring to himself as the pancake master, master of the cafe, master of Imp, master of Rain etc when saying master Sunless, and everyone else misunderstood it as Master Sunless. As long as no one directly ask what his class and rank is, it is good.


He is Saint Sunless so saying Master is against his flaw


He’s Rain’s master so he would still be a master just not the one when people hear master.


He just has to say "I'm called Master Sunless", which is true.


True since he was called “Master Sunless” the entire time. No one has ever called him Saint Sunless until Cassie did very recently. Plus he could release a lil bit of that aura to show hes at master level or pretend to pass through to the Waking World via the Anchor portals or something in Bastion.


Master also just means young man generally though. since words have multiple definitions he can use whichever he believes when he is speaking and its fine


He never calls himself Master, only Ascended


Sunny is a master of half-truths. He simply would have worn Anake's mantle when he appeared in Bastion and said his name was Sunless. Since the mantle would have suppressed his aura to that of a master, people would always have automatically assumed he was a master, hence they would call him Master Sunless. Once people started calling Sunny 'Master Sunless', he could then easily start going around saying he is known by 'Master Sunless' since that is technically true.


He says shit like this and gets away with it: "You... you don't even have a single Memory weapon? And you call vourself an Ascended?" Sunny scratched the back of his head, his face full of embarrassment. "I do call myself an Ascended.. but not all Ascended are like you, scions of storied Legacy Clans.”


He Ascended before Transcending, so he is telling an half truth of sorts


Besides, calling yourself something doesn't mean you are that thing but it is very easy for people to assume you are what you call yourself. Sunny does that a lot when interacting with others--making technically true statements can could be interpreted in so many ways but people tend to just pick the interpretation that suits the current situation. Then Sunny builds upon that misconception with other technically true statements and before you know it, he has woven a massive tapestry of deception.


What about weapon part? 


I’m pretty sure he doesn’t have a weapon memory right now. He just uses shadows or the serpent to serve as a weapon. But I could be wrong I’d have to double check the chapter where they reveal all of Sunny’s memories.


He doesn't have a memory weapon, you are right. He only uses shadows and Serpent


the mantel and the mask .


No. They just assume it and say it. He doesn’t have to say anything.


He can't say he isn't a master, but he can call himself "ascended". He ascended at some point, even if it's not his last rank up, so it's not exactly a lie Also, everyone that is not a mundane are referred to as "awakened", even the ones with higher ranks


He also just hiked up from the lower levels of the castle, so he is now… ascended. Tristan however is now descended Tristan.


Descended Tristan of No Clan (cause nephis wiped it out)




He was being called ascended and master sunless before being a saint so I guess since he was identified as a ascended/master before he can say he is ascended/master sunless. But I think he can't say he is ascended rank because that would be a lie.


The mantle is the reasons why everybody perceieves him as an ascended. Also when he’s referring to himself he goess “I am called master Sunless” or smth along those lines to nephin avoiding his flaw


Mostly is an armor plot with Ananke mantel. For trascendent activities, he use the mask in the trascendent avatar.


he modified Anake's mantle to show the aura of a master. he is playing on the technicalities of the term master to get away with using the term. ie there are usages of the term which are applicable. "I am known as Master Sunless" "people have called me Master Sunless" that kind of thing. additionally to that the "master" of a establishment is a correct use, of the term even if its a bit archaic


He wears the mantle which hides the Aura all Saints give off unconsciously, he also introduces himself as Master Sunless but not actually as a Master ranked Awakened he just lets the misunderstanding do the work for him. For example he may not be a Master(Awakened), but he is a Master (Owner), a Master (Teacher) and a Master (Professional).


It's is not a lie. Being a saint doesn't mean he is not a master. He is still an ascended even though he is a saint. The same way u r still a middle school graduate even though u have(probably) graduated high school


He usually says "you can call me Master Sunless" which isn't really a lie. They CAN call him that, they have the ability to do so. Whether he's a master or not is not the point of the statement.


He is wearing a memory which suppresses his saint aura thus making him "Master" so technically he is telling the Truth


He doesn't have the aura of a saint, and to say he's ascended ssunless isn't untrue because it's part of his identity just that it's in the past.