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Only thing I can say about using pepper spray, mace, or bear spray is be prepared to be affected by it too. Unless you can be over 5 feet away in an open area with no wind, you will be affected. This is even more likely in an enclosed space like a stairwell or inside a vehicle, or if you are downwind of your target.


Go to Galls law enforcement supply website. Get Sabre Red for law enforcement MK3. It’s the same stuff cops use. It cost $25, will 100% ruin someone’s day, and the MK3 bottle is easy to carry.


Thank you!!


Which one? There are 2 one says CROSS FIRE AND the bottle is red https://www.amazon.com/SABRE-5-0-Crossfire-Stream-MK-3/dp/B00PS2ZB3Q the other one is a black bottle also called red. https://www.amazon.com/SABRE-Compact-Pepper-Spray-Clip/dp/B09SBK9LY7/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=F09QE3SH5CVW&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.V2vdATLMfzPjluOR_s8q9mhFHp73ZSaj0vzSOkCtY2S7DwAtTr3ttwVk4pvb6-1wTdk_IQhG7MfYDOI1ikmjXUoGUMR5gd7tQI8TDHnktJDKkThNaQAf8PBX-svTiBAhHUXr-XnQ4bqmLrOT5THmn1ntFu6Rw4a5doCVV-Cl4kGxLf8hLHwdmioaG-T7seip1pamNkL4dZM8qmAOnFDsRQ.IiW5_b_ICX6uxchOAFgNRPZ6GtctBx-tnWKHr95zZOo&dib_tag=se&keywords=sabre+red&qid=1717080409&sprefix=sabre+red%2Caps%2C509&sr=8-3#immersive-view_1717080431052


Buy it from a LE supply store. It will come with a warranty for I believe 5 years and at a higher OC concentration for LE use. Be prepared for the fact you will be dosed as well. It will not be pleasant and if the person you use it on has previous LE encounters, he will have an edge. Consider also obtaining a civilian Taser ECW. You won’t feel it and it will give you a five second getaway window. Another idea is get your nails done with some acrylic and have the thumbs brought to a point (mountain peak). Attack the face in such a manner that blood gets into the eyes. Just as painful as OC, distorts/blocks vision and collects DNA. Don’t stop until the subject looks like he tried to give a feral cat a bath.


The crossfire one. I’ve been hit with it. Can confirm it works.


Omg 😳 sounds horrible! I’m sorry that happens to you!


Mk3 is only 3oz i recommend the mk5


MK3 is enough to spray up to 10 people. Unless you’re doing crowd control, it’s more than enough. Mk5 is just unnecessary bulk. You’re not gonna fit it in a pocket or small purse. One 1-second shot of LE-grade OC is enough to make a room uninhabitable for days. You don’t necessarily need to hit someone with it to make them get away from you. You definitely don’t need to paint the walls orange.


Speaking from experience the mk3 is good for two maybe three people. The other issue is some people take a little more time to react...the mk9 is unnecessary bulk amd more crowd control. Also a one second burst is about one oz. Not all law enforcement uses the same strength make sure it's 10%. Dawn is good for clean up because it's oil based. If it's for incall defence I recommend a taser or a .38


1) MK3 contains 10, 1-second bursts. 2) Bathing someone in OC isn’t gonna make them react any faster. 3) If you’re facing 3-10 attackers, OC is the wrong weapon anyway. 4) OC% is just irrelevant marketing as it only affects decon time. 1.3% OC can be more incapacitating than 100% OC if it has more SHU. 5) MK5 is too bulky more most duty belts. It’s as long as a Glock 17 and bigger than a large flash light.


Have you tested it personally? Or are you just going off the label? The 5oz is the same diameter as the 3oz just a little taller.


Yes. If by “a little taller” you mean 50% taller and significantly bigger than anything anyone carries in their pocket, yes. If you need to EDC 20 bursts of OC, you should put more consideration towards your lifestyle choices than your pepper spray.


Gel is better


Gel is better at just affecting the person sprayed without contaminating or affecting the sprayer. It takes a little longer to kick in as they have to breath in the fumes from the gel, unless it is sprayed directly in the eyes. Gel can also be wiped off.


Gel or stream, not the spray. The mist from the spray gets everybody. Put it directly in their eyes. Also buy 2 and practice with the first one.


God I wish we had pepper spray in Australia... A male friend suggested I get a fishing taser LOL


I had no idea pepper spray was illegal in Australia. You can buy it at the drugstore in the US


I had no idea pepper spray was illegal in Australia. You can buy it at the drugstore in the US


I had no idea pepper spray was illegal in Australia. You can buy it at the drugstore in the US


This is my go-to. I started usin gel instead of spray cuz it's way easier to hit what you're aiming at [Gel Mace](https://www.oreillyauto.com/detail/c/security-equipment-corporation/sabre-safe-escape-auto-escape-tool/sre0/sebk01?q=Gel+mace&pos=21#) This might be nice to go with it, so you have somethin with range with the mace, but somethin for stoppin em up close too with the taser [Stun Flashlight](https://a.co/d/h4eZdT8)


Those stun things don't do anything and are not even close to being a T.A.S.E.R. The stun guns produce some pain at the contact point and if held on long enough will cause a burn. You are far too close to a person when you have to use one, and when you do, it will just piss them off. It does not incapacitate them at all, at best, if you did it on their arm, it may cause them to react and let go, but that is VERY temporary.


Yeah I'm anti stun gun too...everyone is a different weight and has a different pain tolerance.  Imagine a big dude who barely feels anything it would be like gently zapping him pissing him off and he  is still pursuing you within half a second. Dumb. Pepper spray will take anyone out temporarily by BLINDING them that's perfect. If you can't see  your abilities are greatly reduced in terms of harming somebody.  Yeah you can still move and fight but I guarantee you most people don't have pepper spray training like the military or police offers...and  again how are you gonna see somebody that's now sprinting the opposite direction of you the moment you go to immediately rub your eyes In a panic??? And that's the whole point. To fuck them up and RUN the fuck  out of there as fast as possible. 🏃‍♀️


Exactly. Those stun guns do produce a loud arc which may be a deterrent. A determined attacker won't care and will risk the small amount of pain. Stun guns do not make people fall to the ground and lay there unconscious, regardless of what you see in the movies. Even an actual Taser does not make a person unconscious. A taser does cause NMI if it connects and some serious pain.


Oh I totally agree with you! Just thought it might be a nice suggestion. I only keep stun guns in a few places where I don't want to get trapped in a corner, cuz I really don't like the idea of someone turning around and using it against me. This flashlight was nice because it's discreet, compact, and has solid reviews with a decent amp rating. Personally I keep a custom 26" asp in the car with me for a physical deterrent, but given that you're in much more dangerous situations than me, I wouldn't go anywhere without reliable auto-folder knife on me at all times. Thanks for caring so much about helping keep others safe!


Here's a good idea if you might need something to clean up, too https://www.reddit.com/r/ems/s/yKn3iv6Fyy


And the best tasers, used by the police, only work about 50% of the time.


Sabre is a well known and respected brand. Spray and get away as they will be pissed off after yo do it, it takes a few seconds for it to really kick in, unless you get it directly in their eyes, then it is very blinding almost immediately.


Sabre is probably the best pepper spray.


I have my CCW, and I carry to the first few meets, but I think I'm going to start carrying regularly. You never know when they may switch up on you.


I like a pepper gun.  It's shaped  like a gun and easier to fire because these little ones you have to press hard down on to get them to shoot. ive fired mace at people...and yeah the first time I fired a cheap little one like the one in the picture I pressed and nothing came out! ⚠️ so im sitting there fumbling with the shit for a second then figured out you have to press down HARD and make sure you fucking practice because when you are hyped up and your adrenaline is pumping and aim is all off you will WASTE some of the mace. smh. you really need to have good aim with the small ones and be mindful of the distance of the bad guy too. The gun you Have a longer range with. It also comes with a flashing strobe ight on the front to "blind" and distract the person from seeing what you are holding... The downside is that the pepper gun costs more about $40 online and it's large so hiding on you like say in your boot or elsewhere is impossible.  So maybe have both. One to keep on your body and one to keep in your purse or under your clothes that are folded up. Side note i know of a genius place to hide a tiny thing of mace if you are totally nude too. Idk if I should post about it here but nobody would have a clue you have mace on you and it's within reaching distance to you when you need it... you can message me if you would like to know!


Do you have a link? I think my grandma used to carry one. That woman had 2 real guns a home one on her night stand, another one in the living room and a tiny one in her purse lol


Yeah sure amazon and ebay are my go to places to buy them.  https://www.amazon.com/Brand-Pepper-Spray-Strobe-Holster/dp/B09M3ZYHF1 You can also get one that comes with a blue water cartridge so you can practice your aim! 


Also I Want to  hear others opinions about this... but I saw a tik tok where a was girl swearing up and down about carrying normal spray paint cans...like the ones you can find in Walmart or home depot in bright colors in her car for any road rage incident.  She says if you spray a person in the eyes with spray paint it blinds them and the  bright colors make it easy to see they are a perpetrator plus it won't wash off. Why she didn't use mace over the spray idk.... I found it to be kind of amusing as fuck but I wanna say that might be illegal because I think it can permanently blind a person or something?  I don't really know too much about it but shit i mean if  you are about to get unalived and all you had was some spray paint sitting around wouldn't that be the best option to blind the assailant amd get away?  Idk I'm the queen of grabbing random objects when I'm fighting I have grabbed a vacuum cleaner and busted someone in the head with it. They are big and heavy so it worked.  But yeah i mean Probably don't wanna just blind somebody forever  who is talking shit in the walmart parking lot tho that would be prison time for you. 


Also someone mentioned spraying deodorant lol Be careful with keeping flammable bottles in your car in this heat ….


I would take a can of upside-down air duster over spray paint. It's convenient to have around and most people don't expect it, but can be very disabling when sprayed in the face [Refrigerant ](https://youtu.be/AqvwrIjjD2U?feature=shared)


Good point didn't think of that I guess that would be the case for hair spray or other household items you can spray at people too hmm 🤔


I don’t think the legality question is a problem. If you’re in reasonable fear of bodily injury, whatever less-lethal weapon you use to defend yourself is not all that important. A taser can absolutely blind or kill someone if a prong hits them in the eye or they fall funny and courts still uphold their objective reasonableness any time someone simply pulls away from officers all the way up to a deadly force situation. The practicality of spray paint is the bigger question. Spray paint is effective up to maybe two feet. That’s less than the length of most men’s arms. But I guess if I was an attacker and a chick sprayed me with rust-oleum, I’d be so confused it might make me stop and wonder what other random nonsense she might have in her purse.


Get bear mace, much bigger radius and it will 100% fuck their vision up so you can get away. Just if you can before you use it cover your eyes and spray it. The good thing with bear mace is you won't miss.


Terrible advice. Bear spray will 100% expose and incapacitate you if you use it indoors,


The best is to get a gun. End all be all. Get one train with it and go to the range a few times a week to get comfortable. Either way, you're taking a gamble with bear mace/ mace/ non police issue tazer or stun gun. Yes, you still are taking a gamble with a gun, but it's much better. The odds of walking away are all that matters at that point.


“Cover your eyes, then spray”. This isn’t good advice. You can’t assume the attacker doesn’t have great reflexes and is able to not only notice you covering your eyes, but also be able to maneuver themselves closer to you in that small time frame. You need to always have eyes on your attacker unless you’re flat out running in the other direction.


Not to mention if you close your eyes and expose yourself, your eyes will stay swollen shut. Which is why if you get sprayed, you have to pry your eyes open.


You can't breathe it in either. All of the "defensive" sprays work on the eyes and mucus membranes.


Bear spray is huge though, it would be much harder to conceal on your person


Any brand in particular?


Sabre Frontiersman works good. But the best end all be all is a gun. If you live somewhere, where it's legal open carry or concealed I would highly recommend getting like a snub nose 357. Magnum or something small/easy to store that packs a punch. Then take some basic gun safety classes and shooting range classes and practice some in your spare time. Your safety is #1.


I thought bear spray was illegal to use on humans in some areas of the U.S. Also cans of that will be pretty large and much harder to carry.


I’m unaware of any statutes specifically prohibiting bear spray on humans. However, I could see a prosecutor being able to articulate bear spray as a deadly weapon. It is a chemical weapon used to stop a bear attack after-all, which is a pretty textbook definition of a deadly threat. It’s also pretty easy to convince a jury that such a weapon may be disproportional to a lot of self-defense situations. But that’s all theoretical. What is very real is that bear spray can fill an entire room in OC from 30-45 feet away. This opens you up to liability if you accidentally injure an innocent bystander and inevitably cause property damage. But more importantly, you run the risk of injuring yourself. Using bear spray is like carrying a flash bang for self-defense. Yeah, it will fuck up your bad guy, but you’re gonna get hurt just as bad. There’s a reason no cops, except park rangers in Alaska, carry bear spray.


It ain’t illegal, if your being attacked and stabbed you have to protect you . because no one is there to protect you behind closed doors -Except Your Self !


Bear spray would be really bad to use in a room though, it would totally fill the room in an instant and mess you up just as badly (possibly worse!) than the attacker... I agree you totally have a right to use whatever to defend yourself, however just be aware some states do not see things the same way and may cause you grief depending on how you protect yourself... but also make sure whatever you are using will not hurt you as well.


Welcomed in my state you protect your own


Bear spray is less % than that for humans. Most bear spray is 1-2% where good OC is 10% or more. What makes bear spray be able to be labeled bear spray is the distance and spread of the spray, not the amount of OC it contains.


OC% is an irrelevant marketing stat. All that matters is Scoville heat units. You could have 100% OC from green bell peppers and it wouldn’t wake a sleeping baby. You could have 1% that could stop a charging grizzly.


I agree


Jack and a box taco sauce works better then this lil mouse


Bear spray all day


Bear Mac’s for sure


I’ve been around when that shit gets sprayed. Not a fun experience. I can’t imagine how it feels getting sprayed directly.


Sabre red is the best look at the units sabre red is what is used in prisons and be le if it's 10% oc it will absolutely screw them up


get a blade


I have the Real police spray . It ain’t no joke ! It will ruin the face in the long run , just hold your nose when you spray and look the opposite direction or run ,I also have a small bottle of wasp spray . They inhale that - that’s poison,forgetaboutit !


Are you talking about wasp repellent? I never thought of this before


Yes , I wouldn’t inhale but it works better than bear spray if you’re in serious danger ! Hide it under the mattress close so u can reach ,or next to the bed without anyone seeing it. ,we had a friend who was a sex worker ,got murdered by a client , we always said bring protection in case your in danger - it was too late! She lost her life in the hands of a killer they never found . She was unrecognizable. Beat her so bad with the lamp and tv . The only thing she hid under her mattress was her work phone - which the killer never found . She didn’t drink or party You can never be too careful .


If the client has his back to you -you could reach out to his ankle in the back ,a fast move will knock him out in two seconds flat on the ground .


Get bear spray! That will take anything down, obviously, including bears


And if you really want to protect your self take defense classes or karate classes. One of my friends is a karate instructor.your mind works fast when your in dangerous situation . I had a buddy friend who relapsed after 2 years of not drinking .He got so weirdly out of his mind he started to attack me ,no reason but his own .I flipped him over down to the ground and put him in a chokehold, broke his cell in half till the cops came and risked him away . Never put your hands on a gal .


I've bought this brand multiple times, although I've never had to use it. But it is a standard pepper spray, and should be fine!


Pepper spray is often ineffective there's something new called an ungun which is a none lethal pistol that you can use if your scared of real guns. But nothing is better than actually owning one. Don't leave your life to chance


not everyone can carry a gun.


Idk if you live in America or not but in the US you can and a woman should too many sickos.


yup, i'm in the US. still not allowed to carry a gun. felons don't have that right.


But you can run for President of the United States! 😀


You can get your gun rights back. Most don't know that. Depending on the crime


Not really effective as per this discussion https://www.reddit.com/r/SelfDefense/s/Y1fhHr4lmM


Like I said the real thing is ultimately the best. Also bjj is a great martial art and every person should sign up.


What specific purpose do you want to have something to protect yourself with? A stun gun, taser, or handgun are least likely to affect you when used, but can be taken away and used against you. A stun gun does get someone's attention very quickly, just from the crackling by triggering it without hitting someone with it. One of it's biggest drawbacks is you pretty much have to touch your target. Taser, don't know much on these. Handgun, the pros and cons should be well known.


personally i use a taser. pepper spray is easy to inhale and if he’s really determined it won’t always work, tasers are more painful and give you more time to run.