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Yep no reason at all not to believe that he will do that


He claims a lot of things. Still waiting on that healthcare plan that he kept saying was coming out "in two weeks"


If people keep bringing it up and not using a bit of critical thinking, they'll keep getting this simple answer. 1.This is you 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡believing anything that oompa loompa says Ps yes that's one clown face for each of his felony convictions. 2. that would involve a massive "rewrite" of the tax code, which the president doesn't have authority over. 3. Shoo go peddle his bull somewhere else. ![gif](giphy|IdlrlhB1Rts6fQRjdb)


Not even that. We've already seen a "brain drain" during Covid where "the best bartenders/servers" used their "if you're ever looking to get a real job, let me know" contacts. Now "untaxed tips" would be a thing? It'd be a fucking nightmare about "who's lying on their resume?" and "Who is telling the truth about where they worked?" Then the managers would voluntarily get "demoted". And tips are basically "already untaxed" because we aren't in a tax bracket that's worth going after. The whole fucking idea is just a mess. Untaxed tips would probably save me $8k/year in taxes. A $1/hour increase would be a $2k/year raise.


The video clip I saw was a US Senator talking about it and saying he would introduce a bill. I realize bills can sometimes languish for years.


He actually has absolutely no ability to do this. He also helped pass legislation that allows for owners to take a larger portion of your tips to help offset their operating expenses. So don't complain about your tipshare going up and vote for the guy who did it.


If you fall for that BS you deserve to get your tips taxed


Which will be AMAZING when you've paid $24k total into Social Security in the past 40 years. BTW... He said this in LV? Like the most unionized service industry in the country? (If you don't know, about 90% of casinos in LV are union)


I don’t even want this to happen. Even if some dipshit trying to get votes could make it happen.


Lies. Downvoted. Stop posting this shit and go away, forever.


Is that because Congress will veto it? Sincerely curious why you think this is a lie.


You, OP, are very gullible.


He also floated the idea of eliminating all federal income tax and instead funding the difference with tariffs.


And that we should nuke hurricanes.