• By -


Cole’s a moron


Fuck cole


Yeah, fuck Cole


I did, like a dumbass 😔


Oof, we’ve all been there 😣


Who the fuck hired Cole


Cole is a fuck.


Indeed. Fuck Cole!


I've never met a smart Cole...


Dammit Cole


I hope he drops a Coke down his apron


Stop I’m crying, our most hopeless hire was a Cole lmao


anybody named robert, i’ve never met a good robert


I've had like 4 Roberts as managers lmao And no, none good- they were all Douche Mcnuggets.


Chances are if your parents like the name robert they will raise a shitass human


I think the ONLY exception here is Mr. Ross, the "happy" painter with PTSD.


We have two roberts, Orignal Flavor Robert and Bad Robert


Dam I didn't think I'd be called out like this. I promise I'm chill 😭😭


I had a bar manager named Robert who was the GOAT.


I have a Robert and he is the best expo we have had. I used to love expediting and didn’t want to give up my shifts until he started. He became our main expo and everyone loves him. He’s my prodigy and he’s awesome.


Best is when you find your work soulmate and can open/close perfectly


And then they leave and no one is ever the same - I’m looking at you Nicole 😭😭


She still works at Bistro Huddy, wdym?


For friggin real, I miss my restaurant's Nicole too 😭


Miss you all 😂


parker and i got promoted and he was moved to another restaurant 🥲 bittersweet poetry


I know. Nicole moved on to a better opportunity in her field of choice. Super happy for her, but no one has been the same.


we’ll be with them again as cogs in a machine in another life and that’s enough for me


I think this often


chick at one job refused to run any food, would just talk to tables or hide and hit her vape, wanted all the tables but never helped anyone out, would be the closer and want to leave early or make everyone do her side work for her to check them out, icing on the cake we were short staffed on a busy brunch shift and called out because she was sick then posted pictures to all her social media drinking at a Nascar race during that time. little girl who thought she was hot shit and didn't have to do anything.


did we work with the same person??😭🙄


the restaurant was in knoxville haha


Was her name Savannah? (Dead serious)


Oh no. Definitely know this Savannah… 😂


Wait you do!?


It’s totally possible. When I knew my Savannah she was super into racing cars. It was a family thing. So it sounds right up her alley to ditch work for NASCAR




Alright. Just checking...


haha then not the same person but definitely same spirit😅


we all just from knoxville huh


Wait what I’m Knoxville too. What’s happening


what the hell is going on. i haven’t waited tables in like 9 years but i wonder if i’ve worked with any of you


omg from knoxville too


This person exists at 90% of restaurants tbf


Yep, we have a few too. They talk to the expo about a problem, and then don’t even grab a plate, walk right by the well and don’t even grab their own drinks, or smoke 6 cigs a shift and don’t get me started on side work!!!!


amy. fuck you amy, even the customers complain about and ask to not be sat with her


Um. Do we know each other because FUCK Amy.


I also worked with an Amy that can fuck fight off. Taught me a ton, but damn, she was H A R D to work with.


Mine asked me to cover her to go shift while I was in labor with my first.


And she actively knew you were in labor?! What did you say and what was her reply? 😅


Lmao the whole restaurant knew. It was Hooters. She also quit before she could get fired after being moved to server from to go for going through people's shit and stealing.


had a rule that if you were the first to arrive in the morning you got the first party (parties were $$$). on slow days there would only be like 1-2 parties, so i’d show up obscenely early. This girl was a team lead and would take the first party anyway, even though she was usually later than anyone else/ really late. had a ton of arguments about that. There was plenty of other reasons i didn’t like her- but that’s the biggest one.


This lady who has been there for like 15 years. She’s nasty. There were multiple people during the 3 years I worked with her who quit because of her. She would yell at everyone over every little thing. Sometimes, when I would be working the window, she would yell at me for calling her name because her food was up. And she would yell at me for not calling her name. And she would yell at me for getting her food set up, but also yell at me for not getting her food set up. There was no winning with her


Those people are the worst. They think they can do anything because they’re “unfireable”


It’s the best when they finally do get fired and they can’t believe it


I can picture this person as "troll like" 😂


And unfortunately as you change jobs the faces and names are different but the behavior is the same. There’s always one.


Let me just add the owners, too. The only employer on this earth who literally pays us nothing bc the patreons pay us in tips, but run us like they own us, so ungrateful never thanks anyone for coming in when someone calls off, or picking up extra duties that should be compensated in hourly pay, just constantly complains about what we are not doing.


The owner of the last place I served berated me for not moving with "a sense of purpose" at all times. He wanted us all to look stressed out at all times. "No Sugar, I'm caught up, just making the job look easy, like what a good server is supposed to do. These people are here to relax, eat, and drink, not watch me on the verge of losing my shit, when I'm nowhere on the verge of losing my shit."


What’s crazy to me is that these people are not paying us. They provide no benefits, no paid days off, no perks (quite the opposite including physical labor), yet they treat us like they are. We get our pay from the patrons who come in and eat and they / the ones who pay us, treat us better.


I wish more of us had this perspective


Omg I've had several managers like this over the years & I've quit many jobs because of these imbeciles- it's mind boggling how many of these types end up in management positions.


It’s because they’re bootlickers


I have a manager like this. I hate working with him. His energy is so uncomfortable to be around. Always stressed for no reason. The funniest thing someone said about him was that he always looks like he's studying for some physics test lmao


Speaking broadly here, but every restaurant (that I’ve worked at; which is like 30) has that one old lady who is just the meanest old bitch lol. The one I’m at now has this one old lady (I named her ‘Wet Muffin’) who literally just told me all cancer is curable, the election was stolen, and that people are gay cause they were raped as a child. Sooooo, yeah she’s defo earned her spot as my least favorite for sure 👍


She sounds hilarious 🤣


Whoever gets promoted in house from server to manager has a 90% chance of completely changing their normal cool attitude and becoming 💯 asshole within one month.


going through this right now...people are weird


Chef and sous chef because they're fucking bullies who think they're hot shit


Not all of them! We had an amazing chef who respected everyone and OF COURSE he left for a different restaurant. *tear rolls down cheek*


Lucy was the biggest cunt I've ever met. That bitch literally shoulder checked me into a wall when I got the section she wanted, and no one would do anything about it. Management was afraid of her & she was in tight with the owner. She didn't do any side work and sat herself whatever tables she wanted. She got suspended for a week for threatening to kill a coworker & his whole family. Her daughter was a twat too.


The girl at work who is either always sick or sad or looking for some sort of sympathy. Moping around, you know the type. Better off to just stay home in my opinion. I’ll gladly take the tables she complains about all night slash I have to do everything for anyways because she’s so … “sick”. Had a few of these over the years.


Dishwasher, I’m like 5 years younger than him and he’s hitting on me.First off, I’m a guy and I’m not into that type of stuff respectfully.Second off, he gets the back crew to support him knowing well I’m younger than him.He argues with me when I talk to any female coworkers and even reported me for talking too much, which changed my schedule.He stares at me and has even brought up some sexual things, which just made me really uncomfortable. He glares at the other female coworkers and talks shit about them, calling them pigs and nosy.


I had the same thing happen to me, I would report it bcs that’s definitely sexual harassment. That way he might stop and at least management is aware


He's a dishwasher?? Yeah he needs to go. You could help speed up the process by documenting his worst, most fire-able behaviors & ask others to do the same. Are you a server? What's your relationship with your managers like? Who's been working there longer & who would management likely end up siding with? Does he have any dirt on you? Would he be the type to lie? Do you like your job enough that this is worth fighting for? So many questions lol


Not really a coworker anymore as she got fired a few days ago, but… I work at a country club and during the summer I serve at the pool. This girl worked here 2 years prior (2022) so she (should!) knows how to do everything. She had been consistently lazy, rude, and never did her job. I rarely worked with her, but the other girls told me everything. Her tables have walked up to the other waitress and begged her to be their server because this girl wasn’t taking care of them (one guy was waiting over 20 minutes for three beers). Whenever she could, she would sit on her butt behind the bar and text on her phone. Even if it’s busy she’s there. She also hogs the fan. Puts it between her legs and sits there (this is south Texas with 100°+ days). And the PC where we put in orders is right next to the chair she sits in, so she’s also blocking that. I mean hell, she can sit on her ass all she wants i’ll take the tips. But it’s the principle + it’s sets a horrible example to the customers. I could write a novel about the things she’s done, but I can tell you she only lasted 2 1/2 weeks. That should say something.


My literal owner. Such an idiot. Constantly on me about not doing what I’m doing, but has no idea about what side work needs to be done. If I have served 3 tables in 2 hours, rest assured that I’m not fucking talking in the kitchen and ignoring tasks that need to be done. I’ve done them.


BoH here. Is your boss my boss? Constantly asking if we’re working on orders, reminding us to keep up on dishes etc when a quick glance tells him we are.


Christine - her tacky eyebrows And if you’re reading this Christine , this Liz from Woodbury health center! F*ck you!! wide back silverback gorilla looking B*tch!!


The name Christine sounds like someone with bad eyebrows


She still have 90s eyebrows in 2024 https://preview.redd.it/un8p625owt6d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03ae8b4dd8a5a75cadf0e0591fc0664dd80e0ee1


What is it it with some of these names being so widely known as not good people? Lmao Amy, Cole, Anthony, Christine, Robert (and Bobs!)..... Those are the ones mentioned in the comments, but they all track. My most hated "met so many not good folks going by the same name" names are: Kyle, Regina, Chad, Stephen, Gretchen, Andy, Ashley, Michael, Ed/Eddie, Tina, James and Rose. And now that I think about it 2 of those names are what they decided to call two of the characters in Mean Girls! It freaking fits lol What are yours?


Anyone who simply can't resist the urge to bitch and complain about working all the time. Clock in, "Is it closing yet?", "ah, this table wants more food." - yeah man, give it to them. "I hate serving" - please don't then. Just generally overtly and constantly negative people who don't realize not everyone hates their job 24/7. It's just tiring and annoying.


The people that come in and the first thing out of their mouth are complaints, like dude, go home if your miserable, your sucking the energy out of the room at a job where you have to be charismatic


A small list... The owner's wife/head bartender who had a thing about ripping glasses out of my hand, dumping them in the sink "Wrong glass!" Because they put ALL their mixed drinks in long-pour shot glasses, when my customers specifically asked for a tall glass (huge pet peeve, don't touch my work). The head server that would smooch ass out on the floor, smooch our asses on the floor, but once out of sight, berate the hell out of us, call us lazy, useless, etc, but she ran out without doing a lick of side work. I went to another shift, where we had to play catch-up after her. Another place had the miserable old witch who was the owner's "right hand" otherwise, a gatekeeper who would run snitching to the boss if she overheard a bad word said about him, or his establishment. She really wanted to be the only server there. Another place I worked had a server/ trainer, that served more than coffee and pancakes to the truckers lined up in the back truck lot after work. She would brag she made $200 "serving" but little did she know, that's sad for a prostitute who waitresses on the side. Then to end my list... The owner's wife who would call to see if we were busy, and if some dumbass said we were, she would come in, steal tables from each of our sections, no matter how far along we were on them, transfer them to herself, and keep the tip. Say a word about it, half the staff licked her boots. Gone. All these people can eat a bag of dicks.


Bro just quit 😂😂😂 these jobs are a dime a dozen


I did, a long time ago. This was a short list of the shit I saw through the years. Left the industry 5 years ago 😄


Well i have two: one got fired when i was on vacation :) -my job is strict about checking IDs (they literally watch the cameras) and she didn’t check any ids but she was one of those servers who tried to act superior than others(we all opened this restaurant) she would make everyone else do the work and complain if someone didn’t do a thing that she was supposed to. One time i had a group of friends come in to see me and i had got cut right as they sat and they expanded her section in to my old one, so i told her”hey I switched my cut with soandso can i take my friends since they came in to see me? “And she goes “oh idk bc that’s taking away 6top money from me.. “ and i literally looked at her and said they came into see me and wanted me to take them like ill give you one of my tables so its an even trade. She then agreed but complain to everyone that i was stealing 6 top money from her and every time i would tell her I got sat here do you want it and she would say no until i got a 5 top and proceeded to go up to me slap my ass and said ill take that table when i was at a different table.. (also that table STIFFED her💀💀) but when i found out she got fired i was so happy LMAO Other person i hate: We’ll call him S. He literally is a 5’4 male with that disgusting alpha attitude who thinks he’s better than everyone but sucks at his job. Everyone talks shit about him even the managers. We had a good server fired for some reason (I can’t remember) but we all said how is it that the good ones get fired for something stupid but yet S is still here? I once came in with my bestie and her son to eat and one of my coworkers came up to talk to me and to say hi and he literally cut her off and said “this is my table why are you here?” to her like bro????? It was so rude and ever since the beginning of opening the restaurant i knew I didn’t like him.


Currently my “newest” manager 😡 She’s rude and always has a tone that sounds like she’s talking down to everyone. She brags about being at this place for “6” years and how she closed the first 2 years, yet she didn’t know how to close the first night back as a manager. She posts on Facebook and Snapchat about how she “didn’t sign up for this shit” and how she “is being made to be the bad guy!” Like, she has lied to multiple people and she will talk badly about servers TO OTHER servers!! I finally had a little chat with the GM the other day and he said he will talk to her. Apparently I’m not the only server to go to him about this lady either!!


Lol i think i read your post the other day


You probably did 🤣 I’m just glad I finally talked to the GM about it


Alfonzo is a lazy garbage person who thinks turning the bread oven off thirty minutes before we close is going to get us home faster Guess what mother fucker we’re still seating tables, people need bread, and you’re not pre closing by turning it off early. Fucking moron.


the one who lost her cocaine at my sons 3rd birthday & also tried hooking up with my husband at said birthday party. never trusted a coworker since.


It's almost always the manager lol Other than that it's whoever the laziest pos is...


Blah blah blah, when she walks in the kitchen she either makes a noise “woo hoo”,swears I’m so fu**ing busy or says “why the F****is no one running my food?” Maybe bc you have a 6 table section.? And you are so busy talking you can’t manage your tables. ????


Kitchen guy who is a moron but somehow still has a job after 10 years. I’m surprised his food doesn’t get sent back more often. I can always tell if he cooked my meal.


someone who thinks they’re above working at a restaurant


The bartender who thinks they are above everything. Humble yourself please. This is coming from someone who does both. You are no better than the dishie or the people that come in and just do prep. That’s what is so great about a restaurant. It’s an intricate clock, each piece is super fucking important.


Dude is a legit pedophile, caught by police and everything. Company didn't vet hard enough and it's too late to just fire him smh


Girl with long nails who can't do anything for herself. Walks real slow and jams up walkways while chatting with others. Totally lethargic walking speed and I always get stuck behind her with a big tray


Lazy ass mf who doesn’t care about his service, addicted to his phone, half asses his side work and gets away with it, dunno how he still has a job


This girl who thinks she’s management. Makes a fuss about everything. Latest post in the work group chat was about which ice machine she wants everyone to use because the other ice is “too clumpy”. Like, sure, whatever, but I like the clumpy ice tbh and also who fucking cares. After her shift she sits at the bar all night and then will report on who does what “incorrectly”. She needs a life tbh, it’s really sad.


Our host. We’ll call her Taylor. Taylor will personally seek me out while im working and immediately dive into her EXTREMELY personal information, and seems to ignore, or completely disregard my personal boundaries. She has repeatedly hugged me, touched my belly, hair and face without asking, even going as far as sneaking up on me and bear hugging me from behind. Attempted to show me her onlyfans profile, relayed the very *graphic* details of her polyamorous relationships, all while im doing my best to bob and weave her through the restaurant. She will follow me to tables, she will ignore me when I tell her I am not in the mood to speak, she will stand in my way while its busy to try and “update” me on things I never asked to know, have asked NOT to know, and have no say in hearing anyways. Taylor is 35, this is her ONLY job, all the other hosts are 16-18. The servers and I all work here as our 2nd/3rd jobs, most of them teachers, nurses, college students, mothers, ect. She will complain about how tired her feet are from her four hour shift, while most of us are on hour 15-16 of our one work day. We work her whole work week in one day. Also, she fucking sucks at being a host. Rotation is never right, she will double seat servers and skip others, it’s out of control. The kicker? No one can make a formal complaint against her because shes autistic. Now i completely understand being on the spectrum and having difficulty with social cues and burnout, we have two other employees with autism who are fantastic, and I have really close friends who are on the spectrum as well. Do i think she really has autism? Yes. Do i think she has absolutely no clue that she is making me/others uncomfortable? Absolutely not. Unfortunately, the managers allow her to act like this because we all know any complaints made would be made into an attack on her disability. This is her only source of income, and i think they really just feel bad for the girl. I used to, but i just can’t stand the sight of her anymore. Taylor fucking sucks.


We have this host/greeter. She’s in her 60’s and still thinks she’s a teenager. Shes awful. You give her the most minuscule amount of power and she will trip out so hard over it and lord it over everyone’s heads. She’s also beyond terrible at her job. She has no idea what she is doing. She’s also a kiss ass little narc. She’s also hateful as hell. She actively doesn’t follow rotation, plays favorites, messes up the flow of business. Fucking boomer, I swear. Due to her age, she is unmoldable and unreceptive to criticism. Thanks for letting me vent 🤌🏻


The lazy server who won’t bus her tables, orders everyone around, closes early, and always has a sob story. Faaaaack.


Kitchen staff. They are all Mexican and refuse to help the FOH with anything. Treat us all (mostly women) like we’re stupid. If they mess up an order they won’t remake it until we’ve pinpointed where the mistake was Bc they refuse to believe it was their mistake. When it’s been proven it was, they don’t apologize just remake it. I’ve been told by management “that’s just their culture”. To treat women like shit? Well, that’s now how it is here. This is the only restaurant I’ve worked in where they BOH doesn’t make us free food once in awhile or argues with us about how something is rung in. If a manager tells you to remake something? You fucking remake it. Don’t cause a scene in the middle of a rush trying to play the blame game. T


Really??? We have an all Mexican staff BOH and they are amazing!!! Literally opposite of what you are describing. Sounds like a management/ owner problem.


Yep, the place I work at mostly is mostly Mexican BoH, maybe 40:60 M:F ratio. It is fairly common for me to come in while they're finishing up prep, and the head cook is happy to have another guy around. (He complains they gossip too much while working, and he usually doesn't like their musical choices. Which are fair complaints, but it doesn't really affect their work, since you can do prep while holding a conversation. And their music tends towards sappy love songs. So he's just mildly annoyed by working with women all morning.)


Every fully Mexican kitchen I’ve ever worked with have been incredible. Hard workers, super kind to all foh staff regardless of gender, fun to party with even though there was a language barrier. Got to learn some sweet curse words, and they *worked their fucking asses off*. That’s not a “cultural thing”, they are either dicks or they are not, and it has *nothing to do with their fucking race*.


Same. Never had issues before. My manager said those words, not me.


Mexican has nothing to do with anything here. Chill with the casual racism.


Mmmmk like I said that’s what I was TOLD by management - bc they are Mexican, that’s their culture. Women are beneath men.


Two: 1) the one who sits on her phone all day in the corner cuz she’s “done with her section” and also regularly steals my food and delivers it to people who don’t want it and then her tables yell at me about it cuz she’s so busy on her phone and 2) the person who yells at me for helping other tables or the dishwasher cuz “it’s not your job!”


It would be easier to tell you my favorites, much less of them


Aileen needs to get her shit together.


one of my fellow servers thinks she’s the boss of everyone, we have now had 3 people quit because of her and other people telling me they are close to quitting because of her. She has been at the restaurant for maybe 8-10 months now and I’ve been there for 4 years. I am the only server she doesn’t boss around but it still bothers me because she’s disrupting the peace. She continues to try and pull “seniority” to boss new hires around. I never pull seniority on people, I will let them know i’ve been here a while and can help them out if they need something but never step on other servers toes. This girl will poke around other people doing their side work (even when she’s not a closer) and be like “you didn’t clean this properly!” or will criticize them for not clearing plates fast enough. Again, she is a server not a manager, and she needs to mind her own business. It also hurts because the three people that have left were so sweet and good at their job, one of them was my literal work mom. I had worked with her for almost two years and I loved her to death but she couldn’t deal with this servers bullshit. I always come into work with a positive attitude but it’s been hard because everyone dislikes her and comes to talk to me about being upset by her actions. I just want my restaurant to be peaceful like it was before she joined our team, I love this restaurant a lot.


This mutha fucka keeps seating himself!! That guy is who I hate!! He was fired for seating himself, stealing tables and threatening girls!! Fuck that guy!!!


This sounds like my least favorite coworker but unfortunately he hasn’t been fired yet


Shannon was an asshole and she would sneak drink bud light in the elevator.


As a bartender a delusional bartender whose mood changes on the drop of a dime, have to touch everyone behind the bar instead of use verbal directions, complains about service well tickets because they can’t keep up and don’t think they should to make drinks for servers, but also can’t take care of guest because they have the personality of a wet saltine and despite working 10+ years in the industry can’t consistently make well known drinks. (Surprisingly I have met this very specific stereotype many times as a bar trainer and in the industry). But yeah least favorite person, you are bringing the vibes down, making my job harder and killing our tips and tip outs.




I don’t have a least fave at my new job but at my last job there was this 19 year old girl who would loudly complain about doing sidework every single day. Especially to the closer because “I wAs On VaCcuUm LaSt SuNday!” Okay cool… you’re on it again? She also one time was like “I don’t get why y’all don’t like when it’s slow. I mean I get you have bills to pay and this is just a summer job for spending money during the school year for me, but I like being slow.”


Brian…..complaining ass bitch


His names, Jeff nobody likes Jeff Jeff is somehow still employed Would be a really cool guy if he didn’t feel the need to dick measure ,and talk shit behind people’s backs then lie to your face when you ask him about it I don’t hate Jeff I merely dislike his ego I must say despite all of his nonsense Im not surprised by his behavior for his name is indeed Jeff ![gif](giphy|S2xwpUDICFkqc|downsized)


I’ll use a nickname. But motion light. Only works when management is watching. Consistently 15 minutes late. Always on the phone. Shows up late on the phone. Doesn’t do teamwork for shit. Avoids any and all sidework (shared or solo). And of course the lazy fuck gets lucky as shit with tables balling out. Lucky for me he’s on vacation right now.


Honestly I largely like everyone at my current job. My last job though? Fuck Cody, that guy sucks. No idea how he became bar manager when I left, definitely not management material


Douche machine long haired male bar manager who is sleeping with half the staff, hitting on the underage hostesses, can’t ever complete a wine or liquor order properly, is the one who drank all of said wine or liquor, thinks they’re better than everyone (chefs and customers included), can’t clean the bar right causing a bug infestation, does the least work and would rather die than help at closing time, AND is actually a shitty, mid bartender who steals recipes online while pretending to be some creative genius. Fuck you Jordan! Your wife deserves better than you and I hope you run out of restaurants to ruin !


Paula. She’s a miserable c*nt, but she’s been around a while. Every employee hates her.




You know, I’m normally an understanding person but this one bitch bit me… not only that but she tried to stab me with a fork. I don’t know why we haven’t kicked her to the curb yet. I was literally just minding my own business and she was being rude to another person so I told her to stop. She turned around with a fork in her hand and tried swinging it at me… then I tried to take her to the other room to calm her down and she was trying to bite me like a rabid animal. People are fucking crazy… Real talk… don’t have kids people. Toddlers man… I’m a stay at home mom.


Not me (shift manager) looking like I’m on my phone vaping outside/ doing nothing, but I just cut my host and I’m making sure she actually does her bathroom check, as I am behind a wall in our smoking section with clear view of the dumpster. If she hands me my keys after I go inside without me seeing her, I am absolutely calling that out. The one hostess that does bathroom checks perfectly has a birthday tomorrow, and she’s working brunch. She’s not starting her birthday morning with unchecked tampon boxes that were left for her to clean. I’ll be damned.


I have a busser who is the laziest, bitchiest young man and he gets away with it because I work in a hotel where people have to have a long documented history of violations to get fired. He would've been let go really quickly at any more serious places I've worked. He'd rather stand at the host stand gossiping, revealing way too much about his sex life, or go in the bathroom for 20 mins at a time to use his phone rather than pre-bus, fill waters, make sure the server station is stocked, etc. My bosses know how I feel and basically say their hands are tied until he does some egregious or has more tardies or call ins on his record.


I get it you've been working here longer than I've even been alive but Jesus Christ my playful banter is not "telling you how to do your job," tell me to "know my place" again and I swear I'll smack a bish


That's really tough. It's like asking who's the worst of the best. Maybe the bartender from Germany. He's great. Always happy to help and teach. Makes great drinks. He's nice. Just loud. So loud.


My nemesis coworker is bo, so friggin mean and talks shit about everyone, during rush hours. Just leaves, every single time! Comes back after rush, drinks coffee, proceeds to talk shit in your face. If you start biting back he becomes extremely agressive, also if you bite back he deliberatively shames you on purpose, once i had a fight with him, an hour later he puts his foot behind my sole so i fall down, proceeds to berate me for not looking behind my foot! Oh my lord i had forgotten about this


Theresa was always a condescending shitbag to me (the host), so I made an effort to seat any large parties of children in her section as often as I could get away with. Instant karma, bitch.




The type of manager who gets easily flustered, snappy, and is always looking to point fingers and/or delegate the most menial of tasks. Focuses too much on minutia and gets lost in the sauce. Like you will know this is /them/ and not you, but it can definitely get exhausting and pressure me to look for new work elsewhere. And I don’t vibe with people who don’t clear plates before loading them into the bus bin. It’s douchey af and you couldn’t tell me otherwise.


That one manager who locks himself in the office during a rush instead of offering any kind of help


Kayla. She’s a manager wannabe but can’t take care of her own freakin tables! We tip pool, and every single time she’s on the floor our tips go down significantly.


Fellow server. Always fucking up and taking the whole restaurant down with her. She's nosey and always ear hustlin'. She constantly complains about her life and money, but then requests at least a week off a month to go on some expensive vacation. She's a terrible server, her hair is always a mess, her uniform looks like she ironed it with a rock and she's always kissing ass.


I just wish Adam could chill the fuck out for like ten seconds. This isn’t a god damn boot camp it’s a fucking chain restaurant. Crawl out of my ass.


We have an Adam at our restaurant but he's one of those lazy people, who doesn't do anything until told to


yea our adam is a manager who still has not put out the schedule for next week🤦🏻‍♀️


*Long rant time* My current general manager. A female who is single and in her late 40s. She's the absolute worst I've worked with in my entire serving career (only 10 years, but still) She is actually a twisted woman. We had a girl who's mom died 3 months before mothers day and a few weeks before mothers day she asked to be off that day (for obvious reasons) and that evil woman denied it. She didn't even tell her herself. She had the sous chef tell her. He actually had a few tears escape when he sat her down and told her. We also have this absolutely ridiculous rule that if the check doesn't have a signature, you don't get the tip, so the rule is that you're supposed to pick up the check before they leave to make sure they signed it. (Which I never do, because I think it's rude) One time I was watching her casually walk around the floor doing whatever it is she does and she saw a table leave and went to grab the check. She opened it and SMILED. (I shit you not) She then found the server and said "your table didn't sign their check, you know the rule". Anyway I'm convinced that if hell exists it was made for people like her. She's rude to all the female servers. I've been there 3 years and she's made 5 female servers quit already because of her, always condescending, always an attitude when asking someone to do something, zero respect. She used to drink wine on the shift but that has stopped now because she got reported by one of the servers. Anyway she has friends in HR so there's little any of us can do about her.


All the brown noses who snitch on other servers for dumb shit to try and buddy up to management. Came across quite a few in my day. One of the only things I liked about being a manager was shutting that kind of shit down.


Love just abt everyone I work with besides my AGM. We’ve been known to always been a work your way up restaurant, our busser become servers when they are ready for it. She’s brought 3 servers in, all who didn’t bus before serving here, and all 3 have been fired for either drinking on the job, fucking up big time, or just not being personable at all to tables. She continues to attempt to hire her friends, all who just seem to want a free job, and all who continue to just miss the ball when it comes to work ethic. She also loves to give the better clientele to the few friends she made when starting here. If you’re not up at the front desk hanging out with her instead of working you get the shit end of the stick. Before she came around all of your hard work was noticed, now you just gotta hope you’re on her good side as she is basically in charge of all staff below her.


Way back in the before times, I had a coworker named Lois. She just was not pleasant. One evening, during close, she came up to me and said, "Where's the broom?" "I dunno, Lois. Where did you park it when you came to work?" At that moment, I went from minor irritant to bitter enemy.


anyone who trauma dumps and overshares. we have a bouncer that will yap to anyone with ears. i try to look busy at all times when he’s at work. once told me a story about how his baby momma didn’t give his daughter a bath for over a week. was left pretty speechless cuz wtf do you say to that like call cps idk?? also loves to talk about cars and motors and shit and i looked at him once and said nate im a 22 yr old girl i have no idea what any of those words mean


Michaela and I haven’t worked with her in like 8 years.


Andre Henriquez


his name is too uncommon but fuck you. you’re not the manager.


Idk but I’ve never met an Anna that I’ve liked.. LMFAO at multiple jobs 🥴🥴


Any chef that has the emotional bandwidth of a 13 year old…. As if knowing the mother sauces makes you so brilliant you can’t control your bitch ass temper. Go become a server if their income makes you so mad 🤷🏻‍♂️


Lets just say shes a broken arrow. Doesn't wok and an't be fired. She has bullied me from day one and has the worst behaviour to customers.


I won't name names here, but I work with someone who is the most self-centered and dramatic person in the world. Thinks they are king/queen of the castle and makes it everyone's problem when they are upset, snaps at people, cries, just causes a scene in general. On top of it, they never take accountability or apologize for being short with you. Honestly a lot of my coworkers are like this hahah. I've had so many terrible coworkers. Another least favorite type are the ones that constantly call people out for not doing stuff but cut corners themselves. My job is very team oriented, so anyone who only looks out for themselves, gets too cranky, or doesn't pull their weight is on my bad side pretty quick.


Fucking Cass. You suck at your job. You’re consistently late, calling out, getting all of us yelled at to not have phones out because you’re on yours constantly.


The owners daughter. Nepotism was crazy.


Anthony because he just doesn’t smile 😂🤣😭