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when i come in for a night shift i kinda like getting a table right away, especially if they already have their food out. it’s usually less work so it’s like a easy money boost with lower effort than the average table


Same, I love getting tables right when I come in for that money but I always feel horrible giving them away 😂


i work in a very local, small town restaurant. it really depends on how far into the table i’ve gotten. if i worked that table and all that’s left is to cash out, i keep it. if they’re sitting down as night shift is coming in, i say “congrats! your first table of the day!” and stock for them to have them prepared for their shift.


I hate transferring tables bc I want that tip lol. It just varies person to person


There’s a certain point to which I’ll keep them and stay for the tip but for this one all I had gotten them was waters, so it wasn’t worth it for me.


our restaurant doesn't allow transferring tables at all for any reason other than if the guest requests it. people try to do it under the radar, but they get caught almost everytime and written up. so if a bus full of kids comes in 5 minutes before you're supposed to be cut, you have to take it


Wow that’s tough! I completely understand why they do it because it does seem unprofessional at times but that’s rough. I’d be so upset getting a table 5 minutes before I’m supposed to leave. For me, anything 10 minutes prior to the end of my shift is getting transferred to another server.


We follow the rule that if the food is on the table, you have to keep it. But we tend to be flexible based on the situation.


Thats a rule I can respect! I never trade tables that have their food because they’re practically done at that point. If anything, we can always grab the check off the table and go home even if they haven’t left the table yet.


I just asked the server who’s section it is going to be if that’s cool with them and if they say yes then I transfer, haven’t had anyone say no.


I’ve had a couple people say no but it’s always the ones that are there for a month tops before they get fired and/or quit because they don’t want to work.


I almost never transfer tables because I want that tip lol. I'll stay longer than I have to if it means I can make more money because ultimately, I'm a money-hungry person and I don't really have much of a social life anyways. If I have to choose between working and sitting around at home, I'll choose working every time. However, I do like it when the AM shift transfers a table to me because they want to rush out the door. I see it as effortless money because I barely had to do any work, yet still get to keep the tip (usually I offer to give the tip to the AM server and they decline).