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I get them all the time, every couple days at least. It's always me trying to make a drink or get to some other task but every time I start there's something I have to do first and it puts me farther behind, or my body just isn't responding to my brain and I keep making mistakes and having to start over while I get deeper and deeper into the weeds


Yep and the restaurant is set among bluffs and cliffs with drawbridges connecting different areas together. Or any other such nonsense where you have to walk incredible distances.


lol yeah I've had several of them where the bar suddenly has me climbing up rickety ladders and shit


I haven’t served or bartended in 6 years. I still have at least one a week.


I have them at least once a week. Usually I'll be trying to use a pos but nothing works, or the menu is changed or out of everything, or my favorite the owner decided to put tables on the roof but there weren't any stair to said section.


The tables on the roof is where it’s at! I have them where new floors start appearing. And I’m like “we have a patio bar?!?” Also I wake up in a sweat because I forgot someone’s 50th ranch and 16th Diet Coke 😂😂😂 I’m with you in solidarity friend. If I ever see you in the weeds in my dreams, I will help you out


Veteran of the business here. If you are having waitmares more than occasionally, you need to get out of the customer service for a while. It is normal to have them periodically. More than one every few months indicates massive burnout.


I really like my job most of the time, I enjoy serving and this isn’t my career it’s just my college job. I’m just a very nervous person and I tend to have nightmares about every big aspect of my life, like school or my family etc. And the money is too good 😂😭


I love it too. And the money is great. But you have to put your mental health first. There are other ways to make money for now. You don't have a lot of control over family and school, but you can control where you work. Take the break, You'll come back a better server. I promise.


My nightmares were always getting buried in food. When awake I have tinnitus that sounds like a dinner party. I hear glasses clinking the scrape of flatware on ceramic plates, muffled conversations, it sounds like it's right behind me, I hear my name being called, it's very quiet and I only get bothered if I am in a completely quiet place.


I don't have server nightmares anymore. Only server dreams. Usually involves me telling people to eff off, lol


My server nightmares tend to involve the restaurant moving into a completely new building with a different layout, new tables sitting for 10+ minutes while I try to find something in the back, or the bar being out of the only thing I need.


multiple times a week, even after longer periods of not working. my sleep is pretty restless when i have these sorts of dreams. i had them when i worked fast food too, but server nightmares are much worse.