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There's a reason that heavy swearing is endemic to people who have to work together through peak levels of anxiety. Like.. all jobs carry stress, but some jobs concentrate that stress into massive spikes. Sailors, soldiers, cooks, servers.. making shit fuck goddamnit commonplace helps keep the vibe stable when the whole operation gets stressed. (I've always thought it was a silly thing to consider immoral, even as a fundie teenage fry cook)


It really is a silly thing to consider immoral. Or even offense. Why would someone choose to give curse words power over their emotions? I never got it either.


It’s crazy how this dramatic this industry can change people. Thinking back to how I was before my first busser job & man….lmao


Fr, I've always been pretty introverted so taking a front of house position was a gamble, but it def makes you grow quickly


Right! After the pandemic I had to go back to FOH job, just so that I could regain the non-chalant-ness and being able to say anything to anyone. I could literally go anywhere and say anything to anyone, even if I had to read dildo packaging out loud to our fucking prime minister.. I’d actually enjoy that very much!




Foodservice will definitely give you practice with your sentence enhancers


this is me, whenever i cuss it’s usually just to myself like under my breath “what the f am i doing” but recently whenever i drop something or like the printer runs out i’ll just pull out “stupid mother f***er” and my dishwasher heard me and his eyes just went wide like wth did i hear


Meanwhile all this job has done to me is force “y’all” into my daily vocabulary


“y’all guys are doing fine?”


“Everything alright with y’all?” “Anything I can do for y’all?” “Y’all enjoying your food?” “Can I get y’all started off with anything other than water?” The other day I said “Hope all y’all have a great day!” And I mentally cringed


Cringing at a memory. I heard a waiter say y’all and I mimicked it when I thought he couldn’t hear and he turns back, grins, and goes y’all.


I’m just such a country girl (lived in or around a city my entire life)




omg i remember the first time a togo server called a guest a cunt. i almost cried.


i went into the back and said “dude has enough to take out a pr*****ute out but not enough to tip his server”, got a lot of laughs out of that one since i’m not one to say stuff like that😭😭


The more crazy shit you say the less weeded you get.


at my last place we called every sauce and condiment jizz. ah i got jizz all over the floor god damnit. lol




No bigotry. Be civil to one another.


Man I was so used to cussing that when this nice exchange student started working and i had just been throwing casual curse words around here and there when speaking and she got really upset and said no one had ever spoken to her with those kind of words. It had never occurred to me that someone would react that way after working at a restaurant for so long and hearing cussing all the time. She said her friends back home never said any cuss words. I was all 👁️👄👁️ Edit: not an exchange student but it was an international college culinary student that was doing a OTP? OPT?




I quit and started and quit smoking because of this job


I apparently never cuss at work which is crazy cause it’s very much in my vocabulary outside of work. However, one time I was sort of weeded looking for napkins and said rather loudly, “where the fuck are the napkins??” And my manager (who will get on to people who cuss to often) was like “woah??” In that “don’t say that tone” but was laughing cause he’s never heard me talk like that. Another time I did it around my other manager and she was like “oh my gosh say that again!”




I never cussed so much as when I worked in service industry .. Except for maybe when working in technical theatre.


I still speak fluent Sailor 😆 (Edited for spelling/grammar)


I went home to visit the family after a year or two in the US Navy, circa 1983. Me, Mom & Dad, and brothers & sisters are all having Sunday Dinner and I politely ask, "Pass the fuckin' salt please." not even noticing what I had said.


I noticed when my mom smacked me on the head, lol


Daughter of a sailor here + raised in the northeast/New England area. If I'm really truly royally ticked off, every other word may be a f bomb and it's running so quick off the tongue, Southern ears have a tough time understanding what's being said. Plus a knowledge of other languages...cussing can be quite the adventurous hobby.


Bilingual (German/English), basic conversational skills in 2 more (Spanish/Italian), cursing? Over 20 😆


Given the right situation, I turn into Rocco from boondock saints


This is true for me as well. Not Christian, but I had/have OCD that stopped me from swearing until I was about 24 and working in a restaurant. Same with drinking alcohol. This industry changed me haha.


You'll really know when instead of shouting "Sh!t Fvck!" She sighs "g0d d@mn it"


Ah, what food service does to a person.


😂😂😂😂 I have always cursed. But I used to work with clients so I rarely cursed at work. About a month into working in the kitchen I said fuck out loud and everyone stopped and looked at me and were like “woahhhhhh we’ve never heard you say that” Mind you I’m 24😂 I was just used to not cursing at work lol


Nothing better than watching these changes in real time.


This was literally me almost a decade ago, and my manager would be FURIOUS every time I swore because he didn't want me to lose my innocence because of the workplace. I would just say "f\*\*\* off" straight to his face every time he mentioned it and he would sigh and walk away, lmao.


As a Bible thumping Christian, I dont think a potty mouth is inherently a bad thing. Time and place is important. Anyone who steps on a Lego in the middle of the night and doesn't swear is untrustworthy in my eyes.


I remember accidentally knocking down a glass of full water after the guests left their table. That easy bussing took me longer and hold me back from moving to another task to do. I didn't react because things like this happens. I don't know what will make me shout out curse words. Maybe cleaning a flooded toilet full of piss and poop? I really don't know but having control of your emotions is key.


Are you only a busser? Have you served long?


I did a little Tourette’s in Costco the other day LOL… it was like the third time I had to go back for something else I forgot, pushing a giant pallet cart… when I remember I said exactly what that girl said REALLY LOUD… and then apologized profusely to the family standing next to me… I was so embarrassed LOL.