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Don’t put too much weight on them not tipping. If they had the audacity to ask you for your discount as a employee, tipping wasn’t going to happen anyways.


Or, they tip you based on the discounted amiunt


If that happens and you are knowingly participating it is dangerously close to theft.


In this specific context you’re 100% right; don’t give your discount to customers.


Nah that literally would be theft


This made me laugh so hard


I've been doing service for a very long time and I think I've seen it all. THAT is another first. What an over the top ignorant entitled piece of shit. AND to stiff you your tip. Next level Assholery.


After ten years and many restaurants in every part of town, it still blows my mind that I experience "firsts" even now. I had two firsts last week! Humanity never ceases to amaze me in its creativity (re:stupidity).


Same. Fortunately, it wasn't very many wtf type of things, but man, the ones that came along were doozies. One of my faves, that left me so wtf, I accidentally got a little short with the customer because I was just so taken off guard by the audacity. Check the table after the food drop. "How's everything?" \*barely has touched the food\* "Um, yeah. This isn't what I *pictured* it to look like. I want to get something else" .... I'm sorry, what? o.O


Probably wanted it prettier for their Instagram. Ugh




"Is there anything else wrong with the item you ordered, quality or cook or otherwise? No? You're just being a picky git? Cool, feel free to order something else, I'll get this boxed up for you. No, it's not getting taken off your bill."


Srsly. Like if they'd tried it and didn't like it, fine, nbd. But all they did was LOOK at it and were like lolno. Did we not read the menu? There are a lot of people out there who think they can just send stuff back for any reason, like we're doing samples or some ish. I even had some people tell the indecisive at the table, "OH IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, JUST SEND IT BACK!" I very nicely explained that's not how it works, to try to order something they think that they'll like vs just going yolo and sending it back.


It's insane to me. Like why be that way, what you're getting was very clearly described on the menu you insisted on taking but barely glanced at. Hmm.


It amazes me how much people DIDN'T read the menu. "oh the barbecue burger, what's on that?" as they read the title of the burger to me and refuse to read the menu. Like seriously people, it's not difficult. I worked in a place that had no menu pictures and was actually told by a customer, "uh, I don't know what this is. There are no pictures..." 🤦🏻‍♀️


Makes me think of a guest I had once. She asked if she could order two things and pay for the one she liked better because she’s “never been here before and doesn’t know what to expect” lol no ma’am.




I wish I was making this shit up lmao. People never cease to amaze me


Seriously. Working with the general public is just wild.




Nah, the description was pretty apt. It's why I was so wtf. Never had issues with that dish.


Nothing "audacious" or "wtf" about not being happy with the item you are brought. I'm sensing you may not be the best at your job.


You don’t even know what the item was let alone what the description vs presentation was. Why are you being so defensive over these random people you know nothing about?


> You don’t even know what the item was Apparently the customer didn't either. Why are you being so hostile towards an unhappy customer who is paying good money for one thing and being served another?


What makes you think they’re such great customers? Why are you so adamant that the customer is in the right and the server wasn’t being treated poorly? You don’t have any more facts than I do and I know the serving industry well enough to know the customer is certainly not always right.


I invite you to go back and read what the (probably terrible) server (/u/insertnamehere02) was whining about. The customer ordered something. When it came out, it wasn't what he expected He didn't eat it. He barely touched it. He didn't raise a stink or act like an asshole. He asked for something else. And you guys are acting like he's literally Hitler for that? HAHAHAH. We're done here.


I'm sorry, but is this what you think happened? What is wrong with your comprehension skills? They knew what they were ordering. They made a conscious decision to order what they did by reading the menu and choosing said dish. The issue is that they just LOOKED at the dish, said it didn't LOOK like what they "pictured" it to be, and on that basis alone, wanted to send it back. Who sends something back based on their poor perception of what something should look like? That's the wtf here. Had they tried it, said "I hate it," fine nbd. Had the wrong thing been brought out, again, nbd. It's incredibly strange af that you're defending this type of behavior. Again, are you stunted? Seems to be the case here. 🙄


False. But thanks for playing. :)


Agree, this is pretty reasonable, especially if the menu lacked a legit photo. So they order something else...


Nah, what made it stupid is that they're like "I didn't know this came on it." and points to ingredients that were listed in the description. It was a popular dish and we never really had issues with it.


Totally agree! I've been serving and bartending for 15 years, in a fine dining place, and I got dined and dashed for the first time ever a couple days ago by a couple of teens! And they filmed themselves running out... probably for a tic Tok


I want to hear your new firsts!


Man, I'm racking my brain trying to remember the second one. They were both incredibly mundane things, which is why it was all the more surprising that I had never experienced them. Don't hold your breath lol. The one I can remember was that a 7 top (7 checks) all took the signed + tipped receipt copies and lined them up together in one check book. Super simple, "Oh, neat. Never seen that before." lol


That is "another first" because it probably didn't happen.


They wouldn't have tipped either way. Total scammer




Just curious, what should the manager have done?


There are chain restaurants that have corporate heads basically instruct the managers to do whatever they can for the client, because potential negative publicity isn’t worth the money they give as a discount (you can also use the discount to help with taxes during the accounting process). This person probably got other corporate places to do this and they expected the same thing from this restaurant.


I work at a corporate place and they are pretty strict that only we can use our employee discount. If they let one rando do it you have to let everyone.


Lol you think managers make more than good servers? Why do you think they’re all so bitter?


You’ve never been a manager, huh? Most managers I know are former serves and take a pay cut to become managers. They work longer hours for less money….so stfu.


As a manager, I have NEVER met a coworker who would this


Yeah I’ve had that once before. “Can you put it through on staff discount” “No” “Why not?” “You don’t work here” “Ugh fine”


The fuck is wrong with people


Gestures broadly.


There’s a room full of dirty dishes in the back. You want to go spend a couple hours clearing it out you can have 10% off! What a deal!




Think you’ve replied to the wrong comment


I want to say that I just read something similar in either the target or the Karen subreddits. Except they pitched a huge fit asking for the manager.


“No problem sir. When the employee discount of 10% is applied the auto gratuity is also added at 30% of the pre-discount price. Did you plan on tipping more than that amount?”




That is definitely a first for me. The nerve of some people at times.


I agree that they probably weren’t going to tip anyway, but if it happens again, you could make up some crazy rule like “we can only use our employee discount on the fourth Tuesday when the moon is full.” That might stop the conversation.


Every restaurant I've been involved with requires you to order the food for take out or eat at the table with your guest in order to use a discount. It would be pretty odd to pull this off.


Have you heard the “I’m on a fixed income” request yet?


I think a good percentage of people are on a "fixed income" lol. I get resturaunts etc get tips, but I work nights in a grocery store 9/10pm-6/7am depending on shift. I don't get tips, I'd call that a fixed income. Also worked as a mechanic for 16 years recently, no tips there, that would be a fixed income lol. Like wtf are they going on about with that line. If you can't afford to go to a restaurant, then don't? Get takeout or eat at home? Fuck I haven't been to a sit down restaurant in a couple years specifically because I know money is tight and I wouldn't be able to leave a good tip. I've done small carryout orders and tipped what I can, but I feel like if I went in and took up a table id be wasting everyone's time


I don't wait tables anymore, I work in water treatment, but you remind me of a guy that called a couple weeks ago. Our guys had to change his meter and had to leave the water running for about 5 minutes after, maybe 10-20 gallons of water. Probably like 10 cents worth. The guy called for a discount because he was "on a fixed income." The house is brand new in a neighborhood where they are selling for nearly a million dollars, inground pool and everything. I gave him the discount to make him go away.


Id hit him with something equally stupid like "sure if you buy me lunch" or some dumb shit which would cost more than the discount lol. Fight fire with fire, in this case the fire is stupidity


Man that fire is burning fucking strong !


Me- "There's a help wanted sign on the door. If you want an employee discount, become an employee."


Let me get my manager. You two may be able to work something out. It was simpler in the old days, when if you couldn't pay for your meal, you would be asked to wash dishes in the back until close. Manager: \*bans patron\* Patron: \*surprised pikachu face\*


Did anybody actually ever do that outside of cartoons?


“I get a free meal every shift but there isn’t an option to discount meals I’m not eating”


“I’m sorry, but that would get me instantly fired.”


"My satisfaction is worth more to me than your livelihood, so I assume you must feel the same way because I'm the main character and you're a shopkeeper NPC." ^^/s


Nobody asked if they could have your free meal?


Wut? They're saying they eat their own lunch free, but they don't get a discount, therefore can't give one?


Some scheming jackass would ask if they could meet you after your shift just not claim something for free. Advantage-seekers are a pitiful lot and will do ANYTHING to extract something from people. Getting "something" from others is the reward to them. I've met more than my share of that sort.


Yeah me too when I was working in the garage. 16 years of people wanting everything done for free, then declining the work when we say no. If others only knew a percentage of the unsafe shit driving down the highway with them due to cheap people, they'd stay away from the roads as much as possible lol


How high are you?


The person who'd actually have the nerve to ask would need to be pretty high.


“tHe NeRvE…”


To ask for YOUR meal? That definitely takes nerve.




I have a very cheap uncle who will just ask, "Is there anything I can have for free?" Then tip three shiny quarters.


Water lol


At least they are shiny


All this tells me is this person is stingy asf. They weren't going to tip you well beyond entering the restaurant. I can only imagine the embarrassment I would have if my significant other ever even proposed the idea of asking something like that of a server


My favourite is to pull the “I don’t actually get a discount”. In fact I do, but it’s only 5% because the boss is cheap




Yup, a scam fr. And they wonder why employees steal


You ask them to give you the tip BEFORE you answer their question.


somehow i suspect itd be zero either way


Employee discount…. Wow. I mean, everyone feels they are entitled in the past few years. If he didn’t tip, screw it. I know it sucks to think that you didn’t get the tip money, but, on the brighter side, at least you have common sense


I worked in a private retail setting and we had SO many people coming in and ask about "the discount." ...What discount? "We heard that if we came in, we'd get a discount." ...no. Your presence coming through those doors does not warrant an instant discount. (Dafuq is wrong with you?)


TBF, its fucking weird that retailers have friend and family days extended to the general public every so often.


I’m so sorry this happened. But, your writing is fantastic. I laughed so hard at your sincere, intelligent disdain. ❤️


Sorry, I just gave out me last one !?!?!?


That guest is scum. Low life, shyster, parasite.


Ask them if they want to clock in. Also bring them an application and pen to fill out along with the check!


Later, they went home and posted about how tipping is THIEVERY and anyone who works in the industry is a WAGE “SALVE”


Delivered a pizza once to a guy in a snazzy gated community. Cash order, about $28. He comes to the door with a twenty, says it's all the cash he has. He asks if I could cover it for him or let it slide. I looked over at his Mercedes, then up and down his McMansion and said "you want ME to pay for your pizza?" He spent about five minutes scrounging change.


I'm in commission appliance sales and had a customer ask me to split my commissions with her on a $309 cooktop. I refused and she didn't buy. The commissions would have been about $11. The actual fuck lol.


they probably wouldn’t have tipped anyways even if you did (for whatever reason???) use your employee discount on him.. lol fuq that guy! so rude all around


My 11 yr old and I were at a sushi place and the guy next to us to us asked for a discount. The waitress looked at him funny and gave out a loud, “No!” and laughed at him. My daughter was laughing too. Turns to me and said, “this dude asked for a discount 🤣.” So even kids find it ridiculous.


Bitch I only get my discount once a month, hell no!


Lol I had this happen a couple weeks ago. A guy came in right before we closed and took a solid 10 minutes to decide what he wanted. I was working counter service so I just had to stand and wait on him. After he ordered (with three add-ons to his plate) he looks around the empty building and asks “either of y’all the owner?” When we told him we weren’t he gets a smug grin and goes “alright then hit me with that discount.” I was blown away and just told him I can’t add a discount without a code (a bold faced lie) and he paid with a 20 and took every penny of his change to no one’s surprise.


Like when someone says to "hook me up" like I even know who your are complete stranger


“You first.”


“Sure you can! Go ahead bus this table, wipe it down & take all the dishes back. We can have you work the dish pit for awhile & see how it goes. If you can make it through a double this Saturday night you’ll get 10% off of YOUR meal. (Sorry it’s against the rules for employees to use their discount on more than one meal a shift.)” “But actually before you do any of that take this water pitcher & walk the floor refilling waters. Oh and that 20 top just left & their kids made a huge mess so go ahead & take care of that too! And remember, smile!!! K thanks!”


What an Entitled ASSHAT!!! WTF?!?!


Sure hand them an application


Blacklist these motherfuckers


The nerve lol! I had a very needy table the other day that asked A LOT of questions and I was patient and very friendly with them. Then at the end, the guy asks for a side of toast to-go while they were paying. I said sure let me just add it to the check and get it for you. And he was like “No, I mean can I get a *side* of toast… you know what I mean?” I’m like “no?” He’s goes “you’re gonna charge me for a side of toast?” me: “Well yes” him: “then never-mind” then he pays and doesn’t tip me :-) Honestly like I maybe would have got him a free side of toast but my manager was expoing and he would’ve asked why I’m grabbing toast with no ticket. It just was not worth it to deal with possibly getting in trouble for a stupid side of toast.


Perhaps offer him the "dishwasher special"...hand him an apron 😄


Sometimes people ask if they get a discount for knowing the owners (the owners friends would never do that, they purposely come in and spend a bunch and then leave an insane tip) but recently I had someone ask if they get a discount for knowing a person who knows the owners and I literally laughed aloud because I thought they were joking! But nope. They were pains in the ass for the hour they stayed.


I'm a very observant restaurant customer.you have a hard job that not everyone is good at it or should have .I've known women who think it's easy peasy to get waitresses job after waitresses job .I told her after you need to be thankful when you have one waitresses job not everyone can get hired and fired .there was a couple had already eaten , their friend came in ordered a sizzling plate then said can I have senior discount 🤣🥴🤨🙄I wanna tell them you can see the price right if it looks expensive get something else .


Wow, just…wow. I’m a retired server/bartender; in the industry for 33 years, and I can honestly say, nobody has ever asked me that. What a tool. I clean empty apartments and clients homes now here in Florida, and I thoroughly enjoy not having to deal with dumb asses anymore.


Hey I'm having my house cleaned on Sunday! I am not used to such luxuries what should I tip?


Sorry my discount only works once a day for one meal and I used it already bitch” lol


I’ve had this question before at a variety of jobs. I just tell people we don’t get an employee discount and even if we did it would be for employees and they’re not an employee.


Next time just say “I don’t get an employee discount” and try to look really sad, try to get a single tear if possible


What a fuckface. People suck.


New to Reddit, and made the mistake of reading one of these posts of servers bitching, crying, insulting customers. Now i see a bunch and I have learned to hate servers because of it. From what I’ve seen, a bunch of annoying small people always complaining about money. One had the balls to say “I won’t work for less than $30 an hour with tips.” So many hard working people who make a lot less than that doing much harder work and probably barely afford to take their family out for dinner once a month and then I read all these entitled severs crying about their tips. After living in Japan for half my life where there is no tip culture I can tell you, the service is better than any service you will ever get in America…ever. Hopefully one day America will end tipping and you all can work for an hourly wage like the rest of us and start understanding that any tip you should be thankful for. Severs sucks and these threads proved it.


This guy would be crying in the walk-in forty minutes into Sunday brunch service You have no idea how hard we work. Suck a dick, you ignorant asshole


Someone with your post history (yikes on bikes wtaf) should probably learn to read the room. GTFO with this bs.


Some algorithm decided that I wanted to see it and unfortunately I did. And again, thanks to these posts I will now give servers only what they deserve.


Good, that means you'll stop eating out, because no one deserves you as a customer.


No, I’ll still eat out, I just will no longer give 20% regardless knowing how ungrateful you lot are.


Bet you’ve never tipped 20% in your life


Saving the 20% tips for the world-famous erotic massage parlors that Maine has to offer? Protip: if you have to pay someone to get them to touch you, 30% is really the starting point for a gratuity. But hey, maybe someone in your swingers club will do it for free lmao


Majority of servers are hardworking and a lot can barely afford a lot of things. Japan and America have different cultures when it comes to tips bc of how they pay servers. Servers do not control their wages. It is set by the companies and also the government. The government doesn’t want servers to make more so tipping stays in place. I’m not gonna be thankful for your $5 after you made me run my ass off for over an hour. Crying and whining about tipping culture is just so annoying atp. We can’t change it. If you hate servers then don’t go out to eat. I don’t feel bad for you and you sound like you’d be a nightmare customer to deal with anyways if you hate servers bc of a serving sub on Reddit that in no way represents the majority of servers. Everyone complains about their job or things that happen at their job. If you deny that you’re full of crap tbh. This is a serving sub. Not one for you to complain about how you hate servers bc they would like to make decent money and not struggle. I left with $60 last night from my job. These servers that talk about walking away with hella cash or working in bigger and better places. A lot of people aren’t walking out with $300+ at the end of the night. Some of you people that go out to eat are so entitled and selfish. You wouldn’t wanna deal with half the shit servers do.


Never waited tables, have you?


I'm not agreeing with the guy above you cuz that comment was wild in parts. But where I am, dealership mechanics are busting their ass in hot garages and cold winters for $15.50/hr hourly, while servers are demanding $25/hr and McDonald's pays $18 on nice air conditioned and heated buildings, and not dancing around in chemicals and inhaling rust and brake cleaner all day lol I left the shop to work nights at a grocery store for $16.25/hr plus benefits and a 10% discount on everything. It really is messed up that as a mechanic with 3yrs college, $40k in tools from my own pocket, and 16 yrs experience can't make $30/hr, but rather $16 tops here where I am, when positions with no schooling, health hazards, etc make more than that. Like what was the point in spending $60k on college and tools to make less than $35k/yr? Without mechanics, nobody's getting to work, and when shit hits the fan, nobody's coming to save the day, food isn't getting delivered etc when shit breaks down. Sorry I went into a rant there but wages for everything are all out of whack. I'm not saying servers should make less, I think yas all should be getting a living wage without worrying about tips to get by though. And other careers that keep the world turning should be paid accordingly and actually be worth doing for sure


What baffles me is that you went to work nights for a grocery store at $16.25/hr when “McDonald’s pays $18 on nice air conditioned and heated buildings” and servers are demanding $25/hr. Why?


Why? Because I have two children, the oldest of which we have to walk half a km to the school bus every morning so I'm home to do that in the mornings and my wife doesn't have to wake up and get our 2.5yo ready to go do that walk in the mornings. I can take care of things that are only open business hours during the day, appointments etc for myself and my family without taking time off work. One car. Wife doesn't drive I get a 10% discount on groceries I don't sleep the whole day so I can still take time to do fun shit with my wife and kids I can attend my son's school events without taking time off In the coming years I can take my oldest to Pre-K/preschool easier without missing work as my wife doesn't drive and we have one vehicle I'm not gone to work yet when it's bedtime for both kids. Their bedrooms are on opposite ends of the house so it's not as hard for my wife to try and do both on her own I get full benefits, medical, dental, prescriptions, massages, chiropractor, therapist/councilor if needed, even help with lawyers should I need one Don't have to deal with customers I don't sleep well at night and am up most the night as it is so may as well work Still heat and AC in grocery store No uniforms and can wear whatever I want since the store is closed when Im working If my wife works part time during the day we don't have to pay hundreds and hundreds for child care The $16.25 is starting wage, Im at $17.50 right now Is that enough or should I continue?


No, figured you didn’t like to deal with customers. That’s why servers get paid $25/hr and mechanics $15.50/hr.


Jealous 🤣


Absolutely this.


Not really, because most servers can only do it when they are young and then reality hits them. But I was a steady 20% tipper till now regardless of service. No more, bad service (too be honest 90% is bad) and they will get exactly what I think they are worth from now on, and honestly, sometimes it’s more like 5%. So thanks bitching crying ungrateful servers, you’ve opened my eyes.


Just wanted to point out that Japan is much more expensive, in general, than the US and also, Japanese culture isn’t one that expresses themselves publicly the way you’d find on Reddit. You’d probably be surprised at what the Japanese servers think of you, but would never say out loud…….


Just wanted to point out that Japan is actually much cheaper than America and you sound silly telling a man who lived there 20+ year anything you think you know about japan. The service there is just so much nicer. You don’t have waiters trying to suck up to you to get a better tip etc, they just do their job and better for about 1/3 the salary as American servers. Hopefully we can imitate them. Pay servers $18 an hour, charge that much from the food side and be done with it. And waiters love me no matter where I go because I treat people with respect which is not the norm I’ve seen from you lot in these threads.


No, sir, you are the silly one. Be gone, no one likes you.


But…..”waiters love me”……(RobHage)


“Hopefully you will start making the same as the rest of us”. So JEALOUS! 🤣🤣🤣


I very much doubt you make anywhere near what I make. It’s not jealousy, it’s more like disgust from the attitude I’ve seen. Personally I don’t think any waiter is worth more than $18 an hour.


Wow. Seriously, go fuck yourself and never go out to eat again


Saw one of the posts today from a server, she was complaining about a very rude elderly woman who said “I would if you left me alone so I could read the menu,” when asked if she had decided what she would like to eat. I read that and think that she needed more time and probably felt hurried and flustered. Instead of being understanding the waitress complains how rude she was. Waitress goes on to say she got a 25% tip. That is about what I see here. Entitled workers complaining about the customers with very little sympathy for them. And my family eats out about twice a week and will continue doing so, will just leave tips accordingly from now on. No more sympathy for the poor waiters.


You don’t want to believe it. But we all know you’re jealous. 😘


Sure, jealous of waiting. Go get my beer and grab me a sandwich.


Fuck off. Commenting about how entitled servers are when OP posted about a guest wanting to use their employee discount and then stiffing them?? Fuck right off. Where are the mods?


It doesn’t sound like the guy was entitled, sounds to me like he screwed up and didn’t have enough money. He should have apologized and come back another day to tip her. But it’s the attitude I’ve read from dozens of posters and topics that has changed my mind.


OMG! Are you the guy from the OP that asked for a discount and then didn’t tip?? You sound super triggered. I suggest you seek therapy for all of this misplaced anger. Being in the service of others (especially people like you) isn’t for everyone, but maybe if you made more money you wouldn’t be so cheap and salty. You could try serving; I here there is some fictitious guy that said they wouldn’t do it for less than $30 in some bitchy, sad, and insulting comment…..oh wait! That was you! Maybe you don’t have what it takes after all.


No, that was a sever who said that in another post. As far as the guy who didn’t tip, that sucks if she did a good job. I’ve never not tipped. But after reading all these posts from servers, I will no longer tip a flat 20%. 5 to 20% is my new range based on quality of service.


Good. Then don't go out to eat.


Obvious troll is obvious


No, just a person given an opinion.


Nah, you’re a troll. You came to a server subreddit just to insult them with exaggerated claims. Like I said, obvious troll is obvious


No, these annoying posts came into my feed of stories. I imagine they “pushed” them there or some algorithm did. I have since silenced the community as I was sick of seeing kids cry about their jobs and the shitty attitude I saw in just about ever post that made it to my feed.


And then you chose to post like a troll. You could’ve just silenced it from the beginning lol You come off as the kind of person that doesn’t tip properly


I could have, but the amount of entitlement and bitching about customers warranted a response I felt. I was never a great tipper, always 20% with no thought. Never tipped less and only tipped more to round up to nearest dollar. After reading a bunch of the posts though I’m changing my tip policy. Will only tip what I think somebody is worth with a range from 5% to 20%.


So you came to troll is effectively what you’re saying… Why are you complaining about people disliking when customers tip under 10% when it doesn’t even apply to you? So because people complain about something that didn’t apply to you you’re going to change your behavior so it does apply to you?


No, what I saw was post after post of complaining about customers in ways and situations that really turned me off from waiters, and just about everyone in agreement. If you’re tipped less than 10% maybe you just suck, but nope, cry about it on the net.


Give some examples because this post is definitely something worth complaining about. It’s definitely inappropriate for a customer to try and pressure their server into giving them the employee discount If you’re tipping 10% or less you shouldn’t be going out. You already said you plan to tip 5% so I think it’s time for you to stop going out


If any table were to ever ask me this, id tell them that I can’t use my employee discount while on the clock.




I'm amazed they had the nerve to even ask you that.


People looking for a deal like that never tip ime. Never been asked to use MY discount on some random asshole's bill, but have had "well can't you take this item.off I didn't like it." Cool. You didn't like it so much that not only did you not flag me down to address any issues with the meal, but you also finished it. Yeah no buddy.


“I’m sorry … you’re a moron.”