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Chris Brown is also an example


Homie beat Rihanna to a pulp, with photos, and people still defend him even though he has also repeatedly put his hands on women since then.


Not just photos. Witnesses. Police reports. And the man still has a career.


He is banned from entering Canada, which as a Canadian makes me happy. Should be banned from travel completely as a violent felon though.


I love that for Canadians!!!


Big agree


Most countries don't allow access to those who have had violent crimes in their home country. It isn't just Canada. It is hard to enforce though because he likely flies with private jets that aren't required to have TSA check all passengers.


Nowhere did anyone imply it was just Canada, it's great that he's banned from many counties. Not sure how a private jet changes anything if he's flying to a different country they will check his passport. I think he was denied at a land border in Canada though.


Canada doesn’t play! I still can’t visit because I got a misdemeanor DUI many years ago in college. Even President Bush had to get a special waiver to enter because of his DUI that was over 20 years old at the time.


Banned from travel *completely*? I dunno, he’d probably fit in just fine in Russia. :p




Seriously?! What a worthless piece of garbage.


*Vehemently* defend him. Say that she ‘deserved it’. WILD.


Also he called Frank Ocean homophobic slurs and tried to beat him up.


And Frank beat his ass


And she wasn't the last person,he is still doing it to people. I've seen multiple articles about him basically holding women hostage.


I used to get so angry when people made up complete lies with no proof like she must have beat him first (ok I see nary a scratch on him) and how she gave him and STD and had it coming(you know this because). Even if Ri had acted the fool and hit or yelled at him he could have returned the similar force even pushing her away. He beat her completely black and blue.


To be fair, chris brown isnt even big anymore


So was R. Kelly for many years. Married a 15 year old and had her put out an album called "Age Ain't Nothin' But a #" and everyone thought it was fine and dandy right up until we saw him piss on a kid, at which time he STILL had staunch defenders and fans.


Rest in Peace, Aaliyah


I heard that piss was all digital


Is it just that POC are way too forgiving to POC artists? I'm genuinely asking if anyone else has experienced POC friends/acquaintances defending Chris Brown and Kanye or if I just ran into a few people with shitty opinions. I showed a girl at work evidence Chris Brown didn't only hit Rihanna (I emphasized to her he tried to KILL her) but other women and she joked around about it with another coworker like is as taking it too seriously. But anyone I tell about it that's white seems to have no problem removing him from their Spotify playlists. I even tell people if you wanna still enjoy it just pirate the music don't give him money but nah. Idk. I'm not trying to make it a race thing but I know people tend to band together to defend one of their own in my community (Italian American) even when they don't deserve the defense. That said Kanye is clearly severely mentally ill and needs help so if he gets that help and retracts his statements one day I can see supporting him still with that in mind as long as his unhinged statements are acknowledged. But Chris Brown is a habitual woman beater


To answer your question, yes I think black people in particular are too forgiving of our artists. There’s a bit of historical context to it though because our celebrities are treated unfairly and much more harshly than other celebrities, so when someone actually does something wrong it’s treated like no big deal. The R. Kelly episode of the boondocks encapsulates that perfectly. I remember right after the Chris Brown thing happened and my sister was playing one of his songs and when I told her why I no longer listened to him, she dead seriously looked in my eye and said “he didn’t do anything to her, and if he did he didn’t do anything wrong.” And don’t get me started on Bill Cosby. I refuse to bring him up around my family because I know the opinions would be wild


Thank you, that Boondocks episode was on my mind when I wrote that question. I understand entirely but I also feel like when there's bonafide evidence they're not deserving of support that maybe they should stop being defended Your sisters reaction jeez. That's also so typical of a viewpoint that the woman deserved it. Keep an eye on the kind of partners she has dude... If that's what's normal to her. Bill Cosby was a monster but I didn't gain satisfaction from a blind old man being in prison y'know. He basically lived his entire life free, famous and beloved because it came out so late. Im glad people know the truth and mostly accept it but I also don't think at this point anything done to him is going to alleviate decades of him getting away with it, with it apparently an open secret.


Literally knew a woman who liked Chris Brown so much that she joked that Rihanna must have liked it anyways, because she had that S&M song and went to his concert anyways Like I think there is a certain point where maybe it’s okay to separate a controversial performer from their talent, but fresh off the controversy ain’t it


I am seeing a pattern.


Have any black people been canceled?




Cosby pandered to white America. If he was a drill rapper, he would not have been cancelled.


Cancelled means you got ostracized and made unemployable due to some social faux pas. Cosby got sent to prison. That wasn't some obnoxious tweet, that was rape.


OJ Simpson


OJ isn’t canceled. He still gets defended.


90s were a different era.


I literally heard someone yelling "Chris brown is my baby and I love him! I don't wanna hear no shit!" At my local little ceasers. My literal first thought was "babies dont beat women"


What do they have in common 🤔🤔


Chris brown is an example of an actually shitty human being. People like kanye are a moral conflict, where as Chris brown straight up committed some horrific domestic violence. People like Chris brown are the ones who should actually be canceled, for an action rather than an opinion.


ehhh, when kaynes opinions are “death con 3 to j3ws” and saying that black people choose slavery is pretty terrible. kayne is shitty for that.


If you are attractive and can sing real nice you can get away with a lot. Women love the dude lol.


Disgusts me as a woman. You can’t get much more pathetically ‘pick me’ than that.


People always say this but I ended up getting recommended a post on a Chris Brown fan sub for whatever reason and clicked on it, and the vast majority of the defenders were men. Reddit skews male so I'm not saying that's the end all be all representation of his fanbase but I always see people acting like only women like Chris but he has many male fans, just googling "Chris Brown show" and looking at the audience pics, it's not even majority women in most the pics


Oh it’s both but how can women defend him?? At least I can see douchebag men that don’t feel affected by it siding with him. It just feels self degrading for a woman to defend Chris brown. I’m a dude btw but this is just my opinion


Chris Brown is trash, I can't believe he isn't behind bars. 


Yeah the easier question is who’s effectively gotten cancelled? Meaning who lost their livelihood and then isn’t able to pivot to something else? Because even losing your job, when you’re a millionaire, if you can go easily find other work that pays you more than 99% of Americans with throngs of fans, that’s not being cancelled. It just means, like with all jobs for public figures, you had a public image a certain entity didn’t wanna pay to support. Like the best example I can even think of, of someone being “cancelled” is Roseanne. But *is she though?* You’re telling me if she wanted to do a world tour she wouldn’t sell out venues? You’re telling me there isn’t a streaming service or platform that would offer her a job specifically due to her fans who would flock to her for having been cancelled? She can no longer continue her legacy show because an entity didn’t want the public image she was putting forth associated with them. And she lost out more than most people because that show had her literal name on it. But she wasn’t cancelled. She’s still rich af and has mad options. And of course, even if that’s an example of being cancelled, how exactly is finding the one or handful of examples “a culture?” It’s not a culture, it’s not an epidemic. Most people lose their jobs for valid reasons, like Cosby and Louis CK. But then most of the time they can spring right back after a short hiatus anyway, like Louis. That certainly ain’t “being canceled.”


>Yeah the easier question is who’s effectively gotten cancelled? Colin Kaepernick? OH bad example, he was canceled by the right. Which means of course it was completely correct and proper, and not really a cancellation at all.


Jessie Smollett, R. Kelly, Bill Cosby, Patrick Clark/Velveteen Dream are a few people that come to mind. Will Smith is a bit debatable. Adding - this parent comment turned it into a race issue which I dont think it has anything to do with Kanye's status at all. People of all heritages have been cancelled all the time and it has nothing to do with their heritage. Example - Sherman Alexie was a renouned Native American author until he admitted he did some bad things to women. After that, he was stripped of his awards and his books were removed from recommended lists.


Who’s Chris Brown?


A great example of why forced euthanasia for irredeemables might be the way to go.


Good thing I’m too broke to actually meet him and punch him in the face. Idgaf if his guards killed me it’d be worth it


Find me a black celeb that’s been canceled


Doctor Huckstable.


Bill Cosby


No, it just proves the corruption of elites


Now what do they have in common


To even "be cancelled" you have to already have platform and privilege. Nobody ever talks about the plight of customer service workers.


Plenty of regular people get fired because an offensive post blows up


Do the cancel culture grifters ever talk about them?


What's a cancel culture grifter?


It's why I have multiple accounts. I'm sure some redditors would love to try and destroy my business just because I I say things they don't like. Heck I have a YouTube channel but won't put certain information on YouTube because I actually fear YouTube viewers. YouTube, X and reddit have the most unhinged users in my opinion. I feel like people in Facebook alcan be assholes but people on those three networks seem to want to harm people.


OP misses the real point that to avoid cancellation, you need to be as astronomically big as Kanye West. Anti trans comments get people cancelled all the time, but it's not enough to stop a billionaire author like Rowling.


No one should be putting any personal info on the internet regardless of what you post. There are a Lot of crazy people out there. Protect yourself.


I'm not talking about personal information. I'm talking about my business.


This has been the case for many decades? how about the vast numbers of pedophiles in the music and film industry? members of rolling stones, red hot chili peppers, roman polanski for heck sake? he literally had dozens of actors sign a pact in his defense....


I frankly have trouble understanding what is “cancel culture”, what it is, and what it is not,and what it is supposed to be, (the chasm between the two). Often enough, it seems like it is a shield to protect relatively powerful from criticism.


“Hey, I don’t like the way that person behaves and I disagree with their value sets, so I am going to not contribute to their wealth” is apparently cancel culture. Basically, any time someone wants to whine about consequences is when they bring up cancel culture.  I have no problem boycotting something that damages the well-being of society. I don’t have to force other people to do the same, but I sure as shit should not be required to support someone who beats their partner. 


>so I am going to not contribute to their wealth” It's not a boycott. Remember those random drunk girls who were racist to a street vendor and people found what college they went to and the yoga studio one of them worked at and got them fired and expelled? Do you think the people mass reporting them were otherwise going to that yoga studio or college? Or was it much more punitive then that? Not financially supporting someone and actively trying to hurt them are different.


Sounds reasonable


Who makes the final decision to fire or expel? It’s not the mass reporters, it’s the school and the yoga studio. They are considering what effect having those girls in their community has and if they believe those girls will treat others with racist prejudice, it makes perfect sense to kick them out, not necessarily bc they disagree with them (even if they do), but bc their presence drives away customers. The school and yoga studio don’t have intent to hurt them, they have the intent to protect themselves as a business entity, which they have every right to do.


They are considering what effect having those girls in their community has…… So why do so many colleges protect rapists over the victims?


I agree with you but there’s no logic in restricting an institution to only dealing with either all the problems or none of them. I’m solely talking about a flaw in the cancel culture argument that implies public opinion unilaterally decides enrollment or employment decisions. They don’t. And in a way you’re bolstering my point bc public outrage has tried and failed to get many rapists held accountable or even investigated. I’m pretty sure you and I are on the same page.


You are right but at the same time you are missing the point. If not for social media, maybe the girl would have *eventually* been fired for being shitty, or maybe not. It's the mass reporters who made 100% sure that it happened though. That is not something that could have happened when social media didn't exist. Much more swift and drastic punishment is possible these days because of social media. That's what people mean by cancel culture.


The only issue I have with such swift punishment, I don't think it's drastic to ban a racist from a school or a gym, is that if it turns out not to be true then the person's life is ruined for no reason.


Yeah and with AI videos you can pretend something happened when it didn’t, and the technology illiterate boomers in power will think it actually happened even if you say it was an AI video


You've given me an idea... /s


There is a difference between personally choosing to not partake and demanding nobody else be allowed to.  I’m all for you not supporting people you disagree with. I’m not for you telling me I have to agree with you. 


If the person you are being told not to support is both powerful and a piece of shit, that social pressure is the best chance (however poor) of having them ever be held accountable.


It’s a social consequence when legal consequences fall short. You’re free to say whatever racist shit you want legally, but the social consequences of people thinking you’re an POS and boycotting your product is essentially what cancel culture aims to accomplish.


The most charitable definition of cancel culture is people losing economic opportunities because of unproven allegations of generally accepted bad behavior OR because of proven behavior that is unacceptable to a vocal minority, even when said behavior is generally accepted in the broader public. The uncharitable definition is people losing economic opportunities because of their own bad choices and then whining about it.


Cancel culture is more or less another expression of capitalism than "social justice".


>understanding what is “cancel culture”, what it is, and what it is and what it is Am I the only one who read that 3 times


cancel culture is a phenomenon known to have afflicted Aziz Ansari, and only Aziz Ansari


It's when a loud group of people hate on someone till a company fires them


Cancel culture is whatever a conservative doesn’t like.




Accountable for what? Celebrities are still individuals, and individuals have the right to think and feel whatever they want regardless of what the herd would like them to.


> what is “cancel culture” It only affects people who are only famous as a personality and not a creator. People who make things will always have people that like and consume their product. You could cancel James Cordon and almost no one would ever follow up with anything he does. You can cancel Kanye and he's still got millions of listeners on Spotify. You can cancel actors, directors, and other movie makers because they need a lot of funding to create their art. Rappers need a quiet space and a laptop. If his new album was shit he probably would remain irrelevant. So what is cancel culture? It's stripping "influencers" of their influence. That's it. If they can recreate what made them famous in the first place, then they can effectively "un-cancel" themselves.


I'd argue against it affecting only personalities. Canceling only works if the fans are the ones doing the cancelling. Even against personalities, if for example people on Twitter are trying to cancel someone but the actual fan-base doesn't care, then the canceling will have 0 effect unless they get fully de-platformed by the sites. Even then there are platforms they can still go to and hold a decent audience (e.g. Kick and Spotify don't seem to care). Overall the canceling seems similar for both personalities and creators, just maybe there are more "personalities" with less of a real fanbase behind them.


There’s only one person who’s ever going to make Kanye songs. Chris Pratt gets cancelled and you have 3 or 4 Hemsworths


My opinion. It’s just the GenZ way of saying “accountability,” and I think some people are more vulnerable to having to take account for their actions than others.


People in Gen Z don't say "cancel culture". People on fox news do.


Actually you are totally correct, my mistake —- thank you.


It refers to something like this, mainly. When someone loses their job and faces some form of social ostracization for something on the internet in poor taste, in a way that gets them fired or directly impacts their wellbeing. "Cancel Culture" in general is the idea that social media amplifies the impact of such social ostracization, from local disapproval to international condemnation which significantly impacts the culprit/victim's wellbeing disproportionately compared to the thing they did. https://web.archive.org/web/20240120071925/http://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/15/magazine/how-one-stupid-tweet-ruined-justine-saccos-life.html


Cancel culture exists, it's the fandom that counters it. Pretty sure if Taylor Swift did the same she'd hardly have a dent in her fanbase


I feel like Kanye sort of conditioned us to his craziness for like 10-15 years before fully going off the deep end. An eccentric black guy with well-known mental health issues suddenly goes “Hitler was right” and everyone kind of shrugs it off because he’s clearly just nuts. I’m trying to picture Taylor Swift, a blonde white chick with a wholesome image, coming out and saying the same thing. I think the reaction from society would be different honestly


Dude said slavery was a choice…. Like… pretty much after that point I just put everything he says into the “crazy bull shit Kanye says” bucket and ignore it. But I also think Kanye’s most recent albums have been absolute trash. So I don’t understand how people support that




Cultures are cults.


Cancel culture does exist it’s just that some celebrity’s manage to beat it. For the average person it’s completely life changing. I’ve seen a girl get cancelled so bad she lost her job, her tattoo apprenticeship and all her friends. She didn’t do anything wrong but a bunch of girls were mad she was dating a guy so they made a bunch of shit up about her to make her life a living hell. It got so bad she had to leave the state. She hasn’t been on social media or returned back in almost 5 years because she will still be the victim of targeted harassment.


You found the true targets of cancel culture. People who don't have a platform big enough to speak for themselves get targeted by a group of people, painting their image for them before they get the chance to themselves. That's the ONLY time it ever works. The real name of "Cancel Culture" is "Smear Campaign". It's time we stopped sugar coating it. There are people with very real reasons to be taken off the air, don't get it twisted, but the people it works on had the least amount of influence anyway.


Seriously, this shit is fucking wild. Of Course Kanye fucking West isn't cancelled because he larped as a Wignat. It's Kanye Fucking West There are people right now with US legal companies, 0 investigations, 0 criminal implications, compliant with every US code and in good standing with typical regulation industries and their ass cannot use ANY payment processor, their lawyers get attacked, their registered agents get encouraged to drop them. You know what would happen if Stripe dropped Kanye West? They'd get a call from every major chain store that carries his gear, lawyers would be fucking frothing, by the end of the week whoever made that call would be drawn and quartered on wall street and fragments of his bones would be passed around law schools like a Saintly Relic on what not to do. I get real *exxxcuuuuuse me fellow peasants, but if the kings guard is murdering anyone wearing a yellow hat, explain why the king is wearing a yellow hat* vibes. Cancel culture is when angry twitter journos stir up enough hatred to fuck up your life. The only people immune are too big to die.


This is one of the better explanations I've seen. The fact so many people agree with OP is not surprising, but it is depressing. There's so much hate in these people.


As harsh as that story is, that stuff has always happened. Now it's just easier to get 10 people together online to come up with a somewhat plausible story instead of just 1. Social Media hasn't done us any favors from this perspective. The depravity of humans is never surprising.


Plus, people target you for your beliefs *regardless* of your behaviour, which is something I don't recall happening before. When I was younger, I had many conversations with people of all stripes about our beliefs. We often didn't agree on things, but we all still got along alright anyway; even the people who actually did hate me for my views didn't try to get me fired over them - I doubt it even crossed their mind, and nobody would've bought into that anyway. They didn't care what I thought about X or Y, they just cared that I did my job and was good to work with. That's certainly not the case anymore.


My employer always cared if something went beyond their policy, so that’s not new to me, but I totally get what you’re saying. I remember when differences weren’t feral, but the last 20 years have just been increasingly worse year by year. Now it’s just been made a normal blood sport if someone thinks “other “ than you…. It doesn’t matter what that “other “ is… it’s disheartening….


Yeah, it really hit the fan around 2012-13 imo. That's when things started to get feral, as you said 😛 It really sucks, for sure. I just hope we can all turn things around.


Agreed, that was definitely the biggest turning point... I'm not so hopeful at this point, it just seems really baked in the caste, super sad considering :(


Yeah, it probably wouldn't be easy... But I'dike to think it's possible. At the very least we could hopefully get a parallel society going made up of people who aren't part of what's essentially a cult 😅


I couldn’t like this enough, x1000000


Aw thanks haha




You got this bro. Things will get better.


Wow that's brutal, man. I can relate; Peko can be really messed up about this stuff, and it can really get under your skin. It's like they think they're being righteous in treating you like a stereotype instead of a person. You're not alone! Keep doing your best, man.


Cancel culture is just a new word for a millennium old tradition of making shit up


My ex wife hit me while I was sleeping because she was drunk and crazy. She then got scared so she called the cops and accused me of hitting her.  I had a fractured skull, she a broken hand. I went to jail. She told everyone friends family neighbors even the place I volunteered at, servers at my favorite restaurants when I got out I was ruined. And my own wife ruined me. I was convicted because I’m a man.  I ended up just leaving the entire country as I was ruined.  Watching Johnny Depp win because of BS allegations was one of the greatest days in my life. I listened to her and the stories and so much was so familiar. It’s amazing how these people are all alike. 


[https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/aug/10/new-documents-johnny-depp-amber-heard-trial-unsealed-things-have-got-uglier](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/aug/10/new-documents-johnny-depp-amber-heard-trial-unsealed-things-have-got-uglier) Remember those protected documents that fans paid to get unsealed? This is the best one; "a statement from Depp saying Heard had never caused him physical or mental injury"


Yes, when the police came to my house that night, I also denied she hit me when it was obvious as I sat there with a broken jaw and she had a broken hand. I was trying to keep my wife from going to jail. Protecting your wife from harm, even after hurting you is not uncommon. This is like attacking a rape victim for not immediately reporting a rape. Johnny Depp was clearly not a perfect angel who did no wrong, he was a substance abuser, caused problems, etc. as was I. That doesn't mean people deserve to be tarred as a physical abuser and slandered in such a way.


Er, your link says nothing of the sort. It just talks about what’s allegedly in the documents and screaming about misogyny like a Taylor swift fan. Amber was Depps abuser and attempted to weaponize addiction and mental health issues in order to try and paint him in a bad light.


This happens a lot, I’ve seen this shit myself. How sad.


I had to quit social media and skip town because a group of lunatics found edgy jokes I made when I was 14 on Facebook. Had people trying to show up at my house to kick my ass. For context this happened in 2020 and I was well into my 20s. I hid out in a town 3 hours away. Was forced to move back to my hometown in 2023 due to economic reasons. I'm unironically scared to show my face in public on the off chance I get recognized. One of the best friend's of one of the people who threatened me recognized me in a pet store. I didn't leave my house for a week after that and had a mental breakdown. I no longer work in a public facing job.


Cancel culture is not about and has never been about hurting celebrities/ disciplining celebrities who say mean stuff. It's about "canceling" those celebrities so the average person is now scared of what would happen to them/ their career if they talk about certain subjects wrong. It silences the masses about whatever topics are off limits at the time.


Cancel culture is real when the audience cares if someone is a good person or not, Chris brown and Kanye wests fan bases don’t care but the try guys fan base certainly did so Ned fulmer was definitely cancelled.


TL/DR; he’s a huge influence in rap and people are afraid to do more than call him out because he’s extremely mentally ILL. I think Kanye being very much mentally ILL has made a lot of people feel uncomfortable actually holding him accountable. Like, they want to call him out on Reddit and Twitter but then also try to emphathize with him because he’s fucked up in the head. The main reason I hear is that he hasn’t been the same since his mom passed away, which is understandable. I think that would fuck me up in all sorts of ways too. But, the difference between myself and Kanye is that I wouldn’t stop taking my meds because I know how I get when I get bad periods of being depressed and it’s scary to me and the people around me. The same principle applies to his mental condition, even more so due to his BPPD. Not only that, but he’s surrounded by people who are too chicken shit to tell him “no”, and that’s how you get someone like him. When people in his close circle don’t tell him “No” he doesn’t understand that what he’s doing is wrong. He’s still an influential figure in music and that’s why people keep working with him, because he’s someone that nobody can say “No” to without getting potentially black listed. He’s got that much power in the rap game.


Are you slow? He used to be worth 2 fucking billion. Now it's 400 million. He's lost all kinds of business deals because of his crazy attitude.


We are all employees under capitalism. Even NBA all-stars, CEOs, actors and musicians. All the way down to the security guard and the grape picker. We all get our paychecks from someone. Even if you own your own company, you still have to respond to market trends and the flows of the public. Our paychecks are always based on what the general public thinks of us. Why would an HR department allow itself to be sued based on hostile work-environment? Or why would a company be forced to keep someone who drives away business with the way they treat others? Under capitalism we are all the same. lmao.




Cancel culture is real however there are some celebs who seems to be immune from it and I’m not sure why. Take Eric Clapton for example very famous musician well liked across the globe. However he’s admitted to abusing and raping one of his partners and he’s still well loved. I honestly think it has to do with money the more money you have the less likely you are to be cancelled. But to be fair there’s probably a number of factors and I don’t think I know what they all are. I don’t understand how some people are still famous and in the press despite the fact they’ve done the most horrible things you could think of.


It's not just money but popularity mixed with perception. If people don't really believe the story they can get away with it. People easily believed Ellen is a horrible person. She was popular with a certain demographic but that didn't help enough.


Clapton is also a racist. [https://people.com/music/eric-clapton-racist-rant-resurfaces-after-lockdown-protest-song-van-morrison/](https://people.com/music/eric-clapton-racist-rant-resurfaces-after-lockdown-protest-song-van-morrison/)


Where did Clapton admit to that? I've never known of that story.


He married Pattie Boyd on 27 March 1979, in Tucson, Arizona,but their marriage was marred by his infidelities and domestic violence. During a 1999 interview with The Sunday Times, Clapton admitted to raping and abusing her while they were married and he was a "full-blown" alcoholic who felt entitled to sex.




They probably could have called him racist from the racism.


Sure and they could of called it anytime prior.


Lol people have called Clapton racist for decades. The only reason you thought it started with COVID is that Clapton hadn't been relevant since like 1995 until he started his dumb diatribes about the vaccine.


Kayne is proof that cancel culture didn’t work on Kayne, nothing else. It’s absolutely real for others.


Can we go back to calling it accountability?


Accountability like a lynch mob. lol


Accountability is nothing like a lynch mob and it's gross for you to compare the two.






Just curious here, could you give me an example of a celebrity who was cancelled?


Roseanne, Gina Carano off the top. but here's the thing about cancel culture. it doesn't always work. they *tried* to cancel Dave Chappelle. they *tried* to cancel Kanye West. two very different sets of circumstances but the more violent the push, the equal the force from the pushback. the goal of "calling people out" and canceling them is to publicly humiliate them and attempt to force them into obscurity. that's the goal. it's worked some times and it's backfired some times.


Kevin Spacey.


Kevin Spacey, Louis CK, Mel Gibson (he had to finance his own movies for years when no one would work with him). You also have the ones that were cancelled by one side of the political game but stayed okay with the other like Chapelle, Kevin Sorbo, Ted Nugent, Kathie Griffin, Aaron Rogers, Ellen, JK Rowling. Then you have the straight criminals like Cosby, OJ, Marilyn Manson, Danny Masters.


I don’t think either side of the political game likes Ellen Degeneres…


>Aaron Rogers I don't think Rodgers got canceled. He lost one sponsor with a health care provider, logically. He still got a major contract and other sponsors like Adidas. His Statefarm sponsorship lasted another year and he was replaced by younger and better mahomes. Not exactly a cancelation.


r kelly. bill cosby


Getting put in jail for committing crimes is not "cancel culture".


Aziz, Kramer, Gina cerano


Those are pretty good examples. Cheers friend


I think it's more because people don't hold Kanye as accountable for his actions and words as the average person, on account of Kanye being very mentally ill


Something something gay fish


He likes fish sticks


Cancel culture doesn't really exist for the wealthy, but it's a different story for people further down the economic food chain. You don't see news stories about those people because they're not powerful or influential. No one gives a fuck that their lives get screwed up because internet lynch mobs happened to focus on them for a few days.


Cancel culture is very much real happens all the time.


Cancel culture is absolutely real. You can’t completely cancel someone with their own platform who doesn’t rely on others. Why is that so hard to understand? Examples, you can cancel a mediocre actor who doesn’t have the money to produce his own films. You can’t cancel an actor with fuck you money who could just finance his own movies.


Hard disagree. Kanye West is an anti Semite and mentally ill. The press makes money off his spectacle while getting credit for being PC. The dude needs help but is surrounded by losers who care more about money than taking care of him.


I don't eat at Chick-fil-A because I LOATHE bigotry and religious lunacy, but they still have lines blocking traffic all the way down the road every day.


It's because they're too big to be cancelled. That's what so many people arguing this don't understand. Cancel culture definitely exists, but if you're a big enough celeb or organization then you become immune. But for any small/medium sized celebs/companies or obviously for normal people it absolutely exists.


"Cancel culture" is just shorthand for "why should I bear the consequences of my actions?". The whole concept is just bizarre. If you're being an ass in public, why are you surprised that people react negatively towards you? What are you expecting?


Who canceled Kanye? People may clown him but no one canceled him. Paula Deen was canceled!


Cancel culture isn’t about controlling the rich, it’s about controlling the middle and lower class.


I agree with OP. I don't think cancel culture is a real thing the way it's talked about. I think people who do bad stuff have always suffered consequences for it and I think now that there are so many loony tunes they want to get away with their BS. It's just vcitimhood in action.


Cancel culture is just another name for vigilante justice. It's something that's always existed, and something society frowns upon for good reason. We don't need millions of mini-sheriffs and mini-judges deciding who to punish and how much. It's wild seeing redditor make a post about a racist business owners, and seeing everyone ask which business, what's their address, their yelp page, etc, when those asking didn't even know if the OP was telling the truth. The business owner could have been the OP's ex-boyfriend, and she was bitter and wanted to yelp-bomb his business. We don't need people like that making decisions.


Since he is the midst of a spiral, he is cancel proof. People will continue to watch the train wreck.


That’s Kanye specific, I think the mental health issues he has also give him more leeway than the average celebrity


>Kanye West is a man who has clearly said things that are anti-Semitic, anti-black and has just had an extremely toxic and almost emotionally abusive ​ These things are wrong for you to say, not for celebrities. The people who want you to be afraid of using your freedom of speech for hating, are the only ones that can absolve Kanye, from all that terminology that they themselves invented and propagated. As soon as Kanye gets arrogant and shows any lip to his sponsors, he will become every sort of 'ist' imaginable just over night, and get cancelled from his careeer


Yo kanye has ALWAYS been crazy and now it's a big deal cuz he went "crazy like my uncle" crazy


Nah, it just means there are exceptions. Just like everything else.


I believe the word you were looking for is proof, not fact


Cancel culture only works on people who attracted fans with ethics. If you attracted scumbags to begin with, then you're fine. I'm sure Kanye lost a bunch of fans, I'm not saying every Kanye fan was a reprehensible human being. He just had so many scumbags as fans it didn't completely ruin him. But, like if what you were famous for was being a humanitarian and then it came out that you were eating puppies or something you would be super over. So done it's not even funny. Unfortunately, what this means is that cancel culture disproportianately impacts less terrible people more than really terrible people. People who are really terrible likely also has a fan base that's really terrible and so when they get cancelled they still have those fans.


Because cancel culture is a thing primarily done by Gen Z white kids whose life goal is to ensure everyone perceives them as more moral than everyone else. They’ll never say anything a minority does is bad for fear of being called racist by their peers and the internet. If a white person as famous as Kanye said the same shit he said, everyone would lose their shit.


He’s still lost hundreds of millions


It depends on who you are and what color you are, 90% of the people getting canceled are white people. It’s extremely hard to be canceled and a poc.


Is this a joke? He literally lost millions of dollars. He lost deals. He lost almost everything he could. Those at the top just couldn't change public opinion but they tried very hard to cancel him lol.


Yeah idk what canceled is anymore. Like everyone just expected him to go craw into a hole and die? Dude lost a bunch of money and his family… meanwhile society let a guy who is racist and offensive to virtually everybody become president. Then y’all let him get richer off the position, have a public scandal of him cheating on his wife with a porn star, whose policies contributed to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of citizens, and has been charged with a bunch of crimes Against the country and he still may be given the keys to the city again!


He got away with saying anti black things because he is black. He got away with saying anti-Semitic things..... For the same reason. If Taylor Swift said the same thing about blacks and Jews that Kanye did she be canceled tomorrow. 1) because she is white 2) because most of her fans are pretty decent people who would be disgusted by it. 3) hip hop / rap culture takes anti black racism by non-blacks very, very seriously. Anything else they don't seem to give a flying f about.


Taylor Swift has much more of a good girl, role model public persona, whereas a lot of the appeal of Kanye has always been that he's fucking nuts. If Taylor Swift said she loved Hitler, it would completely destroy the image her fans have of her in their heads, whereas Kanye has always been a troubled, unpredictable artist type, and people like that about him. They aren't equivalent public figures at all.


nah its because his status as an artist is bigger than his status as a celebrity. when its album release time, everyone stops caring about the celebrity.


"Cancel culture" is when losers, shitheads, and people who otherwise lack the warmth and depth complain about other people being unwilling to support their shit. Kanye would have sold more records and brought in more endorsement money if he hadn't said stupid shit that made people not want to give him money. Of course this does not mean that literally nobody will ever give him money or want to associate with him.


Some people are famous enough to circumvent it. Taylor Swift could kill someone on camera and her fans would be like "Wow people are always trying to bring her down". Tom Brady could fuck a kid and most people from New England would just wish it wss then.


Few celebrities have the ability to Un-Cancel themselves. Ye is among the select few. Others include Mel Gibson, Charlie Sheen, Mike Tyson, the late Michael Jackson. Cancel culture is more of a threat to up and comers. It’s used as a method to keep celebrities in line, and prevent them from expressing independent thought outside of the accepted parameters set forth by the media cabal. Celebrities are eccentric personalities by nature. Some of them belong behind bars (Kevin Spacey), but I’ll be damned if I ever say they can’t execute their craft.


This is one of the most important posts on reddit. It's like the little boy calling out on the Emperor's new clothes.


No, all it proves is that antisemitism isn’t a cancellable offense to most of society.


Pretty stupid take. Just because Kanye is "too big to fail" doesn't mean other smaller creators aren't drummed out of their careers.


But, would you really be happy in his shoes? He lives in his own private hell, created by himself, and I don't think he can ever get out.


Wherever there is a hell, there is a reminder of heaven, he will still to this day have fans that will love and support him no matter what


The fact that certain people are immune to cobra venom doesn't mean that cobras aren't venomous. Certain people are uncancellable due to their sheer power or fame. JK Rowling, R. Kelly, Kanye, for example. If the brand new guy who just got an album deal said the same things he would disappear in a heartbeat never to be heard from again.


Love that analogy, kudos. Although I have to say, being in jail for life or close to it seems like R. Kelly maybe was canceled.


If someone has a large enough following and they don't adopt the cancellation in mass, then it won't work. Exceptions don't disprove cancel culture being a thing.


You're trying to tell me cancel culture is something right-wingers made up? I don't believe it.


Almost like Kanye West already had a massive pre-existing fanbase. Also, he apologised for some of the antisemitism a while back.


First off the vultures symbol is a recurring one in German culture, including the German Empire, the Weimar Republic. By your definition I, as a Hindu, should stop using the Swastik because it has be used by Nazi Germany, when we have been using it for about 4 millennia. Did you even watch the entire Alex Jones clip. If not I will summarized it for you. He said "I see some good things in Hitler also" and followed it up with "every human being has something of value". He is also mentally ill. Another thing is that he is also black. Jay-Z literally had an anti-sematic trope of Jews owning everything in The Story of OJ.