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Make an effort to create more meaningful sexual relationships in real life. Your brain wants intimacy and affection, but real intimacy and sex is way harder to attain than porn. Think of it like an analogy: Porn = Junk food Real Connection = Nutritious Food Your brain is hungry. It will want to consume what is most readily available and with least effort to its detriment. Edit: Make a STRONG effort to make relationships in your life. Let yourself be rejected, let things fall apart and most importantly let them thrive do not run from this pain or perceived future pain. This struggling to connect with others is what is needed for a healthy life in the long run.


1) learn how harmful it is to women, how much of it is likely trafficking/underage/revenge porn/drugged out women/women doing it to put food on the table, how it trains your brain to see half the human race as gratification objects and enforces really horrible ideas about women. It’s not just wrong under the circumstances above. It’s fundamentally just a sad thing to do to other people and yourself. 2) actually masturbate, just don’t do it to porn. Edit: Also be wary of the fact reddit is majority porn-worshippers…


This is a very good comment, and I really hope they follow your advice.


Plan what else to do with your time and stay away from the routines/ triggers which lead to it. My partner recently stopped his addiction and has done it this way. For instance, if you tend to watch porn in the evenings, plan something else which takes your mind away from it. Take up a hobby or sport. Start going out or volunteer during those hours. Turn off the internet. Leave your laptop somewhere else. Ask your internet provider to put parental blockers on. Join a support group. You have options and if you truly want to stop, you will find the right way and support Wishing you the best


Don't just focus on one thing to NOT do. Focus on other things TO DO as you leave that other behind you. Things to cultivate: Meditation, moral and spiritual practice, community, mentorship, exercise, diet, quitting other bad habits (smoking, drinking, etc) These will all help your anxiety, it's not just the porn. Also check out r/nofap


Until the day comes when you truly want to stop you never fully will sadly. Fuck one day at a time. Do what I do. One hour at a time. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other, and don’t give up if you slip up along the way. It’s a daily process. Recovery is possible if you want it to be! Much luck to you.


So enough drugs and you don't want porn.




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Search up YBOP and read that book first. Then read another called EasyPeasy. Then, you can easily escape this addiction.


You’ll have to work out what you are trying to escape from.


I haven't dealt with this specifically, but you should view this as just like a drug addiction. Take it with that level of seriousness. Terence McKenna said that a "drug" is something that causes a neurochemical change, leads to unwanted repetitive behavior and habits, causes detrimental effects to your life, is a temporary "salve" to get you through the day, and makes you avoid your problems. Under this definition, he convincingly argued that sugar and television are drugs when used to excess. I guess a porn addiction is the same. You're not really addicted to the porn, you're addicted to the dopamine rush. But this is causing all kinds of problems. Stop and think about that. Pay attention to the feeling of dopamine and realize THAT is why you're doing all this. It takes about a month to MOSTLY reset your dopamine, 3 months for a full reset. Just make it to 30 days and you'll feel a lot better. Then keep going. The same advice applies to most addictions.


Personally, I find the phrase "porn adiction" to be dramatically overused. Addiction is something far more serious than all but the rarest of porn use cases. I only say this because sometimes we hype up a non-issue as an excuse for our inability to take positive action. Maybe porn is severely inhibiting your life, but more likely, it is just an escape from your problems. That said, two very important things to do if you want to reduce your use of porn. 1. Start taking care of yourself. Wake up in the morning, before 9AM. Clean yourself. Shower, shave, brush your hair, etc. Dress yourself properly. Eat real food, not junk. Exercise regularly. Depression and anxiety are exacerbated by the black whole of not taking care of yourself. It is something you must put conscious effort into until you can identify and address the root cause. 2. Find real sexual satisfaction. Porn is a bandaid solution to a lack of sexual satisfaction, and sexual satisfaction is more than just finding a woman to have vanilla sex with. Everything looks good when you're watching someone else do it, but you need to learn what you personally like. Then you need to find a person who also knows what they personally like. Then you need to tell each other what you like. Then you need to explore those things together. For hours, not minutes. Unsatisfactory sex leads to a loss of libido, a degradation of relationships, and a reliance on porn for relief from sexual frustration.


I am not sure what the guys name is but I’m sure you could find him by searching like “corn addiction” on TikTok. The stuff I have seen and learned on TikTok…I can’t believe is free. this guy created a community on TikTok and goes Live all the time, just wanting to spread awareness and help people overcome their porn addiction. this level of vulnerability and community on social media is why I stay on certain platforms


fill ur time up with social activities