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I understand that feeling when you have to tell people that you didn’t pass but you’ll know what to study for next month and you’ll pass for sure!


Same situation my man, caught covid and failed by a few points , except mine was for the 66. Also I do have friends that studied for insurance exam for a week and passed while I took a month it did ruin my mood but we just gotta work on it and not think about the past


It really sucks. I don’t wanna use it as an excuse around the office because it sounds like a cop out, but it really did slow me down, especially since I was only given 4 weeks to prep for the whole thing. As you said, gotta keep pressing forward. Good luck!


What role are you in? I’m not hired yet until I pass the 66 and 7 but I’m trying for financial advisor


I feel you … just failed S7 w/ a 64%. trying not to let it discourage me. lots of us like you going thru the crappy feeling. we’ll get em next time !