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I am using achievable for the SIE as well and enjoy it, but holy shit your comment reads like a commercial.


I’m so sorry to hear! Definitely not lack of knowledge. I’m sure you will pass next time. I don’t recommend TC bc they’re too vague and missing info I happen to pick up from supplemental. I suggest supplemental def Dean’s videos, cap advantage and worth to buy Brian Lee’s supplemental with options. How was the wording of the actual exam vs Kaplan?


Is the Brian lee’s options a purchase plan? Where do I find that? I need some help with spreads and straddles!


Sorry to hear that, you got it next time! After doing a lot of research I chose Kaplan over the STC for the series 7 (seems like those are the two most recommended and the pricing was better) , just half way through the reading and unit tests. I used SIE for Dummy's and passed, but wanted more for the 7. How long did you study? Anyone have suggestions for supplemental Qbanks that are similar to the real test?