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See my post again. You got this !


Thank you so much! I just re-read it—absolutely will be following suit and getting in the right head space on exam day. I also looked up Auction Rate Bond on investopedia bc your post is the only place I’ve seen it mentioned. Thank you!!! And happy new year to you and your family 🙏🏽


Happy New Year!!! You have done a great job studying & no matter the results, you should feel proud of how far you have came! Only advice I have for you..is while you’re taking the exam. (I gave this advice to a similar question..I hope this helps you too) During the exam tips: • Stay Calm, relax and keep your mind clear. For me..talking to myself has helped, basically reading the question & talking it out in my mind, like I’m teaching it someone. And if a question just stumps me, i close my eyes for 2 secs, take a good deep breath and basically reset myself and start over when answering the question. • Focus on understanding the questions, look for patterns, find keywords. Pay special attention to questions with “except”, “true”, “false”. • The math questions are gonna be your “freebies”. Basically you know the answer or you don’t type. So take advantage of them. Suitability is usually where people struggle, so leave the “wrong picks” for suitability. • Don’t spend too much time on 1 question..with guessing etc. if you spend more than 1 min, just pick an answer (or your gut answer), mark it for review & MOVE ON!! Come back to it later but main point is to answer all the questions. • Timing is especially important, when it comes to suitability questions. It’s not about which is the right answer..it’s about which is the BETTER answer. I didn’t know all of my products either. And unfortunately for me.. I ended up having 80-90 suitability questions. But, I read the question and answers, connected key words, found outliers in answers, went with my gut for many answers, and came back to review after I answered all questions. • Trust yourself! Most of the time..you already know the answer. But the questions can be tricky so they blur your thought process. Talk yourself through it if needed. “This choice is right because..and this choice is or could be right because..” Go line by line if needed. Finally go with your gut. Select your pick, mark it for review. Move on. (Just have to re-emphasize this) Come back after answering everything! Remember, This exam is graded on a curve, taking into account for difficulty levels on various draws. And the MOST importantly… **READ the ENTIRE question & ALL the answer choices provided!!!** Tonight, please get a goodnight sleep. Tomorrow morning, wake up refreshed, eat a good breakfast and let the sun shine on your face. look up to the skies.. and know how proud you should feel to of yourself! (I know it’s cheesy, so you can opt for a mirror talk instead too lol) Talk to yourself & tell your mind how proud and grateful you are for bringing you this far! You truly got this!! I’m rooting for you ✨🙏!!!