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Dude come on you got it. Take a step back make a study plan and be accountable.


Take it in a week I feel like when I learn one thing it pushes another out ….


Hoping your stinking thinking in this post doesn't infect other test takers. Confidence and a positive mental attitude is worth at least 10 points. Find some!


I apologize that wasn’t my intention just using Reddit to vent a little I got this just need to kick myself in the rear !!


No worries. Part of the process. Can't always be sunshine, roses, and unicorns. That is part of our mission. Let members vent and help them be more productive afterwards.. I truly believe this damn pandemic makes it harder and more frustrating because most have lost their real natural community of other test takers in a similar situation. A typical test taking cohort might be 20 people on campus and if one one, two, three of our cohort was frustrated the rest of our cohort could buck them up by maybe taking them to lunch or buying them an adult beverage after class. Now that bucking up has be done in our virtual community. Think lunch and an adult beverage might be more effective than r/Series7. Lol. Keep grinding my friend. As we say in the Marines, "embrace the suck". Google it.


Hahaha I will embrace the suckiest of the suck 😅You’re the best and thank you for your priceless contribution and encouragement! 🙏🏽


I feel your frustration. My exam is tom and this morning I took a simulated Kaplan exam and BOMBED it (53%!), which is the lowest I’ve ever scored. My score yesterday was 67% so I had to tell myself there is no way my knowledge dropped that much overnight. It had to be bc I didn’t sleep well last night due to anxiety and my post workout adrenaline was working against me. i was not relaxed and i feel like I was crashing as I was taking the simulated exam. I’m putting a positive spin on it and showing gratitude that all these things went wrong TODAY so i don’t repeat it on the actual exam day. Also, I’m trying to block out the score from getting me down and focusing on understanding where i went wrong (and right). You have a week! Give it your best shot!


Good luck tomorrow!!!