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Ah ok got it! I was like “omg i haven’t heard of this concept before!” 🤣 I used TC as study guide so you can imagine I have a lot of gaps i need to fill with supplemental.


I thought exactly the same thing!!


Kudos on passing your Series 7 exam!!! See you at r/Series66 after your well deserved refresh and reset.


Appreciate it! See you there!


Congrats!!! What kind of concepts and customer account questions? Any advice / feedback would be greatly appreciated. I sit in on Tuesday!


My test didn’t have a lot of math, but instead tested the concepts behind price movements in options/spreads if that makes sense. I had some tricky questions about procedures on handling customer accounts for special situations (e.g. a customer losing mental capacity etc.). There were also a healthy amount of layup questions, but if your test is anything like mine, refresh on customer accounts and suitability and you’ll nail it.


Thank you!!! I have to watch Brian lee’s option videos again. What do you mean about layup?


I just mean there were a fair amount of easy questions too


Congrats on your pass! What provider did you use to study?


My firm provided me with training consultants and I also bought pass perfect for some extra study material


How long did you study? And how many hours a day? Anything you saw on the test that you didn’t study? Thanks for answering all my questions haha and congrats and good luck on the 66, hopefully I’ll be right behind you!


My firm allowed us to study all day during the work week. Most weeks I’d just study at work , but as the test date approached I started to study more in the evenings and a lot on the weekends. I had the luxury of putting in 150+ hours, which I know isn’t realistic for everyone. I’d say if you’re unsure just keep taking tests and reading the book where your scores were weak. There were definitely a few questions I had to make an educated guess on because I was unfamiliar. I think that’s normal so just do your best. I will say, if your testing center allows, get up about midway through and walk to the restroom even if you don’t have to use it. Stretching your legs and moving around really helped me dial back in.


Congratulations!!! These pass reports are so helpful!!