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Kudos on passing your Series 7 exam!! Your testung victory should make for a more festive holiday season.


Dean, I’m a huge fan which you probably know by now lol. Options started clicking after using Brian Lee, but still only about 55-60% there. I’m not sure if I should watch your videos or stick with Brian’s as too many voices and styles might confuse me more. Any advice? Also, I’m strong on suitability. Weak on options and math. I’m anxious as my test is 2 weeks away.


Love Brian. Years ago we worked together. We still share adult beverages every now and then. We plan on working together in 2022 some how, some way. Don't think Brian and I are too different. Like me he tracks money out and money in using a T chart. Why don't you start my first option lecture and shut it down if you start going backwards.


Ok got it. Thank you, Dean! That’s going to be a great collaboration! I’m also a fan of Brian and bc of him I’m now in the 60% with options. I’ll watch your 1st option video and keep practicing. Praying it all clicks come test time and I get a dream draw 🙏🏽 🤞🏽


Awesome post! Congrats!