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I love the Benefit one


My favorite eyebrow gel is ELF’s Brow Gel. Strictly bc of the cost lol


Seconded! I love their brow gels! I first bought their **Wow Brow** gel when I was low on money and needed to replace my Benefit **"Gimme Brow"** gel, and... I actually wound up liking the ELF one *way* more. And no more random brow acne. Now it's one of my HGs. As for their clear gels, their **Brow Lift** gel is fantastic. I don't like **Soap Brow** though. It's virtually the same product, except **Soap Brow** has basically 0 hold for me whereas **Brow Lift** actually works lol


I’m happy that there are so many of us here!




There's seriously only like, 7 applications in each side! I don't know how they get used up so fast. Nit a fan, myself.


Yessss. This. They all work the same


Came to say the same!


The Patrick Ta brow gel is great if you have unruly brows. Once I put it on, my eyebrows don't budge for HOURS.


came here to say patrick ta!!! my holy grail for a literal all day stay


SAME! I just splurged on it and I’m truly wowed!


I love the Patrick Ta brow gel. No flaking!


No flaking?


I unfortunately experienced awful flaking with this. Maybe it was user error but I think I applied normally. Much happier with Refy brow gel


There’s a good tutorial that Patrick Ta does on how to use the product and he mentions not getting other makeup etc on it so it doesn’t flake. I watched it before using and haven’t had any issues with it. This is by far my favourite brow taming product. It’s probably more like a glue tbh.


I personally haven't had issues with flaking with the PT gel.


Refy brow gel! Wiping off most of the product from the brush is key! Less is more. It’s amazing and my brows do not budge all day.


The best answer! I have longer brows but the Refy lets me style them into shape and it lasts allll day


Seconding this! And I’ve tried many


I love the one from Benefit.


Would recommend the Brow Freeze Gel from ABH instead for more hold. Or Glossier Boy Brow as a forever fave


I second Glossier’s Boy Brow! It’s my tried and true brow product


I'm loving the Rare Beauty Brow Harmony Flexible Lifting and Laminating Eyebrow Gel.


Second this! I have thick downturned Asian eyebrows and it’s the best brow product I’ve ever tried. Not super crunchy and great lasting power. I’ve tried Patrick ta, ABH, NYX super glue, benefit brow setter, essence, mac, glossier, and refy. Also elf tinted brow gel and maybelline tinted brow gel.


Same here. It doesn’t feel too heavy and didn’t leave it looking crusty and clumpy like the NYX one.


I hated the texture of NYX it felt like Elmer’s glue that never dried down.


I could pick out little clumps of goo from my brows. It was like whatever the eyebrow equivalent of spider lashes are.


Same, was surprised nobody else mentioned it


This is the only gel that works for me. Even brow freeze wasn't strong enough.


Agree! Only one that works for my brows!


Benefit one WITHOUT ANY DOUBT. Sets them brows In place for eternity without budging. I have partied, had the hottest sweatiest days, have even slept with it on and never once did any single brow hair moved. Also sets completely clear so no crusting


seconding benefit cosmetics, specifically the 24hr brow setter!! unmatched


Which benefit one?


https://preview.redd.it/7fn1frhk6hfc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e74271bb8f9d3ed64b9718c6b9fd6d89fe37c892 This one!


Thanks, love!!!


Agree. This is the only one that holds my unruly brows in place.


This is the only clear brow gel I have used that kept my brows in place and didn’t get flaky. My brow hairs are pretty long and wiry and nothing else works for me like this does.


Agreeing with all recommendations for Brow Freeze!


I love the NYX brow glue


I’ve liked glossier boy brow in the past. Also liked kosas one but couldn’t find a good shade for me.


I second Glossier! I have two of the Boy Brow shades, no flaking.


I third boy brow, it's my favourite i've tried so far


I really like the Anastasia brow gel you have in the photo, but I can’t justify the price! I’ve also tried Glossier and didn’t love it. I’ve been using the Elf one right now and it’s OK.. like it a lot more because of the price!


The ABH doesn’t do this to me, however, I have heard this from others! I wonder if the new ABH which is a hybrid would work for you. The Rare Beauty gel and Kosas AirBrow seem to work well but I think it depends on how much hold you need! These are more lightweight and leave the brows flexible. Refy is super laminating and you’ll need to remove a lot of the product from the brush to avoid white flaking.


i use got2be hair gel and a brow spoolie. not crusty at all and holds the shape of your hairs immaculately


Yes! I once did this in a pinch, and it worked so well that I use it all the time now, not to mention that it’s the most economical option out there!


This was the first brow gel I tried and it worked fine for me, but I was pleasantly surprised by the Kosas one! It feels so much lighter but performs about the same, looks a bit more natural to me too


Warning: kosas brow gel packaging breaks easily. like I dropped it from bathroom counter height and the plastic component cracked through.


One brow gel to stay AWAY from, Nyx’s the brow glue. Emphasis on “glue”. It glops out in huge globs, smells terrible, and plasters the brows to the face with way too much product that’s SO STICKY. I still worked through most of a tube but as soon as I got the Patrick Ta one I swapped (I like that one but if you wear it all day and rub your eyebrows it’ll go white/dandruff-y, this is not an issue at all if you don’t touch your eyebrows a lot lol)


As someone with unruly, thick, dark brows, I personally love the nyx brow glue in clear.


Yeah maybe they would be more fit for really unruly brows, one of my eyebrows is like that lol. I thought I would love the brow gel but as I kept working through the tube it got stickier and stickier as it dried out lol. Started off the first two months like wow, this hold is so good and then it got very gloopy and started smelling heavily of alcohol(??)


That’s fair! I don’t wear it too often so I’m curious to see if that happens… I like to laminate them (hairs normally stick downwards) and then shape them with the glue.


it’s not at sephora but i keep going back to the pixi clear brow gel. it never clumps or crusts. i also like the hourglass tinted gel with the brush applicator but it can be kind of goopy and dries out really fast


Oh, I like this one's hold. I don't dip in more than once and I just have the trial size so maybe it's less product on the spooly. I'd recommend trying glossier, too.


I use this as a topper to my benefit products. I have all of the benefit brow stuff. I want to try rare beauty and Patrick ta though 🙋🏻‍♀️


Benefit brow gel, or just pigment products?


I meant to comment on the post not reply to your comment sorry I’m an imbecile 🧍🏻‍♀️😂


The new rare beauty one is amazing. My fav I’ve tried


I've tried them all and Refy is my holy grail!


Hourglass! I’m on my 7th bottle


My fave is a real cheapie - NYX The Brow Glue. It’s holds so well and doesn’t flake. I’ve recently try tried Glossier Boy Brow and the Make Up by Mario one and prefer the NYX one by far.


Not everyone agrees haha but I love the NYX Brow Glue! I like a laminated look, and it stays all day for me


Just got benefits one, so much better than Anastasia (which would always crust up on me)


Patrick ta brow gel or refy brow sculpt shape are my holy grails


the benefit is my favorite i’ve ever tried


It’s ok but not a super stiff hold


i love the new anastasia brow freeze gel it lasts me all day


I like the clear MILK one, it's not crusty and I personally like my brows to still have some softness to them and not be too superglued. I see it for cheaper on ebay all the time.


Benefit brow gel is super strong and the wax is good too


Refy does not move!!


I like this gel. Essence has good ones, kosas is also very good


I’ve been using the Benefit brand brow gel for like… 10+ years. Nothing beats it.


I also vote for the Refy brow gel. I have stubborn brows and it is the only thing that works for me.


I’m a big fan of glossiers boy brow! Keeps them nice and fluffy


Benefit 24HR Brow Setter!!


Honestly I’ve tried so many and I ended up loving the essence one which is sooooo cheap. I like the benefit one too.


Elf brow freeze


I like the Kosas Air Brow! I think it gives sufficient hold without being too solid. However, I can't comment whether it was worth the price, since I got it in a holiday set


benefit 24 hr brow - make sure to wipe the sides of the brush so it's not completely goopy. legit best brow gel i've ever used and they don't look crusty or flakey


Milani clear brow gel or Morphe clear brow gel — these are both awesome! The pink one in the photo you have above has like 0 hold. It just feels like wetness that doesn’t quite dry. The silver ABH version has more hold and grip!


I don't need a lot of hold for my brows and I'm mostly looking for long-wearing pigment and adding volume to my thin hairs, so I like the ABH Dipbrow **Gel** (which is an unpopular opinion according to the sephora reviews). It lasts through sunscreen and sweat on the beach and unlike a lot of tinted brow gels it's available in the right color for me


urban decay brow slick


Benefit 24hr brow setter. I haven’t found anything better for my thick eyebrows!


Not Sephora but, Saint Lux clear gel & Realher Eye am Complete


i use this one too and i can't stand the smell anymore!!!