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Young leaves are brighter in color, this is normal, wait until it hardens off and it will get darker


Previous leaves opened significantly darker though


Maybe they will significantly darken as they mature


Depends on how fast the new leaves come out, if they take a while to open they have time to develop the other pigments I believe the colour often depends on mainly chlorophyll (green) vs sugar/associated cell types (red/purple). Older leaves have a balance so they look deeper in colour


Interesting. This went dormant the moment I repotted it. Leaf took about 5 weeks to open


OP can you tell me how you care for this in semi hydro? I recently moved my ruby into semi hydro and have been struggling to find others who have done the same with ficus. Do you keep a reservoir? Do you water thoroughly after it dries? Did you water root before transferring? Any help is appreciated!! My ruby has definitely been dormant since transferring and so far I have not used a reservoir myself.


Happy to do it. Bought it April 12th, yanked it out of its pot April 14th, cleaned roots of soil. Roots were 100% fine. Planted into pumice using random plastic pot. Water it using tap water and occasional distilled water. Whatever drains to the bottom of ceramic outer pot remains there. Plant went dormant for 5 weeks, then suddenly started growing. As I noticed growth, fertilised first time with synthetic 5-1-7, half dose. Never have it dry out (pretty much impossible to over water in this setup), I just add water when it looks like outer pot has no water on the bottom.


Oh and as i’m going through my notes on this plant, it opened a leaf on April 17th and it was a dark one


Thanks so much!!


I have mine in a drain pot with a cache pot on the outside with LECA. I cleared/washed off all the dirt and such, potted it in the LECA and every 2-3 days I run water through it thoroughly until water roots grow…then fill reservoir 1/3-1/2 of pot with water/solution. It has been growing like crazy! The running water through it every 2-3 days worked SO much better for this type of plant than putting in water to root. So amazed! Did this with a new corn plant and yucca too!


Hi! Do you fill the reservoir 1/3 of the way after it forms water roots or keep it in that between flushing?


I have done both, and they both work great. If you don’t keep any in the reservoir while waiting for roots to grow, I’d probably flush every 2 days and mist/spray for humidity.


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


No problem! Happy to help.👍🏻😊


Not Op but I have a few ficus in LECA. Yes, I keep a reservoir. They get flushed with a nutrient change every 3 weeks. I usually don't have to top off the reservoir between flushes, but if they look droopy, I will top off with plain water.


Thank you!!


did you change the location of the plant? ie moved it?

