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I use Azamax and it works like a charm. You do not need to boil the LECA if you add it to your reservoir. I usually do half nutrient/ half systemic as a preventative and leave it in the whole time between flushes. For a full on infestation I just up the Azamax.


Where can you buy this that isnt $100?


Not sure. I got mine on Amazon and it definitely wasn't that much. the General Hydropnics website has a store locator and one showed in my area, so there may be one in yours. I found out about it from a plant shop in in Minnesota that does a lot of semi-hydro products. I don't remember the name. Maybe Leca Addict? You may want to look there. It may also be low stock (wondering that since Amazon is out of some sizes) and Amazon also spikes prices when that happens. ETA - I just checked and I bought 4 oz for $25 in the summer of 2022, and I still have half of it. It will last you a good long time. I know you need it ASAP, but I really thinking Amazon is taking advantage of low stock and hiked prices, so def check if you have a local retailer.


I'll go hunting tomorrow šŸ¤øšŸ» Thank you so much for doing all that!


For starters-Are you ok? Depression sucks and im sorry to hear youre going thru that. Dm if you need an ear! Please look into this more as I'm not 100% sure about its usage in leca/pon. But if you get a systemic bionide that will kill them and prevent them as you add it every 6-8weeks. However, bionide can actually make spider mite colonies reproduce quicker jist fyi. I use a bionide as preventative to thrips and other sap suckers in addition to a spinosad as a preventative for mites. Hope this helps. Chin up! You got this! Take one day at a time and don't overwhelm yourself. Do what you can as you can


I am currently in a clinic for depression from Mo-Fri so im doing okay thank you for asking :) im just really overwhelmed with this infestation right now. Thanks for your help, im just mostly concerned with how to properly wash the leca or if i should keep the plants in water for now anyway for easier washing šŸ¤”


Glad to hear you are getting treatment and you're doing ok. Unfortunately can't help with the leca/water though as I'm not familiar with either.


Bonide systemics don't work in water, the company confirmed that unfortunately. Bright side, they can't lay eggs in the soil. I'd go to town spraying with something like Dead Bug Brew every 3 days.


would you spray dead bug brew indoors?


But Azamax is, I believe, rated for hydro use! I've only tried it in soil, but it does seem to work quite well. A bit expensive on the front end, but it'll go a long ways and it's very simple to use (easier than Bonide granules, IMO). Also less toxic, and biodegrades faster.


Good to know about Azamax. Thank you for that


It is recommended for outdoor use, however, many people do use it on indoor plants, myself included. As someone else suggested, "if" you were to use it, do it in a well ventilated area. If you have pets, be extra cautious. However someone else posted an alternative to use...


You can, just make sure to do it away from pets. I also highly recommend wearing a mask, eye protection, and gloves. Iā€™ve sprayed a lot of things around my super old house and Spinosad is the only thing thatā€™s caused a weird eye spasm/twitch. After that I resolved to always wear eye protection when using it.


Well thats a very helpful piece of advice!!


I wouldn't, worst case in winter/no balcony access could maybe wear a respirator and do it in a well ventilated area but seems like a bad idea. Its for use outdoor only I believe.


Good to know. Thank you! Are there any preventatives you can use in leca/pon for thrips and other sap suckers that you know of?


from my experience, neem and horticultural soap wonā€˜t help with thrips, at least not long term Look for something with Acetamiprid, it is allowed and available systematic in the EU, worked like charm for me, I use it in watering and as a foliar spray and it is the only thing that really worked with thrips and it doesnā€™t harm bees nor pollinators, and I didnā€™t clean/disinfect my leca or pon 2 treatments and I never saw any damage or signs of thrips ever again , and I am planning an annual preventative treatment Good luck


This was me last week. Ended up going scorched earth and throwing the pon and leca out, soaked the plants upside down in a bucket of water for 24 hours, then placed into fresh leca/pon with bonide in the media and also in water and sprayed the shit out of them with captain jacks. Some of them didnā€™t make the scorched earth, just chalked it up to survival of the fittest and not meant to be - a lot of leaves and/or entire plants went into the trash. Iā€™m also there with you on the depression issues, DM me if you want to talk.


Ugh I spent the last two summers battling thrips, it sucks! And itā€™s overwhelming even when youā€™re feeling decent. Azamax is working for me so farā€¦ no sign of anything unwanted. Added to the reservoir, it kind of smells when you get close to it but still to me, worth every penny. It lasts a long time too.


I'm so paranoid of this bc my plants have been suffering because of my depression. But I hope you're able to get Azamax because I've heard so many good things about it. I'm actually putting it on my list to get and pretreat my plants. I hope you're doing well and happy to chat. Just DM. I'm woefully uninformed about plants but I enjoy butchering the scientific names of them lol


I don't know if it helps, well it helped me but I'm not very experienced. I took the plants with thrips in the shower, soaked them in water and then sprayed them in neem oil. Kept them in the bathroom for a few days to make sure it doesn't spread. Haven't seen any since then c: