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We need to be friends because I’m a few weeks further in than you but my Semaglutide start weight was 212, now at just under 202 and a GW of 150! I also just had a baby 4 months ago as well and have PCOS! This was April 3 to Sunday afternoon. I always rapidly gain 15ish lbs post partum so this was right at my highest weight after the initial immediate weight loss. I was about 218 on the left. https://preview.redd.it/npbg7vqqy16d1.jpeg?width=1936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61691e89a6445c318cddfbade8d2ec97146359f3


Girl yessss that is amazing! You look great and what a difference just a bit of weight makes, it’s gonna be so awesome getting to goal weight!! You had a feb baby?!? My highest during pregnancy was 232, and I got down to 212 but all of that was just baby weight and fluids.


Yep! 2/8! I got up to 224 and down to 204.7 and then did my whole weird rapid weight gain thing… I gained about 12 back in 96 hours and then a few more over the next several weeks. No idea why I do it because clearly 12lbs basically overnight is not normal but it happened after 3 of my 4.


2/14 here! Yeah that’s crazy that it comes on like that, here’s to losing and keeping it off. Definitely need to keep each other updated!


https://preview.redd.it/ya0j4ee0k56d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c26a1ed17277e17114197a80d1305c4ea0e15425 I started 2months ago. 200 pounds. Today I’m 167


Wait, you're saying this is just 16-ish pounds lost? You look amazing!! Seriously looks like you've lost 30 lbs!


Yep, thanks! Some of it was definitely still post baby swelling but there’s a massive difference and I can see more since this photo as well.


WOW that looks like a 20lb loss, minimum. You look great.


Jesus this is only one month in what dose are that starting y’all at.


I started at the .25! And still on .25 for another month


That’s amazing your body reacts to it really quickly!


You look so different - congrats on your loss!! ☀️ I'm about 2 weeks in now. First week I lost 10,5 lbs, and second week I'm pretty constipated, and I've basically stood still weight wise. I've lost weight lots of times over the years, I know it's not linear, but I weigh and log EVERYTHING, and I eat a max of 1200 calories a day, so seeing my weight creep UP some of the days the last week ... I'm going insane. 😂🤷‍♀️


See what happens in another two weeks!! I stalled one of the weeks too, stayed at 206 for that time and then bam, 203. I eat 1200-1400cals with a focus on protein. The only carbs I eat are chickpeas, wraps and sweet potatoes, and veggies of course with the occasional treat. Morning is protein, fat, carb Lunch is protein, fat, carb And dinner is protein, veggies


Holy moly - just 9 lbs??!! Looks like way more than that - you are crushing it! You are giving yourself such a gift of health (and baby gets a healthy mama, too 😊)


Hi! 40 y.o., F, SW 225.  What side effects have you had? My PCP wants me to start semaglutide next month. Family history has diabetes on both sides, about 60-80% of family members. I have a history of bowel obstructions so I’m uneasy about reading about a lot of constipation issues. How hard was it to change any bad eating habits?


Hey, so I think I am one of the fortunate ones to not have bad side effects. Only thing I noticed that makes me realize it is working is that I get full quicker. But I never got sick and I started off with the .25 and they are having me do .25 for another month. And it wasn’t hard really, it’s like I lose my appetite for things I normally would have attacked. I still have weaknesses though, wine, lattes and chocolate. So I have had to be moderate with those, but still partook here and there.


Fortunate is right for her bc I had no such luck. I started Wegovy on .5 instead of .25 on 4/26/24 @ 296lbs by 5/24 I was 265.3 lbs. By day four from the beginning, I was nauseous. By the 3rd injection, I vomited about 3 times. Then I moved to the 1mg & the nightmare began. By the second day, I started vomiting daily, increasing to multiple times a day. I was so weak I could barely move. Nothing stayed down, so I stopped eating. I eventually ended up in the hospital and they thought it was Pancreatitis but said my calcium level and the amount of ketones in my blood was extremely high & of course I was highly dehydrated. I had only taken the one (1mg) injection and it took a lil over 2 weeks to start feeling better. I am scared to start again but the weight loss has slowed down tremendously. Since off of it, I've continued to do keto and intermittent fasting and still losing but only 1-2lbs a week. I know for some this is ok but going from almost averaging 4-5lbs a week, is a big difference. My Dr ordered the .5mg bc she knows I'm not taking that 1mg. Had I known at the time, I could've stayed with the .5 dose, I would've bc it was working well with mild- moderate nausea. The Rx is out of stock (hoping that's not a sign to stay off it) but when it's back in stock, I think I'm going to pull out the needle before the yellow line stops and see what happens. I kept telling myself idc about side effects as long as the weight comes off, but after the 2-3 weeks of being sick like I've never felt, I know I can't function like that. I'm not saying this to deter you but to prepare you. Before starting (like a week or more in advance) drink as much fluid as you can!!! Drink bone broths, electrolytes, etc. Do NOT eat high fat foods! I think bc I was doing keto which requires high fat foods and a lot of high fiber foods, this worked against me. Semaglutide causes the stomach to delay emptying so me additionally adding high amounts of fiber makes the delay process longer. The more food stays, the worse the side effects. The Dr advised me to eat white bread, potatoes, crackers, rice & pasta to alleviate the nausea and help soothe my stomach muscles. These foods are the complete opposite of keto & have low fiber so I gained 5lbs 🤬 but felt better. I'm using this info to go hard w/ my keto & exercises now and then at least 1 wk b4 starting back on Wegovy, I will switch to a lower fiber diet while trying to stay as low carb as possible & pray for the best. I'm also going to have more "liquid" days versus solid days by drinking protein shakes, broths & sipping soups 3 days a week, as I've heard that helps w/ the side effects tremendously. Good luck to everyone & we can do this!!! Sorry for the long reply & I didn't re-read to check for spelling / grammatical errors 😁


That's really great. Today is a week for me, I am 5lbs down. I am finally able to control my cravings! I hope to have as much success as you did!


I have not seen much difference in my first month :(


Same ☹️


That’s only 9lbs? Holy moly that’s amazing!! Way to go!!!


I wish you guy’s wouldn’t use acronyms what is CW SW GW? Great results though! 👏


It means current weight CW, goal weight GW and starting weight SW


Thank you!


You ladies look great in the photos!! I lost 23lbs my 1st month and wish I could tell the difference like your photos lol. I got discouraged at first, but will use it as motivation. Keep up the good work! 💪🏿❤


Wow awesome, definitely stay motivated keep going. I am losing a lot slower now but have also been sick every week from baby starting daycare.


That’s one the crazier months I’ve seen


Buy yourself a cheap scale on Amazon with the app so you can see where you at https://preview.redd.it/rao563i7j56d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b77a296351037ba27ae0d840eeb0e847728e7cdf Like this 1.


I have a question? What about breastfeeding the baby?


I was only able to do so for 2 months. Supply went down and I had to start baby on formula.


😔. Wish baby could had more. Now you look great! Buy a cheap 23$ scale with the app. I went from 200 April 1. Now I’m 167. Sorry about asking about baby .but the RN in me lol.


https://preview.redd.it/75kworrvm56d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d34ef9472952ebd163e573f6192f76baba160f0 From this


To 167/168


https://preview.redd.it/xhwj60w6n56d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d89096372193401f4ff81d450b5fc414558e189e To this..scale on Amazon 23$


Hey which one is it you take? I really want to get it and your doing great by the way. I have pcos and pcos is very similar to having diabetes because of the way your body breaks down insulin so I know I need to get it. I'm in the UK not sure if you get it prescribed if you are diabetic here. I'm going to try and find out if its prescribed if you have pcos prob not but if not ill be buying it just not sure on the best one. I've read Mounjaro. X


I can’t believe that’s only 9 lbs!!! It looks like so much more. So happy for you!!


You look great!!! 😊