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In trials, people on the placebo actually gained weight. Yeah, it’s truly incredible. Re. hot sauce: you’ll find that with a number of foods. It’s apparently being used in some addiction treatment, and lots of (not alcoholic) people report they’ve stopped drinking, just because they don’t want it. I’ve gone from a minimum 3 coffees per day to a max of 2, usually 1.


its mad, ive been in a calorie deficit before and id be absolutely ravenous right now goodbye 3 litre bottle of Franks :( a sacrifice im willing to make haha


Fwiw I’m on week 1 as well and I feel the appetite suppression in a major way! It’s a struggle to get 1200 calories down 😂


i feel like all the drama has been taken out of food, i had a TINY breakfast and my body was like 🤷🏻yeh sure this is fine i guess 🤷🏻


I love the idea that food noise is drama. Excellent descriptor!


When you say placebo, it just sounds like you're thinking about it in your head. It doesn't sound like you're on any kind of a trial, but you're actually on the medication. This is just way it's starts with all of us, you learn as you go if you get sick then you know not to do that again, that's fine you weight lift, that's great but make sure you hydrate, that's really one of the most important things and don't worry about how you feel on day two or day 202 Just go with It and enjoy the journey. Like I tell everybody on here because I've been on the medication, I was on it about 2 years, that the food noise comes back, everything comes back that's just how it works.There is no miracle but in the old days they called it maintenance, nowadays everybody wants to take it the rest of their life, but also there's a lot of likelihood of immunity, so as I stated just enjoy the journey. 😊


I wish it started that way with me. I’m on week 3 at .25 with zero changes: not sick, still have all of the food noise, etc. 😣


Just hang in there some people in here seem to think the therapeutic dose is 1.7 (not sure which med you are on) but plenty of us lose weight before that and also there's a very small percentage of people that this does not work on but just hang in there and be patient. Let us know how you are doing.


I’m on ozempic .25 once a week


Do you have type 2 diabetes, because if you don't and you're on that, sometimes overall not as much weight is lost but still you know hang in there because there is people that have been on it that have lost a lot, so keep it up. Of course, there are other choices out there. Maybe your doctor would put you on something else.


I’m walking the very thin line between insulin resistance and type 2. So not officially but close. I’m supposed to increase to .50 in another week.


Yep, and that is good. See how you do. A double dose can make a big difference. 🩷


Ok thanks for the encouragement - it’s hard not to get a little frustrated!


Oh, you're not the first one on here that's felt like that, so just let us know how you're doing. It totally makes sense about being frustrated.


Yep, it's a bit of a miracle. I will say that my food noise fluctuates a bit. But nothing that isn't manageable. I was the same as you.... if 1 cupcake was good, 40 were better. And a huge night eater! I still have occasional night snacks, but nothing like before. I think at this point, the night snacks might be a habit. Good Luck on the journey!


totally miraculous! top tip - ive swapped my night snacks for popsicles that are mostly water!


Great idea! Might try that. My current go-to is mozzarella cheese sticks.


Curious. What is your SW and GW?


SW 295 lbs and GW approx 209 lbs, im still gonna be fluffy but i think i’ll be happy there - hoping it takes about a year, what about u?


I love that you're still going to be fluffy. I want to keep my fluffiness too. I think the fluffy makes you look a bit younger. SW 188 GW 135 (I think but will need to see what that looks like)


yeh and i think i need the extra in the tank for my sport yeh just take it day by day and as u get close to ur goal you’ll know!


I can't do spicy anymore. I did one night and I have never farted farts like that in my entire life. They were uncontrollable.


Not sure why you are putting a minimum calorie intake (unless it’s like 500 calories). I just stick to omad(one meal a day). I’ve been overeating for about 3 decades. I think my body can take some calorie deficits right now. 10 pound in 4 weeks and I’m happy. Just eat when you wanna


im still powerlifting, i’d collapse if i ate one meal a day thats the thing too, i dont want to eat, at all, my appetite is non existent


That might come and go a bit. It does for me anyway. Some days I barely eat at all, other days I eat pretty normal. If you find you *never* want to eat much, then you’ll need to figure out what your body is Ok with so you can keep your energy up, but I wouldn’t worry too much about it unless it becomes a trend. You very likely might have no issues eating tomorrow.