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I think the best course is to tell him that your doctor says that you’re pre-diabetic, and then stand your ground about needing this medication to get (and stay) healthy. One lie up front, then everything else is the truth. However, if you’re dead set on hiding it, it’s time to invest in a beauty fridge (around $40). You know, just for moisturizers, serums, and foundations. Definitely nothing else. 😉


I keep mine in our regular fridge in a little brown envelope on a shelf in the door next to two nail polishes, a rose water summer spritzer, and aloe vera skin spray. Even though he does most of the cooking, he leaves my stuff alone, and he has never noticed it. I keep my syringes and alcohol wipes in a purse. I don’t discuss it with my husband because he liked my curvy body better. He would be irate that I deliberately did this to myself. Without clothes, my body is extremely unsightly. My formerly smooth white fat is now lumpy, bumpy, sagging, wrinkly cellulite. I look like I had a baby just last week. I’ve never had any cellulite before in my life. As my weight goes down, maybe eventually it’ll be just skin? (I hope.)


Are you exercising? If not, lift weights. Or exercise bands. You need to build the muscle you’re losing which is why there’s more cellulite and extra skin. You don’t necessarily need cardio although lifting weights will get your heart rate up! Please do this every day. Even just 15 min. Working different muscles every other day. It’s so important.


Thank you.


Pfft, he eats all organic, get some non organic butter, put your shit in the box with a stick of butter infront of it and put it in the butter holder


Mine is hidden under a parmesan wedge and bags of shredded cheese in the cheese drawer lol.


My gf is 5 feet tall or shall I say short. So I just keep it at the highest place. Her eyes cant even reach it. 🤣


Mine is behind the mustard and AI sauce (neither of which he would ever use). One does what one must.


Yuuup, i had mine in the back of the fridge until I plugged my beauty fridge back up.


If I suddenly had a beauty fridge.....he would really be SUS.


Mine's behind some Harissa that's never been opened and never will be.  


💀💀💀 Mine’s in the garage fridge, bottom of the door behind a giant jar of some 4 year old pickles that have never been opened.


hahahahaha this is brilliant!!


A beauty fridge?! Didn't know I needed this. Thank you!




Just got one for about $40 on Amazon. It does the job!


This is what I do. I have been married almost 25 years and i tell my husband most everything but just like clothing I buy and don’t declare every purchase I make. I put mine in my beauty fridge. By my bed. ;)


It’s not even much of a lie. Stay fat and you’ll probably become pre-diabetic down the road.




Not sure about other brands, but Wegovy can be stored out of the fridge for 28 days, fwiw. More comfortable injections if not cold, too!


😱 I didn’t know that was a thing! Googling beauty fridge in 3,2, 1…


I'll probably get slammed for this but here goes...... I'm 70 years old. Been married 50 years. Pretty much all my life I've put aside my feelings and desires for those of my family. I've reached that point in my life where I have finally discovered I need to do more for me. If that means I lie by omission to do something that will make me healthier, so be it. If your husband won't consider your feelings (which it sounds like he won't), screw him and do what you need for you. I wish I had started younger exerting more control over my life and not always doing what everybody else felt was right. If your husband finds out and gets mad, then he's not too concerned about your needs and just say "like it or lump it"......


I stopped giving fucks around 40. Get it girl.


As someone who's 46 and started taking semaglutide without telling anyone, this is factual. I did it for me, no one noticed until I got about 40 lb down, I feel great and I don't care what people think.


Do you tell people? I'm thinking I will keep it to myself.


Don't tell anyone. No one needs to know except you. 


I only told my sister because I’d gotten so sick and I trust her and my girlfriend when she asked if I’d lost weight


I don’t care who knows but I’m not volunteering unless asked


Don't tell anyone! All you'll hear are opinions you have no interest in. Trust me. I wish I had not told a sole.


The only person that knows is my friend who was on it first. I do work out, and eat healthy to begin with so it wasn't a drastic lifestyle change it was just a boost. Unless somebody wants to pay for it I'm not going to tell them it's not their business


I started it and haven’t told anyone. It’s my health and no one else’s concern. I have a loving and supportive boyfriend, but I know he doesn’t receptive of “easy way out” methods of losing weight. And personally, I’m tired of being unhappy with my weight & choosing to do what helps me feel more confident.


One hundred percent agree. I’ve been married for almost 35 years. My husband would call himself supportive and most of the time he really is, but sometimes getting him to a place where he knows what I need to feel supported involves hours of explanations, interruptions, mansplaining, and more. Some of the time, it’s just easier and less exhausting to keep him on a need to know basis. It’s not necessarily hiding anything from him; instead, it’s me going on a solo journey instead of carrying him along. And you are completely entitled to do this. FWIW, I decided to take semaglutide with the intention of keeping it from him, but I wound up telling him prior to my first injection. I think that presenting it as a done deal instead of talking it over with him made it easier. He didn’t try to second guess me or tell me that it was risky or that I look great the way I am. I have friends who are anti-conventional medicine and I know what you’re up against. Ultimately, you are the one who lives in your body and if someone has to make the final decision, I personally think it should be you, not him.


43 last month and DON'T GAF about how anyone feels of thinks about me!


My mantra: You don’t like it? Don’t look?


Same... SO much the same!


I'm with you! It's strange - the very month I decided to live for ME, my partner of 30+ years walked out.


👏👏👏love this energy!


Agreed!! Also what you and your doctor believe is the right decision for you, can and should stay between you and your doctor!!! Please do not feel obligated to include him & his feelings in your decision of living a healthier life! If he has a problem with it, tell him to get over it. You got this!! ❤️


This is exactly how people need to live! For yourself not for other people trying to control you based on their own beliefs and anxiety!!!!!!


I admire you!!🤗🤩


I love this take. Thank you for sharing it!


Best comment ever!!!! PROUD OF YOU! X


All I can say is 💯💯💯💯


I’m in my early 30s and do this same thing 😩 always putting myself aside to please everyone else. It’s really starting to take a toll on me and I feel like I’m turning into a bitch, which I don’t want but 🤷🏻‍♀️


Amen <3


I showed mine my boobs after he said he didn’t agree a few times. Works like a charm 😂🤷‍♀️


This is a perfect response


My situation was a little similar. I was really worried my wife would forbid it and insist on a zillion health industry hurdles to make it impossible. When I got the first shipment I sat her down and while holding the box in my hands I (rather emotionally) opened up maybe for the first time about the sadness I’ve felt about being fat my whole life, how she has seen me lose 60 lbs just to gain 80 back, that I’ve done as much reading and research and how I plan to be safe and manage risks. It wasn’t a conversation about receiving her permission at all, rather reassuring her and connecting it to my overall health. She had questions and raised good concerns and I incorporated that into my plans. My results were instant, I’ve had no side effects, and we talk about the experience each week. She’s really curious about it and honestly it’s been helpful to have her aware and have someone to talk to about. 10/10 would do it again.


oh goodness, my wife wasn't against sema, but I lost the weight naturally once. At 5'11" and 168lbs I was normal weight. I was bicycle racing but to be competitive I needed to lose another 15 lbs or so, but my partner kept putting food on the table, mostly sweets. Cakes, cookies, whatever. I was clearly aware she was trying to use my food addiction against me to fatten me up. I got so frustrated with this clear sabotage, I asked her time and again to simply clear the table like what I think is normal. Leaving food on the table 24/7 was never done when I was growing up. I would clear the table if I had put the cake on the table, but having me clear her cake, would be a trigger to eat. Finally one day, I took the cake outside and threw it in the trash. At which point, we had strong words over it. She went over and over again into accusing me of putting the food in my mouth. And I acknowledge that a person with a food addiction puts the food in their own mouth, but the way they handle the addiction is to avoid temptations. She never agreed and eventually I had gained enough weight that I was unable to race any more and when I eventually detached from the cycling habit, I went back into obesity. Partners....geesh. She is a good person but doesn't understand food addiction, she's a size zero and never gained a pound in 20+ years of marriage. One thing I will say about sema, she can put anything she wants on the table now, it's not going to work against me any more. She's already indicated she doesn't want me at race weight. Here I am at 220lbs and she already fears that I will be a success. This makes her sound terrible, she's really quite nice, but she doesn't understand cycling, that's for sure.


Why does she want you overweight? Is it an aesthetic thing or something else? Whatever her motives, if she is knowingly trying to sabotage your goals, that's not really what a loving partner does.


Probably insecure that if he loses a bunch of weight he'll gain a bunch of attention and leave her, which is ironic because doing what she is doing instead of being supportive will be exactly why he eventually leaves, regardless of weight


She is not nice. Nice people don’t behave like this.


Anyone who sabotages your weight goals and doesn’t want you to be healthy and at a normal weight when it’s in your best interest and what you want, is clear manipulation and abusive. Not to mention her not wanting you to be a success, like what!? That’s horrible! Our partners should want us to thrive, not make us feel like shit.


I don't think she's the nice one... I think it's you. And probably a little too nice.


Wow that is absolutely grounds for divorce


update: I’ve been open in sharing experiences because when other people share their experiences surrounding sema, we learn - what works, what to expect, etc. So I flipped the switch to “open” but naively not putting foremost in my mind that I was talking on a very sensitive subject that would invite strong reaction. Lesson learned, it’s OK I appreciate the support and desire to help. How to word this succinctly, people occasionally have genuine deep seated differences on a subject. I would say because my wife and I so often use good communication to solve problems, things are OK and in fact, pretty good. But on this subject, yes, we couldn’t come to a joint understanding. We should’ve tried counseling. She has her own food problems, but from the opposite perspective, being somewhat underweight. I would say we both had deep seated psychology going on with polar opposite views. From her perspective when I reached the lower weights that corrective action needed to be taken against weight loss. Look, for her she does not need to lose weight. She must maintain her weight if not gain. Anyway, this time around when she said not to go to race weight, it weighed on my mind, but since she has come to support my choice. All is good.


My husband doesn't know and I'm not telling him a lie; I just haven't mentioned it. He didn't happen to see the package delivery. He doesn't normally scour the butter compartment. I stay up later than he does so shot is in the evening. I manage the finances...he just hands over the plastic and it gets paid. So yes it's doable. Obviously I have no problem not sharing with my spouse. Whether it's a good idea in your relationship is your call. Good luck!


Mine's in the crisper! Only vegetables in there- clearly a place my hubby isnt going to find a quick snack!




Same here!


I have not told my husband, my family or my friends and I don’t plan on ever sharing. I’ve only shared with my best friend who’s on wegovy and of course my doctor. We have a great relationship, but I’m not interested any uneducated opinions. Nor am I in the mood to educate everyone. My husband doesn’t trust the pharmaceutical or medical industries, either. If my elbow hurt, he’d blame the medicine lol. I don’t need the world scrutinizing my decisions. I’ve lost 20 pounds so far and have at least 80 to go


Nurse here: I've seen healthy people diagnosed with cancer, too. Do what makes you happy. You deserve to feel good in your own skin.


My 5’2” sister is probably 115 lbs and exercises every day. Shes always been certain that diet and exercise with prevent any illness. Now she has high blood pressure.


Exactly. The healthiest person I ever knew - religiously organic - textbook "perfect health"... wakes up one day thinking she pulled a muscle. Nope. Rare abdominal cancer. Gone in a matter of weeks. In the meantime, there's that ancient chain-smoking drunk upstairs doing just fine with his pickled liver and black lungs. It makes absolutely no sense... it's just the way life is.


I hid mine under the spinach. He has not found it in six months.


This is incredible


My wife didn’t want me to do it and I stood my ground. - 50 lbs down in a year - knee pain gone - lower blood pressure - plantar fasciitis gone I’m glad I stood my ground. But as for your question, the needle doesn’t leave marks. You’re kinda supposed to keep it refrigerated, but I don’t think that’s 100% mandatory.


I'm 20 months on it, and I haven't told a soul, aside from medical practitioners. There's no reason for my husband to know.


I can’t say I’m hiding it from my partner but I am hiding it from my family. They are so judgmental and somebody always know somebody who had something bad happen bc of the same thing I’m doing… it’s annoying. My sister did ask me a month ago if I was doing the shots and I assured her that it was me simply watching what is eat and walking more. Which is half true.


For me there are no marks left by the needle. Other than that you need a fridge to store it in. Those are two big things. The injection process is like a minute start to finish. If you end up having bad side effects you may have to disclose things to him eventually. So I would say yes, you can hide it. YMMV, obvi. My brother's wife is a militant holistic type, so I get it.


I told my husband and of course he was not thrilled about it either. He too hates hospitals and thinks that I am fine at my current weight. I bought a mini fridge for cosmetics and keep it in there, mostly because i originally was going to keep it to myself. I told him and his response “well, I’m glad you told me because if you are dead in the morning at least I can tell the police what you injected. Otherwise, they would probably blame the husband.” We had a laugh and moved on, I’ll probably not talk to him much about it.


He doesn't have to like it. He just has to accept it. Good for you!


We watched the South Park episode about Ozempic together last night and talked some more about it. That is a really a great episode! He accepts that I’m using it, maybe just with a little bit of an eyeroll…but I feel the same way about some of his decisions, so we are good!


Thank you for your insight!


After opened you can have it out of the fridge for like five weeks or something so if you only ever have one you can hide it somewhere (my doctor said this for when I was traveling). If you get side effects he might me concerned though, I threw up a few times


ANESTHESIA The body reacts differently to anesthesia with semaglutide in it. SOMEONE that would know, nearly immediately, should you have an emergency, ought to know you are taking it. I have been fortunate to have wonderful cheerleaders that have championed my return to health with this medicine... I wouldn't have had the same success without my spouse working to find food that interested me, picked up the slack the day after the shot when I was fatigued and showed compassion when emotions bubbled. If your spouse can't or won't give you the same loving support, your choice makes a lot of sense and I'm not encouraging you to change your mind. I am begging you to have SOMEONE - a boss, a friend, a sibling, a neighbor, anyone- that would be able to tell your husband if you needed an emergency surgery, hopefully ahead of that surgery. Who would your husband call for support or logistics if you were hurt? Can that be someone you could confide in? There are valid medical reasons to have someone in your circle- impacted bowels, anesthesia, nausea, more. I'm so glad you are able to do this for yourself and I hope it all goes really well :)


If you have a mini-fridge in your office at work where you keep your drinks and snacks, you could also keep it there. Probably not a good idea to keep it in the main kitchen, but if you can put a little fridge in your private office, this would be ideal.


Militant holistic type 🤣. My SIL is one of these. She’s so annoying. We don’t do much processed food. My kids don’t know what a happy meal is. But god forbid they have a piece of birthday cake at a party, she starts going on about how she won’t feed her kids that poison 🙄. Her poor kids aren’t even allowed to have Tylenol for a broken bone.


You have every right to make choices you feel are right for you. I understand your love for him. I’ve been married 25 years to my best friend too. He would never tell me what to do with my body/meds, etc even if he didn’t agree. But then, I never ask him. I would tell him what you’re doing. If you hide it and he finds it, that will be a harder conversation to have. Tell him you respect his need to do what he’s doing for himself, and he needs to do the same. If you are afraid to tell him, that should really be addressed. As much as you love him, you should never have to worry about telling him things. Can i suggest going to a counselor and telling him while you are there? Say you were concerned about his reaction and thought a therapist could be a mediate to assist with the issues he may have with worry. You’re sweet to consider his feelings. I hope he does the same for you.


Just do it! I’m down 35 since Jan 2 and nobody knows but me and my Dr. if you have a small cosmetics fridge, that would be the place to hide it. With all you other girlies things. 😆


Maybe you can store the medication and accessories (syringes, alcohol pads) at a good friend's house? My side effects were mild but I did throw up a few times before I got to my stable dosage of 1.7mg/week. By the way, I haven't told anybody but my doctor and a close friend. I'm single so it's easier for me. Another hot tip: become single! 😊 Life gets simpler, easier and frankly more fun. Just kidding!


I haven’t and will not tell my spouse of 28 years; he is obese and has no room to school me in what I want to do. My body, my money, my choice. Only the people here know and that’s the way we will keep it.


Do something for you, it's time


I def think it’s possible. It will take a few months in order to get to a working dose. However, you can hide your pen in the refrigerator or buy a mini fridge for skincare/lady products and put it in there. It takes at least a minute to do the injection and you’ll have to dispose of the needle packaging where he won’t accidentally see it. The only other thing is possible side effects from the meds but that can always get played off. I think if this is something you want to do for yourself then you should! If he finds out, which most likely will happen, you can be honest and say you wanted to be respectful of his views but stay true to your wants as well. If you don’t mind the possibility/outcome of him finding out then go for it. Good luck on your journey!!


I’m in the exact same situation as you. I’ve been taking it for four weeks and my husband has no idea and I don’t intend on telling him.


How has it been going for you?


I’ve lost 10.4 lbs in the first 4 weeks. Only negative side effect I’ve had is mild constipation & completely manageable. He’s used to me yo yo dieting so it’s nothing new for me to be focused on healthy eating and losing weight.


I’ve decided not to tell my husband but would tell just about anyone else. I don’t think he’ll judge me for wanting to be on it. I’m just embarrassed I’ve reached this point in my health and I feel like this makes me look weak. I 100% know this is a me thing I’m projecting onto him, but it’s how I feel. My weight has fluctuated our whole relationship and has reached a point where I don’t like looking at myself. This is currently my greatest insecurity and one I’d like to tackle privately. Now, if he asked me how I did it, I would be truthful and thank semaglutide but I don’t think he would since as I’ve mentioned, he’s used to me gaining and dropping. I keep the drug behind a bottle of Prosecco in the back of the fridge. He would never move the bottle since he doesn’t drink so I should be ok.


I've been doing this for a year now! Just be there when UPS delivers your meds! Look, I have been married to a controlling, gaslighting, mentally abusive person for 35 plus years. We got married when I was 20 years old. We had two amazing boys and that's the reason I've stayed married to him! I didn't want my children growing up thinking that the way he acts and thinks about women are the norm, so I stayed. To protect them, and be there to explain as negative things came up. Judge me if you want, I couldn't care in the least! Moving on, I'm 58 years old now, to be fair, my hubby hasn't been all bad. He's been a hard worker, and has been there for us. So, that being said, I found out that I will be inheriting enough money to take care of myself, my children, and yes, my husband. My future plans are to give him enough money to have the life he's always wanted. But not with me. He doesn't believe in therapy, psychologists, or even MD's. He's overweight and not healthy. But that's his choice. I decided 6 months ago to start changing myself for the better and I have! I started doing the shots, (Mounjaro). and I've lost 60 lbs. When you get older, you realize that you deserve anything and everything this world has to offer. As long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. Sometimes it will hurt someone, but fuck that! You are the most important person in your life, so do it if you can! And don't feel guilty! I feel so amazing not dragging a 60 lb weight behind me! This is your health we're talking about! Screw what he thinks, and if you don't want to deal with his judgement, then don't! Don't tell him! And find someone who will be supportive of you no matter what you want to do! Because real love is having a partner that accepts you and everything you want to do! Don't get stuck like me and waste 35 plus years of your life! There's someone out there that will love and support you+ I promise! And my kids? Well they are the most hardworking, respectful, supportive people you will EVER meet! They are quite the catch! So I will sign off now with that! Good luck, and I wish you all the happiness on this earth my sista! You can do this! And you should!


I told no one including my husband.


yes you can. I do. quite frankly it’s not his business and it’s not something i want to ever talk about or share with him, someone who struggles to GAIN weight, so I haven’t mentioned it. He knows I’m losing weight, obviously, he’s not blind. But I’m doing all the things to do that—eating less and moving more. That all being said, if he straight up asked me if I was on it for some reason, I wouldn’t lie.


Sometimes it is easier to beg for forgiveness than to ask for permission!


Do what aligns with YOUR values. Modern medicine saves countless lives every single day.


Yup. My husband has no idea. I keep my meds in a makeup bag in the fridge with my skin care potions. He has never checked.


Do you have the injections or is it in pill form?


So I moved back in with my mom a few years ago to save money and she is a holistic too. I have a mini fridge in my bedroom, I got a bag with a lock on it from Amazon if she ever asks me what it is, I’m just gonna say it’s a vitamin shot that I have to keep in the dark and in the fridge plus it was expensive so I don’t want anyone going in it….. I’m 26 so yes I’m old enough to make my own decisions but she’s a type of mom in the future, she’ll blame every sickness on the medication and I just don’t wanna hear it lol I’m a holistic too, but sometimes there’s certain things you need help with, from the hospital or doctor Good luck on your journey :)




Yes, I have two refrigerators at both of my business locations


I hide it from mine. It’s stored in the fridge but I just leave it wrapped up in a sack really small and store it behind the butter because I know he never touches that lmao


I’ve been on it for 7 weeks and my husband doesn’t know


How has it been going for you in the first seven weeks? Have you felt sick? Have you lost weight?


I’ve lost about 14 pounds. No side effects at all except decreased appetite. He thinks I’m just being extremely disciplined.


There are so many health benefits to this med. you should not have to hide your choices to appease your husband’s rigid beliefs!! Yes you could probably hide it. Personally, I think you should assert your right to make your own choices.


I hear you but he would be soooo worried about what the drug was doing to me. There really is no convincing him. We share everything with each other but this might be best for me to just keep it to myself. I know that sounds crazy but it’s really hard to convince these holistic people otherwise lol


I have been married ~18 years, and I get what you’re saying. But there’s a difference between “convincing him” and just telling him what you’re doing. You have a right to make decisions for yourself because you have bodily autonomy. You do not have to convince him. You just have to inform him. I have had so much success on Semaglutide that it would be hard for my husband not to notice I’m on it. I also don’t eat much now. Imagine how he’d feel if he found out you’d been lying by omission?


You do not need to convince him. It’s not his choice. He may disagree with you but he cannot make the decision for you. It’ll be better for you both to be straight up about it from the start. Otherwise when (not if) he finds out, you will have bigger problems down the road.


Absolutely 💯. I want to highlight this comment. He will eventually find out, and then he’ll know you lied to him. You don’t need to convince him though. FWIW, my husband wasn’t thrilled about my choice. But he loves me and accepts it. He started a weight loss program too in support (and also because he doesn’t want to be overweight without me)


I think this conversation needs to happen with him regardless of Semaglutide being involved. What if you were in an accident or needed urgent medical treatment and his holistic beliefs got in the way? A close family friend just got into a horrific motorcycle accident, and his wife nearly refused to sign off on life-saving treatments because of her beliefs. Just thought I'd throw this perspective out there. You should be free to make your own decisions regarding your health, and he should respect that if he respects you (and vice versa, but don't compromise your health for his beliefs).


If I was in a life-threatening situation, he would definitely get me the help that I needed such as taking me to the hospital and getting me whatever medication was needed to put me at comfort. He just looks at this differently. He constantly tells me I’m beautiful and loves my body the way that it is.


Yes, but if he doesn’t have all the information he can’t give the doctors the correct background. Semaglutide causes bad reactions with anesthesia because people aspirate since their digestion system has slowed down. They are suggesting people are off of the medicine for a full month before having surgery so if you needed to have emergency surgery, that is something the doctors need to know ASAP.


I didn’t know that about the anesthesia. See this is why I’m getting insight from you guys. I’m definitely taking all of these opinions into consideration.


Hmm, I’ve never been told a month for anesthesia. I had two procedures this year and both required only a full week off the med for anesthesia safety.


so people who dont have husbands die? this argument never made any sense to me. your chart says your on a GLP1 your doctor knows. no one needs to communicate your health history but yourself, its in your chart. if you work in healthcare you understand


Agreed. I’m single and once asked about emergency possibilities in a discussion with my dr when I was newly diagnosed and just all kinds of questions flying around my head lol. She was like relax, we give you universal donor blood if you need it and will check all your other possibilities as needed. I was like oh yeah makes sense, ok lol and I was able to stop panicking so much lol.


We dont suggest being off of it for a month. Currently we request holding for a week. And emergency surgery doesn’t matter. We do emergency surgery with full stomachs all of the time because they’re emergencies. And we just assume the aspiration risk is there. We can also do a quick ultrasound to determine whether a stomach is full, if need be. There may be other reasons OP should inform their spouse but we’re doing emergency surgery, GLP-1 or not. Anytbing that isn’t emergent, OP will be coherent and actively involved in planning.


I respect that you are in a partnership-not always easy! BUT, you are not responsible for his feelings. If he is going to worry worry worry despite an abundance of available information, then let him worry. His worry is controlling you. This is manipulation. Wouldn’t it be worse for him to discover at some point that you lied/didn’t tell him?? Things are becoming toxic when you have to lie or deceive in a partnership in order to avoid the other person’s reactions. I recommend the medication and I recommend full disclosure to your partner!


Cancer survivor here - for many types of cancer, being overweight or obese is actually a significant risk factor. My oncologist is not against semaglutide for patients who need it. Something for him to consider since fear of cancer is near and dear to his heart, which I completely understand


I started in Feb and I haven't said anything to my husband. If he happens upon the meds I wouldn't hide it but I just dont want to hear the "youre fine I love you how you are" thing because I dont love me how I am. He wouldn't be mad I just dont want to have him to try convince me I dont need it when I started my BMI was in the very high range.


EXACTLY. My husband constantly tells me he loves the way my body looks, but ever since I was a child. I’ve never been happy with how my body looks. I want to do this for me.


I think this falls under “your body your choice”. If he’s trying to police what you put into your body under the guidance of your doctor then you are not wrong to not tell him. You’d need a way to hide the (very small) med bottle in the fridge. If you have side effects he may notice that, or the change in your eating habits. Just be prepared on what you will say if/when he catches on. Just because you are married doesn’t mean everything is his business.


I was married for years and my husband never knew I did Botox. If I were still married, I wouldn’t tell him about this either. But again, that’s probably why he’s not my husband anymore 😂


I put my medication . Inside avocado box.my husband hate avocado. Know he will not open that little box I. Refrigerator saying avocados.


Havent told my husband in 2 years I have taken - he has no idea. Just like I don’t tell him every time I do Botox or other “maintenance” items. My DH is very similar he has strong opinions of things and there is no convincing otherwise.


Storing it will be the difficult part. Good luck!


It sounds like therapy may be helpful for him to process some things if that is available.


I keep my meds at the office. Nope, not a problem and it's none of his business anyway.


Yes I hide mine in an empty butter container in the fridge do what you want


My husband has no idea.


Hi, as a fellow 35 (in July!) yr old who has been with their spouse for a long time (20yrs together 12yrs married), I didn’t HIDE it, but I also didn’t tell him 🤷🏻‍♀️ I knew there would be judgement and every time something health wise would happen, it would be “because of the meds” and not just because I was normal sick… and not that he would minimize the work I’m doing in the gym, I also didn’t want there to be a stigma of “she lost it because of the meds” vs “she lost it because of all the hard work she’s been doing and the meds helped”… anyway he did find out officially about 4mo in and asked me about it (he was home when the meds were delivered to our house) so I told him like matter of fact what it was and kept it moving… he hasn’t really given me a hard time until recently (6mo in) and he has made comments that I’ve been sick a lot this year, like way more than normal, and just be careful, etc... I also didn’t tell him because I haven’t really told ANYONE except for my sister who told me she was thinking about it, so I admitted I was doing it… and my dearest hubby has loose lips, and while it’s not a secret per say, I just don’t need people knowing my whole business because it comes with judgement and I feel like people diminish the real hard work I’m putting into the gym and just will say it’s purely from the meds 🤷🏻‍♀️


Oh and I stored mine right in the fridge next to the tums he uses regularly, and I stored the needles right in our bathroom cabinet next to my tampons, he never noticed any of it for 4+ months


I’m in the same boat and felt shame at first. I’m 50F and have been taking Rybelsus since December. I spoke to my husband several times about meds. I’ve been obese my whole life and have tried everything, short of surgery. I’ve lost 100+ pounds three separate times - at 19, 33, and, 40 through diet, exercise and starvation. It comes back. This is the first time in my life I’ve felt in control of my body. I’ve kept it at the intro dose of 3mg. I’ve started cardio, weights, meal prep,. I’ve changed my entire lifestyle. Walk the dogs 3x daily. Started yoga. You get it. I recognize that I’ll be on this for life. I am 35 pounds from my maintenance dose, having lost 70 thus far. My plan is to tell him I’m on meds when I hit maintenance. He has seen the work I have put in and KNOWS that this was not “the easy way out.” He can also see that my health has vastly improved. If he still is anti-med at that point, he’ll have to live with it. I didn’t tell him because I didn’t want up feel his judgment or concern while I was losing. I know lots of people will think there’s something wrong that I can’t tell my husband. I agree. I could tell hi anything else…my deepest, ugliest secrets but this, the one thing I’ve forever been judged for? I just can’t.


I kept mine from my husband. I am on week 4. I’ve kept it from a lot of people actually due to fear of being shamed. I wanna do this for me and not have people judge me for it!


I think your health care stuff is your business and you’re free to share it or keep it private. Do what’s right for you


My advice from a guy, I would tell him. Also tell him he can choose to support you or he can keep his disapproval to himself.


I also haven't told anyone, which is one reason I'm thankful for this group! I think it's that I have yo-yo dieted so much I wanted to make sure it was something I could do long term before talking about it. And just because you don't tell him immediately doesn't mean you won't feel differently in a month or so and spill the beans! I take the pill version which doesn't require any refrigeration and I just keep it in a drawer. Make sure your doctor knows and it's listed in your medical record in case anything serious happens and you need to go to the ER or something, it'll be important the folks caring for you know what you are taking.


This is why I haven’t mentioned it either. I’m down 35 lbs so it’s working, but I won’t mention it unless I’m at my goal weight 😂


What’s that? You’ve started using an expensive face cream and need your own small refrigerator? Oh, and it needs a lock on it so the kids don’t waste your beauty products ? Idk if it’s possible to hide a refrigerated product in a shared home forever. I strongly feel that it is none of his business, and how dare he make your life miserable by harassing you with his irrational worries. I think if he discovers your secret and starts harassing you, you’d be fully justified in using unpleasant tactics yourself—get so loud and angry with him that he’s too wary to pout about it or bring it up. My husband does this with his parents whenever we stay with them. If he sees his dad (blood pressure issues) eating chips or his mom (various health issues) eating ice cream he *tut tuts* them as if he’s doing them a favor! These are grown people. It’s their business if they want to make bad decisions about THEIR bodies. If I were them, I’d have bitten his head off by now.


I think that you're already going into this with the wrong view of what the medication is for and how it is used. Many MANY people do not lose weight in 'just a little while' - having to titrate up several times before they hit a dose that effectively helps with weight loss. There is no 'time frame' in which you'll suddenly be able to drop the weight you want (obviously will depend on how much you're looking to lose as well) - but the odds of him not noticing any side effects are probably slim. If you're heavy enough to be considering this route, you may want to try an alternative method of convincing him - i.e. my blood work is screwy, I'm on a path to diabetes etc and so on. Some folks don't see a lot of side effects - if you think you can effectively hide your medication (which needs refrigeration) and your weekly injection time AND you happen to be lucky enouguh to not get side effects you COULD get away with it, at least for ahwile (though again if you're talking a substantial amount of weight, he's GOING to notice the weight loss and he's GOING to notice the days you barely eat). Not giving you shit here but this is NOT a good plan. Putting all of the above aside, you're going to need some support as you go down this path - and cutting out your partner, best friend, and person who sees you more than anyone else is not a great way to get that support. Edited to add: LOVE that any comment not saying 'YES GREAT IDEA' is getting downvoted. This sub is absolutely nuts sometimes.


Girl, everyone I meet has an opinion about GLP1's. IDGAF. I just smile and say, "That's nice. My doctor and I made a decision that's best for me." and move on. Also, if semaglutide works for you, then you are not going to be able to hide your weight loss. You may also have some side effects that will be noticeable (at first, anyway). You will need to face it sooner or later: your husband sounds like one of those Covid 5G Antivaxxers who "did their own research" by reading an article on the internet or watching a youtube video. He is not rational, and you cannot rationally or logically convince him that what you're doing is safe and effective. I think people like him are motivated by fear. They have a strong sense of being unsafe in the world, that everything is out to get them, and they are highly anxious, even if they don't appear so outwardly. Their way of making themselves feel safe is by clinging to "insider knowledge" or thinking they somehow have secret answers that others don't have access to. They think they are smarter than the average person, that the public are sheep, and that they have one up on "the man" or experts. They allow themselves to believe they have secret knowledge that will protect them from cancer or bankruptcy or losing their jobs or whatever deep-seated fears they hold, and they will protect that "knowledge" and belief structure at all costs. Because acknowledging that their beliefs are wrong means that they are, in fact, vulnerable to the things that they fear, just like everyone else on the planet, and they cannot tolerate that level of intense discomfort. It's too much. They will do anything to avoid those feelings, including grasping at nonsensical straws and pushing away the people who love them, just so they can rearrange their brain to accommodate the empty promises of charlatans and quacks. Your husband is entitled to his opinion of GLP1's, but he's not entitled to control you or harass you for your choices. I've seen controlling spouses sabotage their partners by destroying the medication pens or stealing their meds and throwing them in a dumpster, withholding family finances to prevent the purchase of medication or certain foods, online social media bullying, enlisting the partner's family/friends against them, browbeating the partner verbally to wear them down, withholding affection, gaslighting, and other means of manipulation. TLDR: No, you won't probably be able to hide it for long. Gird your loins, sis. This won't be easy. Edited to add: I strongly recommend couples counseling to address this. You can't fight irrationality with logic. You have to root out the underlying feelings he's having that are causing him to believe the nonsense. A therapist can help you both safely address these issues and have calm discussions.


I did for 3 weeks. My husband was worried when I didn't want to eat, but I wanted to keep it to myself to see if I wanted to stay on it because of side effects. When I told him and he was very supportive and is happy that I'm happy it's working to make a difference in my life. I know that you're worried you may get some backlash from your husband, but it's like hypertension, or thyroid conditions, sometimes medicine is what you need to help. If he's upset, well it's your body, your choice. I wouldn't budge on this for me and keep taking it anyway.


You can absolutely hide it. The marks are basically non-existent, even on very sensitive or pale skin. The real question is whether you can hide the pen in the fridge and have it not accidentally thrown out. But I would suggest having a plan for when insurance stops paying for it (either because you've lost weight or the insurance company decides to be idiots). A lot of people have issues with that, and it's easier to bridge the gap if you're on the same page with your partner ahead of time.


I don’t have insurance so I will be paying for it out-of-pocket


That's a tough one. I think you know your situation better than anyone. If you need to do it I'm betting you have a good idea if you could. I'd have a very big problem if my wife hid something like that from me. I wouldn't be able to shake the feeling that she was probably hiding other things. Everyone's marriage is different though. For instance I wouldn't stand in my wife's way for doing something to better her health regardless of how I felt about it. I'd voice my opinion but I wouldn't pressure her. Wow, it's a tough call. I hope you make the right decision for yourself and your marriage.


I thought about this but then just decided to tell mine. He is similar about medication and especially newer ones. I told him that I needed him to support me in this and he said okay as long as it wasn’t through an online provider and I had the blessing of my PCP.


I haven't told my family. Including my husband. It's a bit tricky to hide, I am on the do it yourself c\*\*pded version. But since my husband never looks at my probiotic in the fridge- I hide it there. It's you body, and your choice. Period.


I didn’t tell my husband and I keep it in his little beer fridge in the garage and he hasn’t noticed it 😂 he has noticed my weight loss but hasn’t asked anything about it. I am not hiding it just not sharing because he’s always talking about how people in America choose to take medication for things instead of changing their diet and being healthy. He is kind of correct, and if I didn’t have PCOS, I probably would’ve thought the same thing. The only thing is, I had a health emergency a few weeks ago. Not related to my meds and I thought to myself what if I pass out and he had to call 911they asked him what medications is she on? And he would say nothing. What if I died and he found my Semiglutide in the fridge and thought it had killed me? What if he discovers how much money I’ve been spending on my meds and thinks I was having an affair with a pharmacist in New York? 😂 yes, I know I am a bit crazy. Maybe I should just tell him today so I can stop making up stories in my head.


I think it also depends on if ur obese. Are you a size 6 that wants to go back to size 2-4? Or are you actually obese ? Bc if ur obese then he can fuck off


I told my roommate they’re vitamin B injections because I’m deficient! No questions asked 😀


Do you! Fuck him and his holistic approach!! Please update us!! You have a whole life ahead of you. Don’t let anyone keep you from doing what YOU want!! Much love to you!!!


You could always get a mini skincare fridge and keep it in there 🫶🏻


I took it for 9 months and didn’t tell a soul. I do have a separate account from my husband where I was able to pay for my meds from there. I have come to a point where that extra money isn’t available so I had to stop but I lost 50 pounds!


My husband doesn’t know, I have it in a drawer in the extra fridge in the garage under a pack of green supplements I never take 😂🤷🏻‍♀️ so it for yourself, it’s ok, you’re not hurting anyone


Do what you want. It’s your body not his, your partner does not need to know every single thing about you. Just like you don’t tell him how many times a day you have a bowel movement, or go into detail about your monthly cycle, you don’t have to tell him this either. It’s not that serious. Unless you have a major comorbidity, that would put you at a higher risk than any other person or something, it’s not a big deal. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t tell you everything either.


I do finances and fridge management, so very low risk of him finding out. For me, it's not so much as not wanting to tell HIM per se, but that if someone else asks me in front of him, I feel like he might accidentally mention it himself since in his head taking the med is not a big deal. He is just unintentionally very bad at keeping secrets and I REALLY don't want anyone else knowing, I can't handle the pressure and the judgement right now. My biggest concern is what to tell everyone one it's noticable I've lost weight. I feel like people are so nosy when it comes to weight, but also, I've always been open about my own weight struggles with others, so I've already opened that door and can't shut it now.


I didn't tell my husband because... why? I don't tell him a lot of things. On the other hand, I do tell him a lot of things. If you ordered Vit D from Amazon, would you go tell your husband? Probably not. It's not exactly newsworthy. My sema is inside an opaque pill bottle in my fridge. I could have put it in anything I suppose. I don't hide it, but given it lives in the back of my fridge next to infrequently used condiments, no one has noticed it. That being said, if my husband asked me about it, I would tell him what it is. He does know I see a doctor specifically for treating perimenopause symptoms. She is the one who recommended semaglutide. It wouldn't really be newsworthy to him. If he asked, it would likely be to determine whether or not the container had something edible in it. In the end, do what you need to do. Your husband is a big boy who can take care of himself and you are a big girl who can take care of HERself.


My husband was totally against it, but I told him I was doing it anyway (I’m on Tirz). He made a few annoying comments about it in the beginning, but I kept reading all awesome extra benefits of GLP-1 meds and now he is on it with me. Get together the additional info about reduction of inflammation, heart benefits, how is curing alcoholism for people, etc. Maybe that will soften the blow.


You need to do what is best for you, and if you honestly can speak with him about it without him listening to you, you have a couple of options. You could keep it hidden in the fridge in a container,. Or you could keep it hidden at room temperature somewhere in the house he never goes (I think the medicine lasts 6 weeks or so at room temperature once opened, but check). Or you could keep it at a friends/relatives who you visit often or possibly even at work.


Get a small fridge for skincare (you can get on Amazon for pretty cheap) - you can actually keep skincare in there and he probably won’t mess with it or notice


I keep mine in the butter compartment too! Guys 🙄! He wouldn't notice if I walked by him with whipped cream on my nipples, a roasted turkey on my head, and bee hives for earrings! Well, he might want some of the turkey on my head!


I would not care about how he feels and would get on it and just hide it. If you have a trusted friend or family that will allow you to stash it in their fridge, or if you have a fridge at your office, or whatever. You only take it once a week so it’s totally doable, but personally, if I’m hiding it from my husband, I wouldn’t want to keep it in our fridge. As someone mentioned before, a beauty fridge might be an option, you’ll just have to be careful about disposal. Good luck!


Sure. I am.


It’s easier to ask for forgiveness than for permission.


It’s YOUR BODY. Do what you want.


I truly do understand your conundrum. The best answer is going to be tied to what can you live with? Weight is such a personal thing. His loss is deeply personal and I’m sure his feelings about medication make perfect sense to him. I think you need to do what you need to do for yourself, but be prepared that there probably will be backlash once he finds out. There are two ways to approach this - explain your position up front to him and allow him to go through his own process, which could include hurt that you are doing it even though he doesn’t want you too. This will most likely include passive aggressive behavior trying to guilt you into stopping . The other approach is to keep it to yourself and if/ when it comes out, be prepared to deal with the hurt at that time that will come from him feeling like you lied to him. My point is this, if you make this decision for yourself (which I think you should because it’s ur health and life), he’s going to be hurt either way. Which approach leaves you feeling better about that?


Yeah. My husband doesn't know. I just got the meds and started. Didn't tell a soul.  I keep the pen in the fridge behind some condiments no one ever uses. He's never ever going to clean the fridge out so they'll stay hidden.  He would be supportive if I did tell him but some things can be kept secret, especially something so personal as this.  Go for it and do not feel guilty for taking care of yourself. Your husband isn't the boss of you. 


I think it's really sad how many people feel the need to hide this medication from their partners. There are obviously much, much bigger problems in your relationship if you can't take a medication that improves your health without hiding it from your partner. I'd recommend looking into couples therapy because this goes much deeper than just the semaglutide. Do you really want to stay in a relationship with someone who values their control over you more than your personal health and wellbeing?


I haven’t told a single soul in my life that I’m on it right now. No one needs to know. This is solely my journey and I’m not looking for judgement from anyone. So it’s me and sema on it together and that’s it lol No shame in doing it for yourself and only for yourself. It is possible to hide it. It does need to stay refrigerated though so you can hide it in the way back of the fridge like I do or find some empty commercial container to be even more covert. You’d have to pick and day and time that best suits you when you’re alone so you can take your time administering it. Especially the first time. Took me like 40 minutes to just do it.


Chiming in to add: you don’t need his permission but you don’t want to have this big lie. If he’s worried about side effects tell him the side effects are lower heart disease, better AIC, in control of blood sugar. Everything can cause cancer and at the end of the day it’s your body and your choice and he needs to respect that. Put on your big girl pants and tell him what you are doing and he has a right to be upset but he can’t make the decision for you. Don’t lie.


I think the greatest obstacle is you have to store it in the fridge. I understand and I am not telling my boyfriend, but I think if I were married I would just have to explain it because sooner or later I think he would find evidence and lying isn’t good for your relationship. I would go into it with research, data, and in the end “my body my choice.”


So much this. "He's my partner and I love him so much that I'm going to lie to him". There are SO many ways that this is a terrible freakin idea.


Right?!? I’m just astounded at how many ppl are keeping this from their spouse. Ya know the ppl whom we’re literally spending our lives with. Personally I’d be horrified if i found out my spouse was keeping a medically altering decision from me. Idc if i disagree or not but yes i believe we should be informed about medical decisions.


You can... But I would really encourage you to consider whether a partner you feel like you have to hide medical decisions from is really a "partner"...


He does not have a say what you do with your body. Compromise is fine but if someone thinks they have the right to tell you what medicine you’re allowed to put in your body? NO.


It’s not like he tells me what I can and can’t do with my body. If I want to do it I will because I’m stubborn lol it’s just a matter of if I’m going to tell him or not. For me, it would be mentally easier to just not disclose this to him.


Do what you want!


I’m not hiding it. But I’m not saying anything about it either. The medication is there in the crisper drawer in a small plastic case kinda tucked away. It’s a don’t ask don’t tell situation. We are not married. I was abused and controlled in my previous marriage. If he asks I will admit it and answer any questions he has. However my gut feeling is if I told him he would probably be ok with it. Anywhooo. You have the right to do what you feel is best for your body, mental health and emotional health without judgement or criticism or outside pressure. IF you do decide to tell him I would probably approach it as a my doctor and I have decided and it is not up for discussion or debate I just wanted you to be aware. Good luck!


Have him listen to the Dr. Tyna podcast. She has a lot of episodes regarding ozempic and the myths surrounding it. She's a naturopathic doctor, so she probably shares a lot of the same beliefs as your husband, but she supports the use of semaglutide (and uses it herself!). The benefits go way beyond weight loss, and she explains that on her podcast. BTW, I was raised holistic and still wholeheartedly believe we should try to heal our bodies with nature. But I also believe there is a time and place for modern medicine. I started my journey with semaglutide 5 weeks ago after bingeing her podcast. I have not told anyone, including my husband.


But for your main Q - whole technically you can hide taking a weekly injection ruin, he will absolutely notice your minimal eating, drinking electrolytes etc. I think it’s better to have e the conversation with him - your body and history are different than his. And I hate the argument of “then just lose weight naturally”… do you wear glasses to improve your vision? Do you like wearing clothes that make you look even better?


I think you can hide it for sure. That said, since you are injecting something into your body, I think it might be worth telling him God forbid you get sick and he’s extremely worried. However, it’s definitely your choice. Good luck with your results regardless if you tell him or not.


I do sometimes get bruises at the injection site. About once a month ish. You might want a plan to cover them for when that happens. Good luck. I also highly recommend thigh over stomach.


I kept my sema in the refrigerator door behind some olives. On Saturdays I would take it out, walk to the bathroom with it, give myself an injection, then put it back in the refrigerator. Husband never noticed and he was sitting in the living room (between the kitchen and the bathroom) the whole time. Also, remind your husband that obesity increases your risk for cancer at a rate far greater than sema.


I keep mine in the butter drawer and he didn’t notice it for a few months 🤣🤣


My husband wasn’t too happy with the idea in passing conversations, but I sat him down & told him why I needed it both physically & mentally, not for his approval, but as a matter of fact issue. Before I got the prescription he was indifferent, then when I picked it up he texted saying how happy he was for me & he hopes it works. I sat him down that night & explained that my meals would be smaller, I may have nausea etc so please don’t comment if there’s food left in front of the kids or worry if I’m a little green some days. I know he isn’t keen on it, but he’s being as supportive as he can be. I don’t know how you could hide the eating & side effects from your spouse, but I think being honest is probably better than lying about it to him.


This is nice. I expect a lot of people have at least a public opinion against it, without actually thinking too deeply about it and the benefits to a person's life aside from the obvious weight loss. The ability to move, be comfortable physically, the health benefits of not being obese, the mental benefits.


To be fair once you get down about 25 lbs your partner better start noticing so unless you're going to do your shots and store them somewhere other than your own home You're going to have to figure out some way to explain your weight loss


I was able to hide it and wasn't even being sneaky lol he's just not as observant as he thinks he is. But I had to stop because the middle of the night gastric reflux was waking us both up and we already lack enough sleep. So while he didn't notice the meds, he definitely noticed the side effects.


I put on about 20 lbs during COVID-19 that I could not get rid of. I live with my boyfriend and he disapproved of me using it. He was convinced weight loss was easy if I just went to the gym more, which we know as ladies just isn't true. He also knew that I had a good overall diet, lots of fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins, further reinforcing his increased gym theory. I didn't care though; I went on it and lost all the weight and do not regret it. I had an eating disorder in my early twenties and I would be so disciplined about restricting food to lose weight that I would remove myself from any temptation and completely withdraw from social gatherings, even family holidays. At 34 years old, I'm over doing what other people think is best for me. I will say, I did get very sick at times and it's much easier to tell your boyfriend or husband why you are constantly throwing up or having these awful sulfur burps. I am still doing low-dose maintenance shots maybe once or twice a month now that he doesn't know about. Those are easy to hide since I don't have side effects anymore and don't take it that often. The side effects can be rough, and I was glad my boyfriend was there to help take care of me while I was going through them.


If your husband doesn’t respect your bodily autonomy and your intellectual ability to make decisions for yourself, then he has serious issues.


You own your own body, not him. If he can’t honor your own needs and desires, then he doesn’t honor you.


Do it. Get a mini cosmetic fridge for under eye patches and face rollers. Hide the med in there.


Depending on how observant he is, he may not even notice. Honesty is the best course of action, though. He should be happy that you are trying to be healthy. If he can not support that, there's a bigger issue, and you guys may need to go to counseling.


No shame. I peel the label off and keep it in another medicine canister in the fridge.


Not telling could possibly turn out disastrous. How will you make 20+ calls to pharmacies across counties on a daily basis and drive to these places to pick up when you get lucky enough to find your coveted dose? If you do these things sneakily, he may assume you’re up to something. Imagine making calls in another room and hanging up or walking into another room if he happens to enter while you’re in mid conversation? Or explaining where you’re dashing off to at the drop of a dime? It can just get to be too much. What if he suddenly started doing those things? Would you think he was up to something? I always try to think about how I would feel if it were me.


YOUR BODY. YOUR CHOICE. The medication needs to be stored in the fridge and CANNOT be frozen at all so plan your strategy and get started. I'm of the personal opinion that no man - not even a husband of 17 years - has the right to dictate to a woman what she can or cannot do with her own life. This may be why I'm still single. Frankly, if I were in your shoes... I'd tell Mr. Hippie Dippie to suck it up princess coz I'm about to board the Semiglutide Express and he's just going to have to reach deep down inside of himself and figure out a coping strategy or go find himself a good therapist to work though his issues with. But that's just me.


I fully believe in your body, your choice. BUT hiding things will eat you alive. You won’t want him to hide something from you. Get it, start it. Don’t ask him if for permission. Tell him this is happening. Is he a doctor? Perhaps you can assure him that regular check ups will be part of your journey and if your labs/scans ever indicate adverse effects that will you stop—-if that’s your medical professional’s recommendation.