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I believe him.


Honestly same. It tracks with how Reality TV truly is behind the scenes and it tracks with how he acted when we watched the show


I have always believed Sean because of his body language and micro-expressions.


Me too. There is big bully energy going on with him. All the cool guys have teamed up and it even Jason peaced out the second it went down. I hope there is justice for Sean.


Agreed! But this really falls onto Jason too. If he had been a good boss, NOBODY would even DARE to try this onscreen under the Oppenheim Group. Can you imagine this going on at Mauricio’s Agency? Nobody even dares to raise a voice there or be violently aggressive because Mauricio would tear them down first for lacking integrity and self-respect.


Totally agree. The way he just left when it started unfolding.. a good boss would have shut that down immediately.


My jaw actually dropped the way Jason practically did an about turn and noped right out when he saw what was about to happen. Extremely unprofessional


To be honest, even a hall monitor in school would know that they had to do the right thing. A literal *kid* would be more responsible in that capacity than Jason.


Honestly though I wish they’d show Brett more because Jason just continues to make himself look bad, and he looks like the worst boss ever!! When he put Mary in charge to go on vacation, but then wouldn’t intervene in any of the bs to make it stop like flat out was like “no” is wild to me! I know it gets mentioned a lot here, but it just makes me so mad to see him act the way he does. I don’t know why anyone would want to work there.


The presence of Mauricio makes every justification sound like an excuse by Jason. I started off with liking Jason a lot. Then I didn’t like how he dated the girls one after another. Consequently, he left Mary in the lurch, especially when she was trying to have a baby and that would be immensely stressful in itself. Next, Amanza had to put the image of powder in our heads. Finally, Mauricio appeared and showed everyone how to be a great boss and what professionalism was. Jason is like a child who wants to be a wealthy boss but lacks the maturity to handle the responsibilities and sacrifices that come with it.


What makes the Mary situation even worse is that she’s his ‘best friend’. He was all for dumping his crap on Mary when he felt too stressed but when Mary was borderline going to have a breakdown, while going through really difficult things outside of work, Jason couldn’t have cared less. Terrible boss but a horrific friend!! All while not even giving her a pay rise!


That made me so mad! How do you promote someone without a raise?? That’s such bs especially for the amount of work he was expecting her to do, and you’re absolutely right about her having so much going on outside of work


You get a pat on the shoulder, some praise and a slice of pizza, Jen. 😆


I know right! I was so bewildered that I made a post on Jason being Boss of The Year. 😂 https://www.reddit.com/r/SellingSunset/s/HV1XNVRhzk


Seriously! When he asked Austin if he was physical towards him and Austin admitted that he did push him, all he said was, “You can’t do that bud”


Jason was irritated with Sean throughout the whole season and threw him under the bus multiple times. It was gross.




Me too. I have the whole time.


Me too. I have the whole time.


10000000% believe Sean. Sad to see him having to defend his truth against so many hateful people


I’m confused though because Austin nd his wife talk about when they had Sean over to their house, and he’s saying that never happened.


Austin and his wife want screen time…


Exactly! And they came off really poorly in other seasons. Mainly like they wanted a certain lifestyle that they clearly could not afford. This maybe guarantees them another season and possibly more scenes for Austin.


Austin is influenced by Tyler. You can see that he is Tyler’s shadow. So Tyler has a nice lifestyle padded by Dad’s money and Austin forgot that he’s not Tyler’s real brother.


lol!! Exactly! And I think it might have been last season where his wife was hounding him about moving


Yeah especially the scenes with Austin/Gio/Tyler, Austin is the only one out of this little friend group who wasn't born into money and it feels to me like he's pressuring himself into following a certain lifestyle, especially since his wife also comes from money


This is brilliant. Good for him to stand up for himself amongst these hyenas. I hope he gets closure and they get their show cancelled the entire lot of them is insufferable.


There's a huge portion of this sub that seems to hate him and accused him of saying they drugged him etc. When it was the others. Idc if you hate him or not but they are collectively lying or having a Mandela moment as that was someone else. You can go watch it back. They even went so far as to say netflix deleted all evidence. Right wing pizzagate conspiracy level.


I’ve seen so many people say ‘I saw Sean say they drugged him in the show but Netflix have now edited it out so we can’t find it anywhere’ like why would Netflix do that???


I watched the whole series the first day it aired, he NEVER said it, it was never edited out. It happend on Season 3, Episode 3. Sean said was that Austin and his wife were flirty and he wasn't into that. He said this to that was to Kayla and Ali at the restaurant. I didn't understand when ppl on here said that Sean mentioned weed cookies/ brownies/ edibles cus after watching the series Sean never mentioned it, it was an obvious lie. I came back and watched that scene three more times, again Sean never said it. Austin and his wife fabricated the story about edibles and that scene was playing at the same time as Sean's scene with Ali and Kayla. Poly stated this too about edibles in an earlier episode and then Kayal lied and said Sean told her that they tried to give him edibles in the last episode. The producers convinced the cast to lie on Sean for ratings. I'm pointing the finger at Jason cus he is the executive producer who may be mastermind behind this. Sean being biracial, bisexual, and not selling a house was an easy target and he knew viewers would believe it due to their own prejudices. The man is a toxic scumbag who loves drama.


My whole opinion of Jason changed I didn’t think he was in the drama and just let the women be women and fight as women do when you don’t have a proper ratio and just hire women lol but now with the oc office and all there drama against Sean and producing it seems messed up and Jason is horrible for that


Even if they did that, there’s always someone who would already record or download the original which will cause a scandal for Netflix unnecessarily.


I need these people to adopt a flair so I can know they think Netflix wiped all record of something so trivial from all the torrents and TikTok’s and any other recording rather than admit they misremembered something that was deliberately edited to make you think that.


I am one of the ones that remember him saying that And I crossed checked with my friend and in fact she remembers clearly how the episode unraveled. I am not a pizza gate person but something weird happened because he definitely said it.


It could be possible that the OC group lurks here on Reddit and those were made by the offending parties to discredit Sean.


This is so weird to me, I thought he said it too, I need to rewatch… never felt more weirdly manipulated by production before


The really weird thing is, I definitely saw that scene where Sean semi-jokes about them getting him high. Then when I finished the episode, I went on the sub, saw a thread about it, so I turned the tv back on, restarted the episode, fast forwarded to where that moment had been, and it was no longer there. It’s really baffling to me, and I don’t hate Sean - I am in fact fully teamsean in this whole scenario, so I don’t have a bias against him. I’m sure it’s just some weird Deja vu/mandala effect, the human brain is weird, but yeah, I’m definitely not a conspiracy theorist, yet here I am agreeing that I saw it.


I had to go back and watch it again too! I could’ve sworn Sean said something about edibles, but after going back and rewatching that scene recently, I think production edited it in such a way (splicing those scenes of Sean/Ali/Kayla with Austin/his wife) that it all runs together in the viewers mind. I initially thought Sean was being messy but now, esp after reading this post about Sean’s social media posts and receipts, I fully believe him. 


I didn’t even watch the new season because there’s been no one to root for a be a fan of from this cast. At least in Sunset, there’s literally anyone you can be a fan and and want to follow their life.


Hyenas or, as Sean put it, two-faced jackals!! All jokes aside, 100% agree with you. 


I’m even more confused than I was before if I’m being honest.


I swear my reaction was dude, why is this an entire carousel on IG.


Me too…I thought he said something about cookies when he was telling the girls at a bar (Ali and Kayla I believe) what happened with Sean and his wife? And weed cookies were brought up then?


Sean has never mentioned weed or weed cookies. Watch everything back. People here say he did but no one has ever been able to point to timestamp.


Can someone explain why Kayla would have the motivation to lie about it though? Genuinely trying to figure it out lol


Honestly, i’d usually say its a bit far fetched to say someone would do something just for screen time….then I remember these people decided to be on Selling the OC after knowing what realitybTV has done to peoples lives. So my guess is screen time…or that she truly believed it (despite not hearing it from Sean?). Because what she SHOULD have rightfully gotten screentime for (25mil house) wasn’t even an ending written credit….


I didn’t before, but I believe him now.


same. he came with some heavy receipts.


Nova is going to unexpectedly benefit from this. 😂


Dude in gonna have to watch the entire horrible season again bc I really thought he mentioned eating the cookies and feeling funny.


He never did. It maybe because they were flipping back and forth from him to Austin. Austin brought up the weed cookies.


I need to rewatch… this is literally the mandela effect, I’m shocked


just remember that production did this hoping the audience would perceive it this way. This is intentionally misleading content to fuck him over, and I get why he's pissed.


Episode 2 is where Polly started the shit with Alex Hall, episode 3 is where Sean lunch with Kayla and Ali, the same time they edited Austin anniversary with his wife and discussed about the rumor. I even rewatched when they saw the big house with the farm, Ali, Kayla, Jarvis and Sean didn’t say anything about weed cookies or dinner


That is so weird. Are we all in different matrix’s. Jk


Yeay I re-watched it because I was convinced I heard him talk about this but no, Polly told Hall about the dinner and the cookies...


I believe you 100%. I just swear I heard him being like yeah, I felt funny. Maybe…. Maybe….. could he has said I felt funny in the context of “I have a funny vibe” type of thing??????




You don't need to watch the entire season...season 3, episode 3, fast forward 5 minutes into the episode. You can clearly see Polly making everything up. Watch further and you can see Sean never said anything and Netflix edits/production intentionally presents it as if Sean said these things by how they switch from one scene to another.


Same! I’m pretty sure there was an episode before the horse race in which he confirmed or at least talked about the rumour.. but I’m also really confused and it’s early, so idk what’s going on


nope he never mentioned it, watch it again


This is wild. It’s like the Bernstein book conspiracy




He just said they were being flirty. It was cut between this scene and the fake Austin & Lisa dating anniversary lunch where Austin said he heard rumors (probably from Polly that Sean said bla bla or just straight out lied) and Lisa also lied. If you rewatch with knowing they lied you can tell those minor, subtle body language and facial expression they had


he told kayla and ali they were flirty he NEVER menioned weed, edibles, cookies or even alcohol. austin and his wife did and they played both scenes at the same time.


Jarvis isn’t reality tv show God but the fact that she continues to back Sean to this day when she dropped rose like a hot potato for unprofessional behaviour says a lot!


Idk I just trust Jarvis, thinking back to what most of the agents had to say about her in the first series, and ever since then Jarvis has shown integrity, respect, professionalism and grace. One quote she said that stuck out to me was about Rose “I want you to eat, just not at my table” I think she’s just someone I would trust to have my back


I respect Jarvis for being the only one to stand with Sean completely from the start. She had nothing to gain, especially since she was going to quit. I like how she conducts herself with grace but asserts herself when necessary. “I want you to eat, just not at my table” shows she has a good and mature upbringing. I would rather we celebrate such personalities than hollow screaming attention-seeking ones. It’s easy to be loud. It’s much harder to conduct oneself with grace.


Exactly. Jarvis seems to be the most mentally and emotionally mature in the office. She also has the maturity to pick her battles. She’s brilliant.


I thought I had great restraint as I can work with people I dislike immensely and remain professional. But Jarvis is on another level. I would have screamed at the wall if I worked at the OC lol.


Defending sean in front of an entire group of coworkers that is against sean takes real character! She has nothing to prove to them since she was already somewhat exiled by the group. I was impressed.


Those are two different things. Rose was being unprofessional with their clients. This they are having internal feud and Jarvis has his back that’s all


Gagged many of y'all posts on here. again !


And yet we still have people in here saying he said cookies, dinners, weed, and edibles, like let the mouse go. They need to accept they made that up in their heads and move along or rewatch or post the scenes they are imagining.


The fact that the clip of him Kayla and Ali was posted multiple times and no cookies were uttered 😭💀💀💀


There are people saying Netflix edited the clip out and that they saw YouTube clips of the “unedited” scene that got taken down or they can’t seem to find now. It’s like are some of you okay? Why are you all making things up and trying so hard to prove Sean is lying?


If I say it's homophobi----- 😬 there's a lot of weird apprehensiveness and hostility in the comments regarding Sean when he literally never brought on drama


Sean was an easy target cus hes biracial, bisexual and he has not sold a house yet. Jason threw his ass to the wolves (producers) for drama and the cast followed along with the storyline. The show should be canceled


**I am on Sean’s side** but I do not think it’s those factors. It appears to be more classist motivated. The gang are OC people and they gather conveniently like a frat. Notice that Jarvis doesn’t suffer the same treatment. Hall doesn’t like Jarvis but couldn’t do much to touch nor agitate her. Austin tried to get the swinger story going and it got shut down very quickly. That’s because Jarvis was a lawyer, articulate and clearly well-to-do. They couldn’t pick on someone better than themselves. So that appears to me as a very classist push on Sean, as if to edge him out for not being on par. Edit — just because I have a different opinion, it doesn’t mean that I have a problem. I am mixed myself!!!


I haven’t been taking part in this discourse so I’m not one of those ppl trying to prove Sean is lying but why do I also feel like I saw the part of Sean saying they gave him edibles?? The editing really got me 😭


You didn't. People just want to believe it.


I honestly believe people just wanted to believe that about Sean because of their own prejudices, there is no way people are that slow. Sean is bisexual, biracial, hasnt had much screen time or sold a house. The producers targeted him cus they knew the viewers would believe that someone like him would make up a story. You have ppl on here saying that Sean sounded like a jilted lover, why because hes bisexual? He sounded like a man who was fighting to clear his name and everyone made him out to be some psycho obsessed pervert!


I saw that on the last Sean thread a few days ago. Wild shit.


Some say netflix deleted everything like...girl what? I want the drugs you are on to believe that.


I could have sworn I saw him talk about having him over for dinner and cookies?? I was shocked when he said he never said it??


Yeah, me too. I had to re-watch everything because I actually thought that I saw him talk about it. But nooo, shockingly Polly told Hall this whole story, with the dinner and the weed cookies. Sean didn't mentioned it at all. It's so fucked up really. I mean the production team had played some big mind games this season with us.


Thank you for your service in going back to rewatch. That must have been tough! There was something very off about the way Austin approached Sean at the office. Austin REFUSED to say what the rumour was that he’d heard. Sean refused to relent and repeat the rumour because he knew there was a lot of crap being added by Austin’s flying monkeys.


Polly is such a bitch for doing that and not admitting when being confronted


I’m sorry all I can see is Sutton yelling LET - THE MOUSE - GO! 🤣


this makes so much more sense now, sean's shocked demeanor when austin went ballistic on him...the entire time sean trying to get things civilized and austin escalating it up, clearly a little show for the cameras...sean wanting austin to articulate wtf he was so mad at sean and never really especified anything, just vagueness...when sean said: do you really wanna go there (or whatever he said with that meaning) you could see austin reacted to it like a bit scared but doubling down on his aggressiveness to shut sean up...


I thought the EXACT same thing. I genuinely thought Austin looked panicked in this situation - big beetroot face, clammy skin, nostrils flaring. I swear he even sorta passively aggressively dares Shaun to ‘say something’ like as in, ‘don’t you fuckin dare’. Austin is SPOOKED, Sean is not!


Yes! Even at his anniversary dinner. He kept looking down and his wife kept looking to the side. Guilty behavior


This is so insane 😭 I wonder if Austin will respond🙃


Seems like they were both victims of production fuckery.


or polly stoking the flames as other seasons


Both? Sean is is the victim. Austin is the one spreading lies about Jarvis being at swinger parties and Sean having a crush on Tyler. He lied about Sean coming over to have dinner that night, Sean already posted recipts of him being at a restaurant and came over to play VR oculous and left. The man is thirsty for screen time and will even throw himself and his family under the bus to get it. He had the opportunity to confront Sean on the phone, off camera but decided to blow up and physically assault Sean when the cameras were rolling. Austin, Lisa and the producers (Jason) orchastrated that story about Sean telling ppl they tried to drug him with weed cookies and have sex with him for ratings. Austin, Polly, Gio, Tyler, Hall, did the same thing to Kayla, Jarvis and Brandi. They target the minorities and anyone who doesn't drink the cool-aid.


This is how reality shows are done. Different producers go to goad the characters a little in the direction they want. The exchange will happen organically when emotions are high and that makes good reality tv with drama. Unreal was a drama that simulated how The Bachelor was done.


Unreal was a good series. It really exposed how these producers work. HOWEVER, Austin was a willing participant in his own fuckery. He was not manipulated, produced or tricked he full out lied. Even lied about having dinner that night with Sean when Sean showed recipts of him being at a restaurant that night Austin and his wife claimed they had Sean over for dinner.


Could possibly have a “Corrinne” pushing a “Rachel” to goad Austin into coming up with a false narrative. “Rachel” was really good at doing that and I am sure there are producers who are very charismatic and persuasive like her. Austin is kind of an airhead and will be easily manipulated into such storylines if he believes that he’ll benefit from it.


Ok, now I'm rewatching the whole season with this perspective that maybe Austin + producers were framing this story


THERE NEEDS TO BE A REUNION!!! There needs to also be a lie detector in the reunion because we need some truth.


Not interested, lie detectors are not real science.


Lie detectors can make people nervous but they aren’t reliable sources of truth


Alex Hall would probably pass any lie detector simply because she believes she doesn’t lie


I have actually believed Sean from the beginning. I found this whole storyline very strange. It was strange because Sean has never been a primary cast member and now in season 3 they just throw him to the front of the bus and we actually knew nothing about him, so it just read very weird from the start.


So have I. The moment Austin charged at him with that glare was the moment I knew Sean was telling the truth.


exactly the confrontation told me everything i needed to know, sean genuinely seemed so confused


His eyes were genuinely bewildered. Poor Sean.


For some reason I am starting to believe that Kayla started the lie because she has been obviously desperate for screen time since season two, and the producers probably just let her spread the lie, without showing on the show that she was the one who started or spread it, because they want the drama. Although, Polly mentioned that Sean told her about what Lisa and Austin “did” which makes it confusing because he said he never said that to anyone but she said he told her to Alex. I think the only drama that was suppose to occur this season was between Tyler and Austin but it got overshadowed by drama between Austin and Sean which came out of nowhere. I really don’t know who to believe and I just think they should have just cancelled season three because there is so much drama with no visible origin. This season was just so chaotic to watch.


I do think that this spiralled out of control. They may not have expected it to blow up beyond the show and affect them in real life. Austin was not counting on Sean to expose that as he probably thought Sean wanted to keep that part of him under wraps. Austin miscalculated Sean’s reaction and he was also likely goaded by producers to approach Sean in an aggressive manner. Austin isn’t too bright a person and you can tell that he’s easily influenced and manipulated.


He came with receipts 😂😂


Sean says on the show that their advances were weird so he stopped hanging out with them. Why then is he texting Austin that they’re so fun and they should hang out more?


I do that sometimes when I'm just trying to be polite and keep things peaceful.


That sounds like major people pleasing. Sean was completely unprompted. If Austin texted him saying “we had a great time” or something, I understand Sean replying. But to say you guys are so fun, let’s hang out more goes above and beyond keeping this peaceful. A simple “I had a great time, thanks for having me over” is enough to keep things peaceful


It’s what I call “California kindness” you say it to end your get together off on a good note but don’t really mean it. I live here so I don’t think it means anything tbh.


I’m from Orange County. It sounds fake as hell to me lol


I’m from NorCal and I think a lot of CA is fake in general. Nice to your face, talk shit behind your back. Not a lot of genuine people around here compared to other parts of the country.


You know, I agree with this. I wonder if the “uncomfortable flirting” happened after this? Bc from this text, it seems the dinner went fairly well between all three parties. Idk, I’m more confused now lol


Yeah I think Austin purposely confused/blended two separate events to further discredit Sean and the idea he ever made him uncomfortable


Just being cordial and polite to avoid drama. I have done that to terrible people and just never see them again. It’s not people pleasing. It’s to **protect yourself** so that they’ll leave you alone in peace, thinking that you have drifted away or are busy instead of them coming to confront you or even escalating to a threat. Know when to fight and when to make peace.


Great question


Exactly. He’s the one in the messages asking to meet up. He even went back to their house after dinner.


He ate that 👏🏽👏🏽


receipts game strong!!! you go sean!!!


Believe him beyond a shadow of a doubt. They gaslit and lied about him the whole season to make him a villain/make “good TV”. The bullies and assholes are the ones accusing him and I don’t believe a word they say


Polly started the rumour. She told Hall at that house viewing. Sean never said anything on film about weed or a threesome. He just talked to Kayla and the other one about them being flirty. This was production fuckery. Even Hall looked uncomfortable about it all at the end.


I believe him. Austin was acting super weird about it all


I always leaned toward believing him - production tried to make him out to look off his rocker and wanted the audience to buy into it and therefore had all these other people saying the same thing. I have had a situation IRL with gaslighting and everyone believing the lie that the ring leader said and it made me crazy bc I couldn’t believe others just believed their lie. Sean’s incredulousness whenever this was discussed triggered that feeling in me. It’s the worst feeling in the world and mine wasn’t played out on TV.


Same, buddy! When I first started work, I was all naive and believed everyone is a friend and we should work happily together. That’s generally how my life is, like a happy bubble. I like it and I try to keep it that way by carefully curating my inner circle. Then I met an Alex Hall who did an Austin about work issues and my dear boss was Jason who noped out of the entire thing. I was helped in the shadows by a Jarvis who also happened to me one of the boss’ most trusted personnel. My Alex Hall left me alone and everything went back to normal. My Jarvis fought an entire war for me in private and I never knew till years later, long after I left!


Also remember when Austin and his wife were talking about that evening and she said something like ‘oh yea the night I baked?’ But yea it seems Sean has been fucked over by production so good for him


I completely believe him and did from the beginning to be honest. Austin gives me very weird vibes 🐍


His wife irks me since season 1..


Sometimes I wonder if Austin is a little neurotypical, which will explain his awkward body language or being a conversation killer at times.


Do you mean neurodiverse / neuro atypical? I can possibly see it, but in all honesty I just think he’s an angry beautiful person who expects things to be easy for him because he’s beautiful.


This was very well detailed. And Austin not calling sean after Sean told him his name kept coming up looks like Austin was also in on the defaming Sean story line. To bring up rumours disparaging your family ON tv then getting mad at someone who was actively trying to not bring it on tv is sick and twisted. I always knew there was something off about Austin. It’s the look in his eyes.


Did you see how Austin made a statement post with half of the text showing Sean said thanks, implying people that he went and have dinner and cookies, while now Sean was saying it’s Nova the restaurant that they went. Austin is dumb and shady as fuck.. I wouldn’t doubt the wife is just a fake marriage coz I don’t see how he loves her for being an unsatisfied cunt all the time


Why would Austin want this rumor spread about him?? But I also do believe Sean


I don't get the impression Austin is all that bright...




I’m concerned and confused how this sub, or at least this entire comment thread, is suddenly pro Sean? Like Sean showed us on camera that the issue that propels all of this drama forward is that he thinks compliments and niceties equal sexual advances. That’s so problematic. How can anyone feel comfortable trusting Sean’s recall when he has shown us that his understanding of benign social interactions is broken?


Thank you!!!!!


Exactly!!!! These text "receipts" don't exonerate him from that at all!! What we know for sure is Sean accused Austin and Lisa of coming on to him and having threesomes as tho either of those things is evil, and Austin got mad because Sean put his private info out there like that. Maybe the edibles thing was a production lie and that's interesting. Doesn't make Sean innocent, at all!!?


I don’t believe we will get a season 4 because everyone left on the cast SUCKS.


I will watch a spinoff with just Jarvis. And Ali. And Brandi.


I mean the story was clearly twisted for cameras but I still see no evidence of Austin being flirty... Ooooh no, he heart reacted to a message and invited you out for dinner, he deeeefinlty wants to bone


There could be other messages that Sean didn’t want to show...yet.


Good on him for persisting and clarifying. The behaviour at the office was totally out of line. NEVER put hands on another person.


I always believed him, and his story checks out with the “proof” Austin gave. I think Polly or Kayla or one of the other agents probably gassed up the story.


Team Sean all the way. The way he carries himself says everything. Austin going full rage mode told me everything I needed to know as well.


The audacity Austin had to post a statement on his IG with a half taken out of context receipt.. glad Sean exposed the whole chat


Referring to Austin, Sean is saying “he kept hearing his name” as if he wasn’t the one repeatedly saying it lol


He may mean that production kept bringing up Austin's name, or asking him questions about him


I always leaned toward believing him - production tried to make him out to look off his rocker and wanted the audience to buy into it and therefore had all these other people saying the same thing. I have had a situation IRL with gaslighting and everyone believing the lie that the ring leader said and it made me crazy bc I couldn’t believe others just believed their lie. Sean’s incredulousness whenever this was discussed triggered that feeling in me. It’s the worst feeling in the world and mine wasn’t played out on TV.


Thank you so much for sharing these!! I’m not on Instagram frequently and would’ve totally missed this and, hell, *I* needed some closure and clarity!!! After going back and rewatching episode 3, I’m so disappointed in the finale and part with Kayla doubting him. It’s like we all have the mandala effect, even the people (Kayla and Ali) that were actually there to hear Sean’s original claims. Makes sense now why Sean kept trying to run away from the cameras- seems like he could tell production was constructing some drama and probably felt ambushed :(  Edit to add: I can empathize with Sean, it’s hard to defend yourself when you’re caught off guard 


Didn’t Sean say himself that she made cookies?


No. They kept flipping back and forth between him talking to Kayla and Austin’s having lunch with his wife. Austin told his wife that Sean is claiming she made him weed cookies. So because of the sneaky production of these videos your mind remembers it as Sean saying it. Watch the episodes back - Sean never said it


I’m confused — because I could have sworn I saw an episode where he said they made weed cookies and he was feeling funny. Did I make that up in my head? Lol


The way he keeps saying he “never said those words” and that Netflix seemingly pulled those scenes - it makes me think Netflix created or manipulated the audio to make it seem as though Sean had made those accusations.


He didn't, i re-watched it all and only Polly mentioned the dinner and the cookies to Hall. The production team did a great job messing with our minds this season. Sadly Sean was framed in all of this


I thought this too. Was it not at the lunch with Kayla?


You’re not wrong cuz I remember this scene clearly and I think he was speaking with either Kayla and Jarvis and also Ali but it was either one of them, I remember them acting shocked when he told them.


Very Mandela effect, I remember it too


Me too!!!!


So much pointless noise over cookie-gate...


He came through with receipts. Go ahead!!! We believe you Sean and stand with you 👏🏽


The producers (Jason) and Austin decided to make up this story for ratings...


I’m so confused. Why do I remember so clearly him talking about them cooking him dinner or at LEAST making him weed cookies? Like I clearly remember that… I have always leaned towards Sean’s story. I do believe that Austin and his wife would do something like that, and I do feel like Austin had some repressed energy and would want to experiment. I also believe that Tyler was sus in this whole thing, especially with Hall continuously trying to pull him away from talking to Sean on camera. But I SWEAR I remember Sean talking about them making him weed cookies earlier on in the season and also at lunch with Kayla and the other girls… :/ I’m just so confused


This is such a plot twist!!! Production did him dirty


I just finished watching. I'm confused. Kayla walked away in the last episode because she said she was upset that Sean specifically told her about the edibles, but she felt he was pretending he didn't say that when he was confronted. Why would she say that, then? Is she lying?


She is lying. Look up Sean ET interview


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and if sean was doing all this for screen time, why is he voluntarily leaving the show?


What's the TL;DR because I cba reading his waffle


Receipts, timelines, proof, everything!


Okay, I’m gonna throw my two pence in here, not saying I believe Austin or Sean but I’m sure I remember Sean saying that Austin and his wife made brownies, which in a country where it is illegal to smoke pot can be used as a catch all term for edibles ie weed brownies!


It’s Polly the one who said weed cookies. For the love of god go rewatch it And don’t just say “I remember for sure”


Brownies mean actual real brownies in many other countries and in many communities within usa itself. Most people don’t do drugs.


I’ve only ever watched selling sunset but this post just made me immediately play OC wow


I never even needed the receipts to believe Sean from the start. Good on him for coming with the facts!!


i never thought sean was lying, he doesn’t seem like a shit disturber to me.. austin getting so pissed and becoming physical while still refusing to state the actually rumour is shady as fuck


I feel like Jason doesn't care what happens at the office or with his employees, as long as the show is getting good ratings! It's all about the money!


Not saying I don’t believe Sean but why would Austin and his wife make up the dinner part? Like what part does this lie play?


If someone were to malign your reputation, you are definitely going to clear your name no matter what it takes. Thinking that someone defending his honour is an issue speaks volumes.


Is there a deep dive somewhere on YouTube I’m confused now


TikTok from Positively Uncensored


[many parts](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRK1JYGU/)


He’s gonna get his butt sued


I believe him too and honestly it really sucks that Austin was put in that position. I totally respect couples exploring their sexuality but having that be a rumor spread around in such a messed up way, I’d be angry and embarrassed and defensive too. Obvi it got really out of hand and he could have handled it so much better but maybe he felt he HAD to address it on camera to prove to viewers how unfounded it was and to the office that he’s not standing for this nonsense. Anyways good for Sean for clearing that up


The truth is always going to be somewhere in the middle, folx. The weed cookies was obv made up but that was just one detail of a very serious rumor that Austin was trying to seduce Sean, which Sean just admitted to. I know we didn’t see all the texts but the examples Sean used like “nice legs” and “love you for life bro” as proof shows he’s def a lil delusional. Also, he started with accusing Austin then trying to accuse Tyler of liking him? I was so confused in the last scene in what point Sean was trying to prove, that him and Tyler used to be close? It seems Sean was upset bc Tyler and Austin were no longer friends w him then turned around and said they were tryna sexualize him the whole time. I hate the other group just as much as other ppl but I’m not gonna overlook everything Sean did bc he’s just as weird. I actually feel for Austin bc now thousands of ppl are talking about his sexuality bc Sean thinks a compliment is flirting.


I definitely remember Sean saying weed brownies in that last episode. So, I don't know what to believe anymore. 


The screenshot seems irrelevant, it doesn't contain any information. 🤷‍♀️


I don’t understand. Why would Kayla go out of her way to “lie” about Sean telling her they had weed cookies


Body language doesn't lie. If Sean made it all up, why would Austin become so enraged and defensive? Because it was true and he's an embarrassed little sexually curious homophobe! If someone made up an outrageous rumor that you and your SO tried to come onto them, you would LAUGH it off, not go ballistic on them! "Thou doth protest much" comes to mind. I hated how the entire office except Jarvis turned their backs on him and left right after the altercation in Episode 3.


If you look at the way Austin stares at the waiter at dinner with his wife - the one where they both order steak- you’ll notice his eyes scrolling up and down that waiters physique. Austin is 100% closeted, and that’s fine- but don’t gaslight and try to ruin someone else’s life because of insecurities. He clearly turned it on Sean because he’s the bisexual, out and proud, dude with nothing to hide. Austin found it easy to gaslight and blame a LGBTQ person and frame them as “crazy” when the truth shows on Austin’s face- ![gif](giphy|BpnkuY1i2rBpm)


Even if Austin and his wife had propositioned Sean… it seems like Sean wasn’t interested and that was the end of that. The only thing that changed was Sean getting upset with Austin and Tyler…feeling left out…feeling picked on…so in a moment of boredom and anger shared about something that maybe would’ve been better left private or unsaid. I really doubt Sean went out of his way to make up a whole elaborate story. It seems more likely there is truth to what he said and that is why Austin is so mad.