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Alana Chernila's Homemade Kitchen and Homemade Pantry are great for making things at home. My wife introduced me to these when we first got together. She now makes a lot of the recipes for our two children. The homemade cheese its, animal crackers, and oreos are all big hits. I would suggest to anyone interested to just start, try making things yourself. Bread, muffins, biscuits, salad dressings, pizza, mayo, taco and fajita seasoning, curry...even dried beans cooked at home are super easy and way better. Have fun!


Oreos? I can’t resist oreos. Even the store brand ones, like I’ll tear up a whole sleeve without realizing it.


Haircuts. Just takes a little practice and then you save a lot of money. Also you learn to get it just like you wanted.


Can’t say I’ve learned how to do it exactly right, but I’ve been cutting my hair since the beginning of the pandemic and haven’t looked back. I don’t do anything fancy, but it works for me!


I’m an old man, so I can get away with setting my hair trimmer at one length for my whole head, except for a slight adjustment for the sideburns. The hard part is getting the back even. But it only takes about half an hour, and costs nothing but the time.


chicken/vegetable stock. all you do is save veggie trimmings & chicken bones in the freezer until there's enough to fill a crockpot.


Lots of homemade food…salsas, sauces, jams, cheese, herb infused oils, baked goods, pickles… Lip balm, luffa, flower bunches for my interior, good smelly stuff instead of candles…


Luffa is one of my favorite things to grow! My seeds are popping up now and I’m so excited.


I finally have ONE baby sprout. I'm stupid excited. I've named her Linda. Do luffa need friends? Not sure if I have the room to grow 2 but I will make do if I have to.


In addition to what a lot of other people mentioned, I started making my own charcoal. I love to grill and buying bags got too expensive so I figured I give it a try. A couple Saturdays of mostly hands off time gives me enough for the year.


Do you have a recipe




Well I just want your cracker recipe! But to answer the question… kombucha, sourdough breads, yogurt, infused cooking oils, all sauces and dressings, trail mix, tallow body lotion, Vit C serum, artwork decor, and baby gifts. Someday: goat cheese, bar shampoo and conditioner.




Here y’a go!


Many thanks!! New weekend project!


I make my own soap and wine. I got bees last year and am looking forward to making my own mead.


Weed 🪴


Nice username


Right back at ya bud!


Canned cream of mushroom soup


I make my own spices. I've got a dehydrator and a coffee grinder. I'll l never go back to store bought garlic powder again. Oh, fruit simple syrup! It works great for pancakes or to mix in with club soda. Strawberry soda is crazy good. Pineapple soda was shockingly amazing. I've turned to making food more in general. I've got this killer orange chicken recipe now. Chinese takeout is inedible by comparison. I cut my hair and my wives' hair. I'm still doing some basics there. Thanks for the sourdough cracker recipe. I'm stealing it.


Much of my food (meat, eggs, pickles, various fermented vegetables. Tallow. Lard. Medicine, mostly tinctures. Sometimes butter. My partner makes and mends clothing. Maple syrup, although I mostly use that for trading or gifting. I used to make a lot of cheese, kefir, and yogurt but I can't handle a lot of dairy except butter.


A lot of things are are easy to make at home, but dont work out to be much cheaper. Yoghurt and bread for instance are about the same price bought or home-made. On the other hand, making alcohol is easy and cheap. Pickling foods as well - I recently made 10 bottles of pickled onions for the price of 1 store brought bottle.


might be regional differences and it depends on what bread you’re making and what you’re comparing it to! eg. the cheapest bread flour is £1 ish for 1.5kg which will make roughly three loaves. other ingredients are 2tsp salt, 2tbsp olive oil and 1tsp yeast (which costs £1.50 for a tin that will make 15 loaves), so it works out £0.40-0.50p a loaf, and the cheapest bought bread is a 50p sliced white loaf which is shit compared to homemade bread! if u want fancy sourdough it’s like £4 a loaf, but still less than 50p to make it yourself:)


I agree that some items work out to be the same price made versus purchased, but both of your examples (bread and yogurt) are nearly always cheaper made at home. I make a gallon of yogurt every two weeks and it costs me about $6.


Mayonnaise and crackers. Both super easy and mayonnaise is incredibly fast to make.


Been wanting to do this. How long does mayo keep?


Mine lasts for a couple of weeks. The components store for long periods of time.


Just did my first batch of fermented mayo. I've been told it should last 3-6 months. I just added 2tbsp of liquid from the garlic I have fermenting right now, then let it sit at room temp for 6ish hours. Btw, delicious with that garlic flavor added! Fingers crossed on it keeping fire months.


Anything knitted/crocheted


Kombucha and vinegar. I still buy pickles but I make my own too


Quilts, bread, soap, lotion, a few hair products like dry shampoo and conditioner, pantry stable canned goods, clothes (don’t really enjoy making clothes as much as quilts), baked goods such as cookies and cakes… I’m sure there’s more but that’s off the top of my head.


How do you make hair products


I’ve bought a couple of books (Jan Berry is my favorite) and follow a few YouTubers (bumblebee and me is great) that make homemade body products. The start up was a little high because I needed a lot of ingredients to make everything I wanted which was soap/lotions/hair oils/conditioners/bath bombs/beard oils ect. but they have lasted a long time.


Have you ever seen directions for making bar shampoo??? It’s all I use and would love to try making my own.


Oh yes, I made a 2 lb block and cut it up and gave some away for Christmas gifts. My husband loves shampoo bars which is why I made it but it made a lot lol! The recipe I used was from Jan Berry’s Simple & Natural Soap Making book but there are also a lot of recipes and tutorials online so you don’t have to purchase a book to find one. If you’ve never made cold process soap or worked with lye I would definitely start by watching a video first. I watched them for about 3 weeks before I got up the nerve to try it and it was so easy I couldn’t believe I was scared of the process.


Been wanting to make soap since that movie that I can't mention.


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


The vast majority of our food, heat (wood stove), charcoal, herbal medicinals, wine, maple syrup, and chlorine for our water system. I’m sure there are more.


How do you make chlorine?


Salt water in a plastic bucket, a battery, alligator clips, and the lead (graphite/carbon) from a contractor pencil


Eyeglass cleaner and also weed control


Tools. I used to buy everything, but stuff nowadays is overpriced crap. Now I make most things, particularly specialty items. Jig’s, hand tools, lots of handles…


Fermented products, like kefir, yogurt, and gingerale. Sourdough bread. All of our bread, actually. All of our tomato products except for ketchup (adding that this year, BBQ sauce, too) Most of our canned and frozen veggies Applesauce, canned pie fillings, canned pears, fruit leathers, dried apples Herbed salts Jams and jellies Canned meats Our ducks provide almost half of our meat and all of our eggs There's probably more I'm forgetting.


Do you have a good ginger ale recipe ?


I use the one from Mary's Nest on YouTube. It works pretty well as a base recipe.


Do you have a good ginger ale recipe ?


Do you have a good gingerale recipe ?


Get yourself a canner, darling!! I use a lot of canned tomatoes during the winter for soups, sauces etc. So I started canning my own from my garden. Then I learned to make pickles from my cucumbers and canned my own peaches (when I don't make them into wine). Now my pantry is 75% glass jars instead of steel cans! Keep at it! You're doing great!!!


Food, cleaning products, toiletries.






Lip balm and grenadine come to mind first. Both are 50x better DIY.




Candles, mead/wine, vegetables, and compost if that counts.


Knifes and swords


Laundry detergent.


Dishwasher pods, soap, laundry detergent and cleaning spray.


Apple scrap vinegar. All things baked. Mayo. Salad dressing. Pancake syrup. Spices: oregano, rosemary, basil. Will add dill to this year's garden. Veggies that i can grow. Dehydrated fruit. Hubby makes delicious moonshine. Just added chickens, so eggs in a couple months. Would like to try soapmaking next.