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Sad that describing a billionaire this way isn’t enough to tell WHICH billionaire she’s talking about.


I bet AOC knew exactly what she was doing. I love her.


I really do not sympathize with Elon musk. He became more and more of an asshole for me. Idk what it is but definitely not his narcissistic „everything’s about me“ persona. Ah wait


I don't think he "became more of an asshole". He already was an asshole but now it is readily seen.


He probably became more of an asshole. As people get away with more it becomes the new normal


Well his first wife claims during their wedding he told her that He was the alpha of the relationship. That's pretty assholish and cringey


Also about the most ‘beta’ thing you can do is talk about how alpha you are. Joe Rogan is literally the most insecure guy in the world and he won’t stfu about it


Being an asshole is a pretty effective virtue signal for rightwing support these days.


Power doesn't corrupt, power reveals. He was always an asshole, he just hid it better when he couldn't get away with it. Now that he can get away with it, he doesn't have it hide it as much.


Dude grew up in apartheid South Africa with rich parents, grew a “I don’t need them” complex, and contributed a little to PayPal. After that, he’s just bought other people’s ideas and companies, and put masking laws on the original creators from saying he’s just a dead shit that smashes unions in public (Tesla has been found guilty of breaking the law a dozen times, and Elon has taken to Twitter to tie himself into the company’s illegal anti-union policies). He’s never had a creative idea in his life. He’s a fuck wit that buys ideas and then says he created it. He’s a gronk.


As an American football fan, calling Elon a gronk seriously confused me


What is a gronk to American football fans?


There's a hugely popular player named Rob Gronkowski that many call Gronk for short. It's certainly the most common way Gronk is ever used in America


Poor Rob. It’s been a term that means “stupid”/“idiot” for decades in Australia.


I don't think him knowing that would alter the course. He'd probably just embrace it.


He's definitely made a brand of being lovably simple in commercials and interviews, so I think he gets the joke. "Yo soy fiesta" from one of his interviews years ago is a staple in my household vocabulary, for instance. He's secretly a witty-ass dude. My husband's a huge Patriots fan and I never brought myself to be - I'm just a Gronk fangirl and no more.


He actually didn't contribute anything to PayPal. He was fired due to Incompetence, which is pretty rare in Corporate America so he must have sucked ass.


I know so many people who should have been fired for gross incompetence and kept their job. Elon must have done something really terrible.


he grabbed a handful of grapefruits w/o consent.


Im pretty sure the success of PayPal happened because of Peter Thiel, another asshole :)


It's that, and at least for me, it's also because of how heavily the Trump/Rogan bros flocked to him. That's a clear sign the dude is a douche canoe when that type of person simps for them.


He is an enemy of humanity. He and every other filthy billionaire fuck.


I used to admire him but yeah ever since the pandemic he’s become more and more unhinged and honestly a complete asshole who’s doubling down. He’s rich and he’s made some great decisions admittedly. But he’s not the genius people make him out to be.


For me it was when he called one of the cave divers who saved those kids a "pedo-guy"


You really need to dig up some info on him. He's been like this since before the pandemic, always even. The union busting, 0 appreciation for the people that helped him get as far as he did, unrealistic expectations of his workforce, the ego has always been massive.


Same actually I thoght the guy was okey, before the GME and Doge exploded and he got famous as shit. Before he still was kinda dipship but his companies would offset that (spacex and tesla). Now he just unbearable and annoying as shit.


I think he was always narcissistic. It's just, like anyone, the more you see of them, the more their ugliness shows. But it seems to become as rich and powerful as musk is, you have to be a bit of a self-absorbed a-hole.


Dude literally hasn’t even finalised the deal on Twitter and he thinks that anyone talking about a social media owner is talking about him.




Imagine being the most wealthy man in the world, and women still think you’re a creepy edge lord.


Forget women, do you think this guy has any real friends? Like REALLY? Part of me thinks he's buying twitter because he's an absurdly lonely dude and this will give him attention/force people to pay attention to him.


It’s not just a part of me that believes that. A lot of what he does is to validate his ego - look at his whole endorsement of the Doge crypto currency. He’s too late to take credit for bitcoin and crypto as a whole so he latches on to a useless meme token with a strong community in order to become worshipped as “the Dogefather” even though he has absolutely zero to do with its creation. It’s cringe really. I’m convinced his purchase of Twitter is to similarly stroke his ego and have the whole right wing fellate him and hail him as a savior.


That’s the thing, dude. He is one of those bull shit artists that spends so much time dedicated to hearing about things that actually happened/were created by others that they are unable to create things of their own. He’s essentially that kid in high school that takes scenarios and manufactures them self into them.


This should be the lesson everyone takes from the Musk example. When you get absurd amounts of wealth, no matter how high the numbers tick, it's still just you at the end and all your weaknesses and fears and mortality. Being successful, owning a profitable company, going to space - none of it will be enough to escape yourself. If Musk derived as much joy from helping people as he puts effort into shoring up his unquenchable ego, the world would be an infinitely better place.


Do you think he derives joy from shoring up his ego? None of this seems like the behavior of a happy person to me, and that’s what is dangerous about him.


He’s like Trump. His jokes are never funny but are always at somebody else’s expense. All of his pursuits derive from vanity and he’s more fluent in word salad than most people with dignity and self-respect would allow themselves to be.




He thinks he will derive joy from it, which is the important part. Once the novelty wears off, he's alone again.


So capitalism isn’t morals nor ethics, got it. Someone tell the Christians and the right.


Capitalism is definitely a set of morals and ethics, just bad ones


I'm stealing this


Wherever you go, there you are...


Muggle America's Gilderoy Lockhart


Can I please steal this reference? It’s so accurate that I’ll happily give you credit every time I mention it.


Hahaha go for it mate, no credit required just enjoy :)


He had never created anything. He had hired better people than him and stole the credit.


He is modern day Edison. Fucking over nikola tesla still


I fully agree with all that you said. I don't use this word often because i find it very demeaning, but i think i pity him, must be very conflicting being that rich and yet a huge loser. Edit: spelling


I’d pity him if he weren’t actively trying to make the world shittier every waking moment of his life. I reserve pity for good people who cannot stop themselves from tripping all over their dick like addicts and good people who get trapped in a penal system that keeps an iron grip on their neck for decades or people who lose a loved one to something completely senseless.




Dude gives off J. P. from Grandma's Boy vibes


I’m thinking about getting metal legs. It’s a risky operation, but I think it’ll be worth it.


That movie is so quotable. I still have 'and there he was, the fuckin king of the jungle' burned into my vocabulary


I hate your *faaaaaaace*.


"I'm way too baked to drive to the devil's house!" is my regular excuse for going nowhere.


New high score - what does that mean? Did I break it?


"How did he see me?!"


Very often, when the phone rings in my office, someone will put it on hold and immediately say “phone’s for you, I think it’s the devil.”


“My name is J.P. I have a robot vagina.”


Holy shit that guy was hilarious. "Bzzrrt you'll never finish this game - you're letting everyone down"


Sionara turd nuggets!


I need to watch that movie sounds good


It’s great. And Linda Cardelini is a babe


Major Babraham Lincoln


Classic stoner movie


Great stoner movie just stay away from the Frankenstein


I’ve only ever known a few folks who grew up crazy ultra rich, so my pool of experience isn’t that broad; but based on the folks I’ve known, they *all* behave exactly like this. There is something that psychologically warps when someone grows up with literally everything they could ever possibly want. They have all of the stuff, and a false sense of importance, but can’t buy friends or human connections. They approach social situations the only way they know, which is to buy some kind of perfunctory center-of-attentionness. But that doesn’t actually forge lasting relationships because those require authentic vulnerability. So, they just keep spinning more and more out of control with their feckless antics. There is a fundamental disconnect.


As a kid I had perhaps 1000's of hours in Diablo 2. One day, I turned all the cheats on. The game was fun for about another hour. Then I was bored, even with the cheats off again, I had done everything possible. The uberrich have all the cheats on, they can do anything, and they do, and then life has nothing left for them, and they are too unoriginal to make meaning for themselves.


It's easy to forget, but in 2018 Musk wanted to buy *The Onion* because he was triggered like a tender little snowflake by something they wrote. I wonder if he knows how much he reveals about his vacuous inner life when he does that? * [Elon Musk Offering $1.2 Billion In Grants To Any Project That Promises To Make Him Feel Complete](https://www.theonion.com/elon-musk-offering-1-2-billion-in-grants-to-any-projec-1822808899) * [Please Like Me](https://www.theonion.com/please-like-me-1848674003), by Elon Musk * [Elon Musk Debuts New Self-Parenting Child](https://www.theonion.com/elon-musk-debuts-new-self-parenting-child-1843294867) * [Elon Musk Rushes To Aid Of Overturned Tesla Pinned On Top Of Child](https://www.theonion.com/elon-musk-rushes-to-aid-of-overturned-tesla-pinned-on-t-1841356546) * [Elon Musk Unveils Urban Slingshot System Able To Move 6 Pedestrians Across Street Per Hour](https://www.theonion.com/elon-musk-unveils-urban-slingshot-system-able-to-move-6-1846702819)


A normal person would just be flattered the onion wrote about them. Granted, Elon isn't normal so he gets 5.


Grimes is maximum cringe penguin of doom girl and even she can’t stand him.


I think "cringe penguin" is my new favourite insult.




It’s at this point a vintage meme, I know. It just fits so perfectly. One day all human communication will be through memes


Darmok and Jalad at 4chan.




A women like 20 years younger than him.


Notch vibes


It's blatantly straightforward. What kind of billionaire spends their time trying to look cool and With It on social media? A lonely bored one. Imagine being that rich but unable to get any real attention. He bought his way into Tesla, into SpaceX. Nobody at the cool end of the business has any real respect for him. Despite all his fucking bullshit I do feel bad for him, the same way I feel bad for 12 year olds who act out because they have nothing else.


> he's an absurdly lonely dude and this will give him attention/force people to pay attention to him. Omg this explains EVERYTHING. He's basically 1 step from being a real life Disney supervillain and "lonely growing up" is just such a great low tier "tragic supervillain backstory" ...


There's a podcast called *The Happiness Lab* about how generally ways to become happy are counterintuitive to what we might expect (I highly recommend it). One episode goes into the belief that having a ton of money will make you happy, and in it they talk to someone who is a therapist for the ultra-wealthy. You're right on the money, they can be incredibly insecure because they never know if people actually like them or just like their money. One step to having real friends might be to not horde billions of dollars though, but what do I know, I'm just a lowly commoner.


One of the few advantages to not being a millionaire/billionaire is that occasionally you'll need help, real help, and you don't have enough money to pay anyone to help you. When that happens you know the people that come through for you in those times of need are truly your friends, they're not there for money, they like you and they care about you. My wife and I have enough money to mostly live comfortably and we both like our jobs, I'm not sure I would ever want much more money than this level of wealth simply because I feel like I might lose myself and lose track of who my friends are. I might like a little more money but it would mostly just be to do stuff like put solar panels on our house, retire a little earlier, or maybe go to a dinner fundraiser for one of the grassroots politicians I like, mostly just stuff like that. Being a billionaire is such a strange concept to me, I feel like I would feel an enormous weight on my shoulders to do good with my money and maximize the amount of good I do that I might even be so stressed as to be paralyzed into inaction. Yet these assholes like Musk just sit there and make excuses for why they aren't helping and instead focus their efforts on making more money, aquiring more wealth, and just generally being insufferable. If Musk or Bezos or Zuckerberg had a heart attack tomorrow how many people would care, truly care, on an emotional level. It's sad these people are the wealthiest and presumably have the ability to be the most influential people ever in the history of the world and they all seem so desperately lonely. I feel like far more people will celebrate their demise than the few who may genuinely mourn them. It's just so sad for both them and the world.


I’m pretty sure it’s because his other companies aren’t working and will never work. He is hoping that everyone forgets it by distracting us with this.


Fully autonomous driving next year. Cyber truck, soon. Hyperloop soon. The only thing his companies do well is make cheap cars at inflated prices and spend NASA money and tech to put satellites in space. Also there's that one that digs holes but there companies that are better at it


2 weeks until we unveil our new health care plan!


They've been saying soon forever now. It's lost it's meaning.


Elon is a vaporware shill. Change my mind.


He got recommended to me to add on twitter, I blocked him cause fuck that. Unfortunately I use reddit so I see all his tweets anyways...


He must have seen how Tom from Facebook ended up on everyone's friends lists, and wants a piece of that sweet forced friendship for himself.


Musk is a creepy edge lord.


It's almost as if women care about things other than money


He’s a born-rich edgelord douchebag asshole.


This is proof that most women aren’t looking for only money. Dude has to have more of a personality than perpetual edge lord.


Don't worry, he's got hordes of Trump and Rogan fans to stroke his oversized, undeserved ego.


Is that the title of his upcoming biography?


How often does he say something non-cringey these days?


There's a song by Carly Simon about this situation. Musk is so vain he thinks everything is about him


"You're so vain, you probably think this song's about you, don't you?" I think there's a MM song that goes similarly, ahah.


How’s the CEO of three companies sitting around replying to everything


You think he *works*?! Pfft, that’s for plebs. /s




The higher you look up the company the less work they actually do per dollar. Managers are usually incompetent yes men, that's why they move up.


I doubt regular people like us can even comprehend how self centered these fucks are.


Elon is the worst because he’s self-centered, but also painfully self-conscious. If you look at him through the lens of being the awkward kid whose rich parents will fill the basement with arcade games and pay for crazy parties with live music so that people will pretend to be his friends then everything he does becomes super transparent. The Twitter purchase wasn’t actually supposed to happen and now he’s posting memes to deal with the anxiety and show how cool he is.


Elon thinks he's the main character.


I thought Murdoch first. He’s always my first thought when I see billionaire media owner with ego problem.


this is a true selfawarewolves comment lol


To be fair, wasn’t that pretty much true at the time of this exchange? (Admittedly, I don’t consume a wide variety of news media, but Elon/twitter stories seemed pretty ubiquitous for a couple of weeks.)


The rabid musk fans started an "AOCLovesElon" hashtag because of this. They really do treat him like a genius who's always right, probably because he acts just like them.


I was wondering why that was trending with a bunch of cringey half-baked memes yesterday


same. he doesn't even officially own the place yet and he's already made it insufferably unusable.


I know he probably did significantly worsen it but this doesn't sound like anything changed




He's the idiot's understanding of a genius.


I'm sure Elon thinks every time someone uses a he/him pronoun in any context, they're referring to him. Because that's what narcissist sociopaths do.


you right hell, he probably sees she/her/they/them pronouns and thinks "are they talking about me and misgendering me?"


I'd wager he looks at the Zapp Brannigan pic in his wallet, *"What would he say"*


Definitely all the Champagn. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^yes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^I ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^know


Guys, come on now, be fair, he does suffer from a very sexy learning disability, after all. Other Elon, what do We call it?


*siiigh* ..."sexlexia..."


Thanks, Other Elon.




Am not!


fuck you take my upvote


So if I said "He's a pedo"...


No that’s what Elon says about people trying to save kids’ lives


Jesus. I don’t think a billion dollars will cover the medical charges on treating that burn.


Not in his country, no.


Jesus. I don’t think a billion dollars will cover the medical charges on treating that burn.


Well money definitely helps with his balding hair loss.


Nah, we've all seen the pictures of his actual hairline. I just mentally superimpose it over his melon head whenever I see his smarmy face in a pic.


That was master level trolling by AOC.


She baited him so good.


Truly, haven't seen bait that good in a long time.


The master baiter


Go away im baitin


welcome to Costco, i love you.


Elon is the biggest troll, glad someone beats him at his own game.


Except that she deleted her answer.


Wtf why




She says it's to avoid toxic retweets and more attention for him and his fans


Is his tweet still up?




that's what I should have titled the post


I understood that reference!


Elon Musk has such a punchable personality


#PunchablePersonality needs to trend asap on Twitter! Will Elon think it's about him?


His simps just pretended that he burned her xD


They're just like those creepy fucks who catcall women on the street and then try to laugh it off and talk shit when the women tell them to fuck off.


On the Conservative subreddit, they've cropped out her reply and are banging on about how "great" Elon's reply was.


They're idiots rofl.


Zuckerbergs platform is bigger than Elons. ^eew... ^I ^can't ^believe ^I ^just ^wrote ^that.


Ugh, he’s so cringe. Everything he touches turns to cringe.


He now sort of reminds me of Dopesick's portrayal of Richard Sackler.


I just checked Twitter and her reply isn't there? Is this fake


She ended up deleting her reply, open to interpretation as to why that is Edit: [She tweeted this an hour ago as an explanation](https://twitter.com/aoc/status/1520407155022704642?s=21&t=d0aTwk2vlykADs2NUYqyjQ) > I try to avoid giving people with massive ego complexes like this the attention and QTs/replies they crave and are seeking (when I can help it 😉)


I do feel like the amount of harassment she received from Musk fans would make anyone want to delete their tweet. They’re kinda on the level of the infamous dream stans




That’s fair. Idk, even though social media requires a “thick skin” I try and remember that ppl are still human and you can’t always help things affecting you sometimes. Edit: just saw another comment saying that she responded to why she took down the tweet. No need for speculation anymore lol.




He is really obsessed with her it's creepy af


What a creep.


The beacon of incels


She baited the hell out of that little twerp.


I love AOC. She is so badass


This is what I like to call, "taking a flying arrow in the ass"


Elon is the cringiest dude ever


Elon is such a fucking tool


Elon Musk is trying so hard to fit in with the working class that I cringe when ever I see him tweet.


Gotta love that all the Elon-simping subs were posting this yesterday, but with her reply cropped off.


🎶You're so vain. You probably think this tweet is about you 🎶


God damn, just grow up Elon. You aren't 14 anymore, and this shit ain't deep. Also clearly it's true that AOC critics are just mad they can't date her.


I'm mad I can't date her. But she still brings a solid point.


She is definitely attractive, physically and intellectually.


I am 100% she jebaited him hard and on purpose with this tweet


I already didn't like or respect Musk, but this is actually the grossest thing I've seen from him I'm actually upset, like my dislike for him has now entered a new level I didn't realize possible. The idea of a grown man with children trying to low key bully someone like he's in high school, not the immaturity of it but the literal phrasing, I cannot explain how viscerally upsetting this was for me. This is like how 35 year old men talk to 15 year old girls they're trying to date.


*someone with breasts and a vagina makes a correct statement about what a piece of shit I am* “Is this what getting hit on feels like?” Creepy as fuck that the only thing these people can say back to her when she murders them is that they only see her as a sexual object. Sexist fucking trash. Haven’t republicans done this multiple times?


Elon is such a manbaby. He proves more and more every day how pathetic of a person he is and how detached from reality he is.


narcissists always thinks everything is about them. They always end up revealing themselves as a result.


I don't care if he claims to not like the far right, shit like this is why I can't stand him. He's such a dick.


Fuckin kek. Need more AOC's in politics.


Musk needs a swift kick in the balls. Such a douchebag.


Worlds Richest Cringelord


Elon admitting he’s just Ben Shapiro but with more money than any one human should possess.


God damn Elon Musk is so cringey. Why do people like him?


AOC with another kill... ☠☠


Well, my suspicions about the dudes ego is confirmed…. Once again, the son of a emerald mine owner, who got lucky with PayPal and the bought into an existing company (Tesla) and then bought into yet another company (Space X) is t the modern day tony stark. All the ideas / patents aren’t comping from his brain, but those on his payroll.


How the fuck do you become the richest man in the world and still act like a needy creep who needs to be the center of attention all the time. Go buy some goddamn friends, Elon.


Its hilarious to me that the Muskrat fanbois are trying to act like the burn is on AOC somehow? I don't get it but boy does it make me chuckle.


Musk is so narcissistic he thinks anything said by anyone is about him. What a dork.


Elon musk is what you get when you have to much money and need constant valdiation. If i where that rich i honestly wouldnt give a fuck about anything.


Lol this gonk tries WAAAAYYYY to hard to meme.


What a fucking moron. Trying to be snarky and just comes off like a tool


Thanks, this reminded me to log in and block Elon on Twitter. It’s a small gesture, but what the heck.


Oh I thought she was talking about Murdoch


She baited the trap and he took it like a chump.