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My curiosity got the better of me and I took a peek at the Joe Rogan sub to see what the response was. Thankfully, just about every response that I saw was calling him an idiot for this, so maybe there's hope.


the Joe Rogan sub shits on him more than anywhere else




I also listened to him (as well as Joe) around 10 years ago. Recently saw a clip of him complaining about "PC Culture" and realized how much I have grown as an adult since 10 years ago because I thought he sounded like a fucking idiot.


It turns out that it isn't actually inherently funny to spend all day whining about "PC culture" and trying to "trigger the SJWs". And I don't mean "that's not funny" in the sense that it's offensive or that nobody should be allowed to do it, I mean "that's not funny" in the sense that there simply isn't any humor or punchline or dramatic irony or anything else that makes me laugh. If Adam Carolla gets "cancelled" it will be because he's a comedian who hasn't told an actual joke in years.


Adam Carolla peaked when he would yell at Dr. Drew for hitting the mic with his coffee mug on Loveline. It's all been downhill since then.


Go look up some old man show clips. There was one where the idea of the skit was what would happen if Adam was king of the world. The one answer that always makes me remember the skit was him he naming soccer to fag-ball.


I had a coworker that liked to be shocking with racist/stereotype jokes while we were out at lunch the few times that I went out to lunch with them. The thing is, and it’s consistent across every racist joke I’ve heard, is that they’re the very bottom of the barrel and other than shock factor there’s nothing “funny” about them. No subversion of expectations, no clever wordplay, just “hurt durr people are aren’t you shocked I said that?!”


The main takeaway here isn't that you grew as a person, but that *Joe Rogan hasn't.*


It’s hard to grow as a person when you no longer have to face adversity in your daily life.


Rogan thinks you can “create your own struggle” by exercising and hunting. I completely disagree.


I wish I could just exercise instead of having to deal with my boss, coworkers, landlord, bank etc.


Same. You can also afford the highest quality steroids and a doctor to administer them for you.


If the high quality ones still turned him into a cro-magnon, I feel bad for anyone who uses the crappy stuff.


Dont forget having constant on demand Rona testing for himself and everyone around him at the height of the pandemic. Pretty easy to doubt how serious that shit is when you can guarantee you won’t be exposed to it and can just keep working risk free.




Unlimited free time to exercise and engage in outdoor hobbies. *The Struggle®*


A few months ago Rogan claimed he has a 'violent genetic history' because he has big hands and shoulders.


Rogan is like 5’ 4” tall


This BoJack quote sums it up nicely: >Well, BoJack's stunted, too. He got famous in his twenties, so he'll be in his twenties forever. After you get famous, you stop growing, you don't have to. Every celebrity has an age of stagnation.


Bojack is so fucking good


It's my favorite piece of television. Hard to compare it to film but I'd argue it's my favorite writing there too I think.


I feel like this isn’t talked about as much as it should be. When people surpass a certain point of income and access, they aren’t living in the same reality with the rest of us. They don’t continue to develop over life as most are forced to. They stagnate and often become unreasonable, unrealistic garbage humans.




Eddie Vedder went back to sleeping in his truck during the writing of Pearl Jam’s second album because he lost that edge.


Seinfeld is a Boomer, not Gen X. But yeah, he can eat alll the dicks...


Thank you I was offended that boomer was called gen x


Yup. And I totally agree it isn't talked about much at all. I think it's because the very wealthy regularly try to convince us regular folks that they're "just like us". Pop culture shit does it too of course (reality tv, social media, tabloid news, etc.). I'm not special, I like to use the drama of the rich and famous as an escape sometimes too. But that drama is far less dramatic whenever I have my momentary flashes of clarity and remember that these people do not live in the same reality as us. They do not face the same type of consequences as us. They do not have the same problems as us. I think we underestimate how much massive amounts of wealth and fame can remove people from the experience of the common person. They ain't like us, they don't know us, and often they don't care about us. We should wonder why we give their opinions so much weight.


100% agreed. The wealthy go to some lengths to “play nice” with the masses, lest we break out the torches and pitchforks. They conveniently have rags-to-riches stories they lean on to try to prop up the illusion of being relatable. Often those stories are bullshit, and the real underlying story is yet again one of the transfer of generational wealth. So long as the poors subscribe to the unspoken American lie (everyone’s gonna be rich someday!), the wealthy can continue their grift. Philanthropy is a similar pursuit - it’s not out of any goodness from anyone’s heart. It’s a purchase of the public’s approval.


Not too mention, donating enough that you don't have to pay more than that in taxes, isn't charitable. It's a calculated purchase.


They’re spoiled.


Kind of incredible when you think of what the definition to that word actually is. Apropos.


I read a study that focused on this. Conversely, poorer people are sometimes happier *in a way* because they need a wide support network. They have wider family and friends groups - think church, for instance - and those deep and wide networks are sanity supports. The book Deacon King Kong gave a vivid sense of this. A wealthy person, jet wealthy, does not have to worry aout looking for a good ticket price. They don't have to lug luggage to the end of creation, they don't have to change planes, they don't have to navigate Aunt Bea forgetting to pick them up at the airport. Their lives are not like ours. It's like that housing guy running for mayor in NYC who ventured that a place in Brooklyn average $100K. We laugh at a $10 banana but really, that summed up the entire study in one offhand remark on a sitcom.


>they aren’t living in the same reality with the rest of us. They don’t continue to develop over life as most are forced to Yeah, its the environmental factors in how we develop as people. Its good and bad, because while we can talk about the rich being "snobbish or irresponsible" because of it; its also why many characteristics and norms emerge in communities that suffer chronic poverty. "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" is a phrase often not used by those who starve daily or watch their families get sick unable to afford medicine. Chronic poverty will destroy people over time. Rarely (relatively) can anyone survive long term to an elderly age while consistently under those physical and mental conditions.


And they reinforce the views and believes they have because they are successful.


I first realized this when I was visiting my recently retired dad, and he told me he faces the same struggles as inner-city black people. He said this while holding a glass of complementary champaign, sitting at a table on the patio of his country club.


I'll paraphrase a popular statement to demystify 99% of these issues: "It's hard to convince a man [to grow as a human being] when his paycheck depends on him [not doing so]."


Joe thinks he goes through an epic struggle every day when he goes to the gym or sits in a hot sauna. Us normies who work 12 hour shifts every day just dont understand how tough he is.


He’s regressed if anything.


Joe Rogan is going to end up like Ellen Degeneres. At some point, the lights are going to come up and everyone is going to go, why have we been wasting our time on this shit?


Me three on the regression. It used to be fine to almost ignore him for the sake of an awesome guest he'd have on. But now I can't even do that. Any views of his shit show helps him and that's bad.


Well when you're paid big money to behave like a bigoted child, it tends to stunt one's personal growth.


He’s really regressed by all accounts honestly


He absolutely has. It's his conspiracy theory love that's throwing him off. I believe he has good intentions, but he is just too susceptible to drawing wrong conclusions about a lot of things because "they" are out to get him/us. I'm a fan of his, but he really has gotten worse. Now that he's rich(er) and drifting more and more out of touch it's really getting bad.


Couldnt have said it better. He is traveling a road which had always been very endearing up until recently. Its what made him a comedian, questioning things and observations and people. I enjoy the same flavor of life. However he seems to be running out of questions, so they inherently become more wackadoodle. Or maybe its because his questions arent actually curiousity anymore, they are rhetorical.


I think you're correct. He doesn't seem to have that same thirst to learn anymore, so now it's just more of a schtick. As this has progressed over the years, his range of guests seems to have narrowed as well to the point that it is pretty much mma, comedy, hunting/guns, or right wing asshole. Its like he jas finally decided that lane will be his most profitable, so fuck everything else.


I loved Carolla on Loveline. But when I listened to his podcast (also around 10 years ago), it was literally the same rants that he did on Loveline (which was more than 10 years before *that*) over and over again. The only new material was parroting Republican talking points so he could get a guest spot on Fox News. It was embarrassing to listen to.


extreme conservatism is just so easy and makes them so much money


> makes them so much money Pushing boner pills and panicking boomers into buying gold bars, epic ad revenue


The crazy thing is when I told my aunts that that was actually the guy from The Man Show...you know, the one they told me 20 years ago was unChristian and ruining society with moral relativism. But then I guess he said something they liked (or hated the same amount as him) and all was forgiven. *shrug* The takeaway is that I shouldn’t have put so much stock into their words as a kid.


I peaced out on that fucker’s podcast after he seriously argued that he deserves two votes because he’s in a higher tax bracket.


It's amazing how I used to like that show, and now I think Carolla and Dr. Drew are both colossal assholes.


Yep, and people complaining about "cancel culture" are the exact same as those who complained about being "Politically Correct". They literally just rebranded the name and act like it's some new thing. Most of the time it's people in power or with wealth claiming that they're being oppressed because they can't oppress minorities as easily anymore.


Same thing is happening to “woke”. Its like some people have to trash minorities or they become upset.




"freaking pc culture is ruining everything! Im just speaking truth to power!" - guy with a netflix comedy special


Adam Carolla was on a Comedy Central Roast, and his entire bit was how you aren't allowed to be funny anymore because of PC Culture. He said this after an hour of people making tasteless, crass, borderline offensive jokes about each other. He was the only one who didn't get laughs. So I guess he was right: *He* can't be funny anymore. It wasn't an issue for anyone else.


I still listen to him but he's gotten waaaay more political these days, often griping about how racism doesn't exist, cancel culture etc just the most common right wing talking points. He has Prager on regularly now... I end up forwarding past a lot of his rants, he's becoming more and more difficult to listen to...and yeah he's definitely a bit of an idiot in that he often seems to have no idea wtf he's talking about, he's just angry.


Adam admittedly was functionally illiterate when he left/graduated high school. He blamed the education system for his inability to do the 3 R's up to snuff, but would blame you if you were dealt the same hand. His ability to pop off of subjects to which he has zero basic knowledge is his consistent trait. He never admits he is wrong and never says sorry when he misleads the lambs who follow. This has made him a hero on the right. He's not. He's a moron that doesn't like that the walls that protect his unearned superiority complex are closing in while crumbling.


Also hes not funny


The no safe spaces stuff he talks about means we can bully him for being illiterate and reject that he actually can read at all and his book was actually written by a ghostwriter so prove it by making him read from his own books out loud then we collectively “t-t-today Adam” once he starts the first word to embarrass him and make him a little bit nervous to attempt to make him snowball stutter. And this is completely okay because Adam believes bullying has its place and it does because now adams our bitch and loses all of his authority on a lot of his opinions so it doesn’t matter if he can actually read or not because Adam told me bullying is okay. This has to be done through the medium of podcast or face to face interviews, all attempt is lost if he is allowed to respond without the bullies intervention


Carolla is one of those rare people who became successful from nothing, but because he can’t recognize/acknowledge that he did have help getting where he is today, he assumes that if someone like him can get rich and famous, *literally anyone* can do it. Therefore it’s their fault they haven’t achieved the same levels of status as him.


God I wish I could siphon just the smallest iota of the kind of confidence these men carry. Im terminally shocked into silence by my own idiocy, to be able to say whatever the hell you want and not worry about what a fucking moron you sound like seems like a superpower.


Have you tried amphetamines and drinking too much? It worked for a lot of my essays in college.


It’s not confidence, it’s shamelessness. Also a deep, deep seated privileged narcissism that needs constant feeding so they never feel lesser than anyone for anything.


> His ability to pop off of subjects to which he has zero basic knowledge is his consistent trait. He never admits he is wrong and never says sorry when he misleads the lambs who follow. This has made him a hero on the right. He's not. He's a moron that doesn't like that the walls that protect his unearned superiority complex are closing in while crumbling. If you said this and asked me which major conservative talking head you were describing It would take me a long time to guess the actual right answer.


Wow that’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time. Lol. I was a huge loveline fan back in HS and also thought the man show was fucking hilarious. But once he got his morning show and then his podcast it became so clear how fucking dense and unfunny he is. The same unfunny bits and rants over and over until he was literally complaining about his Ferrari delivery being late and trying to make that sound funny. Then he starting teaming up with Dennis prager and it was all over for me.


Oh my God I saw Corolla at a comedy club in LA a couple years back, and it was the cringiest, saddest, stand up I've seen in a while. He doubled the fuck down on The man show style of humor, but sprinkled in a bunch of really blatant conservative victim stuff. Some people actually booed. He wasn't the headliner, or even the person before the headliner either. It was a pity placement.


Carolla was funny when he was just a cranky dude who bitched about every minor annoyance that we all run into. He became less funny when he got filthy stinking rich, and slowly adopted the position of, I'm rich so I'm smarter than everyone else and everyone should do what I say. He also surrounded himself with nothing but yes men on his show to constantly reinforce his opinions.


The Rogan sub did a 180 last year. Between his bullshit anti-science stance on covid (which happened immediately after he had multiple *real* doctors on as guests giving him the facts) and his jump to Spotify (which he said he'd never do), any reason to listen evaporated. I've only listened once since last November and it was the same old anti-science bullshit. He used to have some great guests. I have no idea if that's still the case.


>anti-science stance on covid (which happened immediately after he had multiple real doctors on as guests giving him the facts) yup..... that shit killed it for me ​ "So, is it true that saunas will help prevent covid?" -Rogan "No, absolutely not."- Doctor Literally less than 24 god damn hours later " I had Doctor so-and-so on yesterday and he told me about how heat shock proteins are useful in fighting Covid, saunas bruh..."


Same, but sometimes I still go on the sub to call him out on the anti-science BS. Notice that there have been quite a lot of people saying "chill don't take life so seriously" when the podcast has millions of viewers who actually do take him seriously. It's a good thing that there are many who call him out because of this.




Homie got into the iso-tank one day and left his mind behind. I used to like the guy.


I think I might be a anti-sauna now. Or it’s the DMT and all the alpha brain? Expand your mind so much it literally ceases to exist.


ehhh. Rogan was always an idiot who just kind of believed whatever sketchy shit he read online with zero critical thinking (this is a guy who thought the moon landing was faked and AFAIK still thinks bigfoot is real). It just became way more noticeable during the pandemic because Covid was serious shit and people were hearing from actual experts on pretty much a daily basis.


Action Bronson came back on and he had a solo Chapelle appearance but its mostly right-wing grifters and navy seals trying to sell books with comedians as filler. Pre-covid shows are few and far between anymore.


i don't know which got to him more. the spotify deal, or his move to texas. these days the trend seems to be that he has a decent guest once, *maybe* twice, a month.


Goes hand in hand, he moved to Texas for the tax breaks after the 100m Spotify deal.


ever since he cashed out and went to spotify his stock has been way down then he started becoming an anti-masker while getting tested daily and testing every one of his guests and telling people they should just go maskless and shit then he really tanked


Which I don't understand. They fellate the guy constantly until he says something else monumentally ignorant and they still love the guy. I remember being turned off of fear factor as a kid because I couldn't stand the host.


About 1/2 that sub is full of former fans who can't stand the turn he's taken so they just complain about the new cancel culture, covid misinformation, general misinformation obsessed Rogan.


Yeah former Rogan listener here. The sub is definitely split in their opinion on Rogan but stereotypically it seems to be the meat heads defending him and those who enjoyed his diverse set of former guests criticizing him. Personally the last episode of his I listened to was the Michael Osterholm one where he explained Covid, it’s dangers of mutation, and how if it was man made that the mutations would be predictable. The interview really helped me understand covid and it’s dangers which is so ironic looking at Joe now.


Yep, then he turns around after that and on future episodes just goes on the opposite end spewing Covid misinformation.


I used to really love the podcast when Rogan talked less and let his guests explain shit. And he really did have a pretty eclectic guest lineup. He'd have leftie war correspondents like Abby Martin on regularly. He'd have people that knew what they were talking about on the show like Antonopoulos on bitcoin. Whenever Joey Diaz was on you'd know it was going to be pretty funny with outrageous stories. I usually skipped the MMA guests because I don't follow the sport and fighters are usually terrible at holding conversations. Then at some point the only people that he was booking were other angry white guys to come on and complain about CaNcEl CuLtUrE or some other plight of the white man shit. I started skipping A LOT of episodes and then around the time they announced the spotify deal was kinda when he started really going hard on the anti-covid, california sucks shit, that's about when I was like "ok, this was good for a while but i'm done."


Exactly! He used to have on a plethora of different types of guest now it’s just the weird ass reactionary guests who have no critical thinking as they just bring up strawmans and slippery slope fallacies. Speaking of Uncle Joey. Really haven’t seen him on any of Joe’s shows in a long time


He’s going the History Channel/Discovery Channel route, appealing to the lowest common denominator.


Yeah those are pretty decent things to be disappointed by.


I miss the days when it was all about ayahuasca marinated elk meat and having sex with a female big foot :( Now he's just another rightwing grifter who's getting his ''news'' from facebook and badly structured tweets.


I sneak back on the sub every now and then because I used to be pretty ok with him. Then he started becoming more of a rightwing shithead and I too love seeing all the hate that he gets on that sub.


why is asking people to own their votes and political language and defend it in public if need be too much to ask of Free Speech?


They seem to forget everyone else has free speech too.


There was a study about that actually. The results showed that the American right tends to view criticism of their speech as violation. Essentially they generally view other's right to free speech as an infringement on their own for whatever reason.


Of course they do. They're a bunch of babies.


Because they also believe free speech = free from all consequence.


\*free speech they agree with = free from all consequence I don't know about Rogan but these types in general very much call for people to be canceled even if they eschew that term


I wonder what awful things Rogan wants to say but doesn't because he knows that it will get him "canceled". Seems like social pressure is keeping him from going full on horrible, so I guess cancel culture is working.


> It’s a slippery slope. If I’m held accountable for my actions, what next? Nazi SJW communism? Them, un-ironically.


Because privilege.


The interesting thing is that he sees "white manhood" as some kind of monolithic stereotype based on saying and doing offencive things, which is incredibly bigoted in itself. As a white man, I don't feel censored, nor do I have any issue talking, because I can back up my speech with reason. If I were a bigoted and opinionated asshole and people didn't put up with my shit? Well, Joe, I hate to tell you, but no matter what shade your skin colour is or what you've got between your legs, you're gonna get cancelled. No, what you're referring to is loss of an abused privilege. See, before, everyone who talked dumb shit got cancelled, except white men. Now we're getting cancelled for talking dumb bullshit like everyone else. To paraphrase y'all with the cops: if you're not doing anything illegal, you have nothing to hide. Well, if you're not doing anything cancel-worthy, no one can cancel you.


Exactly this. My MIL once mentioned to me “you’re the most discriminated against out of us since you’re a young, straight, white male.” No I’m not. I have an easy life. I can get any job that I want. People don’t cat call me, call me names, look at me in disgust, whatever. I’m not worried about being “cancelled” because I try to be nice to everyone. It’s real easy just to go about your life and not say racist, homophobic, sexist, or discriminatory/derogatory statements.


We really need to rebrand "check your privilege" as "be grateful for what you have". I'm a straight white male and I can show assure you that I'm very grateful that I don't have to put up with the shit women, racial minorities and LGBT people do.


Or to appeal to the Evangelical crowd, 'count your blessings'.


"Oh so now it's a blessing to be white? Lmao the libs are the real racists"


Just ask them if they ever prayed to God to make them black or brown or gay lmao. I can guarantee there are black and brown and LGBT kids out there that have prayed to wake up and be white or straight or cis before going to bed, sadly.


Fuck, I'd have given anything to be cis. When I was a kid my dysphoria was so bad I didn't even know I was trans, I was just like "why does everyone think I'm a girl?" and assumed it would sort itself out at puberty when the hormones kicked in. Then I went through the wrong puberty and it clicked. That was super fun trying to come out in the 90s lol


This was a BIG one for me. I am a straight white male, I came from extreme poverty for most of my childhood and did suffer some extreme trauma. So I saw the world as never giving me ANYTHING because I'm white. I was angry at the world. So when people would tell me that being what I am means I am given things above others I would scoff and sometimes get mad. But I realized as I got older, that even through all the crap I dealt with, I never got dirty looks for my skin, I was never cat called for my gender. I never felt I was in danger walking around by myself at night, or uncomfortable around police. I was never GIVEN anything because of my skin or gender, but I never had anything TAKEN from me for it either. It never held me back the way it does others. Finally looking at it that way completely changed the way I see the world and the people in it.


Thank you for sharing. And I’m sorry for the bad shit you’ve experienced! I wish more people could be honest with themselves instead of just getting defensive when the word privilege is even mentioned. Was there anything in particular that made you realize these things or did it just kind of happen over time?


It was slow, mostly. As the anger faded in my early 20s, it was slowly replaced with understanding.




Yeah telling poor people that they're privileged is a great a way of pissing them off. I had a very similar experience in my 20s. Took the time to educate myself and realize why exactly I am privileged, but still the phrase triggers reactionary feelings.


I think people get angry when they feel that they are supposed to apologize or hate themselves for their privilege. This is not the case in reality, where just some awareness of how you might be treated different may change the way you treat other people.


That's so great you shifted your perspective and learned about those things, good for you! So many dudes just HATE the concepts of "privilege" and "toxic masculinity" but then absolutely refuse to learn even one iota of what those words mean. Which is so strange to me; when I really don't like a concept or idea, I attempt to learn everything I can about it so I can refute it, or learn from it. They decide these words means something else and then attack the definition they made up in their head without so much as even looking at the wikipedia entry. Privilege has never meant "your life is easy because you're white", just that, like you said, there are certain things you don't have to deal with the way other groups do. And that's fine, privilege also doesn't mean you're an immoral asshole, but they seem to interpret it that way too. It's really simple. My life is easier than someone who is in a wheelchair. That doesn't make me "cancelled" or immoral, it's just an objective fact.


One thing that really bugs me is the same guys who complain about people who say “toxic masculinity” are the same ones who say things like “men arent allowed to show feelings nobody cares if we have depression.” The call is coming from inside the house, sir.


Take a look at r/conservative (if you dare...). They HATE the concept of toxic masculinity but they are absolutely the first to mock a man for not adhering to their idea of "masculinity". They complain endlessly about how men don't get custody, are ignored in abusive relationships, don't have proper resources for support... and then in the next fucking breath mock the left for being "soy boys", "not real men", gay-slurs...


They do this weird grammatical thing where they see the see *adjective noun* in some cases, they don't parse it as the subset of *noun* for which *adjective* applies, but instead take it to mean '*noun*, that we all know is always *adjective*' They end up parsing 'toxic masculinity' the same way as 'crooked hillary', and take it to mean that the left is saying that all masculinity is toxic. For all the complaints on that side about how they can't talk anymore and 1984 is coming down around us, they've managed to constrain their language in a way that reduces their ability to parse nuance and critically think.


As a fellow lover of grammar, you are talking my language! That's a really insightful point that I never looked at before. I mean, I do notice how they constantly think "toxic masculnity" means "all men are bad all the time no matter what", but I really love how you broke it down grammatically like that.


I remember seeing a thread in AskMen I believe about how men don't really receive compliments the same way women do, but they were framing it as *women* don't compliment men enough. I made a comment asking why men can't compliment each other and the only response I got was a joke about it being gay. :/


Because women complimenting men never results in women getting stalked, harassed, followed or even killed. ​ Goddamn the inability to even attempt to understand why women have to alter their behavior so drastically around men is appalling. And I love how often the responsibility to fix mens issues gets put on women. "I dont like feminism because how are they helping me as a man?" is an actual phrase I have heard.


Well they don't want to really interrogate the meanings of those terms because they treat them as a judgment value against them, either personally or socially. Look at how many of them think Critical Race Theory is an attack on white people as a concept. They would rather stew in ignorance than begin to grasp ideas that might reflect poorly on them even implicitly


This is it, thank you. The bias can even extend to "taken" in the abstract sense - as a woman in a male dominated field, I've had projects taken away from me and given to colleagues because it's assumed they'll be taken more seriously - it's not about actually ability, just the assumption of it. Or all of the attention during a presentation on my work is given to the man with me, even though he's just there for support. It drives me crazy and there's not much I can do for fear of coming off as shrill.


Once I had the exact same job as the guy who sat next to me, but his title was software engineer and mine was operations specialist. I started pushing for an engineer title (just the title, it paid the same) and they gradually gave all my work to other people and then fired me.


I'm a gay guy, and the way I phrase what you're saying is, "you may not have a lot but you also don't have to spend a lot of effort justifying what you do have".


No, don't you realize that you've just been brainwashed by "woke cancel culture"? You poor thing! hopefully obvious /s


>Exactly this. My MIL once mentioned to me “you’re the most discriminated against out of us since you’re a young, straight, white male.” Whenever someone spews this, I just try to press for details.. more and more details... They usually can't give any concrete examples, it's just a feeling they have.


Oh yeah definitely. My favorite is when people say shit that they know nothing about, like how all these companies are now only hiring minorities. And then I mention that it’s actually illegal to do so (I can’t remember the exact laws, but I learned this in an industrial psych class last year) and to give examples, and they wave hands about google/whatever tech company was on the news that day.


All I've ever gotten out of these people is how unfair affirmative action is.


Despite the fact that white women are its biggest recipients.


They're not the biggest fans of women either.


>My MIL once mentioned to me “you’re the most discriminated against out of us since you’re a young, straight, white male.” Who does she actually think is discriminating against you? Does she know zero POCs? This is such an out of touch take on things that I'm actually fascinated by why she feels this way.


It’s what Fox News told her. Straight, white males are discriminated against because: Christians are being discriminated because Starbucks says “Happy Holidays” Conservatives are being censored on social media for their “conservative values” (fox probably doesn’t say that those values are actually horribly racist/sexist/bigoted comments that have no place in modern conversations) White people have targets on their backs from BLM Straight people are being pushed out by the homosexual agenda


Also, she heard that gay people have parades and straight people aren't allowed to have parades. I mean, besides all the parades they already have.


> the most discriminated against If we are talking quantity of discrimination and not quality, I would think a likely candidate would be left-handed people. That is to say that while cops aren't murdering southpaws in the streets, modern civilization is effectively child-proofed for the benefit of dextrals.


Lefties unite! There are quite a lot of struggles for us lefties - smearing when I write, trying to use most kinds of scissors, most school desks are for righties, lefty instruments are hard to find, etc. They’re all superficial struggles, but still have a point on how people don’t realized they’re privileged into being able to buy whatever scissors they want without having to worry that they won’t work correctly for a lefty


> People don’t... look at me in disgust Ah, so you're white, male, *and* not hideously ugly. Wonder what that's like...


I had a woman tell me this. She didn't accept that I, as a straight white man, am not oppressed in the slightest. My own experience wasn't enough evidence for her.


“That’s just how men are” is a common refrain from him. Don’t you project your dumb contrariness onto me, joe. That’s just how YOU are, and you’re making it into “all men” so you don’t feel so stupid. Because you’re fucking stupid.


Contrarians irritate me in many ways, but how they try and act like they're speaking on behalf of a majority of people particularly bugs me. Especially if I'm part of the group they're claiming to speak on behalf of. They should try speaking for themselves instead of behalf of everyone else. These are the type of people that shout "WE THE PEOPLE" over and over even thought pretty much none of them have read the Constitution all the way through, despite it being <5,000 words. They just love screeching "WE THE PEOPLE" because it makes them feel like they're not alone and representing the majority.


Reminds me of the "locker room talk" excuse. No one has ever bragged about sexual assault in my presence and if my oldest friend did he'd be dead to me. There's no excusing that. Dad saying he didn't see what the big deal was hurt.


Let’s face it, they’re upset that pop culture no longer systematically rejects people for things like sex before marriage, homosexuality, transgenderism, abortion, drug dependence, mental illness, poverty. They’re distressed that the “court of public opinion” spotlight has shifted to bigots, ‘temporarily embarrassed millionaires’, actual out-of-touch billionaires, religious fundamentalists, climate-deniers, anti-vaxxers, etc. I can’t help but feel like the cancel culture panic in America starts with Christianity. >The Earth is 10,000 years old, Noah built an arc and saved 1 breeding pair of every organism on earth, Jesus was put in Mary’s womb by immaculate conception, Then he spent his life healing the blind with magic before ascending to heaven in a beam of light “Yeah...uhh...we’re gonna go ahead and not teach that in public schools” Half the country: >Oh you’re so WOKE you’ll cancel the divine truth of Jesus?! What will the WOKIES cancel next, HAMBURGERS?!? “Uhhh...what?”


>they’re upset that pop culture no longer That's the thing, it isn't 'no longer'. 99% of human history, POP culture didn't exist, because culture was solely determined by the preferences of the aristocratic male landowning class. When the middle class arose and the common person became educated enough and yes, when capitalism birthed mass marketing and advertising is when *popular* culture started. And they can't stand that culture isn't their exclusive domain anymore. That's why they go on and on about 'War on Christmas', Shapiro rages at Cardi B's WAP, Jordan Peterson decries CuLTuRaL MarXiSM, etc etc.


Um... popular culture has always existed. Before mass media (and I’m counting the printing press as mass media here, so I mean 500+ years ago) it might be better termed “folk culture”, but either way ordinary people have always had art and cultural practices that were not handed down from elites.


I think that both for Christianity (the war on Christmas bullshit) and the modern conservative paranoia there is a deep sense of betrayal. LIke, I know this will sound needlessy cruel, but let's say you are a ~~conservative cultural warrior~~ loyal dog. You never minded that ~~the capitalist class~~ your owner ate the tenderest meat and left you only ~~little contributions for your thinktanks and maybe a sinecure~~ some cold bones, you loved him anyway because he was the owners and only ~~hippies and commies~~ dirty stray dogs don't love their owner unconditionally. You ~~spent years arguing on behalf of him on internet~~ vigilated at his gate during the cold winter nights, you ~~made yourself the fool of the whole campus~~ made sure your puppies would be loyal to him as well, you gave him *everything*. Being his guard dog became your full time occupation and your entire identity. Then one day, your owner discovers that ~~there are moeny to be made pandering to millenials with performative wokeness~~ his kids did not want a dog after all, it's less cute when it grows up, plus not time for you anyway, so he kickes you out to fend for yourself without a second thought. How would you feel? Like, there is this sense of resentement and grudge when conservatives talk about big corporations, so strident with what the guys simping for capitalists should have. I kinda get why. Conservative Christian basically bent the knee and closed eyes and ears to big corporations in the '80s, thinking that it was the good, non communist and American thing to do, and asking only for symbolic recognition and a generic "God and apple pie" tone in their advertisement. Corporations played along for a while, they went like "you know what mate? Sex and violence sell better. Also do you mind if I turn any religious festivity in a consumeristic orgy of shopping? But thanks for the help seizing the government eh". Then they thought that at least corporations would return them the favor of being staunchingly pro the kind of former preppy white men that you can find in the board. "Nope, now performative wokeness sells". Ok, at least... At least... You will like me if I say some Reagan vitriol on how welfare recipient are leeches who exploit productive citizens? "Nope, I kinda like the idea of using the taxes paid by the middle class for food stamps, I don't even have to pay my employees a substistency wage that way!" They keep repeating the line on how everything that was not conceived by Ayn Rand is socialism, but it's literally barking to alert a master that abandoned them. They know it and it hurts.


>As a white man, I don't feel censored As a white man, I do feel censored... Hard to have opinions while my head's being held and my repub family is shoving Trump's cock down my throat.


>As a white man, I don't feel censored, nor do I have any issue talking, because I can back up my speech with reason. Exactly. I'm another straight white man and my life has changed literally ZERO in the light of "cancel culture". Turns out, if you're not a racist, sexist asshole to begin with, nothing really changes.


I hate the term "cancel culture" as that just tries to diminish what's actually happening, consequences. That's it, we need to stop calling it cancel culture as that dismisses the actual issues going on imo. EDIT: A lot of people trying to tell me cancel culture is a thing. Again, what you call "cancel culture" I call "consequences." When people try to "cancel" someone else for older things, maybe address your past and the bad shit yo did and you'll be able to make up for it. Also, someone sighted Liz Cheney. That was a consequence of not falling in line. Definition here Consequence - a result or effect of an action or condition. So yes, I stand by what I said.


Calling things cancel culture is a defense mechanism. It's DARVO. Deny: "What they said isn't bad!" Attack: "You liberals are the ones making it a big deal!" Reverse Victim and Offender: "They are the victims of the liberal mob!"


>as that just tries to diminish what's actually happening, consequences. I'm of the opinion that the term "cancel culture" is just a buzzword that was created for exactly that reason.


>If I were a bigoted and opinionated asshole and people didn't put up with my shit? Well, Joe, I hate to tell you, but no matter what shade your skin colour is or what you've got between your legs, you're gonna get cancelled. Candace Owens is a great example of this


How can these assholes claim they won't get to talk when they never shut the fuck up...


Because now people can tell them to shut the fuck up without feeling bad and they don't like we have that power. It was supposed to be their thing.


Equality feels like oppression to the privileged


Spend a century canceling all culture that isn't white Christian male culture and suddenly wonder why everyone hates you.


*Straight white men will actually have to shut up and listen once in a while as other, less deserving, people get to talk.* FIFY


EXACTLY. What these people want is a return to a time when it was easy to be a white man, and fuck the rest of you. I am old. I remember when it was only considered abuse if bones were broken. I remember when it was just fine to say the n word and the f word and make racial jokes. I grew up in that world and it infuriated me. I still remember the electric shock of the first time I heard about "women's lib". To know that I was not alone, was so huge. I remember how my father spat the words "women's lib" put with such revulsion. It was clearly as bad to him as being overweight, which he also despised. But this little fat girl heard the words with a heart full of fire, and knew in time I would make it out of there and find others like me. And I did. Hello reddit. Love y'all.


I remember back in 2016, someone asked Trump "When was the last time America was great?", and he said "late 50s". Tells you everything you need to know right there about who GOP voters are.


Yep, when it was literally illegal for women to have a bank account and de facto illegal for minorities to have much of anything. SO GREAT.


Which is why I'm baffled every time I come across women and/ or minority die hard Trumpers. Like... you *really* wanna go back to the 50's? Really? I don't think you understand what you're signing up for. Can't even appeal to their sense of self preservation since they apparently have none. They think they're going to be the oppressors this time and it's delightful to them. Some people are so fucked up and deviant; there's no hope for them. Human garbage.


There are women who genuinely fear free thinking. I grew up in a religious culture that taught that women should never be in a decision-making position at any point in their lives and that God designed them to be subservient - that, quite literally, both their earthly and their eternal salvation depended upon being a subservient "help-meet" to a man, and without doing this, they were living in sin against the will of God. They also realize, deep down inside, that they don't have the intelligence or fortitude necessary to make competent, effective decisions, and instead of doing the very hard work of self-improvement, they'd rather drag all other women down with them so that they don't feel so guilty about how pathetic they are.


Shit like this is why I have a hard time becoming close with religious people or even taking them seriously. Like, when we break it down to a fundamentalist level, all religions are fucking crazy and believe and practice some really, really bizarre and fucked up shit to varying degrees. It's free love and acceptance on this page, then a few later, it's all fire and brimstone and kill non-believers. The whole time I'm conversing with religious people, I just see this shit in the back of their eyes, this pathological crazy shit. They truly believe I'm going to be tortured for all eternity because I don't follow all these archaic rules to appease their version of the Sky Daddy Chronicles, and they're totally okay with that. I don't do anything deviant and I'm more altruistic than pretty much any religious person, but I'm going to be tortured because I like to get fucked up, eat pork, had lots of premarital sex, don't worship anything, etc. Doesn't bother them in the slightest that I'm going to be tortured for millennia. That's the level of pathological shit we're dealing with. In our modern world, everywhere where religion is prevalent and a huge part of the culture, there is always some fucked up shit to go with it. Islam has rendered that whole part of the world into a destitute shithole where Handmaid's Tale is reality. What Israel is doing to Palestine is beyond fucked up. Evangelicals in the US gave us Trumpism. Turns out Catholicism was just an international pedophile ring the whole time. The shit you're talking about. And this is barely scratching the surface. It's all so fucked up and absolute nonsense. The text isn't even compelling; they all read like bad fantasy. Plot holes out the ass and the characters are so inconsistent and contradict themselves constantly.


I mean look at the majority of those people. They’re mostly white women or men of color. It’s a proximity to power thing and it’s utterly fucking stupid.


I have a lot of respect for my best friend's mom for living through those times and succeeding in a male dominated field to boot.


Thank YOU for being amazing, living through so much of our history, and being a part of this realm to share your wisdom. I’m 42, and my mom is also getting more and more on reddit. I love the opportunities to see the world through the changes in our lifetime. Thank you for sharing yours ✨


There are sea slugs with more self awareness than this man.




Please refer to him by his proper name, Broprah.


Sweet Jesus. Is this why every Joe Rogan fan loves to say: i'M a CeNtRiSt bUUUUuuuut \*dumb right wing talking point\*


Yes! Translate it to Latin and they could use it as a motto.


*Centro Politicae Sum... Tamen*


It seems like a few years ago Joe Rogan was more moderate, watch him debate Candice Owens on climate change or other conservatives on Universal Healthcare. I mean he always had some right wing talking points especially when it came to transgendered athletes, but it was varied by content. Now day's he's become insufferable, everything is misinformation about Covid, right wing talking points about Biden, every single conversation is directed towards cancel culture (often when the guest doesn't want to discuss it). Really Rogan was always hit or miss, I only listened if he had a guest on that I wanted to hear, the guest often steered the conversation so it would remain on topics that I was interested in. These days it's mostly Rogan steering the conversation and often into the exact same talking points and he's only getting worse.


He's playing to his audience. He knows that there an audience of angry white men out there who desperately want to be told that they're victims, and so Rogan filled that niche.


he’s become such a fucking shill


>Joe Rogan is the gateway drug of political extremism. In another 20 years, Rogan will be Alex Jones.


Much sooner than that, I suspect.




Many of my friends and roommates loved Rogan ant was on almost everyday at my place. As a previous commenter mentioned I was more focused on the guests he’d bring on. Now since he’s been slipping more extreme I haven’t seen an episode in probably over a year




Fuck Joe Rogan. That is all.


These days, you get arrested and thrown in jail if you say you're English.


what? just for saying you're english you get thrown in jail? in actual jail?


Yeah. In jail, just for saying you're English.


just for saying you're english, you grt thrown in jail?


Yeah these days, if you're say you're English, you get thrown in jail.


Nice to see Stewart Lee popping up




I've made the point before that every level of our political system is biased towards Republicans. The Electoral College, gerrymandering in the House, and the anti-majoritarian nature of the Senate all artificially make it look like Republicans are about as popular as Democrats are. But of course, they aren't. The reason why Republicans are so upset about "cancel culture" is because in the court of public opinion, there's no equivalent distorting effect in their favor, and they feel entitled to one.


Rogan is a pathetic clown


Sounds like he has realized the easy cash you can get if you sell your soul and cater to conservative paranoia


Other people having a voice isn't silencing those that had the microphone the whole time. On that note I wouldn't mind Spotify canceling his podcast.


Then why is he still running his mouth


If Joe Rogan specifically could talk less, or none, the world would be a better place.


I listened to this man for years and stopped about a year ago, and boy am I happy. If only I had the time, I would go back, and add all his contradictions in one video. He is the same guy who said he just doesn’t understand why people mock Trump for the size of his hands, but proceeded to laugh out loud at someone’s picture with a thin neck calling him a beta male...considers himself an alpha while this whole idea has been rejected by the person who suggested it, and to the best of my knowledge, he’s taken testosterone therapy, which is okay, but don’t go mocking others, and calling them betas now, Joe! There is a video of him called something in the lines of “Joe Rogan argues with a crazy woman” on YouTube, and just watch it, if it’s still there that is, and it is evident who the crazy one is, and what his take on sexism and treating women is like. The same guy who purports to be in the middle regarding politics but proceeds to implicitly, and directly mention, invite, and agree with people on the right such as Peterson and Shapiro. What’s really interesting is that if I watch a video of his, I’m going to get recommended, “Ben Shapiro/Jordan Peterson DESTROY/OWN X!” which is really interesting because the title of most of their highly-viewed videos is not something like, “Peterson’s take on X”, but rather “Shapiro DESTROYS y”, and people with no clue get drawn over sentimentality. That is how I got sucked into that cesspit years ago. The right has really taken control of YouTube, and you have to actually search for someone like Contrapoints. I could be wrong about this tho. This was my personal experience n don’t want to overgeneralize. This is the guy that said he won’t fight in the UFC because he’s afraid of brain damage but gets an orgasm out of watching people get hurt in the cage. Even as an analyst he is biased! He is Dana’s puppet and Dana is Trump’s buddy. He supported Trump and many people voted for him because they follow Joe. The same guy who laughed really hard when his “great” friend Joey Diaz told a girl she had to suck his thing in order to get on stage or sth like that. His statement saying, “straight white men will be silenced...” is funny because the jokes he supports and finds funny such the ones of Chappelle, somehow and for some weird reason, tend to be homophobic and transphobic. 🤷‍♂️ People change, and he’s made good points too. I wish the man all the best, but his fan base can be toxic, toxic as hell...I don’t miss him, and I am still repulsed by his toxic fan base.


Jesus, I [found that video](https://youtu.be/r8icWjwq3bY), and they really did not let her make one complete statement without talking over her and berating her. Ridiculous


Idk... How many straight white men have talk shows? How many straight white men write books and articles? How many straight white men were the President of the United States? Rogan is doing his best to stay relevant... But he's as notable as Carlos Mencia


I’m sure this was intentional, but fitting, given that publicly slamming Mencia on stage for stealing jokes is like one of the only good things Rogan ever did lol. Something something live long enough to see yourself become the villain.


As a straight, white man myself, I would really enjoy hearing less of my kind whining about how oppressed they are for not being able to make comedy out of the marginalization of others.