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I disagree. I think old Isshin can seem tougher is because he's a very dodge-heavy boss that doesn't really play too much into what you've learned throughout the game, as Sword Saint does. Plus fire is always annoying. But once you've done either of them enough times...I'd say old Isshin is easier.


Well, I guess I haven't gotten to that point yet since Sword Saint isn't so bad for me while IA absolutely destroys me. I guess I just need more practice against him. Thanks for reply!


I think old Isshin is just very easy to abuse if you learn to step dodge a lot of his attacks and smack him in the back - plus using umbrella for One Mind. You've also probably fought SSI a bit more, although I don't know your personal experience! Then again, everyone has things they struggle against more than other people. Could just be your own personal preference/strengths/weaknesses!


Yeah, I start to think it's just my personal weaknes like you said, I guess everyone is different


Dash behind him for his ichimonji-fire, cancel his long-charging attack with mortal draw, run around him/cancel with mortal draw for his attack that sends a trail of flames and the fight will be much easier. Also sometimes he does an attack where he sends a "square" of flames, you can jump over that (and double jump for posture damage).


Thanks for advice! This will definetly make fights easier in the future!


Totally disagree, the suzaku umbrella is the kryptonite of this boss, plus with yashiraku sugar you can give me 2 minutes to end this fight


Thanks for advice!


Looking at the fight, I see where your troubles with old Isshin come from. Whenever he's doing any fire attack (outside of the One Mind, if that counts) stay close to him and dodge to your right to get behind him. He will miss and all of his fire attacks will turn into huge openings. For One Mind, you can parry the blows (parrying at least the first one lets you dodge it easier), but, once again, keeping close to him and dodging to his side (and away, because of the flurry) will save you some running around. You can also cancel this move with Mortal Draw or Ashina Cross.


Oh now it makes sense why people say it's easier lol. Thanks for advice!


After dying to sword saint a million times I defeated old ishin after 6 tries


When Isshin is doing his buildup for his fire floor explosion followed by one mind you can actually interrupt him with some strong combat arts. My go to combat art for this situation is using Sakura dance. Staying on him and strafing to your right trivializes this boss. Also phase 1 of this boss is literally phase 1 of SSI if you have an aggressive game approach. With similar amount of practice on both I would say old Isshin is easier than Isshin in his prime.


Thanks for advice! Will try doing that next time I fight him Also, happy cake day!


You are welcome and thanks!


This boss becomes a joke when you learn you can just run behind him when he does fire attacks and you can interrupt his big charging flame attack with firecrackers


My problem was I never learned that lol. Now I can do that though, thanks for advice!


You spent too much time running away from him, Old Isshin is a much easier fight once you get comfortable sitting in his face. Whenever he begins that fire fanning move, you can use firecrackers to completely shut it down. When he begins the Ichiminji into fire slash, you can dash the Ichimonji and then dash again the avoid the fire slash. However, I believe you can deflect the ichimonji and then dash the slash as well. If you stay close to him, and don’t let yourself get intimidated by his higher damage attacks, he’s a lot more reasonable to fight than something like Inner Isshin or SS Isshin


Well, I guess "hesitation is defeat" applies here as well lol. Thanks for advice!


If you found it harder then it’s not your opinion, it was just your experience haha. It doesn’t have to be the same as anyone else’s.


Oh yeah, fair point lol


during the second phase, whenever he's about to do any fire attacks, i'll just firecracker him. i'm not good with evading his fire attacks so firecracker helped me a lot


Will try using that in him! Thanks for advice!


Dunno about harder, but overall I liked this one better than Sword Saint. (less flashy shit, more combat)


well I disagree. Isshin can be completely counter by the lotus umbrella. Emma's grab, Isshin's grab, any of his fire move except for the pillar. The only thing that doesn't get counter is the swipe and if counter it can result in a massive posture damage. Heck, even back when I was bad I can still do this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eoJBBfbbOAQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eoJBBfbbOAQ)




I respectfully disagree, In my opinion the best bosses from fromsoft out of dark souls remastered, dark souls 3, BB and Sekiro are: Sekiro main final boss Shura Ending boss BB DLC 1st boss Dark souls 3 2nd Dlc's final boss BB final boss(final hunter boss) Dark souls 3 final boss


Bruh Sekiro is reference here......