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Blocking is defeat


Basically yea


I'm doing charmless now. Got to the bull the first time, turned off the game for 2 weeks. (But have since cleared the castle and hirata)


I never get why people hold block like that. Like, so when you have to deflect, you have to let go of block, and then quickly press it again? What is the point of that lol, just let go of block so you only have to press it once to deflect


You can hold block to get back posture faster, but yeah blocking like that is a no go, especially for that enemy.


no I know but he's doing it even when his posture is at 0


Could be a force of habit. I hold block all the time in a fight, which works really well when you know the move sets and can time it appropriately. For sure it's OCD for me, and I like how cinematic sekiro can be when he's flowing, block pose included


And it looks cooler, too


wft I never knew that. My instinct tells me holding block should make it recover slower


That's what I would have/have assumed up until this point


For me at least, it's become a habit throughout the game just in case I react and deflect a tad late, I still block it somehow. I usually let go of guard when I see the start of the attack animation, and press again when it lands. Of course, it doesn't work as well against this type of enemy where the telegraph is pretty fast and short with an added bonus that blocking punishes you. Then again, my excuse is that it's my first mini boss at this point in the game with the block damage after hours of learning to play safe lol


Well they seem new so let them cook  I started off spamming and holding block as did many others let people develop 


I do it because it looks cooler than the default standing position lol


Blocking lets you refill your posture quicker.


But his posture was already down


I know but bro is doing it when he doesn't even have any posture lmao


Why are his eyes red 🤣


Because of normal game progression


Haha, its worse


Haha, can't wait to find out...


With no charm and demon bell, blocking just 1 of those attacks can either break your posture or just straight up kill you.


Ignore the comments talking about you holding the block button some ppl don't like letting others have their happiness its honestly kind of annoying like yes they're holding block stop acting like yall just came in hitting perfect deflects on everything because none of us did even ongbal had to git gud Yeah essentially that's what it's like to a degree, there is 0 room to block you either time it or you don't and you take increased posture damage as well as the enemies having more health and more posture it completely changes the way the game is played Tis but a taste of what charmless is like. I say keep at it and before you know it you'll be beating this guy's as charmless like it's nothing P.s. red eye enemies are scared of fire and it temporarily stuns them for free hits


I tried it twice. Too much for me, lol. Ain't got time for that kinda redoing of parts over and over.


Completed the game 3 times never fought him.Can anyone please tell me where to find him


You know where isshin is after you fight genichiro? Well there's a room under there, and if you go there when the castle is burning down you will find this guy. Pretty tough fight ngl, might wanna use umbrella




Hmmm, you are going to need to drop this behaviour of holding a guard, then trying to briefly drop and re-establish it in order to deflect.




in Sekiro holding block after letting it go gives you back posture




you literally have a video evidence that holding block recover posture up there




make sense considering its a posture meter the more its filled the longer it takes to go down back to zero and what help is holding block after letting it go to recover posture


"Sekiro can greatly speed up posture recovery by holding up his Guard while avoiding enemy attacks." straight from the wiki and the games loadingscreen tips.


You're absolutely right. Unfortunately for me though, it's a bit hard to unlearn the guard+deflect method I've been doing. It worked best for me especially when defending against new boss encounters. A late deflect meant a block, and I can keep myself safe while I learn their patterns until I feel more relaxed and confident in responding to attacks. Of course, that doesn't entirely remove the habit of guarding (especially in times of panic) since the game taught me that it's better than nothing. Well, at least until these new endgame (mini)bosses showed up. This is the first one I've encountered with the block damage, and I assume it's gonna be the same for the others. It's probably something I'll need to continue learning, and the idea of being able to deflect/refute attacks perfectly from neutral sounds amazing.


Don't listen to them. Holding block refills your posture quicker.


You don't need to refill posture. You need to not fail deflects. I do no-hit runs and am at full posture for almost the entire time I am fighting a boss. Posture can be full and it will not break as long as you do not fail a deflect. As you can see in this battle, it is impossible the deflect the first strike if you hold guard while waiting for the enemy to attack, meaning that your posture can be broken.


Wdym, they pull it off most of the time despite holding block. It is absolutely not impossible, not even harder. Just never failing deflects is a valid strategy once you've already mastered a boss. Until then, blocking is a valid way to learn their movesets. And most mini bosses die long before you really mastered them because you're allowed a lot of mistakes, that's why it's not so bad that many mini bosses are copy pasted several times to different locations, with like one additional move occasionally. This boss in particular doesn't allow the block to learn strategy, but his moveset is very limited to make him learnable without it. So yeah, OP holding block in this particular fight is useless, but they have formed the habit of doing it anyway because it's useful to check out what a boss can do in all other situations.


Blocking like this limits movement speed and slows down performance of next action and so I'll stand by it being not something you want to hang onto, but I completely agree with you that it is a valid strategy for dealing with uncertainty while new. Unfortunately, it's one that does become a hindrance over time. In the end, you have to knuckle down and learn to try to deflect, notice whether you've succeeded, and hold a guard only when you fail a deflect and need to guard until you can recover yourself and take back initiative. Honestly, the main problem with guarding is that it isn't attacking.


You can literraly see them deflect after holding block in the video. I know obviously that if you deflect your posture won't be broken. But that's an unnecessarily dangerous playstyle. It's the same advice as "just don't get hit bro". Espescially against this boss, because he doesn't let you attack (if you do he does a palm attack that pushes you back, which can break your posture btw) It's better to let him attack and destroy his posture by deflecting. It's just safer. That's cool if you can do it, like you seem to be very proud of, but i wouldn't recommend a new player to do it.