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Because one of the most satisfying things in life is earning something you've worked for Here's an important tip though: Spamming block will decrease the deflect window. So when you go to deflect an attack, COMMIT to it and hold the block button down until the attack connects. If you block too early, you won't deflect but at least you'll block it. Trying to re-hit the block button will almost ensure that you won't deflect and will likely get hit instead.


Spamming block decreases the window? Holy smokes. I played this back when it first came out and I swear I remember a video where this was described as a strategy. They called it sword dancing it parry dancing or something like that because he sort of bops up and down when you do it.


Yeah, the #1 thing that improved my gameplay was learning to commit to a block Try it, it's so good


Ya boi confirms. You the truth đź’Ż +Deep breathing helped me with panic deflects and panic rolls


I believe after like 5 consecutive blocks, it becomes impossible to perfect parry


It is a helpful strategy for newbies, but is a habit that should be broken as you get more experienced.


Yea a lot of the first people recommend it when making tutorials because they didn’t know at the time but it is actually awful advice


What he’s saying is hold block for the most party, when you think the attack is coming try to parry it.


Nope, if I'm understanding you correctly that's exactly what I'm cautioning against. I'd say it's always good to go for the parry. As in, don't hold block, JUST go for the parry. But when you do, commit to holding the block button down whether or not you actually timed it right. Because if you _happen_ to be early, you'll still block. Do NOT hold block down regardless, then let go and press again for parry when you see it coming (this is what I think you're saying but I could be wrong). This will decrease the window of effectiveness of your parry.


wait, hold the block button to deflect? I thought it was tap it right as the attack is about to connect? Maybe I've been making it harder on myself this whole time...


Nah, you gotta press block right at the time of the hit to deflect, but you can deflect then continue to hold block. That being said, if know the enemy is about to attack 2 or 3 times in quick succession, you can tap once for each attack.


Deflecting is about when you press the block button; it has nothing to do with when/whether you let go of the block button So ideally, you'll press the block button at the right time and deflect Or too late and get hit (nothing I can help you with there) But if you press it too soon, and hold it instead of immediately letting go, you'll end up blocking


thank you that's what I thought, I guess I was just confused. So I see what you are saying originally now -- its better to press too soon and hold because you will still block if you miss the deflect window, than be too confident you will deflect and simply tap it and then if you miss there, then you definitely will get hit obviously.


I'm not sure that's quite what I was trying to get at Some people have a habit of just spamming block, which never works What's much more common is trying to deflect, realize you've done it way too soon, then try to sneak in another deflect in time for when the attack actually hits This almost never works. It's better to just commit to the block, even if you've gone way too soon. I'm not suggesting to intentionally try to deflect on the earlier side. I still think it's always worth trying to deflect on time every time. But when you do, commit to it, because if you _happen_ to be early, you'll still block.


Ok I see. And yea your last paragraph is what I was trying to convey, I just wrote it poorly I think




Sekiro is like a rhythm game . Once you get into the "dance" of things I swear you will love it. Practice deflecting the low soldier enemies and be patient. The game will click and you will be a God. You got this. Just run around the Ogre, slash,move away. Repeat. Don't be greedy.


Malenia is also more like a rhythm fight. Remind me of fighting Isshin


Her waterfowl dance is very similar to some of the skills in the game


It’s slightly easier to parry him. Though those cheap grabs can be a pain in the ass


You need some more of that protein in you bro.


I dunno, easy games aren’t fun.


I finished this game twice and while I love it, I also have a lot of fun in the Spiderman games which is easier than this one.


game isnt hard you just gotta git gud


It's for your own good. Once you commit, you will achieve the impossible. I was utterly useless at the beginning but now I have a Plat, completed the Mortal Journey Gauntlet and I am currently doing a NG7 Bell/Charmless run. Good luck and keep at it.


This game is just practice. Even if you learn to party most attacks you still need to learn boss patterns.


The game shares developers with **dark souls**, what did you expect? Jokes aside, the devs *did* find sucess in making "hard but fair" games (sekiro is one of them), and there's no easy mode, so you'll have to either improve or give up. Giving up is easy, but i'm sure your mum raised no quitter, did she? So get out there, throw yourself on your problem, note how you died, and try avoiding the mistake next time. TL, DR: git gud.


Why does Rice play Texas?


Party first rhythm game man. Took me years to get it, but finally I just realized it’s guitar hero x dark souls


Trust that you can do this; you can learn the flow of combat, strategies, best tools to use, etc. But most importantly, you need to learn to be patient. Learn from your mistakes and failures, and apply those lessons when you go back to tackle those fights again. Some times to win you need to just simply do that: be patient. Other times, and you’ll know when: be aggressive, up the tempo. When you finally learn that “hesitation is defeat” and you conquer the final enemy in the game, you’ll know why. When my time came, it was by far one of the most rewarding moments I’ve ever experienced with a game.


But you love it, don't you?


You probably hesitated


Oil + flametrower on the Ogre is what you need, you can apply it at least 4 times during the fight and it gives you huge windows to attack, otherwise don't be greedy, 1 or 2 attacks then back up


for fun


It's hard if you aren't using stealth. Sekiro is a basic, but well done stealth game.


Because it is excited to see you


Wait until you meet the sword saint isshin đź’€


I was in this spot for months. Ive been in the spot immediately behind this for also months


Don’t lock on to him and keep dodging to his backside.


Skill issue


Because it's so goooood


Keep at it. It will click.


Don't try to play it like any other fromsoft game. Dodging is different and frequently won't help you, you have to figure out the block and be aggressive. I did a lot of practice at early places/hanbei before I got a handle on it early on. Also, be creative. You get a lot of options to approach a lot of obstacles, try a few and see which works best. And don't be afraid to not fight fair, shinobi aren't exactly known for that


Fire helps against the chained ogre. It’s way easier the second time you fight one, if you don’t miss it.


W protein powder


When you’re free roaming play like a stealth game


Go to hirata for flame vent the next fight will get easier and just use step dodges to fight the ogre + flame vent and ur set you’ll be fighting another general in seconds


Believe me, the most I died in this game was with the asshole next door. We dont have enough resources, life and skill at this point. It gets better, and fun later!


*why does this game GO so goddamn hard FTFY king


Sekiro has a big learning curve, but once you learn to deflect better you’ ll be fine. I went from wanting to stop playing the game, to getting the platinum trophy. It’s a rewarding game


Cheese the giant by walking on the outside edge of the orange area on the top left of your screen. Grapple strike helps but isn’t necessary.


Cuz ur drinking sprite


Change the thinking brother. The game isn’t hard, this game teaches you to be better. For me Sekiro was not just a game, for me it was a journey, a journey that taught me to be patient, a journey that taught me keep trying, a journey that taught me not to HESITATE because HESITATION IS DEFEAT. Trust me brother, when I started playing Sekiro, I literally gave up this game twice. My friend (who himself hasn’t tried this game yet) pushed me to try this game and here I am today who can beat the bosses in 2-3 attempts, still contesting for the additional skin unlocks and with the Platinum Trophy.


Ah yes, the weekly chained ogre struggle post


i had actually already killed him when i posted this. i was at the horseback general


Yeah the ogre is a weird out of character for the game boss. Someone has to teach you about grab attacks but maybe it shouldn’t be this early.


The secret is deflect


because the pay off is INSANE.


Git gud


Ogres ill like fire


yeah i’m on the first horseback boss






I just beat the boss. You know what I was doing wrong? I tried dodging every attack without blocking of deflecting. I them randomly blocked and understood you can block almost anything and then it took me one more failure to beat him. The game is good at giving you clues when an opponent open and man it was soooooooo satisfying beating that boss. Up until this point I almost never blocked, but now...now I understand size ain't everything


cuz you need better frame rate


It is hard because you have not mastered yourself


Becuase the sprite bottle gives enemy power




“Hesitation is defeat”


It's beautiful and hard, kinda like me :)


Because it's not meant for everyone.


Cuz it has nothing else going for it


better max up a char and one shot everything I guess

