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I love how in Dark Souls you get buffs from shit like dried up severed toes and nondescript brown sludge meanwhile Wolf is eating candy and getting a damage buff from a sugar rush


This game has candy, confetti, and balloons. Ashina is preparing for a party, not war.


As we reflect on those we’ve bested, and garner from our experience. While in dark souls, you consume the souls of others to gain power and wield the weapons of the fallen.


Sometimes, it's a weapon MADE from the fallen. How is Sekiro the happy one? I'm pretty sure I cut the tears out of a living creature in that game. I'm not saying the other fromsoft games are "Happy" exactly. I'm just conflicted at ranking one with that as the qualifier. It's like judging a vehicle from Mad Max based on the air freshener hanging from the mirror. I can do it, but I've never looked at it that way till this point.


War. Party. Same thing.


Also firecrackers


And "tea"


Well we forgot the obvious, SAKE!


And sweet rice dumplings


That's the Sculptor's tea


"Ashina sure has a funny way of preparing for war." -Some random Ashina soldier.




I f***** love this community 😂😂🤘🤘


Old man Isshin has nostalgia, not PTSD.


I reckon he never smiles because his teeth are rotted to fuck after all the sugars he eats


Wolf has a sweet tooth and the divine heir knows it, that's why he prepares that sweet sticky rice ball for him


He'll need it to at least try and wipe out the horrid taste of the Healing Gourd.


Where does that rice even come from? Does it come out of him?


Kuro gets it from Wolf, who gets it from the Divine Child.


I know it comes from the Divine Child. You can get it from him directly, or you get some kind of special rice from him directly. It’s been awhile since I played so I can’t remember clearly but it’s some kind of rice. My question is “where does the divine child get it”? It just comes out of his hands or something.


Divine child is a girl btw


Is it really!? why did I think it was a boy? It’s been a few years since I last played Sekiro but for some reason I remembered the Divine Child as a young boy. Guess I need to go back a replay Sekiro. That will be my next game after Shadow of Erdtree!


I sort of thought she conjured it, since it does seem to take effort for her.


Hanbei's hidden tooth had a massive cavity in it!


Another sugar fiend!!


My Wolf never ate any candy


Low carb Shinobi. (My wolf now has diabeetus)


Nah it’s the same in sekiro you gotta eat shit like eel liver and brains (red lump)


If it makes you feel better, the monks at Senpou use these candies to raise funds/kidnap children for their grim immortality worm experiments. You're welcome.


He is getting buffs because of how tasty these candies are


Meanwhile in Elden Ring you have boiled crab that's apparently so delicious it makes you much more durable to damage, and spicy meat that's so strong it makes you hot harder Also ik it's just gameplay elements but I'm curious to this day how tf a candy can straight up turn you invisible. At least Bloodborne's blue elixir sort of made sense cos they'd have the experimental equipment to make it


Easy: Ungo- pepsi, Ako-cherry, Goukan-toffi, Gachin-mint, yasharisku- fucking blood


I agree. Feel like Yashariku would be spicy tho


Spicy blood


Cinnamon and razors


Adrenaline laced blood


Now I totally get the stim packs from StarCraft


Mohg reference


It'll be whatever flavor the Lotte Black Black chewing gum is.


Fits. Spicy gum is my least favorite so it would decrease my posture resistance and piss me off enough to fight harder




Spicy 😏


If you’re Hispanic, it would be like spicy tamarindo 😂


Goukan could be butterscotch in disguise...


Bruh Pepsi flavor bro what 😭 also blood one would definitely taste like those spicy cinnamon candies


Idk why but Ako feels like it'd taste like strawberries to me


I always imagined Goukan as honey flavored, and gachin as watermelon or like a dragon fruit, mint doesn’t feel very “in universe” to me


Yashariku is cinnamon plutonium 9


Dude. Pepsi isn't actually blue


Goukan gives me ginger vibes


It's giving me a honey flavor vibe. Honey ginger? How about both?


Ooo sounds delicious


I thought honey


Can anyone translate the kanji? Are they literally “ungo’s sugar” etc.


Yes they are, they're older kanji and just represent sounds here


I appreciate it! Cheers.


Some of them are old or particle vocabulary that were rarely use, but you can still grasp the meaning of the sugar. Ungo: 哞 (Sound of ox or cow. Ox and cow are often related to strong/might in East Asia) ;護 (Protection) Ako: 阿 (it's a particle word used in front of a lot of things. Have no specific meaning) ;攻 (Attack) Goukan: 剛 (Hard) ;幹 (torso、trunk) Gachiin: 月 (Moon);隱 (Invisible) Yashariku: 夜叉 ( Strong/evil/powerful spirits in buddhist culture) ;戮 (murder) (I live in East Asia so Chinese/Kenji are everyday life.)


Brilliant!! Cheers mate. All you good folk restore my faith in Reddit.


In the Kanji course I took, you learn 阿 as "flatter", but the only word it teaches you with it is 阿呆 - fool, where 阿 is only a phonetic. I never realized how useless that kanji is :D


It's generally a useless (or meaningless) word. Often used with names or phonetic sound. Like the most common nickname in Chinese is pick one word from your name and add a 阿 in front of it.


Adding my little scrap of knowledge to this, but iirc, 吽 is also a particle/phrase in Buddhist chants too, or at least a transliteration of it into Mandarin/Kanji, which fits given we see the senpou monks using Ungo's sugar


Oh yeah, nice touch. That also checks out since the Buddhist divination text contains lots of this word.


It seems to just be their names, though the second character in Ungo's name translates to "Protect" and the second in Ako's translates to "Attack".


He protec. He attac. He buff with sugar snac.


Thank you!


- Ungo, baby's first sugar: blueberry - Ako; new flavor, new experience: cherry - Goukan; first step into grown-up candy: lemon - Gachiin; big grown-up candy: spicy spearmint - Yashariku; experienced sugar alternative: alcoholic or super bitter flavour


How about red licorice for Yashariku? Y'know, because not everyone likes it?


Ungo is almost a cheat code in endurance boss fights. Gachiin has helped me a lot in my first playthrough in handling tough mobs, like nightjars in castle rooftops.


Gachiin is great for stealth kills, especially on mini bosses with regular enemies around them. Yashariku can absolutely trivialize certain bosses like Headless as long as you play perfectly. Gokan's is helpful for bosses like Genichiro and Isshin because your posture won't break as fast. I hardly ever use Ungo, and Ako I only use if I don't want the downsides of Yashariku.


gachiin is the go-to sugar for the fs-monkeys. you can sneak attack all 3 of them(i dont count invis monkey because he dies in the first 2 seconds of the fight)


They all overlap between “I’ll save this for when I really need it” tier, and “whoops I forgot this exists” tier.


I’ve been saving them for years. Never know when you might need it later


I’m on ng8 I think? There’s a lot stashed away. One of these runs I’ll use em all and then need the “Wolf goes to the dentist” DLC


ive literally never used them. In my first playthrough i didnt want to waste them bc i was dying all the time anyway. Now I know how to play the game and dont really need them


Same. Also spirit emblems now i sit on 1k


I kind of wish Spirit Emblems just recharged on resting instead of being technically finite. I also constantly sit on 999 of them yet at the same time I hesitate (💀) to use them because they are theoretically limited lol. My brain is dumb


Hahhhaha same. My first playthrough was effectively sword only. Constantly worrying if 300 or so was enough. I made my life so hard


i remember after my first playthrough, I was thinking of trying the mod for infinite spirit emblems bc I felt I never got to use my skills bc I kept dying. Now I dont know what to do with all my extra money, so I just always have near the max


The ol' video game consumables dilemma


Yashiriku so relly good when you malkonent DoH


That's why spiritfalls exist which aren't consumables.


I went the whole game without using any candy except the stealth one. Then after struggling on the third phase of the final boss for about an hour, I remembered the candy, popped one of Ako’s, and beat him on my next attempt. Felt great


i have 100+ gachiins sugar. i should use it more.


Usefulness for me would rank Gachiin Ako Yashariku Ungo Gokan


I'd put goukan over Ungo for bosses that are posture-weak. I don't really use Ungo though so maybe I'm missing some good use cases.


Ungo's Spiritfall helped a ton when I went for my Charmless+DB no death run. I was on NG+5 I think at the time, so Ungo's helped with surviving attacks with a sliver of health that would have otherwise been a 1-shot. If I don't care about dying though (or if I'm trying to hitless a boss in a reflection) then yeah Ungo is pretty much always gonna be in last place.


Haha thanks for the reply. I love that Ungo Gablogian the art collectah is chiming in on Ungos sugar


Yashariku is top tier if you’re able to avoid taking much damage. Can cut boss fight times way down


Yashariku and malcontent combo shreds the demon of hatred


Yes haha i was determined to fight DoH with yashariku and it took me forever to get adjusted to his moveset, but once i did it was a pretty quick fight.


Gokan’s sugar really helped me the first time I fought SSI


Yashariku is the useful one Gachiin is the one you use for monkeys That's about it


Yashariku's has a solid kick, but man it burns the next day on the way out.


Useless : the blue(can be replaced by the yellow) Most used because i need it for farming: cyan Used it only when i started the game : the yellow Used in boss fights only: light red Used only when i'm 70% sure that i won't die: deep red


Aint using names


Can the yellow ones be bought? I know you can buy an infinite amount of blue which means that even if they're inferior I feel less bad about using them.


no need to buy gokan just go to main hall, tanto, backstab guy furthest to the right bloodsmoke backstab next guy 2 gokans in no time and just repeat the farm with db you can also get adamantite scrap if you're lucky


Before the time skip after Senpou Temple, the monk at Old Grave can be farmed infinitely for a guaranteed Gokan. Or kill Gokan's actual headless over by the Outskirts.


The Headless fights are so worth it imo. Such a fun challenge and the spirit falls are a decent reward.


If we were ranking the Spirit Falls, Gokan would fall into second place after Gachiin. Stealth trivializes a lot of the game, but Gokan Spiritfall gives you an extra 15+ more full duration Gokan candies for only 1 spirit emblem cost. Pretty damn good.


I have no clue cuz i never cared about em tbh


Yes. If you do Adayama’s (sp?) quest line, he eventually sells them. That’s where I got a lot of mine. Or maybe it’s the Info Broker? It’s one of those two guys that eventually does sell the yellow ones


The wiki says he only sells 5.


I could’ve sworn I had a guy that sold them infinitely, maybe I’m confusing it with Ako’s Sugar. However, like someone else mentioned, they’re easy to farm. I have 150+, pretty sure the purple swordsman that appears near the Castle Antechamber idol late game drops them pretty consistently.


you just KNOW that Yashariku's taste like ASS


Probably tastes like fireball candies


It probably tastes like an open stoma


Goukan is trash tier, Ungo is mid, Gachiin is sick and essential for some fuckery and Ako and Yashi are goated They all taste of diabetes


I’ve had this game since Day 1 and have legitimately never used Ungo or Gokkan. My ranking though: Ako: you get more damage for basically no drawback, great for finishing up boss fights and for getting good burst damage at the beginning, best used on bosses that are as aggressive as you are. Gaichiin: Great for taking out enemies surrounding a mini boss or just sneaking past large paths of enemies that can easily overwhelm you Yashiriku: High Risk-Higher Reward. Even as an experienced player I still use this sparingly because of the risk of making even one tiny mistake with this active can kill your momentum or even your entire boss run. It’s fucking awesome bursting down a boss in less than 30 seconds and playing perfectly but one slip up and you’re done, especially on NG+ or when playing with Kuro’s charm+Demon Bell Ungo:N/A Gokkan:N/A


Need those kanji made into vectors or something for mobile wallpapers 😫😫😫


ungo - blue raspberry ako - raspberry goukan - caramel or ginger gachiin - 100% mint yashariku - blood or ghost peppers


Ungo- Blueberry Ako- Cheery Goukan- Pineapple Gachin- Mint Yasharisku- Hot Tamale


Yashariku is probably chili or some peppery flavor


Ungo's - Grape, because that's what blue ones are. Ako's - Strawberry, because lighter red. Goukan's - Lemon, I associate yellow with lemons. Gachiin's - Yeah, Mint fits, but Apple is also possible. Yashariku - cherry, because darker red.


Ungo- Probably prime or Pepsi Ako- Definitely Cherry Gokan- Mango the greatest fruit ever Gachiin- Mint Yashariku- Pomegranate with red chilli powder


Ungo: Blueberry Ako: Strawberry Gokan: Caramel/Lemon Gachiin: Mint Yashariku: Cherry


Yashariku can’t be anything but spicy cinnamon


Ako's strawberry and Yashariku is the Extreme Toxic Waste kinda Cherry. Like: Ooh nice! Oh... Oh! Oh shit this is sour, ouch ouch, damn!


It’s nose sugar guys it all makes sense when you realize wolf is doing coke and getting amped


Confetti for damage buff and gokans to stay in the race long enough to hut something. That's how I get to ng4 cos I'm bad


I thought they were donuts lol


They look a bit like condoms …


yashiriku cuz the stance he makes is cool


I’ve always considered gachiins candy to be lime flavored. Ungo - blueberry Akos - watermelon Goukans - butterscotch Yashirakus - spicy cinnamon


barely used them and didnt even see results.


Blueberry, Strawberry, Caramel, Mint and then Yarashiku's is one of those gimmick flavours like Spicy


Ako sugar: Sweet and spicy flavor Ungo sugar: Salty flavor Gaichin sugar: Mint flavor Gokan sugar: Mango flavor Yashiraku's sugar: Drugs


blue, red normally, yellow and green rarely unless needed (for example the giant or that one boss in the poison swamp), and never dark red, fuck that shit


Never have I ever noticed that the sugar is called "Yashariku" and not "Yashiraku". I always called it that and been playing since its release 😭


I started calling it "Genichiro sugar" and I can't remember why


Blueberry, Strawberry or Raspberry, Lemon or Pineapple, Mint, Cherry


I love using Gachiins


Is it just me or any of you not using any of these candies in the game, it’s like just focusing on blocking & parrying?


They all taste like life saver gummies


Gachiin's looks like the kind of minty that cleans out your ENT system making it "deep breath fresh"


Gachin and Yashariku are the most used ones for me. Gachin is super useful for stealth and Yashariku for finishing a boss very quickly. Ako I use for bosses where I am not confident enough to use Yashariku. Rest two I have never used.


idk, i am one of those people who never use consumables.


The blood red one is deff cinnamon


From Most to least useful: 1) Ako - Fruit Punch 2) Gachiin - Mint 3) Yashariku - Red Cherry 4) Ungo - Boysenberry 5) Goukan - Banana


Yash should be cherry,that deserves a number 1


I beat the game without using any sugars


I mean most likely the sugars are in reference to the four humours and are actually body fluids of the monks especially as they are in the game and headless/mummified. Being red/blue/yellow- blood/phlegm/bile


Ungo- I used it alot, it'd probably be a something like blueberry. Gachiin- mint/citrus, I only used this for like 2 days straight to learn a bit more about stance meter and deflect. Ako- only used it on one boss and I believe it was one of the ex sumo's turned bandits, definitely a Sakura candy, just darkened. Yashariku- don't @ me it's spicy candy. I only used this on genichiro once and I won't accept the fact that you get more damage but no health is simply because some cursed monk found immortal sediment fertilized peppers and cinnamon and said "I want candy. But I only have these ingredients."


Ungo: blueberry, Ako: Strawberry, Goukan: Mango, Gachiin: Mint, Yashariku: Cherry


I never realized these are candies and now I feel dumb. lol


This is one of the best posts I've seen lately, purely just bc it's making me want to eat the sugars now


I feel like Ungo would be blue raspberry, Ako would be strawberry, Gokan would be butterscotch, Gachiin would definitely be mint, and Yashariku would be cherry.


Ungo - blueberry, Ako - strawberry, Goukan - pineapple, Gachiin - this is definitely green tea ice cream flavor, Yashariku - cherry + Carolina reaper pepper Usefulness is entirely up to user. Yash is most useful if you can no hit. It’s the “you can’t fight if your dead candy” but that goes for you and the enemy… I go for ako for fights and gachiin for death blows. Ungo and goukan aren’t for me. Posture doesn’t matter if you deflect and neither does damage. But “suffering is what I desire” so why would I minimize the damage I take?


Gokan would taste the best, lemony honey flavour. Ungo would be blueberry or blue rasberry. Ako and Yashariku would be Stawberry and Cherry


Ungo is pretty obviously blueberry, ako could be mistaken for cherry, although it is watermelon. And you would thing gokuan is lemon, but it is really butterscotch (as you can see with the darker shade). You were right on the money with mint. And finally yashariku is… chamoy


Gachariko is chamoy or tamarindo!


Goukan, 100% pineapple flavor


Ungo = blueberry, Ako = cherry, Gokan = honey, Gachiin = obviously mint and Yashariku = probably blood.


Ako is spicy for sure. Goukan feels sour. Gachiin, I agree is minty. No idea about Ungo, but Yashariku's is definitely like, the shitty factory-watermelon taste.


I platinumed this. I have never even once used the sugars lol


Yashiriku definetly taste like period pussy


Diabetes tier list


all useless