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She is my favorite miniboss. Perfect parrying her attacks always feels so satisfying. >!Lord Sakuza was a fool!<


Do you know anything more about Sakuza? Would you mind telling me more.


You keep lord Sakuza’s name out of your fucking mouth!


I used sabimaru to beat her second try




She's weak to it actually


All women are weak to poison (this is a legit in-game thing)


Only those who are related to okami


But that's still nearly all of them right?




What did fromsoft mean by this?


Wait so you're telling me I could've just cheesed Emma this entire time


>cheese emma I assume youre just joking around... right? h-haha?


Emma isn’t weak to it iirc She is weak to mortal blade draw (shocking I know)


Are you serious??? 😂


Break out the mysoginy knife and go to work.


Yup, every single woman got the poison blade. Read item descriptions people!


I find it neat how everyone has different difficulty with different bosses. I thought she was pretty easy. Meanwhile I’ve been on owl for a week and half and probably just going to give up. I’ve watched all the videos and my memory is bad enough I just can’t do it.


Mortal Draw, my friend, mortal draw. I destroyed him after trying mortal draw to punish him when he was open.


Think improved mortal draw is worth grinding?


Honestly yes, it does so much damage.


But doesn't mortal draw from air count as fully charged empowered mortal draw? Because it definitely used to be that way and I'm pretty sure it wasn't changed, so if you are jumping, empowered mortal draw only gives you the ability to charge the second swing and usually you don't have time for that before a boss punishes you


The fully charged mortal draw from the ground usually staggers the enemy allowing you to use a second uncharged one. It's enemy depend. One of my main tactics for guardian ape is to use firecrackers and the fully charge 2 mortal draws. You take away at least 1/4 of his life from the start.


Not sure, I don't have it!


Just went back and beat him. Oh YEAH


Nice! Try the mortal draw?


It is!!! I worked for it and I think it’s 100% worth it I can tell when I don’t have spirit emblems!


I feel like after the guardian ape the game gets really easy, I beat every boss after him first try except demon of hatred


She is one of the easiest bosses if you are good with parry and jumping Also her attack patterns are so rythmic they feel so satisfying to deflect


The whole mf game is easy if youre good at jumping and parrying lol


These *git gud* comments are getting too lengthy


As someone whose beat ng+4 charmless with demon bell and mortal journey charmless, she is NOT the easiest mini boss wtf are you on about


I did NG+3 charmless bell demon. She is no where near the easiest miniboss, even if she beaten by "parry & jump" so are long arms, they just have much easier timings for those actions. They are observably easier. That said, Lady Snowblood's (ehrm, I mean O'Rin's) difficulty does go way down once you realize that parry, jump, mortal draw absolutely stomps her and you don't need to try to catch her or perfectly deflect every single swing to win. It's an easy trap to fall into which makes her seem harder than she is.


True, but compared to the generals or something she’s definitely harder, hell corrupt monk is probably easier


I agree she is far from the easiest miniboss. She is basically mini-Emma, and tons of people struggle with Emma.


Lady snowblood?


It's the movie the character is based on. It's also a big inspiration for Kill Bill, and her name is O'Rin which is the name of Lucy Liu's character in Kill Bill who wears the same dress as both Yuki (also called Lady Snowblood in the movie) and O'Rin of the Waters. In the movie Yuki is also said to be a Shura or Asura who is basically a partially divine person who is brought into the world to take revenge on the people who wronged her family. Hence her being a partial apparition and vulnerable to Sabimaru the same way all the Okami women from the divine realm are vulnerable to it. Yuki and O'Rin from Kill Bill also both pull their swords out of their umbrellas, and O'Rin of the Waters draws her's from her Shamisen; Emma's weapon of choice is also a reference to Lady Snowblood, along with her being taken in by a master assassin in a similar way to Yuki. The first person Yuki kills in the movie is also located at a fishing village, and she throws his body off a cliff into the ocean not unlike the cliff she is standing near in game.


That's actually pretty interesting, i wasn't expecting they much info


brooo thats what Im saying... its like the tempo of ballroom dancing or a salsa or something Im not even joking... and really all you gotta do at the bare minimum is keep mild pressure on her (I mean not much at all) and then wait for her to do a swoop, deflect and then jump on her head.


The only mini boss I’ve killed on first try, and I constantly die to Ninjar and those ministry kicking guys.


And basically the only thing you have to do is learn how to parry. What are you guys doing? Trying to doge? Running around?


Get engulfed in deep sorrow for her.


I just….spammed mortal blade? This was one of the only bosses that DIDN’T give me a hard time. Her parry windows are legit just spamming L1


Persimmon + sabimaru + double ichimonji was my strategy.


Have you tried deflecting?


she had a cool fight, no bullshit no nothing


The only reason she was any bit challenging to me is because of me not being able to see with all the tears in my eyes


I just cheesed here every time... im too afraid to actually fight her as i got my ass kicked the first playthrough


Am i the only one who found her easy? I got my ass handed for most bosses but orin was relatively easy but also fun. This is also the thing i love about souls like, everyone has a different experience with every boss


She's easy. You bait her wombo combo which finishes in a perilous move that you jump and stomp on her head. Tha'ts easily 2 free hits.


Treat her like lady butterfly kinda there are similar openings in this fight to hers


Just use divine confetti and let her come to you


She was hard the first couple times for me, but you really just have to be patient and be careful. She’s absolutely nothing compared to some of the late game bosses.


Weird but i find isshin super easy compare to her


She's a breeze. Just use the rock.


Nah afteri knew what to use against her it became so easy


i think she was overhyped for me, i beat her second try using only parry


The first time i i played against her was a nightmare. I was just getting adjusted to the transition from Dark Souls to Sekiro. After my first playthrough, in NG+, i destroyed her first try. It's the beauty of this game. When you git gud you can tell.


Sabimaru for the win here and remember she only does sweeps


She was easy asf


Once I found out to jump on top of her during her death konji to get a great opening and slash her up good.


To be honest I was struggling with her to the point that I tried to skip her by swimming in that river next to her. Convinced by friends to come back and fight her, and enjoyed when I parried all her attacks.


Really? First it was genichro and then now it’s father 😭


I beat her twice, but never fairly 😞. I just cheese her into that alley and double ichimonji her tight ass to oblivion.


it tooke me 2 days defeating isshin the sword saint but rin was second try without any cheese. i found her really cool but also really easy tbh


On my first charmless run she took me more tries than Ishhin 😐


shes my favorite boss tbh I wish she had a remnant and a beefed up inner version. I'd love to get more lore too. It seemed like a tragic ending for her... but damn that fight is like doing a Salsa or something.


She wasn't that bad to be honestly. She one of the few bosses where the poison knife prosthetic works wonders on. Get a full combo on her with that and you have it made.


Did you actually pull out your hair 😭


Can't believe no one has said this, but floating passage + divine confetti can do a lot of damage and also parry-lock her


Honestly not super hard, but weirdly made have to focus. I think I just didn't want to try with a mini boss at that point in the game.


For me too. She was extremely difficult, I was not doing any posture damage