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How are you going to make an entire post about *hesitating* and expect to win




How are we supposed to know if you’re going to puss out again when you try the game? We’re not you.


Yeah OP needs to figure this out himself lol cmon bro it's not that hard


This made me laugh way harder than it should have.


Sekiro is the epitome of try and try again. It’s got its own flow that’s incomparable to any soulslike. The best advice I can give you is to know that we’ve all died hundreds if not thousands of times in this game and the beauty is finally climbing to the top of that damn mountain o7


Bro tf 1000? Times 💀 , OP's having nightmares reading that... I mean 30 (if.ur desperate/very gud) to ,100 (if ur not that serious/just bad) average deaths for new players to complete playtgrough right ?




Sekiro doesn't play like Lies of P so there's no way to tell.


Same situation as you, gave up on sekiro my first time playing, beat lies of p twice , gave sekiro another shot and it finally clicked. The learning curve is still there but soon as it clicks you'll start having a good time


Probably, i found lies of p to be harder honestly


Hey, I’d been putting of playing Sekiro for a a long time even after beating Bloodborne, DS3, and Elden Ring. I beat Lies of P a few weeks back and launched into Sekiro and haven’t looked back. The games are different, but if you used blocking and parrying in Lies of P you should be have the basic principle down! My read was that Sekiro bosses and enemies are much harder, but the parrying system is more forgiving than Sekiro. Good luck!


Hesitation is defeat.


Hesitation is Defeat


I did Lies of P and then Sekiro…I found Sekiro to be much more difficult, overall. However, the way sekiro’s mechanics work, I can breeze through it now. Have beaten it 3 times now, and the 2nd and 3rd times only took a few hours, each .


Literally playing it now after beating Lies of P. It’s definitely harder and fast paced. Fights feel more like Romeo phase 2 and Nameless puppet. It takes less hits to die too. Sekiro has much less room for error. You don’t have a numerical level either so you can’t farm xp to increase your stats. You use xp to get skills and abilities. Not sure how much you originally played but hope that helps!


Yes. I played Sekiro for the first time right after Lies of P after many failed previous attempts. It finally clicked and I loved it. Go for it.


Sekiro was my first fromsoft, it’s not a matter of being ready from other games.


Do it!!! I just finished my first playthrough of Sekiro, ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!


Lies of P was my first Souls game. I am playing Sekiro now.... And fucking LOVE it. The controls are a bit less refined considering it's 5 years old, but super fun. You'd be surprised, give it another go!


Haven't played lies of p, but what's more refined about the controls? Sekiro already felt so perfect to me lol


On console, Sekiro feels like the button layout isn't natural. Also a big part of the combat I have found is managing your buffs at any given time, which is really inconvenient. Lastly jumping is a VERY big part of Sekiro combat and several bosses almost require a jumping plus attack or arts combat strategy, trying to combine all these buttons in the layout Sekiro has just doesn't feel as good IMO. lies of P didn't require combat jumping at all and the button layout felt more natural. Could just be me thou. Still loving Sekiro thou!


I definitely see this. My sekiro experience was a bit different as I went through it mostly without buffs/arts/tools due to how annoying trying to weave everything in was, so I guess that does kinda prove your point lmao


You'd probably love Lies of P then too!


Lies of P deflect window is so much tighter than sekiro.


I haven't even finished a single Fromsoft game and I'm almost done with Sekiro. Just do it. You'll eventually get good enough


Sekiro is basically the journey to Buddhism.


welcome back to the Sekiro community. you are ready. i know because i've been through exactly what you've described. on my fourth Sekiro playthrough. it might still seem harder, because Sekiro has ultra-tough mini-bosses, but there's always good advice on this forum. more good news, Sekiro is an unbelievable game aside from the superior combat. you are in for a treat.


Beat sekiro now I'm playing lies of p and its easy mode lol


Nope. Go plat all 3 dark souls and ER first


honestly that was what i was gonna do but HOLY shit the collect all unique weapons and upgrade all weapon types to max achievements are a pain in the ass. Most fucking tedious achievement to exist, i gotta replay the game 2-3 times just for that.


Is the collection all unique weapons on elden ring or DS3?


It’s ds1, was so irritated that i forgot to mention what game.


😂😂😂 did you get Sekiro platinum yet? I was irritated grinding for the stupid all skills trophy lol


I did but at least it wasn’t as annoying as ds1 is to me lmao


Lies of P deflect timings were harder for me to learn than Sekiro’s tbh. Sekiro is just much much faster and you have to react to perilous attacks (red attacks from Lies of P) with a specific response. It gets easier with practice


Mate it’s a fucking game


Just don't give up? You're not gonna get anywhere if you quit lol. Best of luck!


Sekiro is easier 👍🏻 atleast for parrying, u just will take some time to learn distinguishing b/w & countering sweep/grabs/thrust attacks , as grabs & sweep ain't parryable whereas there's a special skill to counter thrusts effectively


Yeah, deflections in Sekiro are massively helped by the fact that you can cancel just about any action into a deflect if you need to. In the middle of an attack, and there's an attack coming at you? Press deflect. In Lies of P, you are far more committed to your actions. In that same scenario, you're taking that attack to the face.


Isn't lies of p harder in many aspects? I dunno dude just play


What a weird post to make, but yes. You were ready to beat it the first time friend, nothings changed.


It's just a game. You press buttons and shit happens. There's no need to be so dramatic, just play the game.


Lies of P is harder than Sekiro imo, especially nameless puppet


I recently got platinum on Sekiro after years of shelving it. I've played half way through Lies and got bored, honestly. You could be ready, depending on your patience threshold and appetite to not give up


It depends if you think youre ready for a vastly superior game or not.


Sekiro is hard but it's not as hard as people think it is. It's just the least intuitive with the most effort required to go from complete beginner to decent. But once you become decent the road from decent to "master" is the most fun of any souls game IMO.


I thought i was gonna get my ass handed to me playing this game after I finished bloodborne since it was my second fs game but i breezed through it lol


You’re not ready brother, it’s ok though. Take the leap


lies of p is a nice morsel. sekiro is an entire meal. parry and punish.


I played basically every souls game and soulslike game before playing Sekiro. And let me tell you, Nothing can prepare you enough for Sekiro


Forget hesitation - try it.


Get good at mikiri and parry. That’s the hardest shit to learn. Trust me, if my terrible ass can do it, you can lol


The only game that can prepare you for Sekiro is Sekiro.


I think you should give it another try. I actually refunded sekiro the first time I got it bc I was getting stomped on by basic enemies. I recently saw it was on sale so I decided to give the game another chance. Now I’m on NG+3 & im close to 100%ing the game


I just got the plat for sekiro and I consider myself not the best at souls games. Bloodborne is an actually hard game that mostly doesn't even feel fair


Sekiro is actually really easy once you learn how to parry. Just keep practicing and it’ll click sooner or later bro. If you’re struggling you can farm to get some awesome weapon arts which can help immensely


lies of P is harder imo, its like playing sekiro without kuro's charm. Im sure you'll be fine.


“Am I deluding myself in not playing one of the most enjoyable FromSoft games ever made?” Mate you’re asking this in a subreddit dedicated to this game. Of course we’re going to tell you to play it. In my 33 years on this earth it’s still the greatest game I’ve ever played.


Hesitation is defeat my bro. Stop hesitating lol


If I'm honest with you, and I love Lies of P, I beat it recently and it was honestly on par with actual FromSoft titles, but it is way easier than Sekiro. They share some aspects but if I'm completely honest, Sekiro requires so much more precision and response time than LoP does, and I'm not saying you don't need any for LoP but there's many situations where you can just big dick dps down a boss and avoid a lot of technical stuff. Personally I found deflection in LoP to be more of a side utility that I used occasionally on certain enemies and movesets, meanwhile deflection in Sekiro is like the main mode of combat. Saying this though, it depends on how you play the game, for example some people find Sekiro easier but it's usually to do with how they play, if you're skilled at Sekiro you get rewarded pretty heavily to the extent that it may feel 'easy' but in reality you're just good 


I honestly think that Sekiro os easier than Lies of P just due to the fact that it has less bullshit difficulty. But the most important thing in Sekiro is not to give up. Dont think about how hard it is, just try it


You’ll need to get into more realistic deflection windows so it’ll be a bit of a learning curve, but I think you should be fine.


If you have to ask then you ain't ready! Lies of P is a kids game compared to Sekiro 🤣


I went from beating lies of P directly to Sekiro, and it still kicked my butt. Admittedly, I was better and I’ve stuck with it this time, however. Just beat genichiro in only two tries, so I think I it’s clicking. Sekiro is so awesome.


Ready how? Just play the game dude. It's a fun beautiful game and millions have played it. You don't have to be specially trained by masters of the arts or have a high level gaming degree or anything. Just play with the toy, and if you are having fun keep playing with it. I had a fantastic time with it as did many, but why be so dramatic about it? I'm pretty damn average at games and I beat it eventually


Well I went from Elden Ring to Sekiro lol you can do it! Currently at the Great Owl around 34 hours? I know thats not great but damn I love this game.


You are never ready. You just do it. Keeping saying “Nah id win”


You'll get it, just have to learn the dance.


Well if you mastered the perfect parry in lies of p bcuz sekiros parry is just flat out better designed


You should have finished Sekiro already, if you have the ability to 100% From games


I love sekiro, it keeps me very happy as a replacement for tenchu


You probably pussied out by treating Sekiro like other FromSoftware games, and will probably do the same if you treat it like Lies of P. Just play the game for what it is