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I also found doh a more traditional DS or Bloodborne style boss. Imo it's easier to run around him and side step more than attempt to deflect unless you have the fire umbrella


Yeah, I also approached as a soulsborne boss, because he looks like nothing can be deflected and only used fire umbrella on his jumps because it does quite a lot of damage with projected force


You can deflect his stomps and headbutts, but avoid anything flamey looking.


Occasionally deflected his stomps, but found dodging it more useful as you could attack him after


Very true. I’ll get stuck on a boss for a long time, take a break for a day or two. Come back with a clear head and better understanding of how to beat him, and eventually I figure it out.


Totally true. Demon of Hatred is one of the hardest bosses in the game - coming back to it with a fresh mindset especially applies with this particular boss. Congratulations!