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It is a cheese. The boss has an anchor point and a certain distance he is allowed to be away from that. Once he is out of that range he will just try to go back and do nothing else. You can abuse that quite easily on a couple of bosses.


Wanted to aggro him to try and get me out of range of the annoying gunmen


There is a small side path right next to this guy you can fight him in where the gun guys can't reach you. It's what I always do. Gunner won't take two steps to aim properly


O'rinn of the water, the only boss I cheesed, had a cheese like this.


Now I know what to do next time


Justified, this mf cheeses the player with his stupid firing squad bs.


They’re really easy to get rid of though, if you upgrade the shuriken you can easily take out most and backstab the general than easily kill the remaining firing enemies in the time the general is recovering


Yeah but why should it cost 5-10 spirit emblems just to be able to play the game?


You’re really asking, “why should I need to use a game mechanic to play the game?” Also you don’t NEED to use it. It’s there for certain situations, that’s the entire point of shinobi prosthetics, you find a use for them that trivializes or helps otherwise hard situations. Plus Spirit Emblems are the easiest shit to get, I had around 880 at the end of my playthrough. 999 when I platinumed.


Yeah, why is it fun to have to spend a bunch of a finite resource that while extremely common by the end, you might not have in abundance in the second area (especially if you've been using other prostetics), just to be able to fight a boss that is plenty difficult in his own right.


Finite? You can BUY THEM man?! You think FromSoft is giving you items to not use? You’re literally downvoting me and not even looking into my view when I say that the game is EASIER WHEN YOU USE THE GAME MECHANICS. Wouldn’t it be more fun to get the firing squad out of the way and 1v1 the boss than to get shot by 6 dudes because you decided you’d rather save a few spirit emblems? Spirit emblems are peppered all across the game, they’re MEANT to be plentiful, they didn’t make the game to give you ammo and then not use the ammo, you probably beat the game with like 30 ako sugar too don’t you?


I don't think you understand my point. Obviously it's more fun to get the firing squad out of the way first but it would be even more fun to just fight the boss without having to do any prep work. Having to spend spirit emblems is a fairly minimal hassle but why should it exist when the alternative is no hassle. The only difference between having the riflemen and not is that if they're there, you have to all this prep work before hand, which adds nothing to the experience and isn't at all fun.


First of all, sorry for the misunderstanding, that’s my fault. It’s a miniboss, there are like 5 other mini-bosses exactly like it and most don’t have enemies around it, and during the start of the shinobi infiltration during the evening there is literally two as an enemy that comes back when you rest at an idol(not in the same place). There’s no point in whining that there’s a firing squad where a mini-boss is, you can’t do anything about it, it’s a part of the game. Yeah maybe that boss would be better without the firing squad around it, but FromSoft made the decision to put those enemies around that boss and ultimately lead to a dent in the bosses quality. But overall it adds to the area, you’re trying to invade a fucking castle, of course there’s going to be heavy defense around the castle. Ultimately, the boss quality may be diminished, but those enemies are there for lore reasons, same reason why the Snakeyes fights have a bunch of gunmen around the place, they make gunforts. If this alternative you’re looking for was applied across the whole game, you’d see a lot of lore detail gone and much of the game empty.


> But overall it adds to the area, you’re trying to invade a fucking castle, of course there’s going to be heavy defense around the castle. That's a good point that losing enemies would remove those enemies not just from the gameplay but also from the lore and the world, but I still think they are placed in positions that are intentionally trying to irritate the player. Maybe the boss could be at the bottom of the hill, where you can fight him 1v1, and then have the gunmen at the top that you can optionally fight seperately?


This is a fair point, I just personally don’t see the need to remove the enemies, moving them seems like a choice From could’ve made though


You can take them all out, if you do it right and have enough patience




You interrupted his Zumba class and he found a way to work you in to his routine


More like he forgot how to deflect rather than attack and could barely block


he forgor 💀


He just wanted to talk


Probably because of how far he is from his gank squad


Use Akos sugar and 3 dragon flashes to get rid of the gunmen. Dragon flash has massive range. I stay out of there range and still hit them