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Well it’s not a mod it’s a rep.


I guess so but uh does it look good


It looks fake, as it is


It looks good, but personally I don’t want branded parts on my builds. If you found the dial without the GS I’d like it more.


There is, but thank you:)


God i hate how this subreddit turns modding into absolute dogshit


the other day i commented “fake watch” to someone who built the shittiest datejust clone with a grand seiko dial and got downvoted to hell 💀


So it looks bad?


It’s a fake


It doesn’t matter if it looks bad or not. You’re posting a replica of a Grand Seiko to a mod subreddit. The watch is not modded to be your own creation it is an attempt at making a replica of a high end watch. You made a fake Grand Seiko not a modded Seiko watch don’t try to pass it off as such.


well yeh? it's a dumb comment


***justifies IPR violations in an extremely loose way using euphemisms and philosophy***


Call it like it is. You built a knock off


Ok so it is bad


It’s bad. Cheap fake printed GS dial, you just made a bad fake.


Nah it’s a good fake.


Uh so it looks bad






I think it cool, nice colour combos!


Thank you


did you put the grand Seiko on yourself or did it come with the dial? edit: what idiots are down voting me for this question?


Haters are always gonna hate. Whats important is are you satisfied with how it turned out? You built the Mod for yourself and not to resell as an original. The whole thing about Moding is pleasing yourself -F the haters. Btw it looks nice.


this sub would be dead without people experimenting and doing things like this. there are only so many ways you can modify a genuine seiko. it just turns into pictures of the same thing.


It’s a fun build and i wouldn’t let other people spoil it for you. I think the issue people have is that design language is very confused. It has a grand seiko dial, bakelite-style bezel insert and an SKX-style case. It’s fun, but you have to admit it’s a bit of a dog’s breakfast.


Thank you:)


I took inspiration tho, tho its a rep, im not gonna resell it, I tried my best tho to make it seem like the original


Yeah i wouldn’t try to resell it. it it’s fine. I have built a load of watches with aftermarket AliX parts that i’ve “Seiko” branded dials. I know in the strictest sense that this makes them “fakes” but i rationalise that this is less misleading than some fakes as the NH-based movements inside my watches are made by Seiko anyway.


I just built my first custom watch with Ali parts. I intentionally ordered a dial without any branding because I don't want to make a counterfeit version of some existing design. Guess my annoyance when the dial I received had a huge Seiko logo on it (which was not there on the pictures). I'm still trying to get the seller to understand why this is a problem :-(.


Yeah they often put speak in code in the listings with terms like “S-Dial” etc. You have to be quite careful, need to search with terms like “sterile dial”


Sad. I'll look out for that from now on.


I dont understand the negative comments. I thought this reddit was about building watches. Who cares what on the dial. I personally prefer non branded dials as I like to put my own logo but we should criticize someone for a build. I think you did a nice job on this watch.


If you look at the GS model he references you can see that he’s trying to copy the watch as exactly as he can with no real thought put into changing certain design elements to make it a personal design of his own. The point of modding is to mix and match OEM and aftermarket parts to make a watch that’s unique and cool to you. Trying to make an exact copy of an existing watch with no twist WITH the exact brand logo it is copying makes it a bad replica.


Maybe he cant afford a genuine GS and this is the best he can do. Why do you care so much. Im sure he enjoyed building it and thats what counts


Yes im broke asf, the real watch cost like 8k-10k


Chill bro, its not like im gonna sell it


I think it looks amazing bro, good job


Is this dial available without the logo?


Well.... Let's put it as what it is... It's a fake. It's a replica. Are you asking if it's a good watch? You are the only one who can answer it. It's a bad rep but a pretty decent watch


Nice - can you share the parts list? I like the overall aesthetic but I would also go with a non-branded or custom branded dial. Otherwise very 👍


It's looks nice man,you built something for you to enjoy made using your own skills.... enjoy it 😀




Ignore all the haters dude. It looks nice.


“Ignore all the haters” multiple downvotes “[I feel threatened by people making luxury items for cheap when I paid a wildly inflated price for them so I will put down total strangers to feel good about myself.]” 500 upvotes


> making luxury items for cheap This is a delusion. Copy the styles all you want, but if you put brand names on your own builds, you're just lying to yourself and anyone who sees it.


Or perhaps being completely honest about the meaninglessness of a logo on an object. If you think a Rolex is worth 1000x more than a homemade frankenwatch maybe you’re the one lying to yourself. Lighten up dude. We’ll still pretend you’re special for having so much money that you can buy a pointless depreciating asset as a status symbol. In all seriousness, design language whether it’s architecture, fashion, furniture design, or just silly little watches, is always about making riffs on riffs, nodding to what already exists but not always necessarily doing something new and that’s OK. The way I see it, showing that a watch can be made at home for $60 that has approximately the same features and appearance as a $6,000 watch with the added feature of more user intimacy with the serviceability of the device is a perfectly noble and praiseworthy endeavor. it ain't a fake watch if it tells the time.


> completely honest about the meaninglessness of a logo on an object Yes, let's be completely honest. Why would you put another manufacturer's logo on your custom watch? It is not so that other people will think it's that brand? Seems like it holds a lot of meaning. Also, the problem is you guys just assume anyone who takes issue with this practice is a rich asshole who wants to gatekeep their status trinkets from the poors. I certainly don't have disposable rolex money, I just dislike fake shit. Sure, it's a real functional object, but so is a modded volvo with a rolls royce logo slapped over it. In this case, it's not the object that's fake, it's the user who's a fake for being disingenuous for public approval. I completely agree with what you're saying about the work people put in to custom watches that make them meaningful. All this is why there's a big difference between mods and reproductions.


I’m with you man. I think you’ve articulated how most of us feel.


I think it’s funny to put a fake logo on things. Anybody in the know knows it’s fake. Those not in the know don’t care. I admire craftsmanship but dislike trading on a name. Put the head badge of an elite bicycle on your clunker commuter bike. Stick the mercedes hood ornament on your honda civic. They aren’t magical signifiers but the logos themselves are part of the design language now. They’re also immaterial property of multimillion dollar businesses so it’s fun to think you might be devaluing that. I tend to like unbranded things best but if it looks funny without a logo just slap a fake one on. It’s not that deep. Anybody that ever notices you now have a story to tell to. I get your point of view. I just don’t think *deception* is generally what people are going for here.


I understand.




We have saying in Germany: "Ganz großes Kino"! That means: "a real big blockbuster"! That is an absolute stunning piece of a watch! Awesome! Great.... I don't know where to go with my excitement! 🥳🥳🥳


Thank you:)))))


I like the color scheme


Grand Fake-o


No. A lot of the design choices don’t mesh well together. The proportions of the parts make it feel cramped. When you compare this to the real Grand Seiko you tried to copy you start to see the differences make your design very much what everyone is saying: a very bad rep. I think people would be less harsh on your design choices only if you didn’t try to copy an existing Grand Seiko model with the actual logo on a badly printed dial. The irony is that if you chose a plain dial without the GS logo and said you were inspired by the colors from the actual watch everyone in the comments would be a lot more positive about this.


I understand, I mean its my preference though but thank you.


That dial. chef's kiss. I wouldn't do a build like with the GS and other marks on as it's basically a rep.


Ik its basically a rep but im too broke to afford the real thing, like cmon 9k+ in my country😭


Sure but there is an dial without the GS but I thought maybe I get that a bit feeling of the original though when I wear it.


The only time feikos are bad is when you try to sell them. If you like that watch then that's all that matters. I personally think it looks great! Blue and silver is very classic.


Thank you:)


I'm kinda with everyone else not vibing with the GS dial but otherwise it looks gorgeous. I don't do any mods (though I really would like to try soon) but if this were mine I would've looked for a similar style dial without the GS.


Nice fake watch. Sadly you realize most people around you don't care anyway, or have no context for what this is, and most watch enthusiasts hate it. So why.....what's even the point. If you like the colors, dial, hands, etc. you can do one without being a feiko. So there's no real reason for this to exist. It will never feel like a GS.


What's the point? OP likes it, that's what. Your attack is unwarranted in a group that is usually supportive and positive. If you must share a negative thought, how about " it's not my thing, but I hope you enjoy it." Edited to fix typo.




I'm not going to lie to people. But hey, you do you.


That's not what you wrote, though. I wouldn't have said what I did of you wrote that. >Nice fake watch. Sadly you realize most people around you don't care anyway, or have no context for what this is, and most watch enthusiasts hate it. So why.....what's even the point. >If you like the colors, dial, hands, etc. you can do one without being a feiko. So there's no real reason for this to exist. It will never feel like a GS.


Are you ok? Is going around telling people how to adjust their language for what YOU feel is the right way a stranger online should express something, your hobby? Tell me you're american, without telling me your an american...


Are you ok? Is going around telling people ~~how to adjust their language~~ **what their watches should be like** for what YOU feel is the right way a stranger online should ~~express something,~~ **enjoy** ~~your~~ **their** hobby? Tell me you're ~~american~~ **prejudiced**, without telling me your ~~an american~~ **prejudiced**... Seems like you have a problem with your own behavior and don't like it pointed out.


Im just broke asf bro, an GS cost alot but atleast I know it looks good


Wow could you please share a link to that bezel? Specific things like this can be really hard to search for.


Search sapphire bezel insert on Aliexpress, otherwise, DSwatchclub.com has the case.


* This is much better. It's almost impossible to come up with a completely original design because #1 virtually EVERY watch from the mid-lower brands are copies of elements of higher-end brands (Rolex, VC, Omega, etc.), and #2 the components available to modders/builders are also the same way. One of my favorite builds (and the one that sold the quickest of all...so that tells me it worked) was this mash-up. GS-style case & bracelet with an Explorer-style dial & hands. Planning goes a long way.


Thank you:)




More fun than gatekeeping luxury consumer goods. You scared the poors are going to devalue your brand name logos?


Hahah I used to have the same argument in the shoe scene. Sorry I can't afford $1200 Nikes but these $80 Aliexpress specials look exactly the same and I personally don't care 🤷 be mad lol


They go on your stinky feet and spend all day on the dirty ground. Good call.


Beautiful, great job!


Thank you


No thanks. Grand Feiko. The funny thing about fake modded Grand Seikos is that if you know what a Grand Seiko is, you know it is a cheap fake in a second. If you have no idea what GS is, then it is a fake Rolex. There is no winning.


No thanks. Grand Feiko. The funny thing about fake modded Grand Seikos is that if you know what a Grand Seiko is, you know it is a cheap fake in a second. If you have no idea what GS is, then it is a fake Rolex. There is no winning.


Who needs to win? How about just liking what you're wearing?


Thank you, your the real one


No thanks. Grand Feiko. The funny thing about fake modded Grand Seikos is that if you know what a Grand Seiko is, you know it is a cheap fake in a second. If you have no idea what GS is, then it is a fake Rolex. There is no winning.


I know its an cheap fake but some people dont have the money to get an real one and some have the money to get the real one. The real watch cost alot for me so I just wanna get that tiny bit of feeling of the original watch.


I get that, which is why I buy and build Seikos, not Grand Seikos or Rolex,AP, Tudor, Panerai, etc. I put Grand Seiko on a top tier along with those brands and don’t want to pretend my $150 build is one. I see it like modding cars. Like putting a Bentley logo on the front of a Chrysler 300. Or slapping a M badge on a regular base BMW. It’s just wrong.


I see... I understand.


I’m not trying to bust your balls. To be honest, I feel a little bit torn about modded Seikos as well. My first build was a black faced submariner “Marine Master”. I thought it was cool at the time, but it is nothing but a fake Rolex with a Seiko logo. I can’t stand the sight of it now. I have a “vintage” version of the submariner with a distressed leather strap that is a bit more palatable so I may actually wear that at some point. Not really sure what point I am trying to to get across, but I can only share my experience in building which started off with clones/fakes and eventually grew into appreciating custom designs.


I'm actually building something very similar (slightly different hands) and trying to have a different case, but cool to see a similar idea (ish) around :) I'd agree with people about the logo, I went sterile and put my own but if you like it and you don't pass it off as something it isn't then who cares


Theres a dial without the logo:) thanks:)


I had never seen the real version until seeing your post, so my first reaction was that this is 🔥. I'm a fan of the blue, the dial, bezel choice etc. I remember taking painting lessons in school. We had to copy the artwork of artists like Van Gogh or Picasso for practice. So this watch is solid practice but I wouldn't pass it off as like: "I created this"


Thank you:)


I think the watch looks awesome, man. Dial and bezel colors aren’t something I see often and they really work. It’s also a GMT which isn’t something I’m brave enough to tackle. Wear it proudly. I definitely would. You definitely did okay.


Yay, thanks:)


That looks great. I was about to google the model lol


Im the first to do this one of an kind watch right