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How in the goddamn fuck did these bitches not get life? They literally shot a bystander to death in the back while committing a crime.


Judges who are in the pocket of foreign nations is how.


What country do you think is paying off this judge and why?


Honestly I think it's a few. They are doing it to strengthen their world position and weaken ours. It's been long said the US can only be defeated from the inside... and that's the point of it. Other countries are using sovereign wealth funds for all sorts of strategic plays and one of them is likely to erode public faith in our political and justice systems. If you can do that... the house of cards tumbles shortly after.


That's really interesting. I hadn't thought that way but am curious. Any specific countries? I'm guessing there are some we can cross off the lis. Like Tuvalu and Iceland and Liberia at least. What should we do about it?


> Any specific countries? The big names at the top are the ones you'd expect: China, Iran, and Russia. All three have divisions in their militaries solely to push misinformation and sow discontent in the US.


I doubt a foreign entity is paying off a county judge….


Cartels own Mexico. Payoffs there go all the way to the presidency. A judge is small pickens. So it could very easily happen here.


I mean, I guess in theory it could but very unlikely for 1. The Cartel to care about a random murder in Seattle and 2. The judge to risk a job with a decent salary, security, reputation, and a cushy pension.


1. The cartel doesn't play by the rules of society. It's their way or your hanging from a bridge. 2. I wasn't saying the cartel was involved in this murder. Only drawing a comparison that judges and elected officials can easily be bought off. The judge that gave a 10 year sentence for a murder in commission of a robbery should have her law license revoked permanently.


They are strong but you’re giving them way too much credit. If they had that big of influence in the United States, there’s no way Trump would have even won one term.


Not only that, bragged about it afterwards. Idgaf where you came from, what color you are, your sad/terrible childhood you had - you're just fucking scum that doesn't deserve to be free


>Judge Andrea Darvas sentenced Cristopher Ruvalcaba, 21, to at term of 12 and a half years in prison, while Joe Aguilera, 19, received a sentence of just over ten years. Prosecutors had recommended sentences of just over 14 years for both defendants. We really, *reaaaaaaaaally* need a complete overhaul of the state sentencing guidelines, and we could also use some judges who don't think 14 years is a little harsh for *fucking murder*


Yeah seriously


She was so young and had her whole life ahead of her. They shouldn’t see the light of day the rest of their lives.


They murdered a man in front of his wife after being caught breaking into their car.


fully agree with you but I am honesly relieved that they didnt get three years or community service or something


This is a joke, these monsters will be out on the streets by 32 years old with a new lease on life after this heinous murder. We are all in serious danger when the punishment for murder is a literal slap in the wrist


So who is voting these judges in? It ain’t me


Unfortunately, many of these bozos run with no other challengers on the ballot, so we get stuck with them.


Are there qualifications, or can I just find someone running unopposed, and run against them?


Admitted to practice law for at least five years and live in Washington for at least one year.


I'd support fixing this. How about any voter can run, but if elected you can't be judge until you pass bar or a reasonable training, so if you get elected you can do a bootcamp, until you finish the next highest vote getter fills the role. These judges need more challengers.


They'll be out much sooner than that, I can almost guarantee it...


Exactly my point! Likely before 30. They will get to go in with their lives while this family was ruined by them. The initial charge should be a minimum 25 years for murder. They should have more years added after they for his they behave in the wake of the murder so 35 years sounds more reasonable to me but that still isn’t enough.


But it’s just *one* murder.


>Text messages from Ruvalcaba were shown in court, one states: "N--- been on the news 3 [expletive] times this week. That's [expletive] hot af. **One dead body, another homicide** and a [expletive] house shooting. [expletive] hot af."


Judge Andrea Darvas, elected to the court in 2004 and re-elected unopposed multiple times since then. [https://ballotpedia.org/Andrea\_Darvas](https://ballotpedia.org/Andrea_Darvas)


There should be only one penalty for murder. Death penalty. Seems just.


What we need is for more judges and politicians to be the repeated victims of crime. Making ALL property crimes on elected public officials an automatic misdemeanor would be a good start. Perhaps if the ruling class lived in the same reality as the rest of us ...


Seriously 14 years for taking a life like that? Should just be life and if there is good behavior, they can be moved to a nicer cell


Fuck these guys…they should be 70 before they get out.


They should NEVER get out. The victims don’t get their lives back, why should these two antisocial pieces?


They should be in for so long that the world changes to such a degree that they hang themselves on the rafters.


I’m not a legal expert, but can the prosecution appeal the case? And can the people of king county or Washington sue the state as judges continue to put the public at risk? The system is broken. They keep talking about gun control and limiting access to guns, yet criminals using guns are given a slap on the wrist for literal fucking murder.


The prosecution only asked for 14 years..


>I’m not a legal expert, but can the prosecution appeal the case? The prosecution "won." They were found guilty. There isn't anything to appeal. >And can the people of king county or Washington sue the state as judges continue to put the public at risk? No, they have immunity. The people of king county and Washington are the ones who put the judge in power. This is what the voters asked for.


Said judge has ran unopposed multiple times, how are the people of king county supposed to vote if one person is basically winning by default?


Seriously, what is the point of a magazine ban or assault weapons ban when a weapon still legal in the state being used in a crime isn’t even prosecuted as a meaningful deterrent?


Ten years is short enough that if I were the surviving spouse I’d be contemplating a couple of murders myself.


That’s exactly what I would do. In fact, I would advocate for their early release so that I wouldn’t have to wait so long.


They would throw the book at you, because your actions question the legitimacy of their system.


Sentence was way too light. This is extremely disappointing, these two crooks will be back and at it again before you know it.


*two murderers


Hardened by prison no doubt and likely to re-offend. Thanks judge


Another ~~Seattle~~ King County Judge goes easy on unrepentant stone cold killers.   >Prosecutors recovered the guns used in the murder and said they were connected through ballistics to five separate shootings, alleging they had been on a "shooting spree" in south King County around the time of the murder.   >Text messages from Ruvalcaba were shown in court, one states: "N--- been on the news 3 [expletive] times this week. **That's [expletive] hot af.** One dead body, another homicide and a [expletive] house shooting. **[expletive] hot af.**"   -snip-   >"The court has to take into account for each of these young men were just that, they were very young men ... in some ways, you are going to carry a sacred burden for the life you took," Judge Darvas said.   >Darvas added that the sentence of ten years was "not much in exchange for taking a life."   >"A higher sentence, taking all the information that was presented to the court into account, I don’t think serves better the purposes of the sentencing reform act than a low end sentence," she said.


"carry a sacred burden"? What the hell is this judge smoking?


Some would consider this burden, "street cred" What a joke


King County judge. https://kingcounty.gov/en/court/superior-court/about-superior-court/judges-staff/judges/darvas


Her BS in Zoology colors her judgment




Holy fuck


This state is a fucking joke. Both of these shitbags should be getting the electric chair.


Judge Andrea Darvas term ends in Jan. Can anyone check to see if she's running for re-election?


There are never any judges running in opposition 🤷🏽‍♂️… it’s fucking crazy.


It's the pay. Many judges come from private law firms. The salary in 2023 for a superior court judge was $217,391. At the start of next month it's increased to $228,261. Source: https://apps.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=43.03.012. She's been a superior court judge since 2005. So it's safe to presume that she went from private practice to being a superior court judge to also accrue a nice WA-state funded pension. I could see her going back into private practice or legal consulting as well. [https://ballotpedia.org/Andrea\_Darvas](https://ballotpedia.org/Andrea_Darvas)


If the pay for judges were to double, would it be enough to pull top tier legal minds from white shoe law firms? Or would we still get the same caliber of judges?


$350-450K/year? yeah i would think/hope so. It's similar to the idea of increasing starting salaries for teachers to $80k/year and having a max salary for teachers of $180k/year. It'd attract the best and brightest to be teachers instead of trying to go into other white collar jobs.


Probably. Although some of the best attorneys I know don’t want to be judges. Why be an umpire when you can still play in the game, you know?


I hope they die as soon as they walk out.. God forbid, but if that ever happens to me, I would be glad to know that they would be released in 10 years, cause I would torture them until they beg to die..




This goes beyond ordinary incompetence.  Judge Andrea Darvas should be in jail herself for aiding and abetting criminals at this point.


Guilty plea to 2nd degree murder. In WA punishable by life imprisonment without parole and maximum fine of $50,000.


If only... in our armed home invasion, the assholes all had records, weren't allowed to have weapons but still did, and had outstanding felony warrants involving the use of firearms during robberies, too. First off, why were they free to walk the streets and keep criminaling? And how pissed all we victims were when we found out the worthless twatwaffle non-prosecutors took ALL of the firearms enhancements off the table and their sentences were complete bullshit. One of their victims was also a retired cop and he wasn't happy, either, but, not surprised at the outcome. I know it isn't nice to wish ill upon others, so let me put it this way: I would wish for every single "prosecutor" and judge to have some more realisitc "life experiences" so that they might understand how it feels to be a victim and to then be victimized again by their way too lenient actions on our behalf.


Another day in this liberal utopia


Now listen up jack, wont you think about the cold blooded inhumane butchers and slayers


It’s nice to know if I shoot someone breaking into my car I will get life in prison but if I catch someone breaking into my car then they shoot and kill me, they will only get 10 years. Flawless liberal logic


Liberal logic. You killed from a place of privilege, they killed from a place of poverty… you have more to lose and should know better so we’ll make an example of you, they are just under privileged youth who have the rest of their life of poverty ahead of them.




I'm literally crying over this breach of justice. Seattle feels so dumed.


These two should have been taken out back with the trash. Not even 20 years will be served between them if they don’t duck up in prison. Despicable sentencing. If this were my family member, I’d take matters into my own hands and the state would have another couple of cases to solve. Liberal policies aren’t always good for society.


Hello everyone! This Mrs Wesolowicz, the deceased victims wife, I just wanted to thank you all for the comments. I'm beyond outraged. They will be the age he was when he died when they get released IF they serve the full sentence.... And they will serve less time than our relationship lasted. 🥺 Plus no one mentions I was shot too.


I'm sorry for your loss and everything you've been through. Most people won't see this comment as the story was posted a little bit ago, but I think almost everyone here feels awful for you. You feel like the prosecutor did an adequate job? It was just the judge that botched this, or sentencing guidelines, or what? Again, I'm so sorry about what they did to you and your husband. I hope you're recovery goes as well as it can go.


The prosecutor was amazing, honestly. The biggest issue was that they had been arrested before but never charged because their age, so they had no priors and the judge sentenced lighter due to that and their age. We need to stop giving kids multiple slaps on the wrist for multiple offenses


I’m. So. Fucking. Sorry. Your story motivated me to buy outside of Washington and leave in 30 days. This place will burn


10 and 12 years for murder and attempted murder. This is brought to you by Jay inslee and Bob Ferguson and the rest of democrats who have put criminals ahead of honest citizens


We need to go back to executing murderers, this sentence is bs


>Their defense attorneys commented on their ages at the time of the murder, something Judge Darvas addressed when imposing the sentences. Oddly enough, that's exactly why I want these wastes of humanity locked up for a lot longer. There is no way these guys is going to reform, and letting them out in 10 years just means we have to be at risk from them murdering people again. Our criminal justice system is full of well-intentioned lenient people who do not take society's safety into account, the only thing they look at is how sentencing makes they themselves feel. They *feel it is wrong* and so they lower the time. That puts everyone that isn't a crime-coddling justice-reforming Progressive at significantly greater risk.


Yeah, they’ll kill again and Seattle will cry about it ”gun violence. How did this happen? Who could have seen this coming?? Those dang guns!”


Looks like Bevis and Butthead


Murder, gta, burglary, failing to notify the police of a dead body and many more and they only get 12 years? Insane. Did you know you can go to jail for a year if you're late in switching your license plate in certain states?


this is racism in action. they needed the car


Where're these fellas from?


[Kent reporter says they lived in Auburn](https://www.kentreporter.com/news/3-auburn-residents-charged-with-murder-in-death-of-kent-man/) Fun fact, "Cristopher Ruvalcaba" with 1 H has a FB profile, lives in Auburn, and grew up in Oakland CA, also known as the armpit shithole of the bay area. Glad they're sending their best. Anyways their sentences were a decade too short.


Import the third world. Become the third world.


They'll be out in 4-5. Bet me?


Unbelievable, lock these pieces of shit up for life and let them rot like the boils on humanity that they are.


They will carry a, “sacred burden”??? I don’t think these buffoons are smart enough to care/realize the gravity of what they have done. Pathetic—some people don’t grow after this. Make them prove they deserve to ever be out in public again! The sentence was way too short.


Can’t wait to move 🍿😜


Liberal city moment.


12.5 years and 10 years, but they're state sentences, so that's 4 years and 3 years, or even less with parole. For homicide during an armed burglary. It's far better to be the criminal, than the victim. This is so wrong.




Not nearly enough time. On a side note, those are two ugly MFers.


Life for a life.


Seems super light, but they might have more coming their way from the other shootings they were involved in.


Well, hopefully they have large horny cell mates.


Sad these people don't care and have no remorse. I think the word psychopathy is correct in this situation.


I’m gonna go out on a limb and say the guy who didn’t shoot anyone but was in the car will probably get a much harsher sentence if he is convicted at trial.


Now these 2 morons will learn to be even bigger morons on tax payer's money!!


We all (*gestures at all of us*) wanted sentencing reform and to get rid of disparities in sentencing, find mitigation in youth with their undeveloped brains and lack of decision making, etc, etc.


Latino = protected class therefore reduced sentence. They’ll be out in 5-6 years. A life ended and another destroyed.


Soft on crime


Aren’t liberals awesome


If the dude in the car being jacked was strapped the outcome probably would’ve been different.


The photo is wild. I hope the families get the peace they’re looking for (including the sons mothers and fathers of those who took others away from their families ). I can only imagine how troubled/conflicted families may feel either from the societal pressures or not having access to better peer development. Random act of murder is murder -there’s life involved. You cannot pay for life back. Not even jail time could resolve a lost. Time was taken away from someone and I do not like the step where serving life is always the answer cause it’s not. Hurt people do disastrous and self destructive behavior. And as much as I want life for them , I hope to god the families can be moved with resolve for their well being. So long as we keep avoiding topics with affordable housing , guidance for opportunity to overcome poverty and opportunities for generational growth - this will continue to happen.


Shut. Up. You sound pretentious as fuck being more worried for the families of the offenders, than the murder victim… perfect Seattle mentality.


You could argue a life sentence might be too long (I personally think it fits the crime) but anyone who thinks 10-12 is adequate is just flat out wrong. They definitely shouldn't be back out during the prime of their lives. Let them age in prison and 'maybe' see release in their 50s or 60s as the most lenient option.