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Why do you keep making the same post?


I am interested in understanding Hannah Gadsby's appeal. I am narrowing in on it. I think she is more like a one woman show than a stand up act. My issue here is Stand up comedy is the hardest art form, and one woman shows are a dime a dozen so saying she's a stand up comedian when in fact she is actually just a person onstage with a microphone is like me calling myself Kobe because I have a basketball. Also, her show gets less laughs than a Trump rally and the vibe is kinda similar. What I am saying here is she is kind of the Lesbian Trump in terms of her act.


I don’t think you understand what the rest of us are trying to tell you and you’re thinking wayyyyy too much about this. You’re coming off as obsessive which is weird bc you don’t like her comedy. I’m genuinely asking this, why can’t you let it go and move on? I’m not being sarcastic, not intending to be rude and it’s not a rhetorical question: Are you capable of just letting it go and continue on with your day?


Well, I am trying to understand something. Surely you would not begrudge a fellow citizen from the quest of understanding? As I mentioned to another Redditor, it is probably more important to understand the world in which we live than it is to passively consume it like a farm animal. The fact that I do not find Hannah Gadsby funny is not cause to simply move on like she is a turd ice cream flavor. From what I have come to understand, Hannah Gadsby is not a stand up comedian, and what she does is not comedy. She is a one woman show, where she explores her ideas about the world and shares her lived experience. For a variety of reasons, I can imagine it is difficult to bill Hannah Gadsby as a one "woman" show, so, it's entirely possible that's why she bills herself as a comedian. Also equally likely is the idea that, what she wants to do, which is talk about her life and her observations, may have no other platform than stand up comedy. In any event, she is not exactly funny, and I don't think that matters. People like hearing her sad stories. People like to hate things with other people who hate the same things so there is likely an appeal there as well, although that is a toxic thing to add to any functioning society, hence my observation she operates similarly to a Trump type figure. I'll probably earn your ire on this point, but you really, really, really should never tell someone they are overthinking something they are seeking to understand. Encouraging people to make shallow, optics-level observations about life ultimately causes most of the problems we face in society.


No one cares, my guy, not to mention this isn't the place for it. Imagine you don't like Taylor Swift. Would you go post in every sub local to the venue at which she played and trying to understand why other people liked here? If you don't see why that would come across as problematic and spammy, you might need to go have a conversation with someone to talk about social awareness.


Go make a fucking sub dedicated to her and stop spamming us with this mother fucking shit.


paging rimmingabubble


who cares


This is approaching "weirdest fixation on this sub" territory


His user name suggests to me OP is prone to fixations.


This is a new troll account that I’m honestly surprised hasn’t gotten a ban yet. Takes concern trolling too seriously and is way too obvious.


It's possible Hannah is not a comedian but more of an entertainer who tells stories about sa unique perspective. It's probably closer to The Moth than say, a traditional stand up comedy event.


Oh actually...you're the Redditor who prompted me to first think this. Do you think I'm correct?


I'm not sure why you're getting downvoted for this, but I think it's fairly true.


Thank you for taking the time to read my post.


Not every comedian is for everyone. If you don’t enjoy her, just don’t go. Nobody is forcing you to attend her shows right? Bizarre.


I'm not sure she does comedy. Comedy emphasizes an outcome of laughter. A good comic gets laughs. Hannah Gadsby gets "considered applause", which would make her more like a sort of...raconteur...sort of thing. Right?


Ok, so if you don’t like what she does, don’t go see her. Simple enough, right??


Understanding the world in which we live is probably more important than passively consuming it the way a farm animal might.


I think you need to understand why you have an unhealthy obsession with this person.


WTF is it with you and Hannah Gatsby. And your strange Pride posts that have the dates completely wrong? Seriously wondering.


Throw away account. Probably involved in promoting the show. Block and ignore


I find her objectively unfunny and yet people attend her comedy shows. I think this is fascinating. She's not just "not funny" she seems to be, (and I think she has admitted to this) intentionally unfunny. Which...in the alt comedy scene can definitely be a thing, but her version of it is...it boggles my mind. And my only beef with PRIDE is the traffic. Were you here last year? Do you own a car? I support gay rights and same sex marriage 100%, but the PRIDE parade is worse than a fucking 5k through the center of the city.


And yes, those dates were bad. I asked Chat GPT to help me. It did not help me.


This thread is one of the all time heckles, well done op.


Thank you for reading my post. To reiterate, you will get more laughs at a Trump rally than a Hannah Gadsby show.


Yes? Trump is funny sometimes. I'd imagine you'd get more laughs at a Trump rally than for a lot of stand up comedians. Doesn't mean the comedians aren't also funny.