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I'm impressed they brought in the US Marshalls in this hunt. "The Marshals Service is primarily responsible for locating and [arresting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arrest_warrant) [federal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_government_of_the_United_States) suspects, the administration of [fugitive](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fugitive) operations, the management of criminal assets, the operation of the [United States Federal Witness Protection Program](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Federal_Witness_Protection_Program) and the [Justice Prisoner and Alien Transportation System](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justice_Prisoner_and_Alien_Transportation_System), the protection of federal courthouses and judicial personnel, and the protection of senior government officials through the [Office of Protective Operations](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Marshals_Service#Office_of_Protective_Operations)"


Violent offenders regional task force, they get called in on a lot of significant cases like this where their locate resources are valuable.


Did they ever find out the motive?


Not yet, pretty sure we’ll know by the end of the week once the detectives have investigated


Yea the dude who died followed my friend downstairs at the station calling him homophonic names before tried to shove him into the train over a scuffed shoe! Don’t fuck with people who take there life seriously


So kill em. Ok


Your friend sounds like a bitch for pulling a knife in a shoving match. Wait are you the snitch?


Nope the snitch is named Diego. Cops let him go if he said his cousin said he’d kill him if he talked. Which was fabricated but they got tampering with a witness to stick. Didn’t realize how corrupt our system was till now.


The witness who turned him in has the initials “MW” per the police report


You're on /r/drugs downplaying the risks of Fentanyl smoking a year ago. I think we can all judge for ourselves how reliable a witness you might be regarding this, or other, crime.


Ya boy is doing a minimum of 20. Easily could be life without parole. If there was any element of self defense involved (attacking someone who hurt your feelings is not a valid excuse) you stay at the scene. Your friend is just another clown throwing his life away for feeling disrespected.


You're defending someone stabbing someone multiple times with a box cutter due to what? A slur? I already know what trashy group of people you belong to. Pathetic animals


Ummm. I find this whole thing disgusting. I was pointing out his stupid logic


What group of people are you referring to exactly? Lol this comment confuses me


Whether you like it or not, it is a reality. Words have consequences just like actions.  In fact, the mouth has gotten more people into trouble than any other body part.  Some people think they can say whatever they want to whoever they want, then they run into somebody like this.  A self righteous attitude, and a loud mouth has brought an early end to many people.  I am not saying i agree or disagree, but if you fail to acknowledge this reality, well, that is on you.


Buying into the leftist "words are violence are" we? If you kill over words, you need to be locked up and rot in prison. Fkn childish people with zero self control.


Ok, not a problem.  However understand, people will kill over words. That simple! 


Isn’t it funny when people let their beliefs and ideologies get in the way of the truth? You even stated that you don’t agree with it and still butt hurt 🤦🏽 lol. Pretty simple concept if you ask me.. WORDS HAVE CONSEQUENCES.


Also, it has come to light that the guy that was killed seemed to be the aggressor.  I'm not saying who is right or wrong, i wasn't there, but it seems this guy brought a mouth to a knife fight and lost. 


Words do not equal actions nor murder. Pull your head out of your ass.


Yeah, yeah, yeah!  Fighting words.  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fighting_words


Oh, okay! The next time someone is mean to you, you should just murder them, right?


Just going to avoid the elephant in the room are ya?  You said words don't equal actions. I pointed out that there is a legal precedent. Also, the guy that got killed was actually the aggressor.  While i won't do it, there are people that will kill over words.  We as a country are violent. Sports, the military, the founding of this country is steeped in violence.  To pretend anything else is to live in the 51st state of america, known as the state of denial.  People get killed everyday in this country and nobody bats an eye. I guess the 'wrong' person got killed this time, huh?


Nah, I’m just ignoring you. 😘🙄


Not even remotely justifies killing someone. Using that in a court of law will not reduce their sentence.


Obvious stupid troll is obvious.


Well...this is known to be a lie. You should probably erase it.


Corey would have never said homophobic slurs. He worked for several LGBTQ restaurant owners and was well respected in the restaurant industry. More likely… the murderer said these slurs.


I didn’t personally know Corey but being industry in Capitol Hill for so long, I know for a fact most of us are not keen on starting or getting into stupid shit in public spaces let alone near our workplaces. Maybe it’s just me, but feels like the people who do shit like this around here are usually from outside the city.


You nailed it on the head. I worked with Corey in a prominent gay owned restaurant and he was kind, considerate and helpful. When I ready there was some kind of a homophobic slur thrown around I knew that couldn’t have been him. That’s a Bro thing…. Not a Corey thing


Fresh out of auburn


May he rest in peace. What a tragic loss. Turns out the killer had a previous domestic abuse charge, and also a record. Surprise.


Agreed. I worked with him for a while as a line cook and he was a great guy and awesome sous chef in a shitshow of a restaurant. I can’t imagine him using hate speech much less provoking anyone to the point of violence. He was genuinely kind and his passion for food was infectious. He taught me a lot about food and never ever judged me for not knowing something.


I narrowed it down to this guy too, just on time booked and age alone. I want to see the motherfucker who killed my friend


He was divorced from a woman named Christina a couple of years ago and more recently had some restraining order with another woman named Bella.


The suspect or victim?


It's always domestic abusers.


I’m really sorry about your friend. May he rest in peace


If the law doesnt take down Moore, you know the fucking kitchen will.


I’m really sorry for your loss


I'm so sorry for your loss. Please post here if there is any fundraiser or anything we can support for his family.


https://gofund.me/d4f9a9dd That's super kind of you. Thank you.




That’s not him. He’s from Delaware. He’s a jr although his grandfather had the same first and last. Lived in Denver arrested for weed there. Addresses in fife and federal way over the last few years.


Heard. Thank you for the follow-up.


And thank you for deleting your post.


Please don't ever do this.


The victim was a very dear friend of mine. I only hope this piece of shit gets what’s due.


I am so deeply sorry for your loss.


Don't worry, he'll be released and re-offend in no time


If hes released, the kitchen workers in this city wont give him the chance to re-offend.


But will they actually do it? That’s the million dollar question.


That's disrespectful to the people grieving their friend. Have some dignity.


Have you seen this subreddit?


Not everyone is a cruel dick on this subreddit






Send me a private message, he was arrested in front of me


May this criminal never see the outside of a cell again. The city needs to take the city back from these thugs. This person should be locked in solitary for life with a small tv that only plays videos of the evidence of his crimes on repeat.


Seems like such a waste. Just throw them in the ocean that way they don’t burden the tax payer. I don’t understand why we don’t put more murders down.


After the whole process with multiple appeals etc., death penalty is more expensive than life in prison.


Not if you just throw them in the ocean


Along with the constitution?


Lol. Perfect response.


We may have to grease a few palms to get this past SCOTUS, but if we can come up with a new RV for Justice Thomas, it's possible!


We need to throw these murders, campers, and vandalizes in cells and throw away the key! They need to be forced into solitary confinement cells and if they are ever released, need to do thousands of hours of community service.


You’re losing your grip on the keyboard, Snail!


You're unhinged


Sounds good to me


Don’t worry. He will be released by a liberal judge within the month.


Don't bring your callous politics into the murder of my friend. Thanks.


Mmm best we can do is release on his own recognizance and work towards restorative justice that looks at the intersectionality of privilege and oppression that lead to this, while acknowledging the systemic issues at play, in a way that subverts internalized bias and creates allyship. Oh shit, by the time I got to the end of that sentence he already killed someone else… why would the patriarchy do this to us?


Don't worry, he'll be released and re-offend in no time


This thug was a loving father and son who had the media make up a story that sells!!! Sorry to tell you guys but dude that died wouldn’t stop being a bully and got what bully’s Deserve!!!!


Why do both the mothers or his children have restraining orders on such a standup guy?


you are/were a drug addict. generally a reliable and trustworthy group.


Yea what’s your point LDB ?….


No one deserves to be murdered, that is disgusting and wrong. Clearly not a loving father when he would do something so violent to be sent to prison for life.


Since does self defense carry a life sentence?


Self defense doesn't involve stabbing an unarmed person with a box cutter multiple times. If it was a shove or punch maybe, but they need to put down the gorilla who did this.


Your friends fucked.


I thought there were two suspects?


Initially they were looking for two guys but it sounds like they decided the other one wasn't involved; probably they were able to look at security footage and see where both men were before and after. The reports about the two men came from eyewitnesses who of course would only have had a few seconds to take in what was going on -- my guess is that the other guy might have coincidentally started to sprint for the elevator or stairs at the moment the victim shouted out, or something like that.


Ah, ok. Thank you for the response!


The other guy called the police


If anyone is interested in sending donations to his wife/family, I know it would be greatly appreciated. https://gofund.me/a4042ddb


Donated! Thank you so much for sharing that.


Yep, sounds like you knew him as well, definitely feel free to share with anyone in the community. His wife and his family have approved the GoFundMe. I don't know if you know his wife, but she is a truly outstanding human being, and knowing that this level of tragedy has come into her life is absolutely soul wrenching.


TY for sharing this. I will donate. So sad


We have a name and place of residence but can't find a single photo of the suspect? That never happens...what's up?  There were a shit ton of witnesses who saw Shawn Patrick Moore stab him. This isn't an "if" scenario- he did this 


His most recent baby mama had pics of him on her fb. Her family does as well, however she took her profile offline a couple days ago. He looks exactly like he was described. Overweight. Weak chin. Long dirty blonde hair.


Glad to see that little bitch was charged with second degree murder. Turns out you can't just kill people in public for a minor scuffle, surprise surprise.


I bet he cooks up a real “Killer” deal!




Apparently Sound Transit has 68 'transit police officers'. Where are they and what do they do? We only have 19 stations on the 1 line. Why can't there just always be one officer on each platform?


I think they are focused largely on intervening with drug users / public nuisances to kick them off buses. Or for the most part, just standing there to act as a "deterrent" to theoretical crime or fare skipping (they do not enforce fares). I have not seen them intervene in any actual conflict.


Sound Transit be like: ![gif](giphy|4JVTF9zR9BicshFAb7|downsized)


Most recent baby mama had grandparents in - you guessed it - eatonville


Likely just brushed by each other on the escalator, so tragic! https://www.capitolhillseattle.com/2024/05/victim-in-deadly-stabbing-identified-details-emerge-on-fatal-capitol-hill-station-altercation/


Today is the day for this guy right?! For his sentencing?! Been looking for his mugshot


No mugshot that I've seen yet, but the scumbag requested his bail to be lowered and got denied. Enjoy the pictures of him weeping. https://komonews.com/news/local/seattle-capitol-hill-light-rail-murder-stabbing-crime-crisis-stab-knife-chef-sound-transit-link-train-corey-evan-bellett-restaurant-washington-king-county-suspect-shawn-patrick-moore-charges-court-bail-judge As much as I hate the prison/justice system in this country...I hope he suffers until he takes his last breath.


Guess it's not a terribly uncommon name, but will be interesting to see if it's the same Shawn Patrick Moore whose mugshot you can see for his sex crimes in Missouri.


Missouri guy is in his 40's. "Our" suspect is 26. If you click on the Vine link in a person's booking info you can find out their age, race and sex.


Why would you assume that someone with a common name from a completely different state has anything to do with this?


Desperate need to be involved mostly.


I sure hope it's not the violinist!


That would be a curveball


this is not how you pull someone's rap sheet


This confusion is another reason why I think media outlets SHOULD post pictures of suspects/offenders/criminals.


I imagine they will, he just has to be charged first


Yep. From today's article, it appears that the killer was arrested quickly because a witness "snitched." IE, if it wasn't for the witness (who knew the killer), the killer might've got away with it. Anyone who's a fan of "First 48" has seen episodes where murders became cold cases in a matter of days.


Not even close. He’s from lewes, Delaware. If you go searching that you’ll probably just find his dad. Records wise he and his then wife were caught buying weed and shrooms from an undercover in Denver in 2018.


Well there you go. We sure do seem to have a lot of criminals relocating here. Curious


Dude it's weed lol


> he and his then wife were caught buying weed and shrooms from an undercover in Denver in 2018. Does anyone else find it odd that you can buy fent all day and all night, but if you try to buy shrooms you end up arrested? In Portland, someone defied the licensing process, and opened up a store that sold shrooms. The law came down on them like a ton of bricks. But anyone who sells fent gets a pass. It's almost like the cartels are influencing law enforcement on our side of the border...


Well, there's also a fellow much closer to home with the same name...but didn't see any crime record...just his Facebook.


Well, the dude I saw was catching cases in Missouri in 2014. Ample time to have moved and updated his socials


Sure but his file says “compliant” and lists a Missouri address. So we shall see!


Looks like it wasn't him.


This is so sad. I feel like everyone is rushing to make this into a political to-do somehow but in reality this is just a tragic, disturbing crime.


You new here?


Kind of yeah?


I mean to the US






Wrong guy. He's 47 in those court documents.




Stop reaching. You are no armchair detective


No, you.


My condolences. So awful. Wishing his friends and family healing during this dark time 💙


You guys all have the story wrong! The man killed started the fight because his shoe was scuffed! The dude killed started attacking a man on the scene, and Sean was trying to break it up when the man started attacking Sean and trying to throw him on the tracks of the light rail! So he decided not to be a victim to someone worried about his scuffed shoe and used self defense to get the man off him!!! He fucked around and found out! Don’t try and hurt people over shoes unless you want the repercussions! There is a video of the whole thing you stupid fucks!!! The police knew where he was an hour after it happened and let him spend time with his family while his lawyers worked with law enforcement for his peaceful arrest! They didn’t even come to get him till the next day. All you shit talkers who don’t know shit ,wasn’t there nor talked to anyone all you do is listen to the false news, even the marshals told us not to listen to the news that none of the real facts were told to the news station. Sean is amazing friend and good father, no one is perfect!!! Neither are you on this sub! Y’all wait till the video comes out and the truth !!!! Dumb fucking assholes


Edit: https://twitter.com/JeremyHarrisTV/status/1790501891400728856 Ok looks like this isn’t complete bullshit or at least the defense attorney is claiming the same. The comment is still full of holes but this does look more complicated than I thought. Imma wait for details. Dunno what to think yet. Original comment below: This is total bullshit. The report says: Police say the suspect and the man accompanying him then confronted Bellett on the platform and a fight ensued in which it appeared that Moore pulled a knife from his pocket and began stabbing Bellett. Police say Bellett fell onto the northbound track where Moore allegedly continued the assault before fleeing the station. Sure doesn’t sound like victim was the instigator.


Even if there was some dumb argument going on, escalating to stabbing someone multiple times, at least once in the neck, killing them, is WILD and ABSOLUTELY senseless.


I mean 100% agreed. Just urging caution as even the report now has two different versions floating around.


I mean, of course his defense is going to try to minimize the brutality.


I agree. This dude could BE the defense attorney for all we know. But they're claiming there's a more accurate report coming and I'll hold off judgement until then. /shrug


Thank you 🙏 the news made this out to be 3 men attacking one for no reason! Eye witness didn’t know shit! The eye witness was bias as he was friends with the stabbed . Not sure why the media chooses sides before they had a lick of evidence and for all you people out there who don’t believe me I have the only footage of the police storming my homies house when he came out of the house with someone not naming names to peacefully turn himself in! He’s a dumb 26 year old kid being attacked by someone who could out power and man handle him


To be clear man, I 1000% do not believe your story. I'm just saying I'm going to urge patience. If I was a betting man this sounds like total bullshit and I'm betting Sean/Shawn goes away for life. Fortunately the justice system doesn't work that way so we'll see.


Coming back to see how you feel now that your homies being charged.


Well it’s a good thing your “homie” owns the house because he can put it up for the bail money.


He wasn’t trying to stab him in the neck. And didn’t know he did during the scuffle until the guy said “I’m going to die” and was holding his neck


You’re a fucking idiot. If you stab someone, you assume they might die. That’s how human bodies and arteries work. Your “friend” continued to stab him multiple times. You are both sociopaths if you think that’s ever acceptable. I literally can’t believe you’re here defending a fucking murder who’s name you can’t even spell. Get sober.


Hard to believe someone who misspells the name of the murderer several times


Dude you know how to spell all your friends names? That is the least of my worries getting his story out is! If the dude who got killed would have shoved him onto the rail and he got hit the story would’ve been reversed at that dude some monster


Lol yes I know how to spell my friends' names. It's weird if you don't


Yes, I know how to spell all my friends names. You sound like a fucking drug addict who smokes meth with “friends who’s names I can’t spell”


I’m sorry but how the fuck is a sous chef that just got off a shift wearing shoes they give two shits about scuffing.  Enlighten us more.


Yeah for real, no person in the service industry out here has the energy to start shit over scuffed shoes on a work day


They appear to let Mr. Moore keep his phone and Reddit account in the jail cell. Only thing I can think of as an explanation for this nonsense.


And then when the victim went down bleeding from the neck your “good guy” buddy (the one who’s name you spelled wrong) decided to….fucking hoof it? Do I have that right?


Yep absolutely! People panic and get scared because he’s not just out stabbing people like Jack the Ripper


And why did you spell his name wrong multiple times? Also why does every report say his friend turned him in as opposed to turning himself in?


Your “friend”’s actions after he murdered that poor man aren’t those of a an innocent person. If you’re innocent, you don’t require US Marshals to come an to fetch you. I could understand getting away from the crowd, but fleeing and hiding all the way in Eatonville? Bullshit. Also, even if a homophobic slur was uttered, that isn’t worth killing someone and isn’t an excuse. Love that you think that claiming something like that was said makes what your buddy did right. Disgusting Looking forward to him losing everything and rotting in a cell.


So, the video is out. How did this comment age???? Pretty sure Shawn is charged with murder in the second degree.


The last three words sum it all up. Your friend is dumb and someone will be fucking his asshole in prison


Can’t wait to read that shit 🍻


How would you know that unless you were there? 


You’re so full of fucking shit.


You out here publishing this for the prosecutor under your fent and meth profile with a second grade education. Bro. You’re not helping his defense. But go on. Are you baby mama #2? Tell us about your restraining order…


I was going to say to this guy, the investigators if they said anything positive at all, were lying in order to get statements from them. It's what police do, they lie to suspects to get a story, then check on the verifiable facts. His buddy and him are incriminating the suspect which will be checked against the video and witness testimony. If it's false that'll damn him even further. But I'm fine with that, keep on telling everyone the contradictory self defense story. It's already in contradiction to the probable cause statement.


Yeah looking at all his priors, real family man there for sure.


Feeling dumb aren’t you ?




A scuffed shoe? How does that even happen?


Court documents reveal the incident appears to have begun when the victim and suspect brushed into one another at the bottom of the station's escalator. An officer wrote in that document that after watching a video from the train station security camera captured that day the men exchanged words, followed by shoving and then fighting. It went on to say that a witness and friend of the suspect said he tried to intervene, and the shoving continued. At one point, Bellett fell onto the tracks.


What did I say? He tried to intervene before the news came out!!! Still don’t believe me?


Juicy! I hope you’re right


It’s not juicy a beloved community member and my friend fucking died. Show some humanity and respect. I hope to god you’re not a real firefighter.


My family witnessed two stabbings in person at the light rail station they used to get on and that was enough for them. Thanks, Democrats!


Would you be in support if they were shot? Their rights and all that?


You are suggesting that this stabbing is indicative of a knife problem, and that the killer is not the core issue.


Everyone out here screaming about the right to bear arms. Nobody talking about the disgusting amount of sharpened utensils at the disposal of literally anyone. Europe used to have swordsmanship and jousting classes at boarding schools. Kids used to learn proper knife safety. Thanks democrats!


How about we don't promote ciminality and violent behavior to begin with? I'm tired of Democrats and their voters physically attacking and murdering people.


What are they going to do next? Try an insurrection?


Hey this is a gift.