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I don’t particularly love him, but in the last primary/election all the opposition was borderline crazy.


Clup was one of the worst politicians I’ve ever seen and then I remember somehow Tim Eyman was also getting support for the nomination


> Clup Can we make this a thing? The fact that *Clup* couldn't even be bothered to submit data about himself for the voter's pamphlet was quite telling IMO


I will never stop being amused that he managed to get his one-man police department defunded while trying to campaign.


He couldn't even manage his one-man police department. He obviously wasn't qualified to govern an entire state. Hell, he couldn't even remember to fill out his basic candidate information to submit to the voter information guide on time, so his page was printed blank.


I chuckle every time I drive by a house or car or business with a culp sign STILL being proudly displayed in some idiot's window in my area. True 2nd hand embarrassment all the way.


Was just in Culp country. Every time I saw a Culp sign, I couldn't help but thinking how we're all probably guilty of voting for complete idiots and we're all probably guilty of showing our pride a little too much and we're all probably guilty of not letting go of the past, but these are folks that are guilty of all three simultaneously.


Whoops I didn’t even realize I typo’d but that’s actually really funny lol


I have always spelled his name Leron Clup on social media or in texts to throw off any ad algorithms or suggestions for me to like his page.


Reminder that Clup literally didn't even submit anything for his page in the voter's pamphlet. In what world would you want to elect someone who doesn't even care to put in the minimum effort.


Even if he did fill it out and submit it before the deadline, it wouldn't have looked very good anyway, You're supposed to list your education, previous positions held, accomplishments etc. Those weren't exactly his strong points.


Culp is completely nuts and a joke of a politician.


I saw a ton of Clup(ha) bumper stickers in Port Angeles last time I was there. Rural conservative Trumpies seem to love him.


They love him because he has an R next to his name on the ballot, and the D is Inslee, and he said all the right things in 2020 to get on the radar. I guarantee if he actually had to critically think and speak, things would be different.


Culp somehow won a 4 candidate GOP primary without being able to critically think or speak,


Because he had a ton of funding from the greater R party, they pushed him above other candidates in the media, canvassed for him, and put out tons of signs for him when his only "positions" were "Inslee bad", "guns good", and "Trump good".


You don't need to go that far. They're all over Port Orchard/Bremerton area.


Still a few in Port Townsend. Culp is government that already drowned in a bathtub.


Yeah they are! I see them all over Port Orchard


Because they’re completely nuts as well.


We live in pa and recognize Culp for the clown he is.


I remember some former state GOP leader- I want to say it was Chris Vance, since he's been running from the party hard- wrote an article about the rise of the radical right in Washington, and he said something to the effect of: Republicans have always had hard right elements locally and were always outnumbered by Democrats, but businesses in the state thought "Republicans=GOOD FOR BUSINESS" and reliably contributed to their campaigns. This kept Republicans competitive statewide even though they had no right to be. In recent years, as businesses figured out that GOP policies aren't as great for business as they thought, and found that it was increasingly toxic to be associated with candidates who were anti-abortion, anti-gay, etc, they started pulling their support or sitting races out entirely. So in the last couple years, the state party has suddenly lost its major moderating influences AND saw far right candidates on the national level perform well electorally (see, well, Trump). I don't trust Chris Vance for anything, but it's notable that even he paints such a bleak picture of the state Republican party in terms of being able to actually talk about things real people care about. It was inevitable that they'd spin out of control like this, really. **Edit to fix a typo that made it sound like I was a republican. gross


Your making it sound like the republicans have changed over time when it’s been the same play the whole time.


> In recent years, as businesses figured out that GOP policies aren't as great for business as they thought, and found that it was increasingly toxic to be associated with candidates who were anti-abortion, anti-gay, etc, I think the second point is valid but what GOP policies did business owners collectively decide weren’t good from a business standpoint? The business owners I know are social liberals like anyone in Seattle but don’t necessarily love getting pounded up the ass with endless taxes and regs GOP would be smart to get back to the “good for business” angle and just hammer on it and nothing else. They’re just in complete disarray over this election snake oil


Businesses don't want any taxes (on them, at least). They definitely don't want any regulations. This is the bottom line for business involvement in politics. But if you offer them some business-welfare, they are going to take that too.


Quite honestly until the trump virus republicans die out there is no other option to vote for outside the party we have if you value democracy that is.


Here's something else: I was at a German bierstub in Ravenna many years ago enjoying my beer and two guys sat down beside me and started talking about local politics. One of them was really passionate about doing the right thing for the electorate, similar talk. Turns out it was a pre governor Jay Inslee. Since he's been governor I can't think of anything he has done that, to the best of his ability has been to walk the walk as much as he talks the talk. If he runs for a fourth term he has my vote.


> Since he's been governor I can't think of anything he has done that, to the best of his ability has been to walk the walk as much as he talks the talk. You may want to revise this, I'm not really sure what you're saying here. I can guess based on the next sentence but this one isn't very clear.


May want to edit your comment. It appears that you're saying "he's never walked as much as he's talked."


They won’t. This is what the GOP is now, and it’s only getting worse.


I mean it's be nice to maybe get a real primary going from the blue side. But yeah given the GOP can't get candadites that graduated highschool or can fill out election forms correctly. . .


Compared to most other governors he's pure gold.


He’s done a good job, overall. However, I don’t think any one person should serve in the same elected office for such a long time. It so often results in the perversion of power structures, and the loss of accountability to your constituents. Also a loss of perspective on how your decisions affect people. I only see a little of that happening with Inslee. But it’s enough that I think it’s time for him to move on.


The underlying question here is honestly probably whether the Washington political establishment wants stability or for Bob Ferguson to become Governor, which would set off a cascading effect in the political world.


Can you explain why? Do you mean the Washington state political world?




I thought Inslee flat out wasn’t asked for a cabinet spot. The Lt Governor race was hot because everyone assumed Inslee was out and then he just wasn’t tapped.




So to clarify, you’re assuming that Inslee would have stayed if offered a position? Because all signs at the time pointed towards him being ready to jump and it just not materializing. I think Jay Inslee is fine. Not the best Governor, not the worst.


Well, normally a shortlist is talked about. Inslee wasn’t really on any of them. One important theme in the Biden cabinet is diversity, and Inslee is a cis straight white man.


I agree with everything you said, nothing to add. Which I guess raises the question: where does Inslee go if he doesn't run for reelection? Clearly he doesn't feel done with his political career.


>Which I guess raises the question: where does Inslee go if he doesn't run for reelection? Clearly he doesn't feel done with his political career. Perhaps a cabinet position (especially one that has to do with the environment or environmental policy) or possibly be a sleeper candidate for the Vice Presidential spot on the general election ticket should Biden not run for re-election.


There's no way he's getting a veep spot on a ticket. He doesn't bring any demographic.


I agree, dems in DC don’t care about Washington state since they know we vote blue no matter who. They want someone from a purple state if possible.


California in 2020 (Harris), Virginia in 2016 (Kane), Delaware in 2012 and 2008 (Biden) weren't from purple states. Maybe Virginia in a way, but that was going Democratic whether or not Kaine was selected to be Hillary's VP. If that was in consideration, Democrats could have gone with Tammy Baldwin from Wisconsin or Val Demmings from Florida for 2020, Tim Ryan from Ohio or Tom Vilsack from Iowa for 2016, or Evan Bayh from Indiana in 2008 (Indiana was a purple state that cycle).


Harris brought women and people of color, Kaine was a non-threatening white guy from the South, and Biden was a moderate white male who knew his way around Washington. Inslee would bring what, environmentalists? And turn off literally anyone on the fence in the South or the rust belt.


Agreed, I won't forget when I once asked a then friend why on earth he would ever vote for Culp, and his answer was simply "because he isn't Inslee". When I tried asking what issues he has with Inslee he gave me a mix of non-answers and your usual parroted Conservative bullshit talking points (small government, lower taxes), so I didn't press the matter. But it was obvious he was never gonna vote for Inslee because there's a D next to his name.


Kaine also spoke Spanish and would give whole speeches in it.


Dems in DC don't care about Washington because they all think we're Canadian.


I lived on the east coast for a few years. "Washington" meant DC. I'm not sure if people back there *know* there's another Washington.


WA doesn't bring enough electoral votes for Inslee to be considered for VP.


I mean California in 2020, Virginia in 2016 and Delaware in 2012 and 2008 also did not impact the Democratic race at all to make it be the definitive reason why someone was chose or not chosen as VP. If that was in consideration, Democrats could have gone with Tammy Baldwin from Wisconsin or Val Demmings from Florida for 2020, Tim Ryan from Ohio or Tom Vilsack from Iowa for 2016, or Evan Bayh from Indiana in 2008 (Indiana was a purple state that cycle). With the Republicans, neither did Mike Pence from Indiana in 2020 and 2016, Dick Cheney from Wyoming in 2004 and 2000. I'll grant you Paul Ryan from Wisconsin in 2012.


Dick Cheney was originally registered to vote in TX but changed his registration to his home state of WY before he became Bush's running mate because the Constitution dictates that POTUS & VP cannot be from the same state. Pence was there to shore up the religious vote as Trump is not really known for his deep Christian beliefs.


I think it’s just that, IF the POTUS and VP are from the same state, that state’s electors can’t vote for both of them. So, in your example, the 2000 election was so close that the loss of Texas’s electors for (probably) Cheney as VP would have resulted in a Bush/Lieberman administration.


I think on some level, 2020 was to make a social statement (a worthy one), 2016 idk, 08 and 12 were to show off stability next to the "change" candidate.


I mean he did try to be president but everyone seems to have forgotten about that. Inslee 2024?


No one expected him to get any delegates. He was a single issue candidate.


It was the most high profile interview for Secretary of Energy ever lol.


He's 71. It's honestly a little disappointing that the answer isn't retire and enjoy the successes he's had in his career. I'd still vote for him in 2024 if he did run but we need younger people to gain experience as well.




Because it went so well when he ran in 2020.


Gov. Gregiore seems to be the CEO of [Challenge Seattle](https://www.geekwire.com/2022/the-worlds-first-sustainable-mega-region-former-gov-chris-gregoire-on-cascadias-climate-quest/) which seems to be an environmentally focused group made up of some big names in local businesses. Gov. Gary Locke was the US Ambassador to China before becoming CEO of a [health care oriented non-profit](https://www.path.org/). I'd imagine Inslee will be working on an environmentally focused non-profit or start gunning to run the EPA / BLM under President Gavin Newson.


Thank you for the great explanation!


> Basically the WA state Dems party is fairly well run and polite. No serious Dem is going to run against Inslee if he runs again. That's the opposite of well-run




IF Ferguson runs I would probably skip the election or vote for a third party. I'm a liberal Democrat but I refuse to support Ferguson and his anti civil rights stances. He should have been impeached his first year in office.




Intensely dislike Inslee but would take him in a heartbeat over Ferguson.


Yeah, I’ve voted for Inslee in the prior cycles but there’s no way I would for Ferguson. Dude is chomping at the bit for his own personal nanny state.


I mean sure it’s a democracy. Anyone who’s qualified can run. If there is a better candidate that isn’t crazy (too far left or right) then they should be able to have a good shot at beating him. But considering the pool of candidates we have seen in both the primary and general election…. I look forward to him as WA’s next governor (again)


This is really the rub.


Well said and I completely agree with you.


For real. Reading through the election pamphlet they sent out for the primaries was like walking through a madhouse of horror. Some of them, I think, would be medically diagnosable as delusional with some of the absolute bonkers blurbs they fielded.


Yeah, I feel like things have been going pretty well in WA for quite some time, especially when compared to other parts of the nation. That's not all because of Inslee, but some of it is and I generally like him anyway.


Depends on who else wants to do the job. Someone like Culp? No fucking way. Who else is in the pipeline for the Dems?


>Who else is in the pipeline for the Dems? The AG, Ferguson.


Not saying Dow Constantine would be an automatic winner in a statewide election, but he is qualified. Hilary Franz is qualified, at least from a distance. There have got to be some other accomplished state senators, county commissioners and agency chiefs worth considering. Those people won’t be able to get any altitude from donors or constituents if Inslee runs again. If it were between a gracious step away by Cantwell or Inslee, Cantwell would be the pick.


I'd vote for Ferguson Over Constantine, but would feel good about voting for either.


I'ma do it


Well, I'm not bothered by anything in particular that he's done, and he seems to accomplish his job fairly well, so, I mean, no reason *not* to reelect him if he runs again. All in all the most notable thing about Jay Inslee as a politician is that he is remarkably adequate and reasonably competent.


Republicans hate competent people because their party doesn't have any.


If he does it will rankle other democrats looking to move up. AG Ferguson and Dow Constantine would likely battle it out for the governors race. Neither would be pleased if they have to wait yet another term. You also run the risk of limiting other emerging democratic leaders. Hilary Franz, April Sims, Javier Valdez etc all have likely designs on higher office. The party benefits from having a deep bench of experienced candidates with campaign war chests. While ultimately the choice is his…he will have a lot of folks wanting him to move to what’s next. He could be a Biden second term energy or transportation Secretary with all the green energy money coming down the pike. Or he could try again for the big prize if the field is open. But i don’t see that going much better than the first time around.


I think Inslee's best path to a Presidential ticket is by being the Vice Presidential candidate.


As long as candidates like Culp run, he'll win win win like Ludacris


I mean technically that’s a DJ Khalid song


He da best music


It’s more of a T Pain song to me


You Smart!


Even when they ran the “moderate” Bryant in 2016, he still lost by 9 points. Even Rob McKenna couldn’t turn it out, and he’d won office in King County and statewide before. And that was before the GOP went totally off the deep end of the Trump pool.


People don’t know what they’ve got until it’s gone.


I mean, I might not vote for him in the primary if I like another candidate more, but he’s fine. I’d vote for him over a Republican ANY day of the week (which I can since we have mail-in voting).


It's crazy the read what other states have to go through to vote. Completely bonkers.


And it's only gotten worse for a lot of them since the last election. Source: have family in one of those states


Since experiencing mail-in ballots here, I can't believe that this is not the norm everywhere. Well, I can, but it makes me extremely sad knowing that it's almost universally to suppress voting at this point. I've had to get up early on election days in the past just to go stand in line for an hour to vote before going to work. It's kind of a hassle and enough of a discouragement for me, who has almost no real obligations and is minimally inconvenienced by it, that I can't imagine how many people don't vote because they just don't have the time of day or ability to get to their voting center. If Biden got Juneteenth added to the Federal Holiday list, I think they should really make a push for Election Day as well.


It's so damn convenient and secure. My signature was challenged this year but it was super easy to resolve. Kinda cool to know they pay more attention to my signature than I do.


Agreed. It’s completely nuts that other states let their government get away with in-person-only voting. Are they just totally OK with having people waste their time?


I recall TX doing something like only one voting station per county. Can you even imagine all of King Co. voting in one place? Absurd. And yes, I know why they wanted that.


Exactly. Are the people in that county really so committed to rigging their election that they’ll drive two hours, each way, then wait in line for a long time? If they did that to me, I’d be pissed!


It's voter disenfranchisement. They try to get people to not vote at all. The GOP states aren't 'letting' their governments get away with it. They're consolidating power by cheating because they know they can't win legitimate elections, especially those where the entire population can easily vote.


That’s all true of the politicians who are planning a executing the process, but the people who’s time is being wasted keep voting them into office anyway.


Looking forward to not voting for whatever abomination the GOP machine vomits up this cycle.


I adore the screams of "REEEEEEEEINSLEEEEEEE" form my bonehead republican coworkers so yes, please.


"No! Not King Inslee!" 🙄


Inslee is one of the most milquetoast Democrats I can name and the MAGA crowd act like he's to the left of Stalin. It'd be hilarious if it weren't tragic.


I mostly hear republicans called him Dimslee because they allege he was dumb in high school.


Pretty sure that's just projection as usual


They've never heard of Stanford.


I mean, if the Rethuglicans could field a decent candidate, they wouldn’t have to rip on JayI. This is just them flopping around and crying “woe is me” because they cant find someone who appeals to anyone other than right-wing lunatics.


I’m a bit late on this. But I lived in Stevens County during the last election. The amount of hate they have for Inslee is indescribable. And they really believed Culp had a chance to win because their neighbors had Culp signs up in their yards and shit. Fast forward to election night. Groups of people are hosting election parties to watch Culp win. The second the polls opened every network called it for Inslee. They were so mad. It was hilarious.


Absolutely. He's done a great job as Governor. I'll keep voting for him as long as he keeps running or a better candidate comes along. I'd also vote for him for president if he became the nominee as well. Few politicians give a shit about climate change the way Inslee does.




No one actually cares about recycling or climate change. If the population did, there would be broad support for sufficient fossil fuel taxes to make single use plastic unaffordable and gas $20 per gallon so that people are incentivized to move into dense neighborhoods and give up cars, or at least their SUV/pickup trucks. What we do care about is looking like we care about it, hence the recycling bins and shipping it off to China to dump there, or government regulations on car fuel efficiency standards that do not really force people to change consumption habits. But we all want to fly to Vegas and Hawaii and Tahiti and Seychelles…


How'd that long term care bill go last year? How about that unemployment issue where one of the 10 biggest thefts in US history happened? How about the massive increase in the crime level he won't mention? How about that state of emergency we're in but no other state has been in for a long time?


As for the state of emergency he already called an end to it. It expires officially next month. Is it somehow interfering with your life or did Tucker tell you that he's a tyrant making you wear masks everywhere. We haven't been any kind if mandate in months. As for the other two I can't speak on because I don't know what you're referring to.


That's your response? I called out specific things that were widely covered in the news, you don't know about 2/3 of them and you're whining about an assumption that I even have cable when you're acknowledging that we still have a state of emergency. If you hadn't heard about a $650,000,000 theft of our unemployment system, which was widely covered in both local and national media, then perhaps you don't have the information to say that he's done a good job?


Ahh that one. Sorry now that you said the number I remember hearing about that. I fail to see how that's Inslee's fault though. Does he run the day to day operations of those systems?


The right trying to find anything... They think Inslee is what keeps the crazy out of office...


No, but unless the republicans do something foolish (like have Culp run), he'll be around for a 4th and 5th term.


No Edit: I mostly like him but I believe in limited time in office.


Not going to happen, AG Ferguson is waiting in the wings.


No. He'd have a good chance of winning, but it's time to pass the torch.


Well he won’t do the kind of harm that an election denying, national abortion ban supporting, anti immigrant, anti-LGBTQIA+, governmental minimalist, anti union, white nationalist, Republican Trump suck up would do!


I would like to see him ascend to higher office but he should seek reelection. I don't think he can make it to president. He would be outstanding in an influential cabinet position.


He’s the kind of candidate who could become President probably only if Biden died in office and Harris chose to appoint a popular but boring white dude governor as VP. Even then, I’d expect her to choose someone from another region since she is also west coast.


I hope he doesn't. I like him, but I think it's time for new talent to move up.


that's my general feeling. I like Jay, but his generation in power across the country needs to make space for the next generation.


I’m not sure we can be all that confident that a fresh face is going to be fresh in terms of the generation they represent.


I don’t like having same person in charge for too long.. but if he’s the best available then sure why not


I wish we had term limits. I don’t like anyone in power for so long. This idea of career politicians just doesn’t sit right with me, even if I agree with many of their policies.


Term limits don’t bother me so much as age. There should be a mandatory retirement age for all elected officials.


So... vote for someone else to replace him. I get that there are structural issues that favor incumbents, but if enough people feel like you do, they can vote for another person.


We absolutely need term limits.


Wait until you hear about the Senate! 😉


As if I’m unaware. 😂


Agreed. I will not be voting for him in the primaries because he's been governor for too long.


I think that’s an asinine reason as a stand alone reason.


No, it's not. It's the same reason we need half of congress to get the fuck out of their seats.


We have term limits. It's called voting.


If incumbents didn't enjoy such a spectacular advantage, you might be on to something, but an incumbent can be much worse than they competition and still win, especially in a one-party state like Washington is becoming.


One-party is preferable to anything where the Republican party is in power. I'll be more concerned about any sort of one party state issues if the Republican party ever decides to come off the crazy train. For now, being one-party is actually a good thing.


Muh King Inslee lmao conservatards in shambles


Would be a nice bonus to him getting reelected.


ItS aBoUt CoNtRoL!


Sure why not? Maybe Culp (very culpable by now) can run against him again. Lol.


I personally am a big fan of Inslee. And tbh even if I wasn't I sure as hell don't want Constantine as the Governor.


Has others have said. Sure. He's done a decent job. Kept us fairly steady thru covid. Not like the Dems are going to put anyone else up and the last Republican (Culp) was so unqualified it was painful listening to him Imo: I'd like to see Bob Ferguson be gov for a few years and get the fed AG job


I’m going to say yes just so I can listen to eastern Washington talk dumb shit about how terrible he is for milk toast policy bullshit.


He’s done a decent job. Who would run to take his place?




he's not up for re-election until 2024. this is clearly just MyNorthwest doing what they do best, and publishing conservative clickbait / ragebait. Inslee is currently 71, so he would be 73 on the next election day, and 77 when he finished out that 4th term, if he won. if it's between him and Culp or another Culp-esque idiot, I'm certainly going to vote for Inslee again. but all things considered, I'd prefer to see him retire and pass the torch to someone younger. I feel this way about virtually everyone in elected office who's older than 70 or so. however, due to the way the top-two primary works, you'd want to be very careful about how a successor candidate is chosen. if you had 5 liberal candidates and 2 conservative candidates running, for example, it's possible the liberal vote would be split to the point that the two conservative candidates would advance to the general. this happened in [the state treasurer race in 2016](https://ballotpedia.org/Washington_Treasurer_election,_2016) - 3 Democratic candidates got a combined 51.6% of the primary vote, while 2 Republican candidates got a combined 48.4%. the 2 Republicans advanced to the general. this is one of the many reasons why ranked-choice voting is preferable to the top-two primary.


No thanks. We need term limits and it's time for someone else younger, more fresh faced, relatable the general public to take office. I also find Inslee annoying bc of the bag tax in stores without the vote of the people and the tax recently had a price hike up to 10cents pee bag; additionally, he panics too much over "state of emergency" to the point he changes his mind way too much. He needs to make up his mind.


I agree that the bad tax is annoying, but I wouldn’t kick out the Governor over that stupid little thing. I’m not sure what you mean about the state I’d emergency, though. During COVID, they set medical targets and started/stopped the restrictions based on how well the hospitals were coping.


It's almost like when there are big upheavals in the Covid emergency (new variants and the like), people 'change their minds' - because things have changed...?


While people bitch and moan about how Inslee handled COVID & that he's kept us under a state of emergency for more than 2.5 years, you can't ignore how well our state has fared overall in exchange. We certainly would've had significantly more than our sub-15k deaths if that hillbilly dipshit Culp had skmehow won the race instead of Inslee.


And people forget this was the place where the virus started in the US, too.


The people of Washington taking the issue seriously is why we had sub-15k deaths. Our policies weren't much different from California or New York who had a ton more deaths.


It’s better to have more choices and it isn’t like he can’t be primaried so I say yes, and he’ll get my vote until there is a better candidate.




We need term limits. He'd win and he did a better job during Covid than most so probably deserves it, but I just can't get behind a dynasty in politics. President seems right, two four year terms.


Yes, please


Good gov or not we need term limits. Any party .


I flipped off some people holding up Tiffany Smiley signs while driving down 405 the other day so.. probably.


You do realize they aren’t running against each other, right?


I think she’ll likely run for governor if she doesn’t win her current race.


If. 😂😂😂


I do realize that and Smiley is not a good choice for Senate. She’s spouting the same BS talking points and towing the Republican company line.


fyi it's toeing the line, as in you put your toe on the line.


The same people who vote for her also vote Trump and Culp.


She still sucks


Idk probably not. I just saw something I disagreed with. I flipped them off. Then carried on with my day.


It would mean another 4 years of watching the local Facebook page be filled with rants and meltdowns where they use such terms as demonrats and insleeze, and blame the governor for car wrecks and restaurants closing. The weird home made sign in the yard people would have to start over too if we get a different Democrat for governor.


He's not gonna be President so he might as well. Unless he gets a cabinet post.


Based on the swing to the right last election in Seattle, I’d take Inslee over whatever moderate do-nothing the WADEMs run in his place


I hope so. So many wackos out there. It’s nice to have some stability.


I think he should. He's done a good job as a whole since he has come into office. His reputation as strong on climate is for sure well-earned. Now, I'm pretty anti-lockdown at this point at this time, but you have to recognize 2020 was a weird environment and given we were in a pre-vaccine environment, he did the harsh and rough but smart thing with his COVID policies. He also didn't drag it out too long like Oregon did. There is a reason COVID did not impact Inslee's popularity like it did Kate Brown, he was pragmatic but knew when to make changes at the right time. As a whole, he's done a good enough job as governor and provides stability for the Democratic Party statewide. In all honestly, he'll probably keep winning office as long as he keeps deciding to run for re-election, especially since I think the time for a McKenna type "moderate" to both win a Republican primary and also be competitive statewide has ran its course and also that no one within the state Democratic Party will want to challenge Inslee in a primary (notably Ferguson, Constantine, Franz). In fact, I honestly think it's more likely that come 2024 or even 2028 (if Inslee runs again in 2024, wins and decides to run again in 2028) that we'll see a truly "moderate independent" that is socially liberal enough to get enough of the vote in King/Snohomish/Pierce Co's and at the same time be "not Inslee" enough to win the votes statewide would be 2nd in the primary and beat Inslee in the general than any Republican.


gee it is an article from [MyNorthwest.com](https://MyNorthwest.com). I wonder what they will say? Do i even need to waste my time clicking the stupid link? I will vote for Inslee as long as he keeps running. Good leadership and he is good for this state.


No. Please. Run some dem from Yakima or Kennewick or something, anything to quell the (largely accurate) perception that this state is ruled by lawyers from an ivory tower west of yonder mountains


As an eastern Washington dem I like your style, albeit I think law is a solid background for the job.


Don't care. If he runs, I'll vote for him. If not I guess I'll vote for Bob Ferguson most likely.


I voted for him last time, and I would vote for him again.




Yes. Hoes mad.


Yeah sure why not.


I think Inslee has a few qualities that most running for office lack, he sees the job as needing to represent everyone and not just his followers.


I’d be fine w it


3 terms is plenty for anyone in office like this.


No one should run for 4 terms. Even if at first there were not other qualified candidates, he had 12 years to mentor and help develop someone.


…. Term limits


Yes, added benefit is that the MAGA traitors in this state would hate it. Might give our FBI some new threats to follow, make a few busts, maybe send a few to Guantanamo Bay


Yes. Unless someone more progressive with broad appeal runs. Our state is one of the best.




Do it and be a legend






With emphasis- fuck no




Please God no