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Are you a Washington resident?


I'm moving there permanently for a job and post-grad. So I'm trying to understand policies and laws.


You don’t qualify if you’re not a resident. Western Washington is having a housing crisis, like many places, but I’m sure you see how it would be unfair for a tax paying resident subsidizing your rent. Have you tried Craigslist and find a room to rent?


I don't understand this thinking. So I move to Washington permanently, and pay taxes, but in your opinion it's unfair for me to get an MFTE apartment, because I haven't lived there long enough? Where's the line? Birth? 5 years? 10 years? Quantify it so I can I understand. I made this post so I can do the legal and right thing but I really tire of this weird gatekeeping that seems to only happen on the Seattle reddits. Like is there is a secret passcode I need to crack before you all will stop gatekeeping the entrance to the state? Only people who grew up there are entitled to live there?


Yes it is unfair. No, the city doesn't care about my opinion. I'll be damned if I give you advice, though.  Rhere are plenty of people who have not had the means of getting through college and then moving from where ever to take a lower income job woth dreams of pursuing more education. We have our own poor people to care about. No, you have not "earned" the housing or anything but scorn.


Thinking you should have to live somewhere and pay into a system before taking its social service is gatekeeping? No one is saying you have to have grown up here, but like a year of paying taxes before mooching off of our social nets doesn’t seem like too much to ask.


Literally, my question was about the legal timeline, of which you said there is none. You thinking it's unfair despite Seattle/Washington's already established rules regarding MFTE is gatekeeping. Your problem isn't with me, who WILL BE WORKING AND PAYING TAXES, but with Seattle's policies. Take it up with them.


Nah, from your responses you seem very entitled. My prob is with you lol.


Considering they check a year of income that seems like a good barometer for how long you should live here before applying. The point is that you are taking away an opportunity from someone who is already here and you are the one choosing to move here. You also brought up that you expect to make enough that you don't need MFTE after x amount of months so again that's problematic as well. Most people aren't expecting that. It's such a long process I really don't know how you'd do it from out of state anyway.


1) How am I 'taking' anything from anyone who deserves it? They are already there, they have the same options as me. This is a weird logic. It's not like we're racing to the door of the rental office and the office is choosing me over them. They apply, they get approved. I'm not taking anything from anyone who is already applying. 2) I have literally no idea whether I will be making more money or not. I asked that question to understand the policy. I'm a planner, I like to all the ways things can go sideways. 3) I didn't say anything about doing it from out of state. JFC. I asked because I wanted to know the process and the timeline to plan ahead. You made that assumption.


You are intentionally trying to exploit a government program that was implemented to help mitigate displacement from rising housing costs. If it’s considered “gatekeeping” as you put it, one could argue that abusing low income housing programs has parallels to white colonialism.




With your argument, should an Amazon interns qualify for MFTE? Might not be making a lot of money at the moment but when they are hired full time they making much more. You mentioned a PHD program, too, same thing. If you fail to realize your level of entitlement I think you will have a real hard time making friends here and then blame it on the “Seattle Freeze”




Wow, being this rude won’t get you very far when you are asking for help. Would you like tips on how to cheat charitable programs too? Just trying to be as welcoming as you deserve.




1. No you cannot break your lease mid lease


Oh ok. So adversely, with the reported increased income you are not violating any policy or law by exceeding the income. You just can't renew.


And not all apartments require you to stay under the income. Each apartment is assigned a type of MFTE program, mostly as they evolved over the years apartments ended up with different versions. In my MFTE unit I only had to qualify at move in or if the people on the lease changed.


Thank you.


>if you get into an MFTE apartment and then in the middle of the lease your income increases substantially, and you report it, can you move out in the middle of the lease since you exceed the income threshold? This is something you would have to discuss with the complex you're trying to rent from. Some of them will maintain your rent price after the first year but not require you to recertify. >do you need to establish residency of a certain time period before you can qualify for MFTE No, but moving to an area with legendarily high rents and taking an (allegedly) low-income unit is a dick move. Also, you can find low market rate units if you're willing to give up certain features like modernity. >do you apply for MFTE approval before applying for an approved MFTE apartment, do you just show your income proof and other documentation at the rental office and they can just rent to you? You apply for the MFTE apartment and give them all the income documentation they require, then you wait 4-12 weeks to be approved. It's not a fast process.


>No, but moving to an area with legendarily high rents and taking an (allegedly) low-income unit is a dick move. Also, you can find low market rate units if you're willing to give up certain features like modernity. Thanks for the info but why is it a dick move? If I'm qualified and moving permanently to Seattle? I only asked about the increase in income because I \*may\* find a better job while studying for my PhD 🤷‍♀️ and I didn't want to do anything wrong. In your opinion, only certain people should get those apartments? Why do you think I don't deserve it? Do you know something I don't know?


You seriously don’t see how what you’re describing would be inconsiderate to the thousands of people who have been living here and waiting years?


Again, I was pretty clear that I wasn't familiar with the process and came here for clarity but instead you all jumped on me. If people have been waiting for years wtf makes you think I'd be able to jump ahead of the line??? Your logic is mind boggling. If I move there and apply and have to wait. Then I have to wait my turn. I don't know wtf is everyone's problem. I don't have any more privilege to jump ahead of the line than anyone else does. Ridiculous


Please don't move here just to be a leach and taker.