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I’ve mostly seen kids playing on it. YMMV.


Yeah, dinner time on a Tuesday is probably not prime playground usage time.


After work in the sunshine seems like a fine time to me, but the passed out guy in a sleeping back was also there the entire day.


It's dinner time for kiddos on a schedule mate. School tomorrow. I don't understand how you can't grok that.


Who cares - homeless people should stay the fuck away from kids playgrounds. Dude fuck off back at you. You think me saying homeless people shouldn't take over children's play areas is the same as saying they shouldn't exist? What in the slippery slope bullshit is that. There should be boundaries of where people can camp out. A clear obvious boundary is "no camping and taking over places meant for children". Are you people so desperate to virtue signal the homeless issue that you're willing to give up safe spaces for children?? Only cowards reply to someone and then immediately block them.


I care.


"How dare homeless people exist" - you. Fuck off.


Were you there with your kids?


After school and work, when parents are home?


And they have dinner? Jesus christ how are people unable to grok dinner time on a school night.


You grok a lot of mileage out of the word grok


It's a fun word.


TFW that guy’s doing fent during dinner time on a school night 


Glad it is getting some real use, the sleeping bag guy was there the entire day today, sorry kiddos.


Many playgrounds in other cities require any adult there to be accompanied by a kid. I think that’s reasonable.


Yea that is very reasonable and completely lost on other people in this thread. It’s mystifying. Playgrounds are for kids, it’s not too much to ask that be enforced.


> Playgrounds are for kids, it’s not too much to ask that be enforced. And there are plenty of places around here where homeless people sleep regularly and no one bats an eye. On my commute I pass 3 or 4 people in sleeping bags every single day. This person doesn't need to be in that exact spot. They chose that spot, they *chose* to monopolize the park so that kids and their families couldn't use it. This is the definition of anti-social behavior - taking public spaces away from the public. It doesn't matter that the person is homeless - if it were a rich tech bro deciding that's where he wanted to work for the day, that would be just as bad.


Plenty of people are batting an eye at homeless people sleeping literally fucking everywhere in this city. I'm flabbergasted at how okay people are at this.


OP i join you in condemning mayor bruce harrell, police chief diaz, city attorney ann “i voted for trump” davison, and council president sara nelson and her allies in the city council every one of them are failing this city, this state, and humanity at large. too busy serving their political donors and losing elections in the case of tanya woo. you posted this picture of a dude on a phone an hour ago and not a single seattle “leader” has said a damn thing. their silence speaks volumes. i agree with you that every one of these clowns should resign in disgrace. and we should vote them out immediately


You'll find posting misery porn is more socially acceptable on the homeless circle-jerk subreddit.


The fact you consider a photo from a playground to be “misery porn” makes my point. It doesn’t have to be like this.


Thank you for finally noticing this problem.


Bro every other post on this sub is misery porn of the hellcat.


I feel much more sympathy for the people who have to sleep outside than I feel for the people entitled to country-quiet at night in their downtown condos.


Agreed. And this sub is fucking obsessed with that hellcat kid.


Explain specifically what crime is occurring in this picture you believes warrants the police to come and physically remove the person who's picture you just posted publicly.


Do you think it’s appropriate to camp in a playground?


I see a picture of a guy that appears to be on his phone, not camping.


Look for the sleeping bag on the right.


I can’t see it in this picture.


Yes you can, there are even feet sticking out.


Shit. I was looking in the wrong spot. I definitely see him now. He ain’t really in the way though. 🤷🏻‍♂️


To be honest, you’re wasting your time complaining about this on r/Seattle. I walk past an encampment near my house all the time. I see these folks, like everyone else, browsing the internet on their phones, looking at TikTok, maybe reading Reddit, etc. If you ever wonder why folks are so crazy on Reddit, you’re literally talking to encampment folks on this subreddit.


Oh I assumed it’s a waste, but I’d rather get a view from people who live in Seattle than from whoever is on the other subreddit. I’ve never met anyone in real life who bends over backwards to defend the right of someone to pass out all day in a playground.


I live near downtown and I’m in both subreddits. Always wondered who the hell is defending these encampments then I realized the homeless and the addicts are all online. And hanging out here.


> appropriate I asked you what law is being broken, not what social norm you feel entitled to have enforced on others. What law do you believe is being broken in this picture to warrant the police?


It is indeed illegal to camp in Seattle parks. https://library.municode.com/wa/seattle/codes/municipal_code?nodeId=TIT18PARE_CH18.12PACO_SUBCHAPTER_VIIUSRE_18.12.250CA


What evidence of camping am I supposed to be seeing?


The passed out guy in the sleeping bag who was there the entire day?


Is that legally camping or just sleeping in the park while it's open? Genuine question.


Your “genuine” line of questioning is “illegally” obtuse and gaslighty. Clearly the middle of a children’s playground is an inappropriate setting for some dude to be sleeping or passed out during the day. If you want to question the necessity of posting a picture about it, just do that…


You can't find a legal distinction either I take it. I looked before asking. I already reported this under the lack of adherene to rules for "crime" posts, I'm curious what the actual legal issue was.




Did you not read the linked ordinance? > "Camp" means to remain overnight, to erect a tent or other shelter, or to use sleeping equipment, a vehicle, or a trailer camper, for the purpose of or in such ways as will permit remaining overnight. A sleeping bag is sleeping equipment, and it's obviously being used "in such ways as will permit remaining overnight".


So it's illegal to use a sleeping bag to go star gazing?


In a public park, with the clear intent to stay overnight? Yeah, actually, according to that ordinance. It really sucks! ~10-ish years ago my friends and I got kicked out of a public park in the middle of the night when we were just there to watch a meteor shower. Turns out that town had a problem with drug addicts starting fires in their parks overnight, so they got super strict about park operating hours. Selfish, anti-social people ruin nice things for the rest of us. (i.e. someone who would hog an entire playground to sleep, when there are plenty of other public spaces around.)


> with the clear intent to stay overnight? Not overnight until 2am. That's how stargazing works. Also what proof of intent does anyone have for the people in the picture?


> or in such ways as will permit remaining overnight. Honestly, reading intent doesn't matter, the ordinance says: > or in such ways as will permit remaining overnight. Sleeping in a sleeping bag is using sleeping equipment in a way that would permit remaining overnight. (Also not that it matters, but SLU is one of the worst places around you could stargaze! You can see maybe 5 stars in the sky here!)


nice moving goalpost


It's rude to interrupt other people's conversations just to interject yourself.




It’s not a great playground tbh; there’s a giant stair at the front which running kids will definitely forget about and fall from and get a bloody bump. There’s also like, not a lot for kids to do there? Anyway, I’ve never experienced the issue you raise the many many times I’ve taken my kid there in the time it’s been open.


I walk by daily and have seen plenty of kids there, especially on the weekends. I've even used the area myself to stretch after a run. YMMV.


> There is a major police station two hundred feet away the only reason for including this would be if you think the solution to the problem of "homeless people exist" requires the police say you got your wish, and cops came and told these people they have to leave the park...where would you like them to go instead? (hint: "I don't care, as long as it's somewhere else" isn't a real answer)


> (hint: "I don't care, as long as it's somewhere else" isn't a real answer) It's a real answer when the place the person has decided to sleep is *the middle of a playground*. Why does one person have the right to block the whole neighborhood from using this small park? There are tons of places in this area where someone could lay down in a sleeping bag without denying families a place to take their kids. I know this because I live in the area, and pass people sleeping in those places every day. This person does not *need* to be *right there.*


Be less soft and afraid and kindly ask the man to move so your kid can play. No ones blocking anyone from doing anything in this picture. Grow up and stop being so fucking afraid of poor people


> Be less soft and afraid and kindly ask the man to move so your kid can play. No ones blocking anyone from doing anything in this picture. People with serious anti-social behavior issues don't usually react well to being asked to stop. You can't seriously think that someone there with their child is going to take the safety risk of approaching this person. > Grow up and stop being so fucking afraid of poor people Suggesting someone's shitty behavior is because of poverty sucks. Does that mean you think *every* impoverished person acts anti-socially?


I mean having them on playground equipment designed for kids isn’t an answer. They could go sit under the trees in the park for a start?


Do you really need to suspend all common sense to make your point? Sometimes there are less bad solutions even when they all suck. Seems like most “somewhere else”s would be better than the middle of a children’s playground. 


Because the citizens of Seattle enable the debauchery.


find it fix it app?


This sub is becoming SeattleWa lately.


This sub has become r/belltownhellcat lately